Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jul 1930, p. 5

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If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giv- ing good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for. Call up as early as convenient to insure prom- pt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Office Telephone 9, Richmond Hill W E Where is your mfiage In the passing of Miss Ethel May Harry at her home at Hagerman’s Corners recently in her 53rd year, dea- We are glad to report the favorable convalesence of Mrs. A. F. White at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, following a tonsil operation. V Vfiiss Underwood, of Kendall, is vis- iting her cousin Miss Ruby Empring- ham. ” n Beft Hurrell and daughter, Dor- cthy wepp Torontq visitors gn_Mond2§y. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner, Misses Milner and Miss Parliment, of Town- to, attended the memorial services held at Prince Albert Cemetery last Sun- day. A pleasant motor drive to the beaut- iful summer home of Col. F. H. Dea- con brought an attendance of 35 ladies to the monthly zmeeting of the local Branch of the Women’s Institute last Thursday. An instructive talk on Banking by G. G. Maynard, manager of the Bank of Commerce, a report of the district annual meeting held in Agincourt by Mrs. R. L. Stiver, violin and piano selections by Mrs. Perkin and EVelyn Perkin were interesting items on the program. At the con- clusion of the program a social hour was spent and tea served by the host- ess Mrs. Deacon assisted by her daugâ€" hters, Misses Nora and Charlotte Dea- con. Miss Margaret Chant, daughter ofI Dr. Russell Chant, Sask., is visiting! her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J.. Chant. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee and daughters, Ruth and Olive, of Toronto, were: guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy over the week end. ‘ Mr. Jas. Gibson and Miss Thynne, of Palmerston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hastings, Almira. _ FAIRIES When the fairies have a picnic, they . always tidy up. It would be most disgraceful to leave a broken cup. They roll up bits of paper and hide the ; orange skin. And find the most convenient hole to - put the rubbish in. When fairies have a picnic, they put their fires out, For fear that brother Wind should come and scatter it about. They leave a pile of brush wood, for that is always drier. For other picnic people who want to light a fire. When fairies have a picnic they never break the trees, - But smooth the grass and daisy buds I as gently as you please. And packing up their baskets, they softly steal away, And leave the place all beautiful for some one else to play. I. H. J enkinson ‘ W V] te ‘ m w' fl iomanErâ€"MLWETG’E WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNION VILLE DISTRICT THURSDAY, JULY 10, 193 If it be within reasonable distance of the Toronto-Lake Simcoeâ€"Osh- awa-Brampton area, you can ar- range with us to call for and de- liver your family wash each week during the vacation months. This will provide you with one of the greatest comforts the cottage housewife can enjoy. We have five different kinds of “family wash” service â€"â€" all moderately priced and all done in soft water Without any marking or starching‘. Phone or write to-day, or stop any one of our courteous drivers. WORK GUARANTEED Estimates Free A Taxpayer of The Districi, Church St. Richmond Hill R. S. WHITE CALL IN RICHMOND DISTRICT TUESDAY and FRIDAYS Painting, Paperhanging and Decorating 175 OSSINGTOV AVE. LLoydbrook 2161 Hudson Decoraiors B. R. \VOLFREY, Prop. Eyes Examined Oculist Prescriptions Filled Satisfaction Guaranteed TORONTO Optomotrist and Optician 4 Bloor Street West, P. 0. Box 32 Holiness Meeting' Salvation Meeting Mr..and Mrs. J. Chant and grand- daughter Margaret Chant spent a few days in Niagara Falls thi_s .week‘. A very impressive and largely at- tended communion service in charge of Rev. H. H'. Eaton was held at Cent- ral United Church last Sabbath morn- ing. Dr. and Mré. E. G. Hood and family of Ottawa are Visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hood. The Y.P.S. of Milliken United Chur- ch in charge of Miss Lorna Olson on Sunday evening last was most inte- resting- when Mr. Klinck gave a splen- did talk on “Leisure time.” SALVATION ARMY An interesting speaker at Brown’s Corners United Sunday School last Sabbath Was Mr. R. E. Stiver, taking the Missionary service. Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"Rev. W. E. Pescott, DD. 2 p. m.â€"The Church School 7 p. m.â€"Rev. W. E. Pescott, D. D. Monday 8 p. m.â€"Y. P. S. Missions Church of All Nations. Hagerman United Sunday Schoel at 1.30 p. m. Rev. and Mrs. C. Brown; of Richâ€" mond, Quebec, are guests of Mrs. Jonâ€" athan Lunau. On invitation of Mrs. Crawford 3. large gathering of members and friends of the W.M.S. auxiliary of Central United Church assembled at her home to hear an address given by one of our returned Missionaries, Mrs. D. Davidson on her work in India. Her address was listened to with much interest and enthusiasm and much valuable information was given of her Work. A solo by Miss Gormley entitled “Some time we’ll understand” was given in her usual pleasing mann- er. Scripture reading by Mrs. H. H. Eaton taken from Roman Chap. 10, after which many friends were pleas- éd to hear again Miss Thynne, of Palmerston, in sacred song, as with much expression she rendered “Christ is all in all.” At the close, strawâ€" berries and cake were served and a very happy hour was enjOyed by all present. ’ The regular meeting of the W.A. of St. Philip’s Anglican Church was held at the home of Mrs. Court on Wednes- day last, a profitable meeting is re- ported. Mr. and Mrs., Stahley' Stiver and family visited friends in Toronto on Sunday last. Misé Jean Harper, of Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end with her aunt Mrs. E. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. W. Snedden, of Rich- mond Hill, Mrs. Smith, of Winnipeg, visited Miss M. Sommerville on Tues- day last. Miss Irene Palmer, of Uxbridge, is spending a few days with Mrs. A. Grey. ’ Mr. and Mrs. E. Thurston and fam- ily were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilb- er Latimer on Sunday. :‘th removed a popular young woman ,who has lived her whole life in this vicinity. Miss Harry was the daughâ€" ter of the late John Harry, an active ‘,member of Hagerman United Church, ‘,where she has been organist for many ‘years. The funeral services were ,conducted at her home last Wednes- lday afternoon by Rev. H. H. Eaton. Interment in Hagerman Cemetery, an .impressive feature in connection with the buriel service was the tribute paid vby the‘ little folk of the Sunday School |when they marched around the open grave, each one in turn dropping a rose as a token of love and esteem for their beloved friend. She is sur- lvived by two brothers, Frank of the |Weston High 'School of Commerce : Staff, and Rev. Bert Harry of Leroy, A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING THORNHILL, ONTARIO Hot Water Heating and General Repairs rest, Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour’s breast; We love thee well, but Jesus loves thee best; Until we meet again before His throne, Clothed in the spotless robe he gives his own, Until We know even as we are known. Not “Farewell” but “Good Night.” The panâ€"bearers were Jas. Muirhead C. Hood, D. Brown, J. Gibson, T. Mor- gan, G. McConnell. “Sleep on beloved, sleep and take thy N.Y. Many beautiful floral tributes included expressions of sympathy from Mr. and Mrs. F. Harry, Miss F. Bovâ€" iard, Mr. and Mrs. Hurlburt, Miss Myrtle Hamill, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hagerman, the Boviard family, Mr. and Mrs. P. Duffort, Hagorman Sun- day School, School section No. 8, Chil- dren’s Aid Society and many others from former school mates and friends in Toronto and surrounding district: Rev. J. J. Robbins 10.00 a. m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a. m.â€" Prayer Rev. H. H. Eaton p. m.â€"Church School p. m.â€"Rev. W. E. Pescott, D.D p. m.â€"â€"Y.P.S. Meeting EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH CENTRAL UNHE'D CHURCH RICHMOND HILL CORPS ST. PHILIPS ANGLICAN Officers in Charge CAPT. LYNCH LIEUT. COOKE Sunday Services 11 a. m The True Blue Mission Band of the Presbyterian Church held them picnic on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. D. Moore and Joseph- ine spent the weekâ€"end with friends in Tottenham. Misses Selena and FIOSsie Atkinson, of Bethesda, have been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. At- kinson and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Robert Buchanan, of St. Cathâ€" arines, is here visiting her son Mr. A. D. Buchanan. I Mr. HowardAtkinson is spending a couple of weeks vacation with his friend Mr. James Langstai'f at Gordon Bay. The Rockery Garden at Dufferin Park is now completed. It was de- signed entirely by Mr. James Paris, of Dunlops, Limited, who also supervised the workmanship. Mr. Paris has many years experience as a gardener both in England and in this country. .He also specializes in landscape gard- ening and this piece of work proves him to be a true artist. A word of praise is also due to all those who as- s15ted him and for the unique way they manipulated the very heavy stones and raised them to the desired position. Anyone wishing to view the Rookery is cordially invited by both Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dunlop. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pattenden and little daughters were Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs. George Pattenden, of Toronto. Mrs. J. Wray, of Windsor, accomp- anied by Mr. C. H. Busby and Master Ken Busby, of Detroit, motored to Richmond Hill Saturday, to visit their aunt Mrs. C. Harrison, Richmond St. Miss M. E. Harrison, of Sandwich, is spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. C. Harrison. Mr. A. E. Newton and daughters Grace and Laura; Mrs. Nichol and son Bill, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deadman. Mr. and Mrs. John Innes and son Ackerley, of California, Mrs. H. H. Proctor and family of Chicago, and Master Jimmie Bums of L05 Angeles, are enjoying the vacation season at “Richmond Cottage,” Lake Joseph, Muskoka. , Mr. and Mrs. William Tyndall and Mrs. J. R. Baker have been visiting reâ€" latives at Severn Bridge the past week. Reeve and Mrs. J. Lunau, of Rich- mond Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Good, of Newbonbrook, attended the Decoration Service at Hartman last Sunday. Miss Elsie Galloway, of New York. arrived here last week to spend the summer with her sister Mrs. William Edmunds, Roseview Avenue. Mrs. F. W. Grainger, Miss Marion Grainger, ’Mrs. F. E. Sims and Miss Mildred Sims are spending this week at Bayview, Rosseau, Muskoka. Mrs. W. H. Graham and family are holidaying at their cottage, Lake Jose- ph, Muskoka. Mrs. J. Lunau with some friends from Toronto motored to Limehouse cn Saturday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown there. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Line left this week to spend a month in Port Hope. Mrs. R. Hillaby, of NeWmarket, is spending this week visiting her moth- er Mrs. M. Hart, Arnold Street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowe and daughters Marjory and Mary of L0- field, Alberta, visited Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Lunau this‘ week. Mr. Rowe is the manager of the Royal Bank of Canada in Lofield. I Social and Personal > Every section of the riding of North ‘York was represented at a Women’s Rally held at Newmarket last T hurs- iday when the principal speaker was ‘Hon. Mrs. Cairine Wilson, Canada’s first woman Senator. A large numb- er of ladies from this district were present and Miss Olive Switzer spoke on behalf of the Richmond Hill organ- ization. W'. P. Miilock the candidate spoke on the issues of the campaign and a pleasing feature of the after- noon was the presentation of a beauti- ful bouquet of roses 0 Hon. Mrs. Wil- son and to Mrs. W. . Mulock. Mrs. E. M. Rumble and Miss Rumble, Church Street, enjoyed days with friends in Maple am onto this week. Magistrate G. H. Duncan an: Duncan enjoyed a motor trip to real, Ottawa, and other eastern over the Week-end and report a c' iul tour. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTAE tty »w Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stanners, of râ€" Port Huron, Michigan, are visiting- their sister, Mrs. O. L. Wright. RUTLAND -â€" DENBY At 3 p. m. at Glebe United Church, Thursday, July 3rd, the marriage took place of Azala Clara Francis, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Den- by, formerly of Richmond Hill, to Austin Rutland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rutland. of Brantford. Rev. Andrew Robb, officiated. The church was beautifully decorated with palms, roses, ferns and carnations. The wedding music was played by the org- anist of the church. During the sign- ing of the register Miss Constance Mortson, of Toronto sang “Because.” The bride who was given in marriage by her father wore a lovely gown of rose point lace over pale pink georg- ette. Her veil was arranged in cap effect caught with orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of sunburst :oses. She was attended by her cous- in, Miss Mae Brooks who wore albe- coming‘ frock of pale pink Georgette with hat of pink silk lace and carried ophelia roses. Mr. Tim Rutland, brother of the groom was best man and the ushers were Messrs J. Holmes and J. Secord. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. ~- Her mother re- ceived wearing a gowr of blue georg- ctte over flowered crepe with hat to match. Mrs. Rutland, mother of the groom wore brown celense crepe with hat to match, and both wore talisman roses. Later the happy couple left ‘for a trip to Montreal, the bride wear- ing a poudre blue crepe dreSS with hat to match and the gift of the groom a red fox fur. On their return they will live in Toronto. At the personal request of W. P. Mulock the mass meeting advertised to be held in Richmond Hill last Sat- urday afternoon at which Hon. Peter Heenan was to have been the speaker, was cancelled owing to the death and ‘funeral of the late J. H. Sanderson. RICE â€"â€" GAMBLE l ‘ On account of their very recent ber- eavement the marriage of Elizabeth ‘Gamble, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gamble to Mr. Albert C. Rice, took place very quietly on Sat- urday evening, July 5th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Glass. The Rev. A. P. Brace officiated, assisted by Rev. Coulter, minister of the Unit- ed Church. The bride who Was given in marriage by her father Wore a gown of eggshell satin, her only ornament being a string of pearls. The bride’s only attendant was Miss Doris Tom- iinson, who wore a picturesque frock of yellow silk. Mr. Leonard Rice, brother of the groom acted as best man. Later the bride and groom left for a short motor trip to Detroit and Lake Orion, accompanied by their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harold, of Detroit. The bride travelled in a navy blue suit with hat and shoes to match. PRESBYTERIAN Y. W. A. The Presbyterian Young Women’s Auxiliary met at the home of the Misses Stein on Wednesday evening, July 9th. Interesting Missionary papers were given by members of the society and a social time enjoyed by all. LIBERAL MEETING CANCELLED PRESBYTERIAN W. M. S. The regular monthly meeting of the Presbyterian W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. George Kidd, Yonge St. Reports were given by the delegates Mrs. Beresford and Mrs. Groskurth. of section 4, Toronto Presbyterial, which was held in Newman-ket. A paper was given by Mrs. A. D. Buchanan from the study book. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served and a social half hour spent. Miss Jessie Pirie, of Willowdale, is visiting with Miss Shiela Beresford. Miss Alice Innes, of Whitby. is spending a few days with her friend Miss Agnes Robinson. Miss Dorothy Groff, of St. Lam- berts, Quebec, is visiting with Miss Bain, Arnold Street. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones, Lola and Harold returned home on Wednesday after spending two weeks at Mr. A.W. Ramer’s summer cottage at Grand Bend, Lake Huron. visiting for a few weeks at the home HAGERMAN SCHOOL REPORT of her daughter Mrs. W. S. Battersby, School Section No. 8 South Monaghan. ‘ Mr. and Mrs daughter Ishbel motor trip to Kingstor points in New Brunswick. Zuef Mrs. Paris with her son Geoffrey is WEDDING ronto, spent th ster Mrs. L. W this week on a ton and other Holman, and TWO LOCAL RINKS WIN FIRST uto, spent the AND SECOND AT UXBRIDGE Maple, July 3rd, 1930 LANGSTAFF GOSPEL MISSION Garden Avenue, Langstaff DR. M. H. BLANDIN, Pastor Sunday â€"â€" 11 a. m. Sunday School “Prophesy”â€"“How will the Kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ”â€"â€"â€"Re'v. 2-15 Monday â€" 8 p. In. Young People Wed. â€" 8 p. m. Bible Exposition Amount to be paid by Corp’n. Estimated Casi Oxford Street \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56.00 576.00 Brookside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 1,155.00 The estimated cost per foot frontage is twenty-eight cents. The special assessment is to be paid in five annual installments (3 A petition to the said council will not avail to prevent its constructâ€" ion, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been undertaken, may be made pursuant to section 8 of The Local Improvement. Act, to the Railway and Municipal Board, by a majority of the owners representing at least one-half of the value of the10ts which are to be specially assessed therefor. (4) A by-law for undertaking the work will be considered by the council at a meeting thereof to be held on the Sth day of August, 1930, or at a. re~ gular or special meeting thereof to be held thereafter. (1) The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intends to construct as a local improvement a gravel roadway on the following streets: Oxford Street Plan 1999 from Bathurst Street to Eastern limit of Lot 65. Brookside Plan 1642 from Yonge Street to 190 feet west of west limfl of Lot 10. and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. (2) The estimated cost of the work and the amount to be paid by the Camp- oration is as follows:â€" This political bug you hear so much about must be the fabled straddle rug. EV IRYBODY WELCOME 151: to Junior IIâ€"Errol Blundell, Ian Barron, Mildred Galloway, Ara- bella Hemingway, Victor McHarg, George Miller, (Failed), Jean Muir: head, Helen Wilson. Eldred A. J. Watts, Principal Myrtle Hamill, Junior Room TAKE NOTICE THAT Junior II to Senior IIâ€"Clark Coupâ€" crthwaite, Gladys Pridding', Nancy Spears, Audrey Wilson, John Wilson. Junior III to Senior IIIâ€"Ruby 01- son, Louis Stonehouse, George. King, John Young. Senior II to Junior IIIâ€"Evert Blunâ€" dell, Harold Blundell, Joe Champion, George Couperthwaite, John Hemingâ€" way, Ruby Miller, Betty Pridding, Ronald Smalley, Ethelyn Warren, Jean King. Riehvafie, Tuesday, July 15th W®@&bri&ge,Thurs., July 17th AT WHICH and other prominent speakers Wiifi address the electors. ‘ Talented Entertainers wili contrifieuie to the program at all meeings. Senior III to Junior IVâ€"â€"Henry Blaylock, Ellen Blundell, George War. ren. ament in which 54 rinks competed The finks were, lst prizeâ€"P. C. Hill G. H. Glenn, F. J. Mansbridge, J. W Wellman, _skip. - 2nd prizeâ€"A. G Savage, A. A. Eden, E. T. Stephens A. E. Glass, skip. - ed to Uxbr noon and we the first and President North York Reform Association MORGAN BAKER, Local Improvement Notice Township of Vaughan. W0 I‘an GOD SAVE THE KING second pri )ca Candidate in North York will be h‘eld as follows ,pturir urney tot a choice government tested product which is offered householders. The license Richmond Hill was taken week and delivery is expect mence next week. Electrical Repairs Estimates Given Gormley R. R. 2 Agincourt 23-7-31 RICHVALE The residents of the North Yonge btreet district will have the opportunâ€" ity of hearing W. P. Mulock, the candw idate in North York at a. public meetâ€" ing to be held in the Richvale Hal"! on TUESDAY EVENING, NEXT JULY. 15th, commencing at 8.30 (daylight saving time.) The speakers Wm be 00]. A. E. Kirkpatrick, J. R. Stirreti‘, M.A. and W. P. Mulock. There will be a bright attractive program and a pleasant and enjoyable evening is asâ€" sured. Remember the date, next- Tuesday evening. Attend this meal:- mg and hear the issues ‘of the cam- paign discussed. LECUYER & Co. Ltd” Martin’s Barber Shop Have Your Tonsorial Requiren me nts attended to while waiting for your car. FOR 11 this i Clerk of Vaughan Township SE1 Right at The City Limits North Toronto. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS J. H. NAUGHTON, :rtified J. B. McLEAN, T'ARM DAIRY HMOND HILI PAGE FIVE my Mil ed her: red 'tc 1C red t to sail in out MB.

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