In promulgating your esoteric cogi- tations or articulating your superï¬cial sentimentalities and amicable philoso- phical or psychological observations, says the Millgate Weekly, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your conversational communications poss- ess a clarified conciseness, a compact comprehensibleness, coalescent consisâ€" tency, and a concatenated cogency. Eschew all conglomerations of fratul- ent garrulity, jejune babblement and asinine affectations. Let your ex- temporaneous descentings and unpre- meditated expiations have intelligi- bility and vorcious vivacity without rhodomontade or phrasmical combast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllable pro- fundity, pompous prolixity psittaceaus vacuity, ventriloquent vapidity. Shun double entendres, prurient jocosity, and ' pestiferous profanity, observant or otherwise. In other words, talk plainly, briefly, naturally, sensibly Say what you mean, mean what you say, and “Don’t use big words.†PHONE l74oW PHONE KING 16-26 (Barron Strain) (French Strain) OUR 7th YEAR â€" EACH YEAR OUR HATCHING BUSINESS IN- CREASES by 100 Per Cent. -â€" EXPERIENCE COUNTS PRICES ON APPLICATION WHITE LEGHORNS CUSTOM HATCHING Baby Chicks and Ducklings IMPERIAL BANK OI‘ CANADA DON‘T USE BIG “'ORDS ORDER NOW (Barron Strain) RICHMOND HILL $425.00 $475.00 $425.00 $375.00 $325.00 $75.00 $25 to $50 551 Do something practical USED CARS $475.00 $325.00 ittle Brothers PAGE EIGHT Ford Sales and Service ID HILL . - .I. A. GROSKURTH, Manager Blanche: a! Nowmavket. Aurora, Schomberg, Bollon H. G. MECREDY â€"â€" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED YONGE STREET POULTRY FARM Richmond Hill, Ontario You want to build up an estate, of course. There is only one practical way. Begin With a Savings Ac» count. Deposit regularly. In an astonishingly short time you will have accum’ ulated a fund that will rea present the foundation of an estate. Any branch of this bank will welcome your account. CI ' TORONTO Capital and Rout-v0 $15,000,000 I 1927 CHEVROLET CABRIOLET Rumble Seatâ€"A Sporty Car 1929 FORD ROADSTER, Rumble 1928 FORD TUDOR, Small Mileage 1928 FORD ROADSTER 1925 FORD COUPE 1929 FORD STANDARD COUPE 1929 FORD TUDORf 1928 DURANT COACH TERMS excellent condition, 30 day guarantee AND Seat, 30 days guaranteed FORD SEDANS, CO'UPES and TOURINGS Rolling-pin Inadequate. “You hit your husband with a chair ?†Pray tell me, why did you do it 13’ “I did it," sighed the lady, “because 1 could not lift the table.â€â€"Tri-State integral. Plan now t9 attend the Richmond Hill Fair, Saturday, May 24th. Plan now to attend the Richmond Hill Fair, Saturday, May 24th. Hubbâ€"“Your bread is all right, dear but. it’s not as light as mother’s.†Wifey. “Well, I might add that your roll is lighter than Dad‘s.â€"Chris- tian Science Moniton. Small Brother (to Sister’s Boy Friend)â€"“Where are your signs?†Boy Friendâ€"“What signs?†Small Brotherâ€"“I heard Ma tell Pa that Sis had designs on you.†Plan now to attend the Richmond Hill Fair, Saturday, May 24th. FIFTY-FIFTY RICHMOND HILL, ONT RICHMOND HILL 40‘ BARRED ROCKS The annual Vocation Day services held in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church on Sunday last, brought a re- cord attendance. Mr. Robert Robert- son, Supt. of Boys’ Work Presbyterian Church in Canada bringing a unique and inspirational message to the young people. Fine special music included Mrs. R. B. Rae, who sang, “Take time to be Holyâ€; Mr. Archie Empringham singing, “The Old Rug- ged Cross.†The male quartette from Central United Church. The personal of which was Messrs Empâ€" ringham, Camplin, Brown, Flummer- feldt, giving two selections, “Lift up ye gates" and “The old wayside cross†The objecï¬; of this service is to offer inspiration to the young people for better and more efï¬cient service for the Master and it is planned that once There is only one sport that seems to take well in Richmond Hill and that is the real old game of hardball. There is a league being formed with Aurora, Newmarket and other small towns, and the Richmond Hill boys have had an invitation to enter in this league if there is a team. How about organiz- ing at once and send fn your entry for the league. How about it boys? 7.30 Daylight Saving Time The Ladies softball team will hold a practice at the High School diamond tonight at 7.30 (daylight saving time) All girls Wishing to try out for this team are requeste_d to be onx hand at 7.30. a year the privilege of attending such a service will be made possible in this community. LOTS OF SOFTBALL AT FAIR The fans of the surrounding district and all lovers of Softball will have the opportunity of seeing some of the best teams from Toronto in action at the Richmond Hill Fair on Saturday, May 24th. There is a large entry of teams both in Men’s and Ladies tourn- ament for the handsome prize of $150. GIRLS “’ILL PRACTICE TO-NIGHT AT THE HIGH SCHOOL AT It was announced a few months ago that there would be a men’s softball team here this summer and up to the present time there has not been a word of softball mentioned regarding the organization of a team in Rich- mond Hill. There is lots of material in Richmond Hill to build up a real snappy aggregation of softballers here and a team that could clean up many softball tournaments. How about it boys, there is a good diamond at the High School and is open every night in the week for a practice. 515 Yonge Street WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE MEN’S SOFTBALL TEAM? If this comes true it will be a real snappy team and a team worth sup- porting, and your support will be needed. Watch for further notice regarding this all-star team of girl softball players in next week’s issue. Automobile Radiators, Fenders, Bodies Authorized United Motors Radiator Service A rumor is going around town that there may be a girls softball team in Richmond Hill this summer made up of an all-star team with girls from Aurora, Maple and Richmond Hill. AUTO ACCESSORY REPAIR CO. MASTER FEEDS POULTRY FEEDS DAIRY FEEDS, Etc. Preferred by Master Feeders Manufactured by Toronto Elevators Limited Local Representative GEORGE E. AGAR Phone 7506 Gormley KIngsdale 3836 MAY BE A GIRLS SOFTBALL TEAM IN RICHMOND HILL SPORTING NOTES HOW ABOUT A HARD‘BALL TEAM R. 8. WHITE Softball Pick-Ups OPTOMOTRIST. and OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Oculist Prescriptions Filled Satisfaction Guaranteed MARKHAM 4 Bloor Street West, TORONTO E. G. HURLEY TPH LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Toronto Mrs. L. Hendricks has returned aftâ€" er spending two weeks with her daughter at 3Emmeskfl1’en. Mr. Craig McDonald has graduated from the school of science with the degree of B.A. Sc. and has Iefï¬ to take a position in Nm-anda, Quebéc. Mrs. Major Morrison presented the prizes at the bridge and euchre of the ladies auxiliary of the Christie Street hospital branch of the Canadian Leg- ion on Tuesday, May 13th. Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson's we‘re, Mr. and Mrs. McNaught, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Thompson. of Torontd, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W'ilson and daughter of Carrville. Mrs. Hadwin, of Toronto, visited with her sister Mrs. John Grf‘ce on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. AITen Francis visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Francis. A meeting of ï¬le annual election of ofï¬cers of the field day association was held in the rink Monday evening, May 12th, with a good‘ attendance. The following ofï¬cers were elected; President, W. Dean; Vice-President, J. C. Smith; Secretary, W. Howard; Assistant Secretary, May Campbell; Treasurer, Mr. 'Munroe; Chairman of the sports committee, P. Drake. Booth committee, S. S. Findlay; Mid-way, F. Echlin; Convener, Miss A. Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Brillinger and son from Parry Sound visited Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Brillinger, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ness daughter Helen spent Mother’s with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ness. Mi‘ss Heken= Sinclair motored to Stayner last week to Visit her grand- parents. The United Church Young People’s Association are invited to join the A. Y. P. A. on Wednesday evening, May let._ President W’illard Simpson re- quests all members to meet at the Bank of Commerce Corner at eightâ€" thirty sharp. WiII those who have motors please bring them along. Mr. and Mrs. F. Porter and daught- er visited with the latter’s mother at Malton on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and son, and Miss Mary Robinson and Mrs. Jno. Buckle, of Aurora, visited with Mrs. Wm. Ness on Monday. Miss Mary McQuarrie, teacher of Thornlea School was called home on Monday through the death of her aunt at Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pill, of Toronâ€" to and Miss Margaret Graham, nurse in Mount Hamilton hospital, Hamilton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wells. Members of the Thornlea Sunday School enjoyed the talks given by Miss M. Kirby and Mr. McDonald on Mother’s Day subjects; also the vocal selections given by Miss E. Wiltshire. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH SOCIAL and PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Luesby visited with the former’s mother in Toronto on Sunday. Miss Beatrice Irish spoke on the subject of “Temperance†in Willard Hall on Wednesday. eye. A grand concert and dance will be held in the Community Hall, Maple on Saturday evening, May 24th. A- mong those taking part in the pro- gram will be Jimmie Reid, comedian; Betty Robertson, dancer; Silverton Duo violin and accordian; Olive H. Selley, soprano and accompanist. Con- cert to commence 7.30 p. m. standard time. King City orchestra will pro- vide the music for the dancing. James Class, floor manager. Admission to concert 35 cents; Children 20 cents. Admission to dance gents 50 cents, ladies free. Committee, Community Hall Executive. Mrs. Jas. Wells visited one day last week with her sister in Aurora. Rev. J. J. Sparling, D. D. Sunday, May 18th 11 a. m.â€"Subjectâ€"Running past the block signal. 2.30 p. m.â€"Sunday School. Mr. A. YVLGalbraitb Superintendent. The Mother's Day pageant: “What makes the difference†was given in the United Church at the Sunday eve- ning service. The parts were splend- idly taken by everyone. It represent. ed a christian home on a Sunday even- ing. During the conversation, which was this evening mostly about moth- ers and homes in other lands, the question was asked. “What Makes the Difference.†The mo‘ther’s an- swer to the child was that it was the presence of Jesus in Christian homes. The characters were; Mother, Margu- erite Echlin; Father, Floyd Davies; Homer, Hugh McDonald; John, Cecil Clark; Donald, James Heslop; Madge, Evelyn Dean; Barbara, Mary Morton; Helen, Jean Brillinger. MOTHER’S DAY PAGEANT PRE- SENTED IN THE UNITED CHURCH 7.30 p. m.â€"the rï¬an with the eagle Thornhill Maple and day Our pen in the 1929 Ontario Egg Laying Contest won first prize for the highest number of hens laying 200 eggs and over each. For Pedigreed Chicks from registered hens write or phone R. R. No. 1, RICIWOND HILL PHONE RICHMOND BILL 46-11 Lawn Mowers Phone 18 After June Ist Orders for these should be placed this week. Man’s 3 piece suit, French Cleaned . . . . . . . Man’s Spring and Fall Overcoat Cleaned Man's Pants only . . i . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . i. Ladies 2 Piece Suit French Clean’ed . . . . . . . Ladies Spring Coat Cleaned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Silk Dress, Fancy. etc. . . . . . . . ;. . . . . . . Ladies Plain Dress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dyeing Man’s 3 piece suit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dyeing man’s Overcoat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dyeing Ladies Coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dyeing Ladies Dress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y. W. Brathwaite STONE, GRA VEL SAND AND PEA GRAVEL Supplied on Short Notice. WIRE FENCING and CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Price List for Ceanjng and Pressing Are now in demand, various models of well known makes for sale here. w: H: which is amalgamated B (THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA J. A. Greene, Telephone 5j or Residence 49W . White Leghorn Chicks $14.00 per Hundred GARDEN TOOLS THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE WM. VANDERBENT GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Richmonï¬ Tailors WALTER BONE & SON For Every Purpose Wheeled Garden Cultivators. Phone Maple 864 WILLOW GROVE THE whereabouts of your valuables is nobody‘s business but your own, and [or that very reason they should be placed beyond the reach of meddling persons, thieves or elements which compromise their security. Use a safety deposit box in your nearest branch of the Canadian Bank of Com- Where do You Keep Your Valuable Papers merce. It is the most convenient method of safe keeping for documents, jewels and other small objects of value HIGH GRADE THURSDAY. MAY 15th, 1930 Richmond Hill . . . . . $1.50 , . . . . . $1.50 . . . . . . .75 . . . . . $1.75 . . . . . ' $1.50 . . $1.75 up . . . . . $1.50 . . . . . $3.75 . . . . . $3.50 . . . . . $3.50 $3.50