ECAPITOL SHOWS ‘ AT 7.30 and 9.30 g SATURDAY 2.00 and 6.30 O=o=o=o===o=o==o=lo===oug g ALL TALKING PICTURE “Comedy “ Shade of the Old Apple Tree VOL. LII. o=o=z==ouo===o=o=ao=o====or M AT! NEE TU ESDAY ‘ WEDNESDA Y THURSDAY FRIDAY. J __... -â€" n n E=ol=o===loum 9=0=10=0==0=0=0=01==0=0m 0=0=Ofl0:0fl0m0=050fl01 LAWRENCE TIBBETT Under this law the operator’s license and his motor vehicle permit will be suspended until the holder has given proof of his financial respon- sibility if any of the following offences have been committed in Ontario or any other Province of the Dominion of Canada or in any of the Stat- es of the United States: or if he has not paid any final judgment a- gainst him for damages caused to any person to the limit of $5000.00 for any one person and $10.000.00 if two or more persons have been in- jiired or to the property of another in excess of $100.00 and up to $10- 00.00 arising out of a motor vehicle accident whether such judgment be rendered against him in Ontario or in any other Province of Canada. FOLLOWING ARE THE OFFENCES MENTIONED IN THE ACT Reckless driving if any injury to any person or property. Racing on the Highway or exceeding the speed limit if any injury to any person occurs in connection therewith. Failing to remain at or return to the scene of an accident. Driving without a. license. Any criminal offence involving use of a motor vehicle which in- cludes any conviction for driving a motor car while intoxicated. If damage be done to person or property of others the operator’s license or motor vehicle permit which has been suspended WILL Safety Responsibility Law ol Ontario Comedy LAUREL& HARDY “ In H Crazy Cat Cartoon ADDED ATTRACTION Saturday Matinee only 2 p. THE LITTLE SAVAGE Telephone 87 â€"â€" Yonge Street Drive with care, courtesy and common sense The number of fatal accidents from motor cars in Ontario been as follows: y 1926 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 1928 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1927 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422 1929 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†THEATRE Pontiac BA I:va RICHMOND HILL. MCLaughliHâ€"BUiCk SALES and SERVICE in", The ROGUE SONG .WARNING TO MOTORISTS NOT BE RESTORED UNTIL DAMAGES AWARDED BY THE COURT IN ANY PROVINCE HAVE BEEN PAID. Proof of financial responsibility will also be required for the future. Let us furnish that proof for you in the nature of an’automobile insur- ance policy with an authorized insurance company. Full particu- lars may be obtained from Saturday; Monday, Tuesday JUNE 28,30, JULY 1 J. R. HERRINGTON JULY 2, 3, 4- ,“The Big Pond" SHARKEY SCHMELING mmg PUTTlN on the RlTZfl wrm cuuoms count (I Qaramount (flame 'omedy “ Polly ’s Ivory†NOW PLAYING 'ouomouomouo =°UOI NEWS In Hay Wire †2-303 RICHMOND HILL, ONTXRIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930 Richmond Hill “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-tSScntials. Liberty: In All Things, Charity.†NEWS has 477 576 The by-law which will enable the municipalities of North York, Mark- ham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill to purchase the Metropolitan Radial line from the city limits to Richmond Hill was finally passed by the County Council this morning. The appeal on the unfavorable decision on the Coun- ty’s Court case will be withdrawn and any legal entanglements in the way in the immediate carrying out of the ex- pressed will of the people who voted to take over this section of the line will be removed. The solicitors for the municipalities concerned in the purchase have the a- greements ready and authorative in- formation give The Liberal this morn- ‘ing is that at the time of going to ‘piess there appears no reason to doubt lam the STREET CARS WILL BE RUNNING 0N YONGE STREET TO RICHMOND HILL NEXT WEEK. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES AFT- ER LONG DEBATE WON NOTABLE VICTORY The representatives of these munici- ‘palities in the County Council have won a notable victory for the district, a victory which is all the more notable on account of the formidable opposit- ion which they had to overcome. After iailing to reach a decision on Monday the first day of the session, the mem~ bers last Friday after a heated debate on a division of the council a vote of 28-18 decided to withdraw the ap- RICHMOND LODGE OFFICERS lNSTALLED CAR SERVICE TO RICHMOND HILL MAY START NEXT MONDAY R. W. Bro. W‘H. Legge, P,D.D.G. M. assisted by Past Masters of the ‘Lodge conducted the annual installâ€" ation and investitureof the officers of Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 23 on Tuesday evening. The following officers were installed for the coming year;â€" W. M. Bro. Lloyd A. Hill I.P.M.; W. Bro. H. J. Mills; S.W., Bro. F.D. Web- ster, J .W., Bro. W.G. Baldock; Chap- lain, W Bro. A.L. Phipps; Treasurer, ‘W. Bro. W.A. Wright; Secretary, Bro. J.E. Smith; D. of C. W. Bro. A.AI Ed- en; S.D., Bro. W. Snedden; J. D. Bro. D.M. Chamney; S.S., Bro. R. Endean; J .S., Bro. G.W. Baldock; I.G., Bro. Harold Reid; Tyler, Bro. J. G. Murphy. During the evening W. Bro. L. A. During the evening W. Bro. L. AH Hill the incoming Master presented the retiring Master W. Bro. H. J. Mills with a Past Master’s jewel and in making the presentation on behalf of the Lodge complimented W. Bro. Mills ion the very successful year which iRichmond Lodge has enjoyed. An unique feature of the evening was the presence in the Lodge room of ‘W. Bro. David Hill, a past master of Richmond Lodge and father of the ‘new ruling master who on Tuesday had the honor of witnessing the instal- lation of his second son in the Master’s chair, W. Bro. P. C. Hill also being a Past Master. Two other sons, broth- ers, Dr. ‘Carl Hill and Albert R. Hill members of the craft were also pre- Asent. COMING EVENTS Saturday, June 28thâ€"Maple Field Day and Old Boys’ Reunion. Saturday, June 28thâ€"-Garden Party at All Saints’ Church, King City. FIELD DAY. Tuesday, July lstâ€"Veteran’s of North York Field Day at Jackson’s Point. Saturday, July 5th~â€"â€"H0n. Peter Hee- nan, Minister of Labor speaks at Rich- mond Hill. Tuesday, July lstâ€"Field Day and Dance Lake Marie Farm, King City. Visitorâ€"“You have a fine crop of tomatoes this summer! What do you do with them Nativeâ€"“Oh, we sell all we can, md can all we can't.†'Luesday, July lstâ€"THORNHILL A :3.â€ch RICHMOND HILL. County At Last Withdraws Court Action all '2" inmm peal and clear the way for the pur- chase of the south end of the line by the municipalities concerned. On Wednesday when the by-Iaw to this effect was introduced it met with unâ€" expected opposition and was not final- ‘y passed until Thursday morning. On Friday the City council take up Lhe matter of the sale of this portion oi the line but no difficulties are ex- pected from that quarter. There will no doubt be a little work to be done on the line but it is understood that the T.T.C. is ready to commence oper- ations on a few days notice. STREET CARS for Dominion day is a possibil- ity which delight the hearts of people in the North Yonge Street district. The operation of the first car over the new line owned by the people of these municipalities will mark the end‘ of a long period of uncertainty concer- ning transportation on North Yonge Street. It has been a long fight but victory is in sight. Deputyâ€"Reeve George Elliot and his associates in North York, Reeve Gohn in Markham, Reeve Robson, of Vaugh- an and their deputies who supported them and Reeve Lunau, of Richmond Hill who have carried on the fight of the people in County Council for a street car service are deservant of the sincere thanks of the people of this district. “Only those familiar with the negotiations appreciate the ob- stacles which they had to surmount†said a prominent North Yonge Street resident this morning. All is in readiness for the Annuallwhich too Maple Field Day which will be held Saturday, June 28th. A fine program of sports and games has been arranged CTOWd 3“ ‘and an attractive list of prizes is off- beautiful ‘Pled. Already a large number of to Witne softball teams have entered for the ment anC valuable prizes and a fine afternoon v*OOd W01 and evening’s sport is assured. A and Lari novelty is the giving of souvenirs val- Perkins med from 30 cents to $1.50 ‘to every undisput fifth person entering the grounds be- A large tween the hours of one and two o’clock. heard th Come early and get one of these souv- Kenny V enirs. A stipulation of the Eckhart afternoo Silver Tea service which is offered as the REV the first prize for the men’s 200 yard Rev. Mr race is that it is open to residents of evening, lVaughan, Markham, King and Whitâ€" 0f TOI‘O‘ church only and former winners of anlsolos at - Eckhart Tea Service are barred froml Miss ‘ claiming the prize. The Bolton bandlspent t} f will be in attendance during the day. fCollard. day Were STAGE ALL SET FOR ANNUAL FIELD DAY A very enjoyable time was spent on baturday, when Hope Sabbath School and the Sewing Circle held their an- nual picnic at Elm Park, Woodbridge. A large number were present and the afternoon was spent with games, races and contests, after which a splendid supper was served. The Alert Group of the C.G.I.T. held a sale of home baking at the home of Mrs. H. Bryan on Saturday afterâ€" noon, and realized over $16.00. Rev. P. and Mrs. Baringer, of New- ark, N.J., Were visiting friends here ihis week. Mr. Baringer preached in the Lutheran Churches at Sherwood and Unionville on Sunday, where he was former pastor. Communion services will be held in the United Church next Sunday even- mg, and a preparatory service will be held in the school room on Friday eve- ning Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. T. McBride and Mr. and Mrs. Maunger, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon. Messrs H. Bailey F. Brown, F. Man- ning and G. Crook returned home on Sunday after spending a week at Ses- iikenika Lake. sir. Frof.. “Don’t; mention such a trifle.â€" Black-Blue Jay. know Student (leaving college) “Good-bye r. I am indebted to you for all I MERE BAGATELLE MAPLE The annual garden party and anniv- ( crsary services of the Sunday School ‘ which took place on Saturday and Sun- ‘day Were very successful. A good crowd gathered in the afternoon on the beautiful grounds of Mr. Thomas Read to witness the girls softball tourna~ ment and the horseshoe pitching. Oak- vsood yon first place in the tournament and Lansing second. G. Yerex and Perkins of Richmond Hill, were the undisputed champions at horseshoes. A large and appreciative audience heard the concert In the evening by the Kenny Wilson Company. On Sunday ; afternoon the services were taken by ; the Rev. Mr. Auld, of Markham and Rev. Mr. Eaton, of Unionville, in the :‘evening, Miss Gertrude McEcheran, . of Toronto, rendered very acceptable [isolos at both services. ‘ 1' Miss Hattie Mortlev, of Toronto, Misses Laura Gee, Lulu Beatty, Mar- ie Denne and Dorothy Valliere attend- ed the East York Wemen’s Institute convention at Agincourt last Thurs- day. Miss Caroline Chapman is visiting Miss Annie Avison for a few days. Strawberry picking is the order of the day now and the young ladies of the community are acquiring a very attractive “sun-tan." â€"â€"-7â€" "THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT‘I'I YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. Several of the Junior farmers from this district accompanied by their lady friends spent last Wednesday at the O.A.C. Guelph. Young People’s Society will be with- THE HAPPIEST HIT IN TOWN ï¬CTORIA SQUARE NEWSY. NOTES Save On Your Gas Comedy “Head Guy†Take advantage of this special offer which is good NU until further notice. This is an opportunity for genuine saving on your gas. The offer is good untilfurther notice. Per ganon Watch this space for Future Announcements. including tax ORMENTA LODGE ~â€".- WITH â€"â€" RUTH CHATTERTON and FREDRIC MARSH SATURDAY AND MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JULY the week-end with Mrs. H, F EDFORD THEATRE BTHE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT _ WITH â€" BENNY RU BIN MARCELINE DAY A Riot of Youth â€" A Carnival of Gaiety THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JULY 3, 4 SARAH Comedy “ BELOW ZERO " HOLLYWOOD REVIEW No. 10 NOVELTYâ€" I CAME FIRST NANCY CARROLL 'omedy “ His Operation Just East on Langstaff Sideroad o=o=====o=o===ouo==== and anniv- dIaWn on Sunday evening owing to day school the anniversary services at Headford. y and Sun- MISS Marlon Forrester snent the , , Week-end w1th MISS Irene Smlth. and SON Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE .Mr. Wilf. Anderson and Miss Adele Jackson spent Sunday with Mrs. Art- hul‘ Buchanan. Exams are the order of the day. Entrance, Matriculation and public school promotions taking place this week. Mrs. Wellman and daughter Marjor- ie, of Toronto, are spending a. few days with Mrs. L. L. Nichols. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Street, of Richmond Hill spent Sunday evening lwith the Misses Hopper. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watt and family of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Botham and family of Bradford, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Herd and son hat- l'rl's of Richmond Hill spent Sunday 'evening at Mr. Angus Valliere’s. | Missi Mabel Sanderson spent Mon- day in Toronto. Mr. Ross Campbell was the Sunday jm‘ening guest of Mr. Cecil Nichols. Victoria Square players will again present the popular comedy drama "Sonny-Jane,†on Thursday, July 3rd under the auspices of Zion United ‘Church, the occasion being a straw- berry festival. Everybody come to ball practice on Wednesday and Saturday evenings and help the girls to make a real good team. They have the material, all ‘they need is practice. The showei'y weather of last week has helped everything to grow, not iorgetting the Weeds. C. HENRY, Proprietor Langstaff Road JUNE 28, 30 Sound News MUSICAL ROMANCE No. 52