cation? For she’s standing somewhere near; She’s vot a. gilt edged invitation, 0h! we’re glad enough she’s here. Of course we all like school in season And the hardest lessons too! But we’d like to know if it stands to T. Herbert Lennox was at homr> to the members of the County Council at 'his summer home at Island Park on Tuesday last. A delightful trip is re- poi‘iged. _ \_ ‘ ‘ I r draWS near, Say, the vacation idea will suit. Say, Parents, have you seen vacation? She will visit soon the home; For the happiest home in all creation, Will be happier when she comes. We‘re always glad to give you plea- Mvrs. L; Stiver attended the Inter- national Sunday School Convention in Toronto on Wednesday last. Say, schoolmates have you seen reason We should work the whole year through. Say, teachers, have you seen vacation ? With a smile upon her face? She has come to bring you recreation; She is lingering round the place, Of course you love the young idea, To be teaching how to shoot; But the look you wear, when she sure But one’s lessons now are done, And we hope you’ll give us fullest measure Of vacation’s sport and fun. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Reazin of Salem, Mariposa. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Miller and family of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Miller. “HIEH'F. Boadway, Mr. Harry Boadâ€" way and Miss Ruth Walker were Torâ€" onto visitors on Sunday. Miss Jean Malloy and Miss Sommer- villé \n'sited friends in Aurora on Sunâ€" dayilast. » __ ...- . -- “ au- 1 vuï¬rithiï¬Miller spent a few days with his mother Mrs. H. Miller the fore part of phejveek. Misrsnijoi'rbthy Stiver of the Brighton High School staff is spending the holi- days at hgr _h_ome berg; n: VMrs. Earl Parkinson and daughters returned home to Toronto on Tuesday last, following an extended visit with Mrs. Ada Hood. 7 7 ‘Mr. A. M. Hililwleft on Tuesday for Bigwin, Lake of Bays for the summer. Ham WTVIETa'ï¬d Mrs. w. A. Noble, Mr. and Mrs. A. Empringham and daughter Ruby, Mr. Fred Leaf Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Meatherill, of Mar- iposa, who celebrated their silver wedâ€" ding on;Iune_ . n “WMâ€"trait; Mrs. D. Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. G. Maynard motored to Jack- son’s Point on Sunday. Pearce,\Markham. spent a few days this week with her daughter Mrs. Harvey Coulsonfl “Mrs. GLVA. M. Davison and grandson Davey MacKay are Visiting relatives in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. A. Camplin, Mrs. La- Rose. were in Oshawa on Friday at- tending the nurses graduation exercis- es of the Oshawa General Hospital. Miss Reta G. Miller a niece of Mrs. Camplin’s is a member of the gradu- ating: class. _ M‘r.'James Russell and Mr. Howard Stiver enjoyed a fishing trip to Har- ok’s Lake over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, N. Eckardt, of Toron- to, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Harying‘gon 9n T_ue_s_day. .‘,A MissDDonizard, Tor'onto, spent last week with her cousin, Mrs. Harvey Coulson. WMrs. A. Brown was a Toronto .visit- or on Saturdav'las’c. " Mertz and family of Detroit, were guests of Mrs..George GraV on Monday. WI‘VII‘S'TEI-as. Gibsbn arid Miss Thyme spent Tuesday with friends in Mark- Oshawa. is spending" the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Bewells _ Mrs. Newton Jagger and family, of Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Summerfeldt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Watt and son Ir- win. of Aurora. were guests of Mrs. E. Harper _on Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the Lutheran Ladies Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Smith on Wednes- day last, a profitable meeting is re- ported. and an excellent supner was served by the hostess Mrs. Smith. “‘Wé’a’rz glad to report the favorable t'onvalescence of Mr. Harry Boadway, following a tonsil operation on Tues- §Proved WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT v is now recognized as a great rem- o edy for indigestion, ulcer, etc. [I Give it a trial, you’ll be delighted. Electrical Repairs Estimates Given Gormley R. R. 2 Agincourt 214-21 THURSDAY, JUNE 26, gay OI LECUYER & Co. Ltd. O! McIntosh Granite Co. by years of experience in private practice. Dr. McLeod’s Stomachic 1623 Yonge Street Guaranteed at AUSTIN’S Drug Store =O=0=C MONUMENTS Phone HYland 2622 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Limited ‘00] Toronto SOHO 0:0 last Mr Feather, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. Robert Armstrong. Miss Grace,Ha1-ring'ton and Mi§s Monroe, Toronto, called on friends in town on Sunday last. Mrs. Ormrod, of Toronto, visited her sister Mrs. Caseley on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon, of Oakâ€" vilIe, Mr. and Mrs. T. Burnett were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dixon on Sunday. Misses Milne}, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner on_ Wednesday. 7 Mrs. A. Stephenson, Misses Gladys Bush and Gladys Milner, Mr. A. E. Milner enjoyed a pleasant motor trip to Brighton last week. day last Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coulson en- tertained a few friends on Saturday evening last, on the occasion of their 14th wedding anniversary. Central United Sunday School is be- ing represented at the International Sunday School Convention in session at Toronto this week, by a different delegation each day. This splendid arrangement should bring a wealth of information and inspiration to this orâ€" ganization. A pleasing feature in connection with last Sabbath’s session was a fine duett, by Mrs. P. Dixon and Mrs. A. Camplin. In connection with the missionary program next sabbath, Rev. Smith, Missionary from China will be the special speaker. This will be an open session and it is desired that many will attend. Misé Gladys Stonehouse is spending a week of her holidays at Mindeu. Rev. and Mrs. Barringer were in town over the week-end renewing old acquaintances. Rev. Barringer con- ducting the service at Bethesda Luth- eran Church where for many years he officiated as pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rychman and little son Roy and Miss Beatrice Barry of Toronto, visited Mrs. M. Heming- way last Sunday. Miss Jean_ Malloy- waé the guest of Mrs. Sabiston on Monday evening 1,â€; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Elliott are spend- ing the week in Toronto with their son Mr. Fred Elliott. Mrs. Thomas Burnett is visiting relatives in Oakville this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ramsey, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elliott on Sunday. Mrs. Thompson, Toronto, and Miss Lillie Morrison, Havelock, renewed old acquaintances in town on Tuesday. Miss Ivy Nash, New York, is visit- ing her mother Mrs. Nash who has been very ill, but is making a favor- able convalescence. Mr. ind Mrs. Michael, ers. Gibson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dixon on Tuesday. Wednesday was a busy day for the Men’s bowling club, Messrs A. Em- nringham, Hutchison, Caldwell and Dixon attending the tournament at Cannington and Messrs Allan and Summerfeldt going to Richmond Hill tournament. Miss Brillinger, of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. R. A.. Stiver last. week. Buttonville Jr. Institute will hold the Annual Garden Party on the lawn of Mr. Cline Burr on Wednesday evening July 2nd. A cordial invitation islex- tended to all. Mrs. W. Caldwell visited friends in Cappington on Wednesday. A delightful afternoon was spent last Saturday when Mrs. Simmons Misses Vivian Bunner, Helen and Mar- garet McGregor, Aileen Parker, Betty Sargent and Greta Wickett were the guests at the home of Miss Isabell Ogden. An appropriate closing of a most successml year in connection with the Public School was the picnic held at Riverdale Park last Saturday after- noon and which was well attended by the scholars and their parents. A fine program\ had been arranged by the teachers, Mr. A. M. Hill and Miss Jean Malloy and everybody had a real time. During the afternoon a presentation Of gold cuff links was made to Mr. Hill by the 4th class, as a token of appreci- ation. Mary Mustard reading the sneech and Howard LaRose making the presentation. A fine picnic lunch and a delightful motor ride home con- cluded the memorable event. l Monday evening at the Central United Y.P.S. The devotional topic “the Open Secret†was taken by Rev. Mr. Eaton. Music was rendered by the Young People’s Orchestra, accom- panied by Mrs. J. Perkins. Miss Is- abella Ogden gave an interesting ac- count of her trip to the Old Country and the continent last summer. Pict- ure pest cards and maps were shown of the places and buildings of interest. Mrs. Donald, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Campbell, Toronto, and Mrs. Miller, of Detroit, visited Mrs. D. Harrington on Wednesday. ‘ Rev. J. J. Robbins ‘ 10.00 a. m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a. m.â€"Morning Prayer. Friday at 8 p. m.â€"Illustrated lecture in Township Hall under the auspices of W.A. given by Mrs. Nora Lea, of Toronto. Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"Ephesians 2 p. m.â€"The Church School 7 p. m.â€"â€"-Rev. F.,N. Bowes. Monday 8 p. m.â€"â€"Y. P. S. Meeting Wednesday 8 p. m.â€"Midweek 9 p. In. Session. Hagerman United Sunday School at, 1.30 p. m. Run. 000 127 CHRISTIE’S UNITED CHURCH SCARBORO EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Fourth Annual Cemetery Service Sunday, June 29th at 7.30 p. m. Rev. A. E. Black, Aurora Rev. H. H. Eaton m.â€"Church School m.â€"A1most is but to fail. m.â€"Y.P.S. Meeting PHILIPS ANGLICAN Miss J. M. B. Scott, of Edinburgh, S‘Cotland, who has been touring the United States, for the past four mon- ths arrived he e this week to spend the summer wish her cousins Miss H. Ness and Mrs. Jenkins and other friends. Mrs. Laidlaw, of California, who is visiting her son Mr. M. Laidlaw, To- ronto, spent the Week-end here with her sisters Misses F. and E. Page. Mrs. H. V. Armstrong and daught- ers Misses Shirley and Lois, Elizabeth Street, are leaving this week to spend two months at their summer cottage at Consecon. Mrs. H. A. Nicholls and Miss Rusâ€" sell left this week to spend sometime visiting friends in Toronto and other points. . Reeve and Mrs. J. Lunau visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Good, Newtonbrook on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bowes are spending a week’s vacation visiting friends in Orrville and other points. Mrs. 0. C. Taylor, of Nottawa, Miss Audrey Ough, of Newmarket; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Grainger, Miss Marion Grainger and Mr. Frank Grainger of Mrs. Clarence Beatty is attending the Sunday School convention held in Toronto this week. Miss Mary Drury, of the local Bell Telephone staff is on relief work in the office at Roches Point for a short Mrs. Ralph Baker, of Gormley, spent Tuesday here the guest of her aunt Mrs. Lewis Doner, Centre Street. here visited relatives in Peterboro on Sunday. time Mr. and Mrs. J. Valliere and family of Agincourt, [visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook, Roseview Avenue on Sun- day. Mr. J. G. Alcombracke, Miss A. A1» combracke, Miss Gertrude Smith and Mr. Walter Mason motored to Guelph one day last week and visited the Onâ€" tario Agricultural College, which was open to North York that day. Mr. and Mrs. Nash, MiSS Muriel Nash, Mr. Newton Nash, Miss Betty Sheppard, Mr. Frank Goodwin, of Bar- Iie, Miss Clara Nash, Mr. Cauthers, of Cundle, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mart- in, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid, Arnold Street on Sunday. Mr. David Stirling and his cousin Lieut Slaght, who had such a miracul- ous escape three weeks ago when he was thrown frOm his aeroplane, re- turned this week from a motor trip north to Sudbury and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trimble, of Oriole, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Valliere, Mill Road. Mrs. O. C. Taylor, Nottawa, and Mrs. F. W. Grainger visited Miss L. Martin in Toronto, who celebrated her birthday last Thursday. Mr. Wm. Burnhz/zm, Misses Annie and Lottie Burnham, of Forest, and Mrs. Ross Nichols, of Victoria Square, were guests of Reeve and Mrs. Lunau yesterday. Mrs. E. Huffman, Mr. Gordon Huff- man, of Acton, and Miss Gladys Huff- man, of Toronto, spent Simday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moffat, Yonge St. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Redditt and fam. ily, of LaSalle and Mrs. George Red- ditt, of Waterford, passed through Richmond Hill on Monday enroute for a holiday in Muskoka. Mr. G. Herbert Russell, Superinten- dent of the Lymington Steel Corporâ€" ation, New York, and Mrs. Russell motored from" New York and were weekâ€"end guests of his sisters Mrs. H. A. Nicholls and Miss Russell. Mr. Edward Robinson attended the Cosgrove â€" Doherty wedding at God- erich on Wednesday. Reserve Saturday afternoon, July 5th to hear Hon. Peter Heenan, Minisâ€" ter of Labor at the Masonic Hal], Richmond Hill. The ladies of this district are cordi- ally invited to attend a rally which will be held in the Palace Theatre, Newmarket on Thursday afternoon, July 3rd at 3 p. m. daylight saving time. The speakers include Hon. Sen- ator Cairine Wilson and W. P. Mulock candidate in North York. Mrs. Watson, Miss Watson and Mrs. Grant, of Toronto, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Austin, Centre Street, West. Capt. Royle and Lieut. McCombes who have had charge of the local Salvation Army Corps here, for the past year left yesterday to resume new duties in other places. Capt. Royle was trans- ferred to West Toronto and Lieut. Mc- Combes to Hespler. , Wednesday, June 25th at Goderich, Ontario, Miss Eleanor Fem Dougherty to James E. Cosgrove, B.A. of Rich- mond Hill, Ont. (Anglican) Richmond Hill 2nd Sunday after Trinity 8 a. m.â€"H01y Communion 10 a. m.â€"Sunday School 11 a. m.â€"M0rning Prayer and Litany. 7 p. m.â€"â€"Evening Prayer. Social and Personal MARRIED COSGROVE â€" DOUGHERTY â€"On THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, OMAR???- ST. MARY’S CHURCH We extend congratulations to W. E. (Bill) Wiley, who to-day Thursday, June 26th, celebrates his seventyâ€"fifth birthday. Mr. Wiley although now a resident of Toronto is a Richmond Hill "old boy†who never forgets the home town. He is a never failing visitor to any doings in this district and he has many warm friends here who We are sure join with The Liberal in ex- tending congratulations and best wish- GS. The members of Victoria L.O.L. 2368 and Empire Lodge L.O.B.A. of Richmond Hill will attend divine serv- ice at the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Rev. D. Marshal the minister will have charge of the service. Commencing Saturday, June 28th. Canadian National full summer train service will be in effect. Northbound train for Muskoka, Lake of Bays and other points leave Richmond Hill 9.29 a. m. standard time daily except Sun- days. Patrons will note this is earlier Lhan at present. New northbound night train leaves Richmond Hill 11.30 day for Parry Sound, Sudbury and in- termediate points. L.().L. AND L. 0. B. A. TO ATTEND DIVINE SERVICE Northbound, Friday only, extra train leave Richmond Hill at 5.15 p. m. stan- dard time for Muskoka and Parry Sound. Northbound, Saturday only, extra irain leave Richmond Hill 1.10 p. m. for Muskoka and Parry Sound. LATE MRS. JAMES ELLXS The community was greatly shocked in hearing of the death of Mrs. Marg- aret Matilda Bassingthwaite, wife of James Ellis. Mrs. Ellis who under- went an operation at the Toronto General Hosiptal on Thursday was ap- parently improving until she sudden- ly contracted pneumonia, passing a- way Sunday, June 22nd. The late Mrs. Ellis, a daughter of the late Pet- cr Bassing'thwaite was born at Patter- son in 1875 and was a lifelong resident of this vicinity. The funeral service was held at her late residence Centre Street East on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. G. Coulter and Rev. F. Bowes ofï¬ciating. A Interment ï¬nllowed at Richmond Hill cemetery. The many Richmond Hill cemetery. The many and beautiful floral tributes showed the esteem in which deceased was held in the community. Left to mourn besides her husband are three daughters and two son, Mrs. P. C. Siber, of White Plains, N.Y. Mrs. Lauder Glass, of Richmond Hill; Marion of Toronto; Graham and Bry- don at home. ley. Miss Hazel Monkman, cousin of the bride was bridesmaid, gowned in blue crepe with lace trimming, blue mohair hat, white kid shoes and glov- es, and carried a bouquet of Columbia roses. Little Miss Flora Browning, niece of the bride was flower girl, gowned in pink crepe with hat to mat- ch, and carried a basket of pink sweet mas. Mr. Harry Bourne was best fman. The ushers were Mr. Norman Chatterly and Mr. Earle Browning. During the signing of the register Miss Constance Mortson, of Toronto, sang. Miss Mortson, of Oak Ridges, presided at the organ. After the ceremony, a reception was held at the' home of the bride’s parents, after which the happy couple left on a short motor trip. The bride travelling in 1 navy ‘blue ensemble with hat and‘ shoes to match. On their return‘ they will reside at 42 Lynd Avenue Toronto. JUDGES â€"â€" BROWNING St. John’s Anglican Church, Oak Ridges was the scene of a very inte- resting wedding, when Vera Louise, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Browning, became the bride of Mr. Edward Judges, son of the lqte Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Judges. The Rev. Mr. Soanes, ofï¬ciated. The bride wore a charming gown of white satin and radium lace, her veil was of net fash- icned in cap style with orange blos- soms and she carried a shower bouquet of butterfly roses and lily of the val- THREE QUARTERS OF‘ A CENTURY OBITUARY C. N. R. SERVICE WEDDING WEDNESDAY, JULY 2nd °=0==Ol=lo= The primary dept. of the United Church Sunday School are holding their picnic on Mr. Angle’s lawn, Yonâ€" ge Street on Wednesday, July 2nd at 3 o’clock. Mothers and babies and all those interested in the primary work are cordially invited to come along and give the kiddies a good time. Bas- kct Lunch. Twenty six rinks competed at the open tournament held at Richmond Hill on Wednesday afternoon. It was an ideal day and a pleasant after- noon and evening of bowling was enâ€" joyed. Rinks were present frOm Tor- onto, Weston, Aurora, Tottenham, Unionville, Markham, Stouffville, Schomberg‘ and three local rinks com- peted. First prize was won by skip W. Cowan, of High Park Club; second by skip Dr. Bartholmew, of Newmark- at, and third by skip J. Thompson, of Oakwood Club. UNITED SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNI( 6:01 STRA‘VBERRY FESTIVAL ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 2nd North York Liberal Women’s Rally flaws. afternoon, July 3 Mrs. N. Mathews, Pres. Newmarket Ladies Reform Association HEN. SENATOR CAIRINE WILSON BUTTONVILLE MORGAN BAKER, J. President North York Reform Association Bowling Notes Friday PALACE THEATRE NEWMARKET ubhc Meeting Stouï¬ville Arena DUNNING Candidate m NOrth York and Others. AFTERNOON U “L J ' At 2.30 p.m. Standard Time All Ladies most cordially invited W. P. MULOCK at 3 p. m. (Daylight Saving Time) in the interest of 10:0] Minister of Finance Attend This Meeting and Hear Canada’s Finance Minister. W. P. MULOCK HON. CHARLES WILL SPEAK ORPHEUS QUARTETTE SPEAKERS: to be held in IN THE 10:0] 10:0 June 27â€"E1gin Mills vs. Lansing July 4â€"Unionville vs. Elgin Mills July 4â€"Lansing vs. Thomhill July 9â€"Thornhill vs. Elgin Mills, July llâ€"Lansing vs. Unionville‘ CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE HELD MEETING Col. Lennox the conservative candiâ€" date in North York opened his cam- paign in this district with a public: meeting in Richmond Hill last Thurs- day evening. J. H. Sanderson acted as chairman and the speakers included: Hon. Dr. Manion, of Fort William}. Clifford Case, M.L.A., Earl Rowe, exâ€" M.P., of Simcoe and the candidate†There was a good attendance and afl the speakers received an attentive hearing. LADIES SOFTBALL SCHEDULE 013’ THE SUBURBAN YONGE LEAGUE ‘ In order that the circulation {IE Books in the Library may have the largest possible use among its patrons the Librarian acting on suggestion cf the Department is offering any reâ€" sponsible person the loan of from 4 to 8 volumes for use during the next two: months Without any penalty, for the excess time, whatever that may be during the above period. Trusting this offer will be largely taken advanâ€" tage of the Librarian will be glad to serve all patrons Saturday night at“ this week, but owing to the holiaay the Library will be closed Tuesday, July lst. LANGSTAFFVGOSPEL MISSION Garden Avenue, Langstaff DR. M. H. BLANDIN, Pastor Sunday â€" 11 a. m. Sunday School Sunday 7 p. m.â€"Gospel Message by the Pastor. Monday â€"â€" 8 p. m. Young People Wed. â€"â€" 8 p. m. Bible Exposition‘ J uls7 l IBRARY NOTES J. H. NAUGHTON Lenora Starr, Sec. Newmarket Ladies Reform Association I0=°=O=O' 10=0=0=° PAGE FIVE! “ Secretary