Editor Liberal, Sitâ€"; To the numerous replies to my ad in the Liberal soliciting accommodation for anticipated visiting Shriners for the convention early this month, I feel very grateful for the proffered homes in and around Richmond Hill that would have been made use of had the anticipated numbers reached what were expected, but a large number that were heading for Toronto were Intercepted and advised not to come as the expected number could not be ac- commodated as the city was over tax- ed. Who was responsible for this is a matter of conjecture as it certainly did not eminate from the hotel and housing committee of Rameses Temple as considerable of what was reserved was not made use of. This will ex- press my thanks and explain why those who had offered to give accom- modation were not called on. JOHN H. DUNLOP Past Potentate of. Rameses Temple APPRECIATES SERVICE GIVEN Editor Liberal, ‘ Sirâ€"; May I say a word of appreciation about the ease with which telephone business may be done with the Liberal Ofï¬ce. You are to be congratulated on having a staff which always answ- ers promptly and pleasantly and makâ€" es no mistakes in any news items or advertisements which are phoned to your ofï¬ce. 'CHURCH ARMY MISSION AT OAK RIDGES PARISH HALL The new Church Army Van dedicat- ed on Tuesday in Toronto by Bishop Lucas, and in charge of Captain Payne and Cadet Gibbs, arrived at the Parish Hall, Oak Ridges on Wednesday of this week, Where it is being used for the first time. The officers under the direction of the Rector of the Par- ish, Rev. W. F. Wrixon are conducting a weeks mission, services being held every night at 8 p. m. except Saturday. Next Sundays services will be as foll- 0W5:â€" Special Children’s Service Parish Hall Hear Hon. Peter Heenan, Minister of Labor at Richmond Hill, Saturday, afternoon July 5th. Oak Ridges 11 a. m.â€"in charge of Cadet Gibbs. Services at St John’s Church, Jefferson 11 a. m.â€"â€"Preacher, Captain Payne Open Air Service near Parish Hall. Oak Ridges 3 p. m. Officers in charge. Service in Parish Hall at 8 p. m.â€"Captain Payne and Cadet Gibbs. A hearty welcome to all. All services Summer Time. Maple Field Day, SaturdaeruHef 28th Phone: WAverIy 3513 Letters From The People We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks PAGE FOUR PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING THORNHILL, ONTARIO Hot Water Heating and General Repairs PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS ALSO USED TIRES Holineas Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . 11 a. m. Salvation Meeting . . . . . . . . . . '7 p. m. SALVATION ARMY NATIONAL AUTO WRECKERS M artin’; Barber Shop WORK GUARANTEED Estimates Free A Taxpayer of The District, Church St. Richmond Hill P. O. Box 32 Hudson Decorators B. R. \VOLFREY, Prop. Painting, Paperhanging and Decorating Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. RICHMOND HILL CORPS CARD OF THAN KS 514-16 Queen Street East A. C. HENDERSON Right ï¬t The City Limits North Toronto. CAPT. ROY'LE LIEUT. McCOMBES Officers in Charge Sunday Services F. LE’BLANC Proprietor Mrs. Lewis Scott, Miss Vera Hunt- er and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boys are at- tending the International Convention of Religious Education held in Toronto this week. A miscellaneous shower was given Miss Ruby Rutherford by her many friends at her home last Wednesday evening, prior to her marriage which takes place this week. Messrs James Marwood and Mar- shall McMurchy will represent the Y. P. S. at the Christian Youth conferen- ce of North America which is being held in Toronto, June 27 to 29th. Miss Anna Baldwin, of the Riverdale Collegiate Teaching staff spent a week at her home here, before leaving on a two months trip through Europe and the British Isles. She sailed from Montreal last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Egan and daughter from Toronto; also Mrs. Bowes, of Thornhill, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Watson last weekend. a,social time prior to the departure of Rev. and Mrs. Halbert who are soon to leave for their new charge at Newton- brook. During the evening Mr. Hal- bert was presented with a desk set and Mrs. Halbert with a silver raw fruit dish and container for flowers. The presentation was made by Mrs. Wm. Boys and Marshall McMurchy and the address was read by Mr. Hero Ross. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Halbert,â€"â€" The congregation of Laskay United Church met last Thursday evening for It is with a deep sense of IOSS that we anticipate your departure from our church and community, as a preacher We have found you to be a forceful ex- ponent of the truth. As a pastor, you have been faithful at all times. Your jcheerfulness and sympathy have brought comfort into the sick room and hope into homes darkened by sorrow. At all times We have found yourself and Mrs. Halbert to be congenial and trustworthy friends. We feel that words or even gifts are inadequate to expreSS our gratitude, but We ask you to accept these small tokens of our love and appreciation of all that you have done and we pray that God will continue to richly bless you both as you seek to serve Him in another part of His Vineyard. LASKAY UNITED CHURCH Mr. Halbert replied in behalf of Mrs. Halbert expressing his appreciation for all their kindness. Cake and ice cream were served and a happy hour spent together. Hear Hon. Peter Heenan, Minister of Labor at Richmond Hill, Saturday, afternoon July 5th. MAN CAN’T SLEEP, GETS NERVOUS, HATES PEOPLE “I could not sleep and got so nervâ€" ous I hated everybody. Since taking Vinol, I can sleep 10 hours and feel full of pep all day.â€â€"Julius Bender. For 30 years doctors have prescribâ€" mineral elements of iron, calcium and ed Vinol because it contains important cod liver peptone. The very FIRST bottle brings sound sleep and a BIG appetite. Nervous, wornout people are surprised how QUICK Vinol gives new life and pep! Tastes delicious. G. H, GLENN, Druggist Richmond Hill â€"-â€" C Three months of hard labor which included the levelling of 21 acres of rolling waste land and the laying of approximately 12 miles of new track, terminated June 5 when the Canadian Pacific Railway finished the construction of “Fez City," Toronto, for the ac- commodation of the huge army of Shriners who held their convenâ€" tion in that city recently. Lake Minnewanka, famous sheet of water in the Canadian Rockies. not far from Banif, has entered angling history with the capture recently of the largest trout ever taken from the lake. It wuighed 40 lbs. 8 ounces and was 41 inches in length and 32 inches in girth. It has been stuffed and is now in the Banff museum. (543) The immensity of the progress made and the almost boundless prosperity he sees ahead for Can- ada has brought home to him the great need for the awakening of England to a better understanding of the Dominion. was the state- ment made recently by Major L. A. M. Jones. economic supplements editor of the Morning Post. Lon- don, England. who is making a several months tour of Canada. studying conditions here. During the course of the forth- coming World Power Conference to be held in Berlin, Germany, June 26. C. Lefebvre, delegate for Canada. will propose that the next convention shall be held in Can- ada. in View of the rapid strides made in matters electrical by the Dominion. Mr. Lefebvre sailed for Europe recently on board S.S.Emâ€" press of France. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Marshall, Minister 11 a. m.â€"Morning Service 10 a. m.â€"Sunday School 7.00 p. m.â€"Evening Service ere and There LASKAY Signed on behalf of Ontario RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION PLANNING FOR FIELD DAY The East Vaughan Ratepayers As- sociation held a special meeting on Saturday evening and decided to still continue the annual Field Day. Com- mittees were appointed as follows; Mrs. P. Sparks, convenor; Mrs. J. Lof- tus, assistant; Mr. Evans, Mr. J. P. Sparks, Mr. J. Loftus and Mr. F. Cole. With power to add to their number. With this committee in charge, we feel sure the only thing needed to make the affair a big success, will be fine weather. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Mrs. M. Farrants has returned to Richvale after spending one week in Ottawa, attending the convention of the Daughters of England, Benevolent Society. Mr. and Mrs. C. Baird, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gardener at their summer cottage on Spruce Ave. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hymns and master Howard Hymns with Mr. and Mrs. Collville, all of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. Farrants, Spruce Avenue and spent a couple of hours admiring the beautiful garden of flowers and fruit. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bales, Mrs. Collis and Miss Flintoff, all of Toronto, also Mrs. J. Short, of Oshawa, spent last Saturday afternoon and evening, with Mr. and Mrs. Farrants, Spruce Ave. We are pleased to note that Mr. Pet- e1 Hord has been promoted from Capt. to District Chief on the Toronto Fire Department. BY COMRADES Mr. Edwin Farrants has sent in his resignation to the Toronto Fire De- partment, to take effect on the last day of June, this week the firemen of Montgomery Hall, (where Mr. Farr- ants has been stationed for the last ten years) called him in, and present- ed him with a beautiful meersham pipe, and tin of tobacco; also a beauti- iul Amber pipe and tobacco pouch. The presentation was made by District Chief Thomas Jones, who in the course oihis remarks complimented Mr. Far- rants on his clean record as firemanâ€"- 34 years and 9 months on the Fire Dept. and not one black mark on his reputationâ€"but he has earned the re- spect and esteeu of all his colleagues in the hall. Mr. Jones said they were all sorry to see him going, but hoped he would live many years to enjoy his well earned rest. Mr. Farrants thanked the men for their kinds words, and the kind thoughts behind the gift. Watch for the Sunday School picnic on July 10th. We are planning to go to Lake Wilcox. Keep the date open. The Women’s Association will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Lunau, Centre Street, Richmond Hill on Wednesday after- noon, June 25th. The Veterans Field Day at Jackson's Point July lst. appears to be the big event of the season. Jackson’s Point Lake Simcoe is a beautiful spot to take the kiddies, there is a safe sandy, bath- ing beach, splendid shade trees, and ample parking space for your car. The programme arranged should satisfy lovers of every kind of sport, and generous prizes are being offered for all events, Silver cups and other prizes worth taking home. Since the large posters were printed word has been received that Dorothy’s Famous Animal Circus will be present. 'lhe trained ponies, dogs, and monkeys should amuse and entertain both young and old. VETERAN FIREMAN HONORED Sixty dollars in cash is being given to the Ladies Baseball teams, this should attract good entries. At four o’clock standard time, Col. T. H. Lennox, K.C. and Wm. P. Muâ€" lock will speak from the platform. A Chevrolet car is being given away free to the holder of the lucky admis- sion ticket and the tickets are only twenty-five cents. Get yours early they may all be sold before July lst. Why not get the maximum efficiency out of your engine for your invest- ment? V A trial will convince you of the superâ€" ior performance, long-life and service rendered by the DYNAMO TIMER. Put one on and forget it. No oiling nor attention required. Recommended and proven by Ford car and tractor owners everywhere. Sat- isfaction for 3 years guaranteed or your money refunded. Price $2.75 Horseshoe Pitching, Swimming Championships, Baby Show, Athletic Sports filling the rest of the bill, and the grand final takes place in Sutton at 8.30 p. m. standard time when a. community street dance with two orch- estras will take place, Old Time and Modern Dances. What a day. E. KLINCK, R. R. 2 Gormley at Victoria Square Phone Stouffville 4011 Mailed C. 0. D. on request DYNAMO TIMERS For FORDS and FORDSON VETERANS FIELD DAY AT JACKSON’S POINT Richvale ANNIVERSARY SERVICES The annual picnic will be held on Saturday, June 28th at North York Municipal Park, 2nd Concession, West York. Dinner at 12 o’clock. Races will commence at 2 o’clock. Come and bring your basket and enjoy the day. Sunday, June 29th. Rev. A. P. Stan- ley will preach in the morning at 11 o’clock (standard time). In the eve- ning Rev. E. G. Robb will preach at ‘7 o'clock. The Deanery of West York Women’s Auxiliary Conference of last week Was a decided success. Those represent- ing All Saint’s branch were Mrs. Wrixâ€" on, Mrs. Ross Walker, Miss Judge, Mrs. Hilts, Mrs. Pinkerton and Mrs. Howard. There is much activity in the heart of King City these days. Almost every evening groups of men can be seen getting things in readiness for the one and only event of its kind to be held in the village. The Garden Party and Band Concert on Saturday of this week. Maple Field Day, Saturday, June 28th Thornhill Field Day, Dominion Day, July lst. Field Day and Dance at King City, Tuesday, July lst. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up and until 6 p. m. on Monday, June 30th for the construct- ion of two concrete tanks in connectâ€" ion with providing of water for fire protection in the police Village of Maple. Plans and specifications may be seen by applying to any of the un- dersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. E. Keffer, J. G. Lawrie, J. A. Rose Trustees. In the estate of JULIA FRY, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, widow, deceasqgi. Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the estate of Julia Fry, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, who died on or about the tenth day of April 1930, in the said Township of Vaugh- an, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of July, 1930 And notice is further given that aft- er the said date the undersigned will Droceed to distribute the estate having regard only to such claims of which such notice has been received. Mrs. Spencer T. Bone, formerly Muriel Edna Fry, Executrix by Richmond Hill, Ontario, Solicitor Dated at Richmond Hill this 12th day of June, 1930. ‘ Anniversary services will be held In the estate of JOSEPH JOHN MORTSON, late of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the estate of Joseph John Mortson, late of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, who died on or about the 20th day of April, 1930, in the said Town- ship of Markham, are required to for- ward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of July, 1930.7 And notice is further given that aftâ€" er the said date the undersigned will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to such claims of which such notice has been received . Herman Roy Mortson and Harold Wellington Mortson, Administrators, By CAMPBELL LINE. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Solicitor Dated at Richmond Hill this 12th ‘day of June 1930. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALBERT JOHN HELMKAY, the Estate of Albert John Helmkay, l:'te of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Farmer. deceased, are hereby notified to send in to Gladys A. Boynton, Executrix, Gorm- lcy R. R. 2, Ontario, or to the under- sxgned, on or before the 3lst day of July 1930, full particulars of the claims, and of any and all securities held by them. that after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Executrix shall then have notice, and they will not be liable to any person of whose claim notice has not been received, as aforesaid. Dated this 23rd day of June 1930. MARY JANE HELMKAY, Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors Deceased. All persons having claims against AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE Notice to Creditors HEADFORD KING CITY CAMPBELL LINE, TENDERS Executrix Thornhill, Ontario J. B. McLEAN, Clerk CREAM WICKER BABY CARRIAGE in excellent condition. Mrs. P. G. Hill, Wright Street, phone Richmond Hill 160. ‘ YOUNG PIGS AND SOW due next month. Apply Walter Lloyd, Mapâ€" le, Phone Maple 1071. SECOND HAND Farm Mower. Apply R. Michael, Richmond Hill, Ont. VERY LOW PRICE FOR CASH, two six roomed houses and fifty foot lot 2 minutes walk from Yonge Street, in Richmond Hill, deep lot, fruit trees, hard and soft water, electric light, cellar, both now rented, a real investment. Apply to owner L. B. Finch, 586 Ossington Ave., Toronto, Telephone Lombard 3124 or at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. QUANTITY OF PINE STUMPS â€" $3.00 a. load. D. Julian, R. R. No. 2, VVoodbridge. SINGLE HORSE HAY MOWER â€"-. ONE COMPLETE BEDROOM SET; 1 sanitary toilet; 1 pair garden shears with long handles; upholster- ed settee and standard rocker; 1 kitchen table; odd dishes; carpenters trestles. Mrs. A. Martin, Centre Street West, Richmond Hill. SEVEN ROOM FRAME HOUSE situ- ated in Unionville, electric lights, hard and soft water, lot 90 feet $1800 CORNER ACRE FARM Ellersâ€" ton Avenue, west of stop 8 Yonge Street. Phone Willowdale 148. PRIVATE SALEâ€"Miss E. McNair, Yonge Street, will sell privately on Friday and Saturday of this week, pieces 6f furniture and other house- hold articles. frontage Unionville. FOR SALE or EXCHANGEâ€"Quarter section on Saskatchewan River, .18 miles south of Prince Albert, Log house, several barns, abundance fireâ€" wood, good soil. Pï¬ced for quick sale at $10. an acre, or will exchange for local property. Investigate and make offer. -H. H. Morris, Real Estate, Newtonbrook, Ont. 50 FOOT LOT on Richmond Street. Richmond Hill, close to Yonge St., will sell cheap for cash. Apply W. G. Miller, 107 Roselawn Ave., Tor- onto, phone Hudson 2825-J. During July and August Carrville ‘VIill will operate on Monday and Thursday only of each week. Mixed chop for sale. McKay, Stop 24 Yonge Street on Yongehurst Road. Phone Richmond Hill 137-r-5. fmAPI-IONOLA in fumed oak, with 30 records. Mrs. Peter Jones, Maple, phone Maple 28-60. LOSTâ€"Cream colored cat (neut) an- swers to name “Jiggs,†last seen at Little Brothers Garage. REWARD for information or return to same. Phone to Baldock’s Garage, Mercer’s Service Station, Little Brothers Gar- age, Richmqnd Hill 01' to the owner W. T. McKnight, Oak Ridges. ABY CHICKS for sale, July hatches, white leghorns $10.00, barred rocks $12 per hundred. Custom Hatching hen eggs 3c each, duck eggs 5c; any number. H. G. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, opposite Or- phanage, Richmond Hill, phone King 16-r-26. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst it sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Field Day and Dance at King City, Tuesday, July lst. O.K‘. Shoe Repair PHONE CITY, HUDSON 8527 RICHMOND HILL 30-J Classified AdVS. REWARD Moved from Trench's Shop to house opposite High School on Yonge Street. All kinds of Shoe Repairing, Harness Repairing. FOR SALE ROSS J. BOWES, Prop. CARTAGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hill and Intermediate Points Every Day D. RUMNEY Notice Apply W. L. Latimer, W. SWITALSKI THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930 !Map1e Field Day, Saturday, June 28th Thornhill Field Day, Dominion Day, July lst. WANTEDâ€"Young geese, fowl, young cockerels, top market price paid. i A. G. Robinson, Rumble Ave., Box ‘ 174, Phone 190. GOOD STRONG LAD for light chores must be clean and respecta 8. Good pay. Apply A. Ellard, Gre 11 Lane, Thornhill. A CAPABLE GIRL for general house- work. Apply to L. H. Clement, of Richmond Hill. GIRL TO ASSIST IN DINING ROOM and general work, one girl now kept Apply Hotel Richmond, Richmond Hill. WANTEDâ€"Comfortable home and board for convalescing lady in Richâ€" mond Hill or Thotnhill. State full ‘ particulars, terms and phone number \ to Post Ofï¬ce Box 572, Toronto. Now is the time to order that new suit for the summer. Place your ord- er with RICHMOND TAILORS and be assured of fines-t quality, good workmanship and reasonable price. HAIRDRESSING â€"â€" Marcelling and Finger Waving, etc. For appoint. ment phone 178, Mrs. Russell, 56 Centre St., West, Richmond Hill. MACEâ€"Imported Belgian Stallion â€"-- The property of Milne & Irish, will be at his own stable, Langstaff, for the season of 1930. Fees $12. Anyone from a distance having mares may make suitable arrange- ments for a convenient meeting place. Phone Thornhill 16-22. PORT DE DIONâ€"The Belgian Imâ€" ported Draft Stallion [1888] (7488) owned by Harry Docks, lot 27, 7th: Con. of Vaughan, R. R. No. 2, Wood- bridge, will stand at his own s‘bable- for 1930. Enrolment No. 934; Form 1. $14 to insure a foal. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES ASHPHALT ROOFING, GYPROC. Phone 27 Anyone harboring same will be pro- secuted unless they notify owner. Telephone 7. We solicit order for Cut Flowers for all occasions which will be promptly and cheerfully ï¬lled. John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS AWN MOWERS ground. Apply B. H. Lasher, Yonge Street, Richmond Automobile Radiators, Fenders, Bodies Authorized United Motors Radiator Service Hill 575 Yonge Street MISCELLANEOUS AUTO ACCESSORY! REPAIR CO. LOANS 0N AUTOMOBILES and Contracts Re-Financed Toronto Hamilton LOST and FOUND Stock Register John A. Campbell & Co. Limited Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co. 205-6 Bloor Building (Bloor at Bay) Kings. 5566-6020 Toronto, Ontario KIngsdale 3836 Automobile Bankers WANTED RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill E. G. HURLEY Dealers in Ottawa Richmond Hill' Windsor London Toronto