UNIONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL EEEPORT FOR JUNE 1930 ' Senior TVâ€"Evelyn Perkin 85, Harry Maynard 83, Gladys Dyke 82, Donald Sabiston 79, Dorothy Hun-e1 78, Gladys Silver 77, Dorothy White 75, Eileen Smith 68, Charles Gray 64, George Stonehouse 63, Ruby Lunau 62, Mary 'Mustard 59, Howard LaRose 56, Halv- er Lunau 51. Following pupils were promoted on iheir years work. Senior IIIâ€"Joan Sabiston 85, Shir~ iey Brown 84, Davison MacKay 83, Doreen Gooding 76, Evelyn Smith 74, Harry McGimpsey 71, Nettie Burn- ham 68, Gordon Fuller 54, Norman Pellatt 37. fJun‘ior III~â€"-Lenora MacKay 80, An- *zfle Maynard 74, Margaret Rush 69, Alberta Stiver 68, Lloyd Rudkin 66, Norma Penstone 65, N. MacPher- $011 62, Arnold Court 58, Marjory .Stonehouse 55, Murry MacKinnon 50. Junior to Senior Thirdâ€"Lenora MacKay 80 per cent; Annie Maynard 34 per cent. and Alberta Stiver 71 per Senior III to Junior IVâ€"Shiriey Erown 80 per cent; Joan Sabiston 84 per cent; Davison MacKay 81 per cent. A. M. Hill, Principal Benin!“ LIIâ€"Margaret Gray 76, Gordon Stiver 74, Roberta Allen 70, June Ken- nedy 68, John Coulson 67, David Lea €37, Audrey Maynard 57, Luella Cle~ ments 55,.Jean Forester 50. {PAGE EIGHT PLYMOUTH and DeSOTO FARGO TRUCKS SEE-gland Eights. Products ofChrysler N 1 SALES and SERVICE. ' Vnndn Qt Rinhmnnd Hill m0 Fnrmpr Dominion Hotel. ELGIN MILLS We are exclusive representatives in this district for the Famous Castro] MOTOR OIL. It pays to use the Best. Call here for your next change of oil and be assured of good service and quality products. HAROLD REID’S Service Station “SCHOOL REPORT CASTROL OIL Sieberling Tires MORGAN BAKER, President North York Reform Association Hon. Peter Heenan w: (h which is amalgamazcd THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA THE CANADIAN BAN K. OF COMMERCE PUBLIC MEETING Saturday afternoon, July 5th GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE Yonge St., Richmond Hill. BAND IN ATTENDAN CE Talented Entertainers will contribute to the Programme. Masonic Hall, 'Richmond Hill Minister of Labor. . Mulock the Candidate and others. with which is amalgamated Motor Accessories 3 o’Clock Daylight Saving Time. } Junior IIâ€"Charles Maynard 70, Eleâ€" anor Parkinson 65, Reginald Perkin 63, Dorothy Maynard 61, Dorothy Fuller 60, Howard Stiver 52, Muriel Penstone 38. Junior Primerâ€"Be‘rnice Anderson, Lillian Hawkins, Barbara Wasson, Donald Stiver, Velda Perkin, June Bowes, Helen Ogden, Charles Minten, Robert Conn (absent) Class Iâ€"Marie Forester 91, Beatrice Mustard 88, Goldaline Wasson 87, Marie Stiver 73, Olive Martin 61, John Clements 58, Eileen Stiver 53, Wesley Clements 45, Richard Maynard, absent Senior Primerâ€"Gwendolyn Brown, Kennetif Stiver, Phyllis Parkinson, ‘Roy Goodyear, William Goodyear, James Sabiston, Frederick Wright, Douglas Ogden. l r J. Malloy, teacher ‘ The following pupils passed on their years work. Per cent. necessary (70) 7 Senior I to Senior IIâ€"Marie Forest- er 82, Beatrice Mustard 76, Marie Stivâ€" er 71. The following are promotions from Senior Pr. to Class I in order of merit. Gwendolyn Brown, Kenneth Stiver, I‘hyllis Parkinson, Roy Goodyear, Wm. Goodyear, Jas. Sabiston, Frederick Wright, Douglas Ogden (Rec.) Its. Garber: “Just wonderful. My husband has just had a nervous break- down, and we’re going to Florida for the winter.â€â€"Phthfinder. HOORAY FOR THE INVALID Mrs. Blabber “you’re looking very happy this morning. Have you had good news?†SPEAKERS : IN THE Gas and Oil ONTARIO The installation and investiture of Ithe Worshipful Master and ofï¬cers of lPatterson Lodge No. 265 A.F.&A.M. “as held on Tuesday evening, June 24, 1930. The ceremony was conducted . by present and past Grand Lodge ofï¬c- ers and the Past Masters of the Lodge V. W. Bro. J. A. Thompson acting as Installing Master. The following are the staff of ofï¬cers for the ensuing yearzâ€"W. M., W. Bro. Brown 1.P.M., Bro. Chas. P. Hills; S.W. Bro. Neil McDonald; J.W, Bro. rl‘hos. John- stone; Chaplain, Bro. Edward Harper; Treasurer, R.W. Bro. J. E. Francis; ]Secretary, V.W. Bro. J. A. Thompson; Assistant Secretary, W. Bro. R. Jarrett Organist, Bro. W.R. Howard; D. of C. W. Bro. G. Davies; S.D., Bro. Robt. McIntosh; J.D. Bro. W.A. Hay; S.S., Bro. Garth Tassie; J. S., H. S. Sparks; lI.G. Bro. Donald Ross; Tyler, Bro. [J .A. Warling. PATTERSON LODGE A. F. & A. M. OFFICERS INSTALLED xv- Following the ceremony W.Bro. E. Brown the newly installed Master pre- sented W. Bro. Hills, the retiring Mas- ter on behalf of the lodge with a Past Master's Jewel suitably engraved, W. Bro. Hills in replying to the present. ation expressed the great pleasure he had experienced while presiding over ‘the destinies of Patterson Lodge. At .the conclusion of the ceremony the ‘brethren adjourned to the banquet hall when a sumptuous repast was enjoyed by all. Patterson Lodge has just finished a very successful year, having thirteen new members and two afï¬li- .ations and six candidates awaiting in- itiation. " 'ï¬ekï¬c‘ï¬ï¬rs, R. W. Bro. W.E. Hop- king’s and W. Bro. D.W. Cooper, pre- sented the auditors report which indi- cated the healthy financial condition of the lodge. __ a.“ 1-! Frank Lock. Captain of the Ontario Professional Golfer’s Association, an- nounced last night that the next match of the association will be held on Thur- sday (toâ€"day) at the Thornhill Golf and Country Club. It will be a 36 hole medal round commencing at 9 a. m. The Thornhill Club is giving the association a luncheon. A social evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Frances Sinclair on Tuesday, June 23rd, when the senior fourth class of Langstaff School gath- ered to pay honour to their teacher Miss Marion Forrester. On behalf of the class Arthur Crawford presented her with a beautiful ivory picture frame while Chas. Noble read the ad- dress. Miss Forrester in a few words thanked the class for their gift as an expression of kindness. _ A surprise party in the form of a miscellaneous shower was held last Thursday evening at the home of Miss Mernice Findlay when about forty young people gathered to express their friendship to Miss Jessie Shelly. On entering the living room the bride to be was ushered to a chair that was beautifully decorated for the occasion. After opening the parcels Miss Shelly thanked her friends for their lovely and useful gifts. The evening was tlfen spent socially. “MNigénï¬zva-zel Oke, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. Oke on Supday. Games of the ladies softball league to be played during the following week are, Friday, June 27th, Elgin Mills at Lansing; July 4th, Unionville at Elgin Mills and Lansing at Thornhill. MASONIC SERVICE WELL ATTENDED V The Masonic Service which was held last Sunday in the United Church was well attended. Rev. W. E. Baker, of Orillia, preached the sermon in his us- ual interesting and eloquent manner. lHis subject was “Building Our Temp- le.†Miss Edna Wiltshire sang a solo “Hear Ye Israel,†and the choir an anthem “Soldiers of Christ Arise.†" Mis’s‘ Nellie Céverhill, of Toronto, visited \vith_Mr. and Mrs. Pitchforth on Sunday. J. H. NAUGHTON, Secretary Thornhill GOLF NEWS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HVEL, O_NTARIO Minister of Trade and Commerce for Canada who will speak at the opening meeting of W. P. Mulock’s campaign in Newmarket to-night (Thursday). C. G. Powers, chairman of the commit- tee which drafted the revision of the \-‘eteran's Pension Bill will also be one of the speakers. The offering was in aid of the Sick Children’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barr, who have been spending some months with Mrs. Nisbet left last Thursday to visit friends in London, St. Thomas and Virginia before returning to their home in California. In a regular league game on Wed- nesday. evening, Unionville defeated Thornhill ladies’ team by a score of 18-14. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, of Three Rivera, Quebec, are visiting Mrs. And- erson‘s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Sparling before moving to their home in St. Catherines. Miss Annie Cooper of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister Miss Agnes Cooper. Miss Hazel Oke, of Toronto, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Oke. ' Mr. and Mrs. Morley, of Weston, were the guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davis, of Langstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Francis and chil. dren and Mi§ses Margaret and Irene Lane spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Francis. A Baptismal and Cradle Roll service will take place in the United Church on Sunday, June 29th at 11 a. m. Mrs. A. J. Langford, of Toronto, and Mrs. A. W. Galbraith will be the speakers. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Hodson, of Bradford, were guests of Mr; and Mrs. J. A. Thompson on Sgggay._ Mr.‘ Pike, of Willoivdale, is the preâ€" slding officer here during the 'entrance examinations. At the annual golf tournament of the Bank of Nova Scotia Recreation Club held Saturday, June 2151: at the Royal York Golf Club among one hun- dred players who teed off We congrat- ulate Mr. J. Wesley Thompson who won second best net score 70. At the York County Council session last week the application from the :esidents of Thornhill for incorpor- ation as a Police Village was received and passed. Next January the elect- urs will elect three trustees to admin- ister the affairs of the village. HILL ANNUAL FIELD DAY on Tuesday, July lst. Let’s make it the biggest and best in the history of the Association. ’ BRiiWNâ€"On Wednesday, June 18th to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, Col- bourne Street, a son. 7 BIRTH CLAPHAMâ€"On Wednesday, June 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clapham a daughter. HAYESâ€"Oh Saturday, June let to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayes, 3. son. Rev. J. J. snarling, D. D. 10 a. m.~Young Men’s Classâ€"M. J. Johnson, teacher. 11 a. m.â€"â€"Mrs. A. J. Langford, Bap- tismal and Cradle R011 service. m 7 rhiriâ€"Vâ€"Fl‘ihé FaétBrâ€"Subject, “Slip- pery Places.†The entrance examination is being held here in the Public School this week. Mr. A. C. McDonald, principal of the school is presiding at the exams in Woodbridge. 2.30 p. m.â€"Sunday School. Mr. A. W. Galbraith, Superintepgient._m__ ACCIDENT TO AN OPTIMIST - “Waitressâ€"“Oh, I’m sorry I spilled water all over you.†Patronâ€"“That’s perfectly all right, the suit was too large anyway.†LITTLE SURPRISE “Joe has a glass eye.†"Did he tell you that ‘1†“No; it just came out in the com vcrsation.†The stage is all sej: for THORNâ€" THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH HON. JAMES MALCOLM SOCIAL and PERSONAL Real Values at Low Prices 1929 FORD STANDARD COUPE PHONE I'M-W SAVE a trip to town. Deposits sent by mail will receive careful and prompt attention, and you will receive an immediate acknowledgment of your deposit. 41: IMPERIAL BANK 0|= (AHADA Former Dominion Hotel. F. .Y. W. Brathwaite Phone 18 HEAD OFFICE Free Flowing Fertilizers Stiver Bros.†RICHMOND HILL CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED FERTILIZER DIVISION Little Brothers USED CARS $450.00 lr'Z" FORD COUPE $1 J n Excellent Condition $75.00 Oil Stoves $60.00 I $50.00 See the New Models Here One and Two Burner. OVENS. WICKS AND SUPPLIES Try Us For Coal Oil. ABE PLEASE!) T0 ANNOUNCE THE Al’PfllNTMENT 0F Deposit by Mail THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 71930 Branches a1 Nowmarkei. Aurora, Schomberg. Bolion New Perfection as dealers in this territory for C-I-L FERTILIZERS Ford Sales and Service Richmond Hill, Ontario Prompt Delivery 1928 CHRYSLER COUPE 1924 STAR COUPE 1923 FORD COUPE 1922 FORD COUPE TERMS LIMITED UNIONVILLE AND STOUFFVILLE. ONT. J. A. GROSKURTH. Manager Richmond Hill TORONTO RICHMOND HILL ClF-ID