A very successful celebration was held at beautiful Lake Marie on Dom- 31:10:! Day under the auspices of the Lake Marie and King Athletic Associ- ation. A large crowd was in atten- dance and the various games and ath- letic events were keenly contested. In the evening the dance on the lawn of the beautiful estate of Sir Henry Pell- abt was very much enjoyed. We have inour window a branch of red currants and a branch of rasp- berries bearing ripe fruit from the garden of W. T. Pearson, Edgar Ave. A beautiful bouquet of pOppies in our window this week is from the garden of George Caldwell, Richmond Street. Mr. Caldwell although seventy-one years old, or rather should we say sev- entyâ€"one years young has one of the best gardens in this district. His fame as a grower of flowers and vegetables is well-known and a visit to his well kept garden is a pleasure which many local residents have enjoyed during the past week. Even the Chief of Police is not im- mune from the activities of offenders against the law. Tuesday night Chief Barraclough had his car ransacked by unknown visitors who stole his flash- light and numerous articles stored in the pockets of the car. Reaxh Township has turned to someâ€" thing really practical. On Saturday, July 5th under the firection 0f the 10â€" cal Agricultural Representative :1 turâ€" nip hoeing contest will be staged for a iong list of valuable prizes. In these modern days of novel con- tests and endurance tests of all kinds McClarey’s ELECTRiC RANGES PAGE EIGHT {it‘hmond Hill 'Siï¬xié’smand Eights. Products of Chrysler PLYMOUTH and DBSOTO GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE Sieberling Tires Motor Accessories G‘ ELGIN MILLS â€" We are exclusive representatives in this district for the Famous Castrol MOTOR OIL. It pays to use the Best. Call here for your next change of oil and be assured of good service and quality produets. ~ HAROLD REID’S Service Station CASTROL OIL FORKS and RAKES HOES, RAKES, SPADES DIGGING FORKS \C. N. COOPER AND RANGETTES GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS Hardware Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Jfltario Alfred Looker. 249 Bradford Street, Allandale, died yesterday from injur- zes he received at Richvale, on Mon- day night when he was crushed by a car. Looker was repairing a tire on the highway when a car in charge of M. E. MacCarl, 83 Beachwood [Ave., Hamilton, police stated, was forced in- fo him by an impact from the rear by a car which made its escape. Police are searching for the driver of the rtiachine which is held responsible for the fatality. The 55th anniversary of the opening of Bolton Presbyterian Church was celebrated on Sunday. At both mornâ€" ing and evening services the church was taxed to capacity. Rev. Peter Taylor, B. A., of Toronto was the spec- ial speaker for the day. Constable Ernest A. Kirk, of New- market, who has resigned from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police force to become a York County constable. He was appointed by the county coun- cil to succeed his father, the late Sergt T. Kirk. Constable Kirk was station- ed at Fort Resolution, beyond the arc- tic circle for 6 years. The Richvale Sunday school will hold their annual picnic at Wilcox Lake on Thursday, July 10th, weather permitting. Trucks will leave the church at one o’clock (Daylight saving time.) All parents of the Sunday School children are cordially invited to attend. Others are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leishman who have resided here for .the past two years are leaving this week to take up resi- dence in Winnipeg. The best wishes (if their host of friends go with them for every success in their new home. Monday, July 7 Vaughan Cunncél The Regular July Meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore, on ' atlp.m. for the transaction of general business. J. B. McLEAN, Clerk Richvale Gas and Oil ONTARIO Juniorsâ€"Sack Raceâ€"Albert Taylorâ€l Silverthorn school; Florence Scales; Silverthorn Schonl; Dorothy MacRit-r chie, Silverthorn School. Fifty yard' run, Girls 5 and 6 yearsâ€" Margaret Henry, Maple; Audrey Park, Toronto; Florence Wilson, Thornhill. Fiftyl yard race, Boys 5 and 6 yearsâ€"Arthur. Palmer, Thornhill; Ray Pallister, ofl Thornhill; Jackie Roberts. Toronto.‘ Fifty yard run, girls 7 and 8 yearsâ€"i Janet Ellacott, Thornhill; Doris Wilâ€"l son, Thornhill; Vera Taylor, Silver-3 thorn. Fifty yard run, Boy 7 and 8 yearsâ€"Frank Davidson, Toronto; AL! bert Rawlinson, Langstaff; Allen: ,Glover, Lansing. Sack racc, boys and! ;girls Archie Finney, Gwens School;l EChas. Ellacott, Thornhill; Peggy Clivet iSilverthorn. Balloon Race, Boys and Girlsâ€"Betty Jones, Langstaff; Forena' Scales, Silverthorn; Jimmie Gates,l Langstaff. ’75 yard run, Girls 9 andI 10â€"Betty Jones, Langstaff; Helen Holley, Toronto; Janet Ellacott, Thornhill. 75 yard run, boys 9 and |10 yearsâ€"Paul Ridhering‘, Silverthorn; Bruce Findlay, Thornhill. Three- ilegged race, senior boys, Ed. Bayers and Jas. Morrison, Silverthorn; Ed. Gibert and Geo. O’Connor, Thornhill; Clif Broughtony and Ken Shaw, Silver- 'thorn. 75 yard run. girls 11 and 12 «yearsâ€"Teresina Scales, Silverthorn; Barbara Bird, Lansing; Winnie Holley ,Scarboro. 75 Yard run, boys 11 andi 12 yearsâ€"Bill Findlay, Thornhill; Al-“ bert Taylor, Sliverthorn; Howard Bry-‘ .an, Silverfhorn. '75 yard run, girls l13 to 15â€"V. Chomyk, St. .Mary’s R.C. Helen Sinclair, Langstaff; Wilkie Hooper, Thornhill. 75 yard run, boys 13 to 15â€"Jas. Morrison, Silverthorn; Geo. O’Connor, Thornhill; Edward Gil- bert, Thornhill. 3 legged race, junior boysâ€"Chas. Ellacott and Richard Say- ers, Thornhill; Albert Taylor and V. Raven, Silverthornh; Howard O’Brien and Paul Pethering, Silverthorn, Boys Softball Taï¬rnament â€" Scarâ€" boro, 2nd Silverthom. Girls Softball Silverthorn. Despite the showery Weather of Tuesday, July lst Thornhill annual Field Day was well attended and a splendid program of sports was carr- ied out. The supper served in the link by the ladies of the district was well patronized and the booths and games on the grounds were popular attractions. Had the weather been more favorable it would have been :1 record day at Thornhill as the large crowd despite the showers indicated what might have been expected under more favorable conditions. The ofï¬câ€" ers and committees had the events Well in hand and everything was con- ducted in an efï¬cient and orderly manner. Miss Madge Watts is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Allen PennyxToronto. Standing for the John Breakey Challenge cup for school§â€"â€"Silverth0111 43; Thornhill 27; Scarboro 14; Lang- staff 11; Lansing 3; Maple 3; St. Mary’s Toronto 3; GWen’s, Toronto 3. Miss Lilian Francis and Miss Greta Strangways of Toronto, left Tuesday on an extended trip to the coast. They intend visiting Vermillion, Prince A1- bert, Regina, Victoria and other points west. Miss Almeda Clubine is holidaying: in Muskoka. ~ Following are the prize winners in the sports held at Thornhill on July 1. Seniorâ€"Men’s Softball tournament Milkmen K.Y. League; Richmond Hill men. Ladies Softballâ€"Gee Bee Lad- ies; Lansing Ladies. Men’s Horse- shoe Pitching â€" Messrs Hamilton and McEachren, Woodbridge; Jarvis and Fitch, R. R. No. 2, Gormley. Ladies Horseshoe Pitchingâ€"Mrs. Napier, 11- 36 Woodbine Ave., Toronto, Mrs. Jack- son, 246 Lumsden Avenue, Toronto; Second, Miss H. Emerson, Miss Foster. Mrs. Thompson, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Sharpless and daughter Joan,‘spent the Week-end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Smell- ie. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Walt- er Luesby in thedeath of his mother who passed away Wednesday morning in Newmarket hospital. Fat Vman’s raceâ€"Mr. Myers, Wm. urday and hold a picnic at Lakeside Beamï¬rd Albgt 115911;. . F%ndfolgeg Park, Oshawa. Motors will leave race, orence ll‘C , urie ean. r . . . Reta Dean. Ladies Committee Race,lthe yank comm at 3 OCIOCk' A Miss Geraldine Wesleyy Mrs. Robert;splend1d program has been arranged Scott, May Campbell. Men’s Race, 371d 3 Very Pleasant OUting is antic:- cpen to allâ€"W. E. Sherrin, Eric White pated_ J. Chinnery. Married Women’s race, Mrs. Glover, Lansing; Mrs. Ray, 212 .MISS .Vema MCLean along WIth Crawford Street, Toronto. Mrs. O_ |MISS Alice Innes and her two brothers Bowes. Women’s Slow Race, MuriellGl‘ant and Dean is hOIidaying‘ 0“ Lake Dean‘ Ml‘S- FOI‘SOH, Reta Dean. LadJJoseph, Muskoka, at the summer cottâ€" if‘a: flice*Rg§:n'MI;/I;:- G1‘6‘éilgelbfsfgvt‘age of Mr. H. Innes. before returning Rage {Radford and Mccmsly Georgnlhome they inten'd motoring to North 7 A ’ ‘ Palmer and Mr. Wilson, Holmes andiBaff and SUdbUI‘y’ Gregor. Sucking bottle race, Mr. Wil- 'l‘hornhill Women’s Institute 5071, Mrs. Ray, JaCk Sykes~ l At the annual meeting of the Thorn- Juniorsâ€"Sack Raceâ€"Albert Taylor, 1. , . Silverthorn school; Florence Scales,lh‘“ womens InStltute held at the Silverthorn School; Dorothy MacRit-vhome 0f Ml's- Wm- Ridden) reports chie,Si1verthorn School. Fifty yard'submitted were encouraging and run, Girls 5 and 5 .VeaI‘Sâ€" Margaret showed the Institute to be in a flour- Henry, Maple; Audrey Park, Toronto; Florence Wilson, Thornhill. Fiftvlishing condition. Bales of clothing yard race, Boys 5 and 6 years_Arthu‘r|were sent to the needy in Northern Palmer, Thornhill; Ray Pallister, oflOntario and sixteen families were Thornhill; Jackie Roberts, TorontoiSent baskets of Good Cheer at Christ- Fifty yard run, girls 7 and 8 yearsâ€" Janet Ellacott, Thornhill; Doris Wil-imas‘ Last month th?.bra“°h held a son, Thornhm; Vera Taylor, SilVyer-isho\~'er for two families who were thorn. Fifty yard run. Boy 7 and 8_\'ery much in need. Five layettes Mrs. Joe Teeson left Sunday even- ing on an extended tyipr to the coast. We noticed among those present at the Thornhill Field Day on Tuesday, Mr. Harry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Tay- lor, Mr. Wm. Mundey, Miss Annie Cooper, all of Toronto and Mr. Thom- as McCormack of Maple. Mr. A. McDonald,_principal of the Public school here left toâ€"day for Guelph, he will take a five weeks cour- se. Rev. J. J. Sparling. D. D. 11 a. m.â€"â€"Some great National gifts 2.30 p. m.â€"Sunday School. Mr. A. W. Galbraith, Superintendent. 7 p. m.â€"The advantage of height. 10 a. m.â€"-â€"Young Men’s Classâ€"M. J. Johnson, teacher. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH SOCIAL and PERSONAL Thornhill Wm. Neal THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO COOPER â€" SHELLEY A very pretty wedding was solem- nized in the Anglican Church here last Saturday afternoon, when Jessie Beat- rice, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Shelley was united in marri- age to Mr. William Grant Cooper, of Concord, Rev. N. H. Noble, ofï¬ciating. The bride looked Very pretty in a gown of peach colored georgette With blonde mohair picture hat and shoes and and stockings to match. She carried a bouquet of premier roses and lily of ‘the valley. The bride‘s only sister, iDorothy, was a charming bridesmaid. She wore green georgette with blonde hat, shoes and stockings, and carried a bouquet of American beauty roses and baby’s breath. Mr. Walter Edwards supported the groom, whose gifts to the bridesmaid and organist were beautiful pendents and to the best- man gold cuff-links. Immediately af- ter the ceremony a reception was held at the home_of the bride’s parents on Greenview Ave., the brides mother re- ceiving in a smart gown of navy blue flat crepe with corsage of sweet peas. The happy couple later left on a mot- or trip through Muskoka, the bride lwearing an ensemble of powder blue with hat to match. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will reside in Concord. The Young People’s Societies of 'l‘hornhill will join together next Sat- urday and hold a picnic at Lakeside Park, Oshawa. Motors Will leave the bank corner at 3 o’clock. A splendid program has been arranged and a very pleasant outing is antic:- Dated. imas. Last month the branch held a :showcr for two families who were very much in need. Five layettes 1were made by members of the branch, part of which were enclosed in the ‘bales for Northern Ontario. Newly elected officers are:â€"â€"Honorary Presiâ€" dentsâ€"Mrs. D. Boyle, Mrs. R. Thomp- json; President, Mrs. J. Pearson; lst 1Viceâ€"President, Mrs. R. Simpson; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. J. Smith; Secre- tary, Mrs. Allen Armstronq; Assist- ant Secretary, Mrs. A. Brillinger; Treasurer, Miss Mundey; Assistant- Treasurer, Mrs. E. Harper; Directors, Mrs. G. Goulding, Mrs. J. Wells, Mrs. W. Riddell. District Director, Mrs. A. Thompson. Auditors, Mrs. F. Simpson, Mrs. S. Wilcox. Pianist, Mrs. F. Ecklin. Representatives to the District Annualâ€"Mrs. Wm. Cars- ‘on, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Mrs. A. Thompson. OBITUARY MISS MARY BOYLE The death occurred suddenly of Miss Mary Boyle at the residence of her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. David Boyle on Sat- urday evening, June 28th. Since the death of her father, Miss Boyle has made her home with Miss Ann Boyle, of Richmond Hill and Mrs. David Boy- le of this village. Funeral service was held Monday afternoon and con- ducted by Rev. Dr. Sparling'. Inter- ment followed in Richmond Hill cem- etery. The pall-bearers were Messrs Morgan Boyle, Reginald Cooper, God- frey Willis, Arthur Boyle, Alex Bell, and Nelson Smellie. To Senior IIIâ€"E. Greer, (H); J Peters, A. Anderson, D. Gillies, K Johnson, S. Thompson, E. Peters, J Townsend, (Rec.) WT’o Senior IVâ€"M. Morrison, 0. Phil- lips, C. Peters. E. Everson and H. Woods (equal), W. Bitmaqu To Jim‘ior 'iVâ€"M. Rollinson (H), S. Williams, A. Henderson, A. Craw- ford, M.‘Coveyduck, Wyatt.__ The following is the result of the promotion examinations in Langstaff Public School. The names are in order of merit. To Junior IIIâ€"V. Phillips, P. John- son, Betty Jones (H), Dorothy Nichol (H), Leonard Williams, Edna Rainey, and Silvana Grag'nole (equal), Frank Traviss, Marie Ainsworth, Olga Mac- Lean, Fred Townsend, (Rec.) To Senior IIâ€"Jimmie N rthey, Bill- ie Musselwhite, Marjorie ittle, Doug- las Marsh, Jack Gates, Hugh Mac- Donald. (Rec.), Norman Coveyduck. 7T0 J'uhior 'I'Iâ€"Eme Pitmim (H), Margaret 'Johnson, Stanley Carter, Albert Rollinson, Irene Wright (Egg) To Junior Iâ€"Alice Davenport, Mar- guerite MacDonald, Mary Sidy, Jas. Heslop, Lenetta Rainey, John Johnson, Janet Little, Charles Mitchell, Annie Angelo. To Senior Primerâ€"Norman Gates, Lorraine Sinclair, Jack Coveyduck, Iv- or Williams. Kathleen Davenport. Con- jetta Madallena, Doris Williams. Junior Primer â€" Duncombe Ball, Mable Williams. LANGS’I‘A FF SCHOOL REPORT LANGSTAFF WEDDING Real Vaiues ai EDW Prices ‘ 1929 FORD STANDng COUPE PHONE 174-W The ALL PRICES GOING DOWN ‘ A Car Load of Oats just unloaded: going at attractive prices DELIVERIESâ€"Tuesday and following Three Days NO CUSTOM GRINDING DURING WEEK of JULY 7 to 12 Former Dominion Hotel. IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA Large variety of all feeds. Left overs of several lines of flour and feeds going at specially low figures. Phone 18 Res. 82-W SALES and SER VICE. RICHMOND HILL Nobody ever regrets saving money Little Brothers $450.00 $160.00 USED CARS HEAD OFFICE Oil Stoves $75.00 See the New Models Here One and Two Burner. OVENS, WICKS AND SUPPLIES Try Us For Coal Oil. $60.00 1 $50.00 ID HILL . - .l. A. GROSKURTH. Manager Branches af Nowmarkef, Amara, Schomberg. Bolton New Perfection Ford Sales and Service One dollar per week dea posited regularly in your Savings Account will amount in Five years to $280 in Ten " " 605 in Twenty †" 1,40C Any Branch of this Bank would be glad to have your Savings Account. Richmond Hill, Ontario Capital and Reserve $15,000,000 Prompt Delivery THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1930 1928 CHRYSLER COUPE 1926 FORD COUPE Excellent Condition 1924 STAR COUPE 1923 FORD COUPE i922 FORD COUPE J. F. BURR PHONE . TERMS . Brathwaite Richmond Hill 5280.00 605.00 1,400.00 TORONTO RICHMOND HILL ‘03 Mill 139-M