Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jun 1930, p. 5

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,/ THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1930 THE BOY WHO DIDN'T PASS _ A sad faced little fellow sits alone in deep disgrace; I . 3 There’s a lump arising in hls throat and tears drop down his face. He wandered from his playmates, for he doesn’t want to hear . Their shouts of merry laughter slnce the world has lost its cheer, He has sipped the cup of sorrow, he: has dripped the bitter glass. ‘ And his heart is fairly breakingâ€"'he’s the boy who didn’t pass. In the apple tree the robin sings a cheery little song, But he doesn’t seem to hear it, showâ€" ing plainly somethings wrong; Comes his faithfull little spaniel for a romp and bit of play. But the troubled little fellow bids him sternly go away. And alone he sits in sorrow, with his hair a tangled mass. And his eyes are red with weepingâ€" he’s the boy that didn’t pass. “Oh you who boast a laughing son, and speak of him as bright, And you who love a little girl who comes to you at night With shining eyes and dancing feet with honors in her year. Turn to that lonely little lad, as he sadly deaps a. tear, And take him kindly by the hand, as you do the little lass. He is the one who most needs loveâ€"â€" The boy who didn’t pass. â€"-’I"he Home Maker. Mr. James Muirhead spent Wednes- day_ in ’l‘orontoln M}. ahd Mrs. W. Elliott were guests of Mrs. Ramsay, of Toronto on Thurs- day_ last.» 7 Mrs. James Gibson and Miss Thyn- ner§pent ngneggay in Uxbriglge.‘ _ MM}. and Mrs. Uréuart and da'ughter Alice, of Toronto, visited Mr. M. dem- mingway on Suirgdayth Mi‘. Chas. Douse and his ‘mother, Mrs. Douse, visited A. Weighill one day_ last wgaek.“ WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT VMr. John Grills, Goodwood, has been spending a few days with Mr. A. E. Milner. Mr. and Mrs. Klummer, Miss Klummer, Misses Raymond, of Toron: to, Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. B. Stiver on Sunday. Mr. Louis Stiver is attending Synod at iPhillipsburg this yveek. Deputfl-ReeGe and Mrs. R. L. Stiver attended the Wardens picnic on Wed- negtjay last. _ 7 Mr.“ and Mrs. Lenard Wallen and family motored to Bothwell over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harry, of Tor- onto, were in town on Tuesday. Interesting features in connection with Central United Sunday School session on last Sabbath Were the fine solos rendered by Jas. Walker, also Miss Brown, of Toronto, efficcntly leaqhing the bible class. Mrs. (Dr.) Trumpim has returned home from Picton Where she has been spggding the winter. Miss Vera Weighill visited Niagara Falls on Sunday. Miss'Emma Dixon, Glasgow, has been visiting her sister Mrs. T. Burâ€" nett. _ Mrs. Barber was a Toronto visitor on_ Wedgesgay. Mrs. W. E. Smith and son Lyman, of Langstaff, called on friends in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. M. Davison, Mrs. C. R. McKay and son Davey attended the horse show in St. Catherines this Week; Miss EffievStiver spent the week- cnd at her home here. Mrs. Wm. fimafi: 6f Toronto, visit- ed_1_'elati_\{esfiin tOWn last Week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Snedden, Miss Heise, of Richmond Hill, visited Miss M._ _Somrgery_iller qn Sunday. To old patrons, as well as new. I can give a quicker and better service than ever, with latest and largest equip- ment in this vicinity. Lorne Avenue Radio and Car Battery Charging We solicit order for Cut Flowers for all occasions which will be promptly and cheerfully filled. John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS OI Guaranteed at AUSTIN’S Drug Store OgOflo=Oflo Mrs. C. H. Stiver is énjoying the McIntosh Granite Co. 1‘623 Yonge Street ', Phone HYiand 2622 Stomach Ulcer Had an ulcer 7 yearswith pain two‘hours after eating, also had a hemorrahge. Since taking never had a pain. George Townsend, Gorrie. Dr. McLeod’s Stomachic J. Johnston MONUMENTS RICHMOND HILL TOHOI Limited Richmond Hill Toronto 0:10 Gatineau River trip this week. Before her return she will spend a few days with her brother Rev. Jenkins Burk- holder at Morrisburgi Ar ‘ The East York Deanery Sunday School and A.Y.P.A. Picnic Confer- ence will be held at Glen Avis Park, Frenchman’s Bay on Thursday, July 3rd, 1930 from 3 p. m. to 9.30 p. m. {daylight saving time) a program of sports has been arranged from 3 to 6 n. m. Picnic supper at 6 p. m. The conference from 7 to 9.30 p. m. prom- iaes to be most interesting as import- ant features of the International conâ€" vention of Religious Education being held in Toronto from June 22 to 29, will be given. Every Sunday School worker and A.Y.P.A. member should plan to attend this splendid event. Many friends in this vicinity will re- gret to learn of the death of Mrs. H. Cain, (Margaret Etta McPherson) at her home at 219 Parkmount Road, To- ronto on 'hiesday morning last. Mrs. Cain was well known in the Millikan ‘vicinity, having attended No. 8 school and lived for many years at Milliken ‘Comers. The funeral was held on Thursday at 3.30 p. m. to St. John's lCemetery, Milliken. An exciting football game between Donalda Farm and Milliken played at Milliken on Tuesday evening resulted in a win for Milliken, score 1-0. The organization of a baseball club is also being arranged- r The annual banquet held at the close of a successful year of the local A.Y.P.A. in the township hall was a decided success with the efficient president Mr. A. M. Hill in charge. The splendid program included inspirâ€" ing addresses by Rev. Watson, who for 30 years was missionary to the Eskimo and Rev. Roche, Scarboro. Fine special music consisted of violin solos by Stanley Muffin, Toronto, vo- cal solo, Rev. J. J. Robbins With Miss Ila Weighill as accompanist; readings by Miss Irene Pascal and Community singing. 7 Toasts to the Church, King, A.Y.P.A., ladies, and guests, were also part of this interesting program. ’Ihis enterprising organization has‘a large membership and was the winner of the banner at the Whitby Rally. The regular meetings have been dis- continued for the summer months, a fine programme however is being ar- ranged for next year’s work. On Friday morning last the entire village and surrounding community were alarmed at fire breaking out in the home of Mrs. Jas. Eckardt, the cause of which has not been ascertain- ed, probably because of a short circuit, threatened the safety of the whole street. Mrs. Eckardt was not at home at the time. the fire being first dis- covered by Harry Leadbetter of Mark- ham, who was delivering meat to Mrs. Hawkins. The Unionville brigade responded to the call but found the 1' re beyond their control, and sent an S. O. S. to the neighbouring towns, the fire reels from Richmond Hill, Maple, Markham, North York and Scarboro came to the scene For a time it looked that the saving of the near- by houses was an- imphssibility, but rombined forces bringing water from the creek soon had the fire under con- ad. The houses of E. Dixon, Mrs. John Eckardt and Dr. Kennedy escap- ing with very little damage. The enâ€" tire village folk are loud in their prais- ‘es of all the brigades that came to the ‘z'escueâ€"aespecially Richmond Hill that ‘made such quick time in getting to the scene. The sympathy of all are ex- tended to Mrs. Eckardt in the loss of her lovely home. It is intimated that Mrs. Eckardt will rebuild at an early date. Miss Harriet Thompson, Toronto, is wisiting her sister Mrs. W. Crawford. A number of the ladies of Central United Church attended the Toronto East Presbyterial (Rural Section) at Uxbridge Wednesday. Mrs. ( Cd Mr. : day last Mr. and Mrs. L. Kennedy, New York He the guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hood spent Mon~ day evening in Aurora. Miss LaBerta Hood, Toronto, is spending the week at her home here. Miss LaBerta Hood, Toronto, is spending the week at her home here. Miss Ella Skinner, Mr. Ross Burns, Mr. Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dixon on Sunday. ‘ Miss Marfv Harper spent Wednes- day in Toronto. . Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Cockrell and fam- 1'Iy of Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs. W. (J. Hoare, Conn, Ont, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Bowes last week. Mrs. Grange and daughter Annie, Miss Gladys McMulIen spent the Week câ€"nd with Mrs. W. McMullen. Mrs. Wagg is visiting her-daughter Mrs. B. Weatherall this week. Mrs. Carmichael visited Mrs. Casely on Tuesday. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"The Divine Agents 2 p. m.-T‘ne Church School 7 p.‘ m.â€"â€"ReÂ¥. Mr. Haig. Monday -8 p. m.â€"â€"Y. P. S. Meeting Devotionalâ€"The open secret. Wednesday 8 p. m.â€"Midweek ‘Hagerman United Sunday School at .130 p. m. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. H. Eaton 1.30 p. m.~â€"Church School 2.30 p. m.~â€"In the beginning~God 7.30 p. m.â€"Y.P.S. Meeting CHRISTIE’S UNITED CHURCH SCARBORO Fourth Annual Cemetery Service Sunday, June 29m at 7.30 p. In. St. Paul’s Anglican Choir Minister announced later. ST. PHILIPS ANGLICAN Rev. J. J. Robbins 10.00 a. m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 11 a; m.~â€"Morning Prayer. Geo. Wilkie, of Toronto, visu- and Mrs. C. A. Hood on Fri- Mrs. Byers, of Toronto, is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. W. J. Perkin. Miss Dorothy Muirhead visited her cousin Miss Jean Muirhead last week. Mr. Ira Milne was a Toronto visitor on Tuesday last. Miss Boyd, Omemee, Mr. and Mrs. Reesor, Mr. and Mrs. H. Huddardt, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliâ€" ott on Sunday. Mrs. A. E. Milner and Miss Gladys Buch spent Wednesday with Mrs Aub- rey Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grant Sr., of Toronto, Mrs. R. Purdy, of Agincourt, Mrs. G. Blackburn, Uxbridge, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Muirhead on Tuesday. Mrs. A. Kennedy was a Toronto vis- itor on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Bumham spent Wed nesday in Toronto. Mr. Lachlin McPhail is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James Feeney, 0f Fisherville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Minten last week. Mr. A. E. Milner left on Thursday for Brighton. . MARRIED GOUGH â€"- HEALD â€" At the Unit- ed Church Parsonage, Unionville, on Tuesday, June 17th, 1930, by the Rev. H. H. Eaton. Frances William John Gough and Miss Lottie Heald both of Milliken, were united in marriage. Junior Room Senior IIâ€"Margaret Gray 80, David Lea 77, Gordon Stiver 76, Roberta All len 74, Johnny Coulson 58, June Kenâ€" nedy 57, Audrey Maynard 56, Jean Forester 55, Luella Clements 50. Junior IIâ€"Reginald Perkin 64, bharles Maynard 62, Eleanor Parkin- son 60, Dorothy Fuller 55, Howard Sliver 53, Dorothy Maynard 52, Mur- iel Penstone 36. Class Iâ€"Beatrice Mustard 81, Mar- ie Forester 77, Marie Stiver '75, Golda- llne Wasson' 73, Olive ‘Martin 63, Jack- ie Clements 60, Mona Sabiston 53, Wesley Clements 50, Richard Mayâ€" nard 46, Eileen Stiver, 40, Bruce Pell- ait, Harry Pellatt. Senior Pr.»-â€"Gwendolyn Brown, Roy Goodyear, Phyllis (Parkinson, Biljlsy Goodyear, Kenneth Stiver, James Sab- iston, Douglas Ogden, Frederick Wright. Junior Primerâ€"Bernice Anderson, Barbara Wasson, Robert Conn, Lillian Hawkins, Velda Perkin, Donald Stiver, June Bowes, Helen Ogden, Charles Minten. JEAN MALLOY, teacher Senior Room Senior IVâ€"Evelyn Perkin 84, Gladys Lyke 82, Harry Maynard 81, Donald Sabiston 80, Gladys Stiver '75, Dorothy White 74, Eileen Smith 73, Dorothy llurrel 71, Ruby Lunau 64, George Stonehouse 61, Howard LaRose 57, Charles Gray 56, Halver ‘Lunau 55, Mary Mustard 54. Senior IIIâ€"Davey MacKay 91, Shirley Brown 89, Joan Sabiston 89, Dorreen Gooding 72, Nettie Burnham Junior IIIâ€"Alberta Stiver 77, Le- nora, MacKay ’74, Annie Maynard 72. Norma Penstone 68, Margaret Rush 62, Lloyd Rudkin 61, Arnold Court 61, Norman MacPhersony53, Murray Mc- Ixinnon 52, Marjory Stonehouse 49. A. M. HILL, teacher '71, Harry McGimpsey 70, Smith 66, James Maynard 6‘2 fuller 37,’ Norman Pellatt 36. A special meeting of the East Vaugâ€" han Ratepayers Association will be held on Saturday, June let at 8.30 p.'m. for the purpose of electing a Field Day Committee. All members are urged to be present. Thornhill and Richmond Hill Insti~ mm are joining the Oak Ridges Insti~ Lute on Thursday afternoon, June 26th at the home of Mrs. George Haw’cin. Schomherg Junction. The meeting will be held at three o’clock and wilT take the form of a basket picnic. All members are urged to be present. The first annual North York 15-mile marathon, directed by the Monarch A L7. and sponsored by the Newmarkel Dominion Day Association, will takc place on July lst over a course frorr Keswick to Newmarkekt. It will star' at 12.30 standard time, and will finisl at the Fair Grounds in Newmarket Ten handsome trophies will be give to the runners, many of them wel \known, who are successful. UNIONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT EAST VAUGH’AN RATEPAYERS MEETING The family of MrnAaron Fenwic‘ wish to thank their many friends fo their expressions of sympathy and 10v ing tributes extended to them in thei recent sad bereavement of a loving father. ' CARD 0F THANKS Ed. Dixon, of Unionville, desires t< express his sincere thanks to the mem hers of the Fire Brigade, and all 0th 51's who assisted in fighting the fire which threatened his home in Union ville last week. \v THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND#HILL, ONTA;\.:C‘: RICHMOND HILL INSTITUTE PICNIC ANNUAL NORTH, YORK MARATHON 0N JULY 1 CARD OF THANKS Evelyn Gordon Mrs. Kaake and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Castle and grandson Allen Castle tall of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Wood, Mill Street. \ Social and Personal Mrs. Oséar Taylor, of Nottawa, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Grainger Arnold Street. Miss Clara. Mason left on Friday to take a position on the nursing staff of the Red Cross Hospital at Braceâ€" bridge. Miss Gertrude and Bartlett Smith went to Orillia by motorcycle on Sun- (‘ay and spent the day with their sist- er Mrs. (D22) J. M. Waterman. Rev. and Mrs. N. Wellwood left yesterday to spend a week at Centre Island. Mr. and Mrs. R.A. McKay and daughter Bernice, of Toronto, Spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith. Mr. Donald Boynton, of the staff of the Royal Bank, Toronto, spent several days with his aunt, Mrs. C. H. Sanderson, Roseview Avenue. Miss Sutton of the teaching staff '1" our local High school and her moth- or Mrs. Sutton, who have lived here the past two years are leaving next week for Toronto, and expect to spend the summer abroad. Their friends here wish them a pleasant trip and a safe return. Mr. J .E. Barnes, of Detroit, attendâ€" ed the Shrine Convention in Toronto last week and called on his sister here Mrs. John Wood. Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Grainger, Miss Marion and James Grainger and little Miss Jean Cruickshanks visited on Sunday with friends in Nottawa. Mr. and J. G. Routley of Toronto, formerly of Richmond Hill, visited Mr. Edward Barker and daughters on Saturday. Congratulations to Johnston M. Armstrong, Langstaff, on passing with 2nd class honours in his 2nd year at, Toronto University. He is a for mer student of Richmond Hill High School. Dr. G. E. Perkins, of Boston, Mass., 1an in Toronto last week attending the Sfiriners conVention, visited his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armstrong Lnngstaff. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Clement and little son Mack, spent the Week-end with Mrs. Clement’s parents in Clarks- burg, Ont. Mrs. J. R. Baker, of Grand Valley, arrived here last week and intends spending the summer with her daught- ers Mrs. William Tyndall, Yonge St., and Mrs. Lewis Clement, of Carrville. Mrs. L. Zuefelt and Mrs. W. Sneddâ€" en attended the 15th annual meeting‘ of Toronto Presbyterial W. M. 8., sec-‘ tion two, which was held in St. And-9 rew’s Presbyterian Church, Streetsville :-n Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Petch are spending few days with relatives in Cheltenâ€" am. Mr. and Mrs. W. Deadman and fam- ‘Iy visited on Sunday with Mr. A. E. Newton and family at their summer rottage near Woodbridge. Mr. Hormel], of Maple, has taken up his duties on the Bank of- Commerce staff here. The funeral of the late Aaron Fen- wick Was held from the family resid- ence, Maple, Ont. on Monday afterâ€" noon, June \9th. The services were conducted the same as for his wife, who passed away November 5, 1928, by Rev. Heimrich, pastor of Zion Lut- hcr‘an Church at Sherwood, of which Lcth were members for the greater part of their lives. Mr. Fenwick was ‘a member of the church council for Kin , assisted in the service. The pal â€"bearers where six nephews, John Constable, Menvin, Wilmer, Garnet. Adrian and Reynold Keffer. Survivâ€" Mr. Fenwick are two daughters, and one son, Mrs. William Snider, Maple Ont... Susie anleohn at home. Sisters and brothers are Mrs. Constable, Map- le, John Fenwick, Toronto; Joe Fen» wick, of Toronto; Thomas and Sarah Fenwick. Woodbridge, Ont. The ,ympathy of the community is extend- wick, of Fenwick, :ympaths ea to the ST. MARY’S CHURCH ' (Anglican) Richmond Hill Ist Sunday after Trinity. June 8 a. m.~â€"Holy Communion 10 a. m‘â€"Sunday School 11 a. m.â€"Morning Prayer ‘7 p. m.--Evéning Prayer. arly {forty years. Rev. HaIbert; of LATE AARON FENWICK OBITUARY Rev. P. S. Baringer. a former pastâ€" cr of Zion Lutheran Church at Sherâ€" wood and Bethesda Lutheran Church at Unionville, will have charge of the services next Sunday. The service at Sherwood will be held at 11 a. m. and at Unionville at 7.30 p. In. All are cordially invited. SMITH FAMILY RE-UNION The annual Re-Union of the Smith Vamin was held on Saturday, June 14th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Clubine About eighty guests as- sembled on the lawn to enjoy the numâ€" erous sports. Races, baseball and horseshoe pitching were among the many contests. Mr. D. W. Clubine and Bruce Hostrawser were winners of the horseshoe contest, being the oldâ€" est and youngest pitchers. Mrs. E. J. Robinson won the nail driving con~ fest being the oldest lady present. Picnic supper was served on the lawn and enjoyed by all. The entire com» ;mittee was returned to office for the following year. A very pretty wedding was solem~ nized on May 11th in Grace United Church, College Street, by the Rev. Mr. Barker, when Luella May ,eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Well- man, Lansdowne Ave., Toronto, be~ tame the bride of Mr. William Dale, of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dale; of Toronto. The church was decorated with ferns and peonies. The ‘bride entered the 'church on the arm lof her father to the strains of Lohenâ€" grins wedding march played by Miss Mary Dean. The bride was dressed in eggshell satin with tulle veil caught with orange blossoms. She carried butterfly roses and baby’s breath. Miss Emma Wellman, sister of the bride was maid of honor and was gowned in mauve crepe With large black picture hat. Miss Muriel Dale sister of the groom acted as brides- maid and wore a yellow gown of crepe with mohair hat, both carried Colum- bia roses. Little Miss Norma Well man niece of the bride Was flower girl and wore pink, carrying a basket of sweet peas. Mr. Howard Dale, broth- or of the groom was best man. During the signing of the register Mr. Roworth, of Toronto, sang, “Oh, Flemise Me.” After a reception at We home of the bride’s parents the happy couple left on a short, honeyâ€" moon. On their return they will re- side in Chicago. An interesting wedding took place at the home of the bride’s cousins’ Mr. 2nd Mrs. David Guthrie, 170 Coleridge Avenue, Toronto, the Rev. Stanleyi Elliott, of WOOdbine Avenue United' Church officiating, when Margaret, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Webber, of Langstaff, Ont, became the bride of Mr. John Hopkins eldest son of Mr. and Mr. John Hop- l.ins, of Langford, Ont. The bride was lovely in a gown of powder blue; with trimmings of egg shell with blonde shoes, stockings and gloves to match. Her head was adorned with a wreath of orange blossoms and she] wore a bouquet of sweet peas. She ’was given in .marriage by her uncle Mr. Thomas Alexander Orr, of Lang- staff, Ont. The Wedding march was played by Miss Olive Guthrie. and the attendants were Mr. and Mrs. David Guthrie. ' After the reéeption the bride and groom left for their new. OEOgOEOI ‘1 Thursday, June 25% o=o====o=o===aox=logono=om HOPKINS â€"â€" W'EBBER DALE â€"- W'ELLMAN WEDDING “ The Brunswick Trio Sherwood SONG HITS, COMEDY MONOLOGUES PIANO and V'IOLIN SELECTIONS ‘ SCOTTISH PIPE NUMBERS} Admission to grounds 356. H of Knox Presbyterian Church, Agincourt will be held at Rowanwood ” the home of Colin Hood KENNEDY ROAD Half Mile North of Milliken “ Jock” “ Willie ” and “ Doc ” will present an entirely new program MWEN PARTY Refreshment Booth on the Grounds. The Annual 'oaomouomomg June June June July July July July Garden Avenue, Langstaff DR. M. H. BLANDIN, Pastor Sunday â€" 11 a. m. Sunday Schoca Sunday 7 p. m.â€"-Gospel Message by the Pastor. Monday â€" 8 p. m. Young People Wed. â€"â€" 8 p. m. Bible Exposition GARI‘JEN AND FLOWER SEEDS GLASS and GLAZING ASPECILATYE Garden Took; Phone: WAverly 3513 We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks lichmond Hill ADIES SOFTBALL SCHEDULE 01? THE SUBURBAN YONGE LEAGUE me ZOâ€"Unionville vs. Lansing me Z5â€"Thornhill vs. Unionville- me 27â€"Elgin Mills vs. Lansing 11y 4-â€"Uni0nville vs. Elg'in Mills 11y 4~â€"Lansing vs. Thornhill 11y 9â€"Thomhill vs. Elgin Mills 11y 11â€"Lansing vs. Unionville LANGSTAFF GOSPEL MISSION PLUMBING AND TINSMITHINGJ THORNHILL, ONTARIO Hot Water Heating and; General Repairs CAPT. ROYLET LIEUT. McCOMBES Sunday Services Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . . . . Salvation Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 514-15, Queen Street East PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS? ALSO USED TIRES NATIONAL AUTO WRECKERS’ Hu (’son Decorators B. R. WOLFREY, Prop. Martin’s Barber Shop WORK GUARANTEED Estimates Free A Taxpayer of The District, Church St. Richmond HilE P. 0. Box 32 ’ainting. Paperhanging 3:14:11z Decorating HOES, RAKES, SPADES DIGGING FORKS FLOWER SETS Have Your Tonsdrial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. RICHMOND HILL CORPS A. C. HENDERSON C. N. COOPER Right at The City Limits North Toronto. Officers in Charge: Hardware Children 256 PAGE FIVE " Proprietm F. LE'BLANC 11 a. m. . . . . . . 7p.m. Jammy

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