Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jul 1930, p. 1

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°=0g0=0=0=0= 0=0=0=z ‘ fl Wednesd’y flThursday H Friday VOL. LII. AT 7.30 and 9.30 SATURDAY 2.00 and 6.30 CAPITOL Movietone News ===m=m 0:0] 9=0==l0=0==0m 9, 10, 11 iomedy “ Fifty Million Husbands ” JULY Comedy Honeymoon Zepplin l'nder this law the operator’s license and his motor vehicle permit will be suspended until the holder has given proof of his financial respon- sibility if any of the following offences have been committed in Ontario or any other Province of the Dominion of Canada or in any of the Stat- es of the United States; or if he has not paid any final judgment 3- gainst him for damages caused to any person to the limit of $5000.00 for any one person and 310.000.00 if two or more persons have been in- jured or to the property of another in excess of $100.00 and up to 310- 00.00 arising out of a motor vehicle accident whether such judgment be rendered against him in Ontario or in any other Province of Canada. Safety Responsibility Law 01 Ontario “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” Telephone 87 â€" Yonge Street Drive with care, courtesy and common sense The number of fatal accidents from motor cars in Ontario been as follows: THEATRE FOLLOWING ARE THE OFFENCES MENTIONED IN THE ACT = 53/5630 C Pontiac B 1\ICLaughl13"BUle SAEEEMEEE HISLERVI ALL NIGHT SERVICE 1926 1927 WARNING TO MOTORISTS Reckless driving if any injury to any person or property. Racing on the Highway or exceeding the speed limit if any injury to any person occurs in connection therewith. Failing to remain at or return to the scene of an accident. Driving without a license. Any criminal offence involving use of a motor vehicle which in- cludes any conviction for driving a motor car while intoxicated. If damage be done to person or property of others the operator’s license or motor vehicle permit which has been suspended WILL NOT BE RESTORED UNTI/L DAMAGES AWARDED BY THE COURT IN ANY PROVINCE HAVE BEEN PAID. Proof of financial responsibility will also be required for the future. Let us furnish that proof for you in the nature of an automobile insur- ance policy with an authorized insurance company. Ful1\particu- lars may be obtained from J. R. HERRINCTON SHOWS 10:0 Saturday Matinee only 2 p. m. TOM MIX 1N “SKY HIGH ” MICKEY’S FOLLY HOVIETONE NEWS 0 ===0=0=0=0=0F 298 422 0:0] (Approved â€"~ U) COMEDY NEWS Shade of thé Old Apple Tree The Rogue Song N 0 W PLA YIN G LAWRENCE TlBBETT ADDED ATTRACTION “ANNA , cums“: » 9 . Euoméz’ONEILus I DRAMATIC SUéCESé 'OEO 1928 1929 In ouomouom 0=O=Om0 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1930 Richmond Hill 0:01 “In Esséntials, UnityglniV9nâ€"csse‘nt fals, DEW; has 477 576 John H. Sanderson Pioneer Resident Called By Death The death occurred shortly after} one o’cloek to-day (Thursday) of Johnl H. Sanderson, Richmond Hill’s oldest native resident. Mr. Sanderson has been in ailing health for some time having suffered with heart attacks ‘but of late his condition has been ‘much improved. Shortly after dinn~ er he walked to the bank where he transacted business and was on his way home when suddenly stricken be- fore he reached Centre Street just a few doors from his home. Medical aid was immediately summoned but in a few minutes just as the doctor ar- rived he paSSed away. Death was due to heart attack. The death of John Sanderson reâ€" moves one of the district’s oldest and most highly respected citizens. He was in his eighty fourth year, was ‘born in Richmond Hill, carried on busJ iness here for many years, and lived almost his whole life in this district. He is survived by his wife, formerly Elizabeth Linfoot who is now in‘her eighty-thi1‘d year. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary four years ago. At the time of going to preSS funer- al arrangements haVe not been com- pleted‘ Room I From Jr. IV to Senior IVâ€"Nora Elliot, Douglas Gilbert, George Hawks Room II Richmond Hill Public School 1 Midsummer Exam Results From Jr. IV to Sr. IVâ€"â€"-Dorothy Barraclough (H); Fred Carter; Bry- don Ellis, ‘(passed on year‘s work); Ross Ficht, Metro Fortuk, (Rec); Jack Hall, Robert Hall, Mildred Haworth, Isabelle Herell, Mary R. Kozak, Gorâ€" don McKenzie, .Dougias Palmer, Helen |Phinney, May Ross, Edna Young. ' From Senior III to Junior IV-Wil- fred Binns, Murray Blanchard, Matt- lhew BOyle, William Buchanan, Robt. Casement, Jimmie Donald (R) Herbert Elliott; Dora Fortuk (H), Marg- aret Frisby, Shirley Hill (H), Harris Hord (H), Herberta Leech, Lewis Mabley, Kalervo Mackiy, Geoffrey Paris, Ilene Petch, Harold Sanderson, Selah Smith, Lovica Wigmore (H), Henry Williams. Room III From Senior III to Junior IVâ€"-Ruth Angle, William Bales, Evelyn Brown, Kathren Mackiy, Martha Mackiy, Alex Paterson, Harold Patton, Geo Stong, dgrtrude Taylor, Harry Corner (Rec) From Junior 111 to Senior IIIâ€"Gor- don Armstrong (Rec), Reta Bailey, Florence Barker (Rec), Tom Beeby (Hon.), Edmund_ Brown, Edith DeadJ man, Mary Donald, Elsie Espey (Rec) George Graham, Wallace Graham, iWinnifred Haworth (Rec.) Meme J en- kins (Hon) Els'e Ley, Roy Lunau (H) Kaisu Mackiy, %elen MacGibbon (H) Velma Monkman, Mar? Paterson, Dorâ€" othy Reid, Ellen Richardson, Richard Richardson, Edgar Rodgman (Hon), Beatrice Rumble, Audrey Smith, Gladys Stanford, Kathleen Turkewich (Hon) Room IV From Junior III to Senior IIIâ€"Therâ€" esa Allen, Marion Espey (Rec.), Jack Glenn, Harold Jones, Doris Taylor (R) Promoted to Junior III in February Lorraine Burns, Norma Mitchell, Doris Wade. From Senior 11 to Junior IIIâ€"Harry Althow, Wilson Beresford, Douglas Bowes, Mac Cooper, Nixie Fisher (H), Ralph Frisby, Herbert Gater (H), Lor- n‘a Gillings, Gladys Hambleton, Marie Hastings (H), Eileen Mabley (H), Nancy McKenzie, William Schurman (Rec.) Billy Wallis, Chaplie White, Eric Wilson (H), Elva Young, Jean Zuefelt (H). 10:0 F. E. RICHARDSON, teacher W. P. Mulock the candidate in Nor- th York who is attracting to his sup- port independent electors of all polit-i ical affiliation will be in Richmond Hill next Saturday afternoon. The Mulock campaign was opened last Thursday evening with a rousing and enthusiastic rally in Newmarket when Hon. James Malcolm, Minister of Trade and Commerce and C. G. Pow- ers, chairman of the committee which drafted the new legislation for veter- an and veterans dependents were the principal speakers. Room V From Senior II to Junior IIIâ€"Don- ald Barraclough (Rec.) Joe Brillinger Jack Collin, Jimmie Fish (Rec.), Mar- ie Linstead, Willie Marshall, Ethel Mitchell (Rec.), Roy Russell, Milton :Savagé, Sydney'Seatter, Byron Shiele pard, Bernice Taylor, (Rem), Teddy Whalen. Passed to Senior II in Februaryâ€" Etta Donald, Bobbie Reid. Junior 11 to Senior IIâ€"George Bell, Reta Daly, Grac‘e Dewsbfury, Billie Downs, Clarice Downs, Dorothy Eden, Billie Hall, Stanley Haworth (Hon), ‘Geneveve LaGue, Ronald Lunau, Nor- man Mabley, Stewart Tyndall, Marg- aret ngster, Murray Whalen. Passéd to Junior II in February â€" ‘Laura Frisby, Mollie Secrett, Eric Srigley. Carolina Switalski (Hon), Evelyn Woods (Hon.) §enior I to Junior IIâ€"Elg’in Barrow, Harry Bowen (Hon), Billie Glenn, Room VI Senior Ist to Junior IIndâ€"Victoria Beelich, Walter Chillman (Rec), Veta Colmer (H), Nellie Coveyduck, Alfred Elliott, Jack Evelyn (Rea), Mabel Gilâ€" bert (Rec.), Ruth Healey, Olga. Kozak (Rec.), Merton Lin'stead, Harold Mills, Violet Rice (Rec.) Laura Richards (H) Douglas Saunders. Junior lst to Senior lstâ€"â€"Phyllis Angle, Billy Barnett, Muriel Barrow, Evelyn Brillinger, Donglas Brown, Edna Fish, Arthur Gater, Fred Leech, Douglas Paisley, Donald Wellman, Arthur Williams, John Wilson (Rec.) Room VII To First Bookâ€"~Arthur Abbey, Robt Abbey, Ruth Brown (H), Jayce Brand- on (H), Marion Barker, Ivy Belgrade, Jim Butler, Mary Cowie (H), Erle Cook, June Colmer, Marguerite Daniel (H), Mary Duncan, Alice Donald, IBobby Edmunds, Mary Froud, Don ‘Ficht (H), Lionel Hastings, Margaret Hunt, (ill passed on years work); Amy Kozak, Eva Mihorean, George Monkâ€" man, Lloyd Robb, Charlie Rodgman (H), Victor Secrett, Ruth Tyndall, Gil- da Thompson, Doris Wood. Recommended from Primer B to lst Bookâ€"Fred Allen, Jimmie Bales, D. Manley, Ruth Richardson, Anna Robb, John Tracy, Kenneth Wood, Lorrine Wood. Recommended from Primer B to 1st sixteen ban teams colnpeted and Bookâ€"Fred Allen, Jimmie 33185, D- the winning teams were men’s, Silver- Manley, Rum RiChal'dsony Anna RObby woods first, Willowane Juniors second John Tracy, Kenneth Wood, LOI'I‘ineLadies’ softball, Oakwood first, Tor~ WOOd- onto’s second. Horseshoe pitching PrimerBto Primer Aâ€"Mabel BX‘OCk winners were: first, Ted Smith and Florence ESPeYy Sidney Leopard: ROYison; second, Delos Hamilton and Isaac McLeod, Henry“ RichardSOn, Deane McEaghren, Weuman, Lily Wilson- Sports winners wereâ€"Girls’ race, mouomonogouomzomom W. P. MULOCK HERE SATURDAY AFTERNOON On Saturday, June 28th Mr. and Mrs James B. McLean celebrated their ~tâ€"went-yâ€"fifth» wedding anniversary. About thirty-five guests were present {to dinner and the bride and groom 9f a quarter of a century ago were the' recipients of the congratulations and best wishes of their friends. Rev. Bowman ably acted as master of cere- monies and a short program of speech- es was carried out. A pleasant feat-l ure was the presentation of a beautiw ful bouquet of twenty-five roses to; Mr. and Mrs. McLean by J. T. Saigeon on behalf of the gathering. The Lib- eral joins with the people of this dist- rict in extending to the esteemed Clerk of Vaughan Township and to Mrs. McLean congratulations and sincere ’ good wishes for continued health, hap- Ipiness and prosperity. l Miss M. E. Bailey left on Monday ‘morning to accept a position as Interne tor a year in Hurley Hospital at Flint iMichigan. June 28th Mr. and Mrs I'six and under, Margaret Henry, Julian ‘Smith, Hope Hadley; men’s high jump J. Harwood, second, Bud Armstrong; ladies’ high jump, tie between Hazel Starland and Mildred Fazzell; men’s race, open to Vaughan, Patrick 0. Gorman, Russell Rowntree, Jimmy ‘McCluskey; married ladies, Mrs. G. Lansing, Mrs. Parson, Mrs. W. J. Reid, Single ladies, Mildred Fazzell, G. Tur- ner; men’s 200 yards, for Eckardt tro- On Saturday, 'ames B. McLean celebrated their wenty-fifth wedding anniversary. about thirtyâ€"five guests were present ;0 dinner and the bride and groom of 1 quarter of a century ago were the 'ecipients of the congratulations and sest wishes of their friends. Rev. Bowman ably acted as master of cere- monies and a short program of speech- as was carried out. A pleasant feat-' are was the presentation of a beauti- Phyi J- HarWOOd’ Tommy Cooper; 01" ful bouquet of twenty-five roses to man’s race) wm- W°°dsi Ted smith; Mr. and Mrs, McLean by J. T. Saigeoniboys, 15 and under, Gordon Dalton, tn behalf of the gathering. The Lib- King; Henry Morris, Wesley Dew; eral joins with the people of this dist- boys, 10 years and under, Gordon On- rict in extending to the esteemed ClerkIEddie Luna: N915“ Luld', bOYS, 6 and of Vaughan Township and to Mrs. lander, Roy Gibson, Jim Reid, Ralph McLean congratulations and Sincere Smith; girls 15 and under, Mildred good Wishes for continued health, hap- T321911: H919.“ St- Clair, Phyllis R01“- piness and prosperity_ ley; girls, 10, Phyllis Routley, Eflie Miss M, E, Bailey left On Monday Mashinter, Jean Park. The prize for morning to accept a position as Interne the largest family Went to William tor a year in Hurley Hospital at Flint 3111713, WhiCh Was eleven in number Michigan. and a smoked ham the prize. Allen Grace Johnson, Mary Johnson and Knight distributed 200 souvenirs beâ€" Dofis Cook passed the Elememarfgtween and after races. The lucky Rudiments examination at the Toronto BiCket for number entering grounds Conservatory of Music with First'fell to Mrs. P. Bell, who won a com- Class Honours. Don-s Cook, the prLifortable blanket as a prize. One mile mary Piano 'with honours. Hazel 099“ race, W951” Miner, Earl Camp‘ Castator and Catharine McQuarrie the bell- Elementary piano with honours. The . above are all pupils of Margaret Hend- BOWllng NOteS ry,A.T.C.M. â€"--- ‘ 1 _,-,,1_ _e-.i.. “a -4‘ M‘- and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Phillips and daughter Violet, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burns and son Harry motorpd to Stay- ner and spent the Week-end at‘Wasago Beach, later motoring to the Blue Mountain Cave where lots of snow and ice were to be seen in the cave. u"- 'â€"___ THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT.“ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 RM. EVENXNGS 7 AND 9 P. Favored with ideal weather Maple annual Field Day was held last Satur- day and was very successful. The afternoon was featured by Softball games, horseshoe pitching, and a war ied program of athletic events for which valuable prizes were given. In ‘the evening the concert and dance were largely attended and much enjoyed by lthe large crowd. Prize Winnlers At Maple Field Day. A Spectacular Forcas‘ of Love and Life Ten Years.Hence. THE LIGHT OF WESTERN STAR 'omedy ‘ ‘Strong Sex” Our Gang Comedy Novelty Gus Edward: THE GREEN GODDESS SATURDAY AND MONDAY, LONDON IN - WITH â€" H. B. WARNER ALICE JOYCE TALKING COMEDY NOVELTY â€"â€" SONG OF THEISLAND TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 9 HIGH TREASON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JULY â€" WITH â€"â€" RICHARD ALLEN and MARY BRIAN GEORGE ARLISS ZANE GRAY’S Comedy “ Moan and Groan ” Edwards “ International ReVIew ” Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE A local rink made up of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Glass and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Eden took part in the Mixed Tournâ€" ament at Tottenham on Dominion Day and was successful in winning the second prize. The prizes were electric grills and boudoir lamps. RURAL HIGH AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS â€"â€" BASKET PICNIC OF YORK COUNTY A picnic will be held at Crosby Mem-~ orial Park and Hall, Unionville, Ont. at 3 p. m. (daylight saving time) Wed- nesday, July 9th. A general invitatior is extended to all Inspectors, Teachers Pupils and friends of the rural High and Public schools of York County. Bring your lunch baskets and have : gala afternoon and evening. Then is a splendid hall with all convenience: ‘in case of unfavorable weather. Sport: are to be held for all and prizes will b9 donated. The event is promoted by ‘Mr. A. J. H. Eckhardt who is donating liberal prizes. Sound News in London No. 10, 11

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