Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jun 1930, p. 1

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,8“. Teston United Church Sunday school have arranged to hold their annual anniversary services on Sunday, June 22nd at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Special music by Headford choir. Straw- berry Festival will be held on Wed- nesday, June 25th. Further annoum cement later. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Lansing girls defeated Elgin Mills *n the first home game of the season Ilast night by close score 13 to 12. 2=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=1=0, Derry resnval wm be held on Wed-l nesday, June 25th. Further announ- cement later. {0:0 9=°=°=0=0=0=0=0=0=2 {===o::ox==o=o Tna=m=lcm Ql=l0=0=l01 0:0] VOL. LII. Lowest Prices In History For Ford Products WEDNESDA It TH U RSDA Y. FRIDA K Ford Prices Reduced 1’ ontlac B A flag c RICHMOND HILL, McLaughlinuBuick SALES and SEMI The following are complete delivered prices including license : ‘ “YORK COUNTY? NEWSIEST” NEWSPAPER” COMEDY FAT WISE LITTLE BROTHERS Quality Remains at Same High Standard TESTON Saturday Matinee only 2 p. m. DANGEROUS TRIALS Ford Sales and Service Richmond Hill, Ont. PHAETON â€"â€" â€"â€" ROADSTER â€"â€" â€" COUPE STANDARD COUPE â€"â€" SPORT COUPE â€" DELUXE TUDOR SEDAN â€" FORDOR SEDAN â€" TOWN SEDAN â€" CABRIOLET â€" â€"â€" RUMBLE SEAT â€"â€" IOEIO IAETON â€"â€" â€"â€" â€"- -$621.00 ’ADSTER â€"â€" â€" â€" $617.00 ‘UPE STANDARD â€" $687.00 ‘UPE â€"â€" SPORT â€"- $721.00 UPE â€"- DELUXE â€" $747 00 DOR SEDAN -â€" ~â€"â€" $687.00 RDOR SEDAN â€"- â€" $812.00 WN SEDAN â€" â€" 5888.00 BRIOLET â€" â€"â€" â€"- $842.00 WIBLE SEAT â€"â€" $25.00 extra (In Roadster and Coupe) JUNE 18, 19, 20 10:0: 10:0] 10:0] BAKING SALE A sale of home-made baking and candy will be given by the Women’s Association of the Presbyterian chur- ch on Saturday afternoon, June 14th at the store of Mr. William Duncan, Yonge Street. LANSING DEFEAT ELGIN MILLS DUO] :ouo:===xox=xo" “""wt‘wwy zono===o=o= one: iono==aofi NEWS RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1930 10:0] :In Essentials, qutyiLln Non-essentials, Liberty : In All Things, Charity.” Municipal representatives of Rich- mond Hill, Vaughan, Markham and North York conferred with Toronto Transportation ofl‘icials on Monday re- lative to the operation of the car servâ€" ice as far as Richmond Hill. The decision having been given in the court case brought on by the County it was thought the road was all clear for the purchase and operation of the line. An agreement with the T.T.C. for the operation of the line has been drawn up and is all ready to sign as soon as the way is cleared of legal en- tanglements. County Loses Radial Case But Appeal Again Delays The Start of Local Car Service On Friday last Mr. Justice McEvoy handed down his judgment in the case which was against the County and in‘ Iavor of the City. The judgment‘ stated that the County had no right to compel further operation of the line by the city. It was thought the decision which had been long and anx- iously awaited would settle the matter and clear the way for the too long postponed operation of the cars from the, city to Richmond Hill. However it is understood that an appeal has been entered on behalf of the County by the Transportation committee. An appeal likely would mean months more delay, but when County Council meets in regular session on Tuesday next all the members will have an opâ€" portunity of determining whether or not the appeal shall stand. If the appeal is withdrawn by a vote of the County Council the cars should be running on Yonge Street to Richmond Hill before Dominion Day. That an appeal was entered in the case this week came as a great sur- prise throughout the North Yonge Street district and residents inter- viewed expressed themselves in no un- certain terms of disapproval. “The delay has already been costly” is the general consensus of opinion in this district. According to press reports there is little hope for the County in the judgâ€" ment handed down by Mr. Justice Mcâ€" Evoy and yet an appeal has been en- tered. The expense which the tax- payers of the County will be asked to bear relative to Metropolitan negoti- ations have already reached into thousands of dollars. The cost of the County Transportation Committee in Whose hands the Metropolitan Radial question has rested for well over a year must amount to a tidy sum. The cost of legal advisors in addition to 1the regular County solicitor, the court action, the special engineer engaged have all cost the taxpayers of York County plenty. ‘ But the greatest loss of all is the loss which THE NORTH YONGE STREET DISTRICT .HAS SUFFERED DUE TO THE UNCER- TAINTY OF THE TRANSPORT- ATION QUESTION AND THE A- BANDONMENT OF THE CAR SERâ€" VICE THIS SPRING. Real estate has been at a standstill. The district has failed to enjoy the growth and deâ€" velopment which should naturally have taken place. Prospective new- comers who would have bought lots and erected homes or at least have rented an acreage and established a home and thus added to the general prosperity of the district have not come to North Yonge Street. MANY OF THESE ARE LOST FOREVER. 'Ille yearly annual exodus of citleuesday, June 17th dwellers to the attractive suburbamRoom of the United aleas has taken place this year as in ‘bitors please note 1 other years. NORTH YONGE ,thibits. Member STREET MINUS AN ADEQUATE ;make the show a sut TRANSPORTATION SERVICE HAS their flowers. ' Mr. I‘.OT HAD ITS SHARE OF NEW REâ€" lmember Will act as SIDENTS. The County Council de- itill 9-30 the Public lay in handling the transportation'opportunity of enjoyi1 problem is the reason. 'ing‘ the evening the Another costly feature of the delay meeting Will be held RADIAL ABANDONMENT AND DELAY HAS BEEN COSTLY TO NORTH YONGE STREET DISTRICT Local Municipalities Ready To Start Service As Soon As County Clears Way of Legal Obstacles 10=0=OEOI ALL NIGHT SERVICE IOHOI Arrangements have been completed for the annual Maple Field Day and Old Boys’ Re-union which will be held in the new park on SATURDAY, ‘JUNE 28th. $100. is offered in priz- 'es for ladies’ and men’s softball tournâ€" laments. All softball entries must be in writing or given to the secretary by 6 p. m. Friday evening, June 27th. Drawing for softball at 12 o’clock noon (standard time) and games will commence at 12.30 o’clock. Souven- its will be given away to every tenth person entering the grounds and there will be a prize for the holder of the lucky number entrance ticket. An attractive and varied program of ath- letic events for valuable prizes will be carried out in addition to many novelty events and special prizes. The horseshoe pitching contest Will be big- ger and better than ever with $15.00 offered in prizes. Band in attend- ance, attractive Midway, and a conâ€" ' cert and dance in the evening. and the METROPOLITAN ABAND- ONMENT is that the business of the line has been to a considerable extent driven away. The municipalities of North York, Markham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill must eventually pay for this delay in the decreased busi- ness which the line will enjoy when these municipalities first take it over. North Yonge Street residents are hopeful that the delay will not longer be countenanced and that when the County Council meets next week the appeal will be withdrawn and the way cleared for the carrying out of the people’s wishes as expressed at the poll by such an overwhelming major- ity in the vote on May third. Maple Field Day Saturday, June 28 The day promises to exceed the splendid records of other years. Re- serve the date now Saturday, June 28th. The proceeds of the day are in aid of fund for community park. The officers in charge are; Lester Lav- er, president; Milton Palmer, vice- president; Austin Robinson, treasurer; J. Carl Saigeon, Secretary, phone Maple 10 or 950. CONSERVATIVE NOMINATION MEETING AGAIN CHOSE COL. LENNOX The election campaign in North York is commencing to get under way. William P. Muluock the Liberal candi- date has been in the field for some months and on Monday last the Con- servative convention at Newmarket chose Col. Lennox, former member to again be the standard bearer. The convention was largely attended and the speakers included Hon. William Finlayson, Minister of Lands and For- ests in the Ferguson government, Col. R. Geary, of Toronto. Capt. Harold Bruels, former head of the Veteran’s organization who was .prominently mentioned as a candidate was nomin- ated but withdrew in favor of Col. Lennox. Dr. Lockhart, of King, pre- sided at the convention which was at- tended by several from this district. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Flower lovers and citizens in gener- al are invited to attend the Annual Spring Flower Show to be held on Tuesday, June 17th, in the School Room of the United Church. Exhi- bitors please note time for placing exhibits. Members are urged to make the show a success by bringing their flowers. ' Mr. Preyde, a valued member will act as judge. From 8 till 9.30 the public will be given an opportunity of enjoying the show. Dur- 'ing the evening the regular monthly 10:0] DUO] 10=0=O=Ol i0] 1=====o=0===oum C. Dew and H. Folliott sang a quarâ€" tette. Miss Linton, of Aurora, gave a very interesting address on “Miss- ions in South America.” illustrated with lantern slides. During the eve- ning, Rev. and Mrs. Halbert were pre- sented with a. beautiful mahogany floor lamp, also an electric library table lamp. The presentation was made by Mr. Cyril Benson and the ad- dress read by Miss Hilda Patton. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Halbert, â€" We the members of the various or- ganizations of King City United Chur- ch realize that you are soon to enter into a new field of labor. We felt that it would be amiss if we did not in Mrs. Violet Gates and Mrs. H. Ham- bly were appointed delegates to attend the International S. S. Convention to be held in Toronto the last week in June. Miss Verna Carson and Miss Hilda Fattpn are delegates from the Y.P.S: to attend the International Young People’s Convention to be held in Tor- onto on June 27 and 29th. Rev. and Mrs. Halbert Honored By King City United Church There will be no service in King City United Church next Sunday evening owing to the union service at Laskay on Sunday morning. A union communion service of Test- on, King City and Laskay United churches Will be held at Laskay Unit- cd Church next Sunday, June 15th at 10.30 a. m. Conveyances will be avail- able for those not having cars. The members and adherents are requested to attend. The Y.P.S. met last Tuesday even- ing with Miss Hilda Patton, Mission- ary viceâ€"president in the chair. There was a large attendance and 'a very f1ne program given. The scripture lesson (po. 24) was read and explainâ€" ed by Rev. A. H. Halbert. Gordon Patton contributed a piano selection and Cyril Benson, Charlie Wicks, John "THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT‘ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. Presentation and Address Express Appreciation of Retiring Pastor and His Wife. LAWRENCE GRAY ALEXANDRA GRAY BERNICE CLAIRE LOUISE FAZENDA COHENS and KELLYS TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 18 .omedy ‘All Stuck Up’ omedy “Love Honor Oh Baby” NOVELTlESâ€"SONG OF ROSES BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT Spring Is Here SATURDAY AND MONDAY, JUNE 14, 16 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 20 CHARLIE MURRY and GEORGE SIDNEY WILLIAM HAINES THE GIRL SAID NO [N SCOTLAND HERE'S THE LAUGH OF YOUR LIFE COMEDY â€" CHILLS AND FEVER SINGING NOVELTIES â€" WITH -â€" LEILA HYAMSâ€"POLLY MORAN MARIE DRESSLER =O=°l WITH ouo====m==o=lo=o Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE some way express to you our appreci- ation of your faithful service and Wise counsel in the problems connected with all the departments of the church. We know we are to suffer a loss but we must resign ourselves to the fact that it is God’s will that some other part of His great vineyard should gain by our loss. There wers times when we have not been as faith- ful in our duties as we should have been, but for this short coming, WE trust that you will forgive us, and now in order to express our appreci- ation of your cooperation and untiring zeal in God’s work, we ask you to plea- se accept these lamps, hoping they may light up your home as clearly as you have endeavoured to light up the pathway of our lives. May God’s richest blessing go with you and may you be as greatly successful in your ‘labor of love in your new charge as you have been in your work with us Signed on behalf of The Church, W. M. S., Y. P. S. and the Sabbath School Mr.. Halbert made a fitting reply and thanked the people very much for their kindness and also for their hear- ty coâ€"operation during the five years he had been with them. Everything had been very congenial and he anc‘ Mrs. Halbert were leaving with the very kindest thoughts of the people _«)n King circuit. Sunday, June 15, I930 10 a. m. -â€" Sunday School 11 a. m. â€"â€" The Minister 7 p. m. â€" The Minister. Commencing this Sunday, Sunday School will be held at 10 a. m. during: the summer months instead of 2.45 :onomouogf RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Muslcal Gem Glorious Vamps No. 50

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