Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jul 1930, p. 4

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ALL DAY ALL DAY: To _ at 20 nfinutes to the â€"- 0n the hour and 20 2 - ~ A minutes after the hour. hour and 0 mmuteb after the hour (no car at 1200 midmght) TO RICHMOND HILL â€"- Every Hour (at 20 minutes FROM RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" Every hour after the hour.) (on the hour) LAST CAR _ 11_40 p_ m. to Richmond Hm LAST CAR â€" 12.20 a. m. from Richmond Hill 12.40 a. m. from Steele’s Corners. Zone 1 â€" North Toronto Terminal to Florence Ave. (Stop 5) Zone 2 â€" Florence Aven. to Newtonbrook (Stop 11) Zone 3 â€" Newtonbrook to Thornhill (Stop 16) NORTHBOUND FIRST CAR â€" 6.20 a. m. to Richmond Hill ALL DAY LAST CAR â€" 11.40 p. m. to Richmond Hill. FIRST CAR â€"~ 4.50 a. m. to Richmond Hill A. M. and NOON RUSH HOURS: TO STEELE’S CORNERS â€"â€" 10 Blinube'Service TO RICHMOND HILL â€" 20 Minute SerVTCe 20 Minute Service to Richmond Hill (on the hour and every 20 minutes) A. M. NORMAL HOURS and AFTER 7 p. m. TO STEELE’S CORNERS â€"â€" at 20 minutes to the hour and 20 minutes after the hour. TO RICHMOND HILL â€" Eyery Hour NORMAL HOURS: TO STEELE’S CORNERS â€" at 20 minutes to the hour and 20 minutes after the hour. TO RICHMOND HILL ~ Every hour (at 20 minutes after'the hour) LAST CAR â€" 11.40 p. m. to Richmond Hill Tickets sold only at Terminal Oflices and Agencies No Tickets sold on Street Cars. A. M. and P. M. RUSH HOURS TO STEELE’S CORNERS â€" '10 Minute Service To RICHMOND HILL - 20 Minute Service (on the hour and every 20 minutes) PAGE FOUR NORTHBOUND First Carâ€"4.50 a. m. to Richmond Hill I For Greater Empire Trade Work and Lower Cost of Living for All Approve the Kingâ€"Dunning Budget $50.00 to 2 cents over $10.06: Receipt Taxâ€"Abolished. Transportation Taxâ€"Abolished. Insurance Taxâ€"Abolished. Telegraph Taxâ€"Abolished. Reduction in five years estimated to amount to $1 1 6,000,000. penny postage re-cstablished. Cheque Taxâ€"Reduced from 2 gents on every .9.-. AA _ .- Budgets during the past nine years of Liberal Administration have lowered tariffs on many commodities and implements of production; these reductions have automatically lowered living costs to the Canadian public. The King-Dunning Budget, which the Sales Tar-Reduced from 6% to 1%. Postal Ratesâ€"Reduced from 3 cents to Worldâ€"wide‘conditions have created an economic situation that presents problems demanding the highest qualities ofstatesmanship for their solution. Since the war period, new tariff barriers have been created by man countries, restricting the outlets or Canadian products and necessitating new trade arrangements. Early recognition of this trend provided the inspiration for the Kingâ€"Dunning Budget, which has indicated the path along which Canada must proceed to ensure a continuation of her comâ€" mercial prosperity. The prompt EMPIRE TRADE is Canada’s Road to Prosperity 2.00 P. M. to 7.00 P. M. DURING SUMMER: North Yonge Railways TORONTO - RICHMOND HILL Daily Except Saturday and Sunday (on the hour and every 20 minutes) Toronto Transportation Commission TAX REDUCTIONS (at 20 minutes aftei the hour) NORTHBOUND LOWER COST OF LIVING Ontario Liberal Campaign Committee, Toronto SATURDAY 2 cents; SUNDAY CASH FARE ZONES TICKETS and fisHing irrdtinistr-iâ€"esr 3n free lis-t. 1930â€"Tea, porcelain, china, vegetables, fruits, free under British preference. Reduction in duties means reduction in prices. electorate is asked to approve on July 28th, is an extension of this policy; dairy equipment and machinery in general placed on the free list; tea, porcelian and china, free under the British preference. men’s engines. 1926â€"Sugar, automobiles, tin-plate etc. 1928â€"Implements of prgdugion in mining _-11:u. development of trade within the Empire is the logical solution of the enormous problem involved; and the enthusiastic manner in which the Kingâ€"Dunning Budget has been received throughout the Empire ensures Canada a most favourable position at the Imperial Conference for the interchange of products. Providing a market for Canada’s farm products, ensuring the buildin up of a home-market for her manu actured products, the policy of the King admin- istration offers the greatest assurance of Canada’s future prosperity. l 922â€"Sugar, agricultural implements, textiles, boots and shoes. 1923â€"British preferential tariff reduced by 10 per cent. where goods imported by Canadian port. 1924â€"lnstruments of production used in agriculture, mining, forestry and fisheries. 1925â€"Welluelrilling machinery and fisher- Cash fare. 5 cents each zone or portion of zone Zone 4 â€"â€" Thornhill to Langstaff P. 0. (Stop 19) Zone 5 â€" Langstaff P. O. to Younghurst (Stop 24) Zone 6 â€"â€" Younghurst to North Limit of Richmond Hill (Stop 27) SOUTHBOUND FIRST CAR â€"â€" 7.00 a. m. from Richmond Hill 7.20 a. m. from Steele‘s Corners 20 Minute service from Richmond Hill, passing Steele’s Corners 20 minutes later. (on the hour and every 20 minutes) LAST CAR â€" 12.20 a. m. from Richmond Hill 12.40 a. m. from Steele’s Corners FIRST CAR â€" 5.30 a. m. from Richmond Hill 5.50 a. m. from Steele’s Corners FROM RICHMOND HILL â€" Every Hour A. M. and NOON RUSH HOURS: FROM STEELE’S CORNERS â€"â€" 10 Minute Service FROM RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" 20 Minute Service A. M. NORMAL HOURS and AFTER 7.00 P. M. FROM STEELE’S CORNERS â€" on thg, hour and 20 minutes after the hour (no car at 12.00 midnight) (on the hour) LAST CAR â€" 12.20 a. m. from Richmond Hill 12.40 a. m. from Steele’s Corners NORMAL HOURS: FROM STEELE’S‘CORNERSâ€"on the hour and 20 minutes after the hour. (No car at 12.00 midnight) FROM RICHMOND. HILL â€"â€" Every hour A. M. and P. M. RUSH HOURS FROM STEELE’S CORNERS â€" 10 Minute Service FROM RICHMOND HILL â€"- 20 Minute Service. ‘ (0n the hour and every 20 minutes) TARIFF REDUCTIONS FIRST CAR â€"~ 5 2.00 P. M. to 7.00 P. M. DURING SUMMER: (on the hour) (on the hour and every 20 minutes) SOUTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND £0 a. m. from Richmond Hill 50 a. m. from Steele’s Corners THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL? ONTARIO iELECTRiC RANGES Mrs. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Gam- ble and family wish to thank the friends and neighbors, especially Mrs. N. Glass and Mrs. W. Duncan for their many acts of kindness and also thank their friends and relatives for the many floral tributes and words of sympathy extended to them in their recent bereavement. fichmond Hill Mrs. M. Ransom and family desire to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the many expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness to them in their recent bereavement. Where are you going? Broad beans and broccoli were the newest vegetables on North Toronto market Tuesday evening; peas Were selling at 35 and 40 cents a basket, green and yellow beans were on hand as well as a big supply of all season- able vegetables. Roses, 50c doz.; snapdragon, 20c bunch; gypsophilia, 10c bunch; com- flowers, mixed bouquets, galardias, cal- endulas, baby’s breath, Shasta daisies, 15c bunch; sweet stocks, coreopis, 10c bunch; sweet peas, 10c and 15c; zin- nias, 15c; marigolds, 20c; delphiniums, 35c doz. Raspberries, 30c Quart; red currants 15c qt, 65c basket; gooseberries, 20c. qt.; cherries, 50c basket; black cur- rants, 30c qt.; black raspberries, 20c pt.; strawberries, 15c pt.; white cur- rants, 20c qt. Apples, transparent, 50c basket. I Bread, 12c and 15c loaf; buns, 30c dozen; nut and date bread, 30c; whole wheat, 15c; butter tarts, 30c doz; oat- meal cookies, 20c doz; currant loaf, 10¢; gingerbread, 15c and 30c; pies, raspberry or strawberry, 30c and 35c each; cakes, 35c to 45c. Pickles, cu- cumbers, 400 jar; mustard 30c. Potatoesâ€"01d, 20c basket; new, 40c. Carrots or beets, 4 bunches for 10¢; turnips, Swiss chand, green onions, radishes, 3 for 10c. Spinach, 20c. pk; cabbage, 10c each; asparagus, 3 for 25c; peas, 35c and 40c basket; toma- toes, 25c 1b.; cauliflower, 15c each; mint, parsley, 5c bunch; broccoli, 10c; broad beans, 200 measure; cucumbers 50 to 25c each. Bunches of cut flowers of all the popular garden varieties sold from 10 cents a bunch up to 50 cents for roses which commanded the top price. Prices were quoted as follows: Poultry: Chickenâ€"Roasting, 450 1b.; boiling, 35c; broiling, 45c; ducks, 45c. Eggsâ€"Ducks, 60c doz; specials, 45c; extras, 40c; firsts, 38c; pullets,’ 350. Butter, 38c and 400 1b.; cream 40c pint. Cooked ham, 500 lb. FresH fruit and fruit pies were sell- ing well and a good supply of home cooking was on the stands. Men’s Horseshoe contestâ€"Mr. Lu- rau, Mr. Kellam. Ladies Horseshoe contestâ€"Mrs. Huestis, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Donald- son. The executive of the Sunday School wish to thank all those who contribut- ed to the success of the picnic by do- nating prizes or helping in other ways. The attendance at Richvale Sunday School picnic held at Wilcox Lake on Thursday was splendid and the fine weather added much to the enjoyment of the day. After various games and water sports were held, races were called for. The following were the Winners: Cradle Rollâ€"Grace Macklem, John Donaldson, Dennis Reid. Primaryâ€"Mary Hill, June Pickett, Marjory Norris. I Juniorâ€"Stanley Baker, Douglas Baker, Billy Norris. II Junior-Leo~ nora Huestis, Elsie Sparks, Marion Cooper. I Intermediateâ€"Lillian Mackâ€" lem, Marjory Evans, Susan Johnston. II Intermediateâ€"Alfred Macklem, An- drew Johnston, G. Huestis. Mothers raceâ€"Mrs. Killam, Mrs Masters, Mrs. Donaldson. H 0111] FORKS and RAKES HOES, RAKES, SPADES DIGGING FORKS 175 OSSINGTOV AVE. C. N. COOPER Tell us where your summer cottage is and we will tell you whether or not it is within our range of special Summer call- and-deliver service for family wash. Short of the “North Country" we have facilities for reaching most summer resorts and cottages. Better phone and let us relieve you of this worst of all holiday bug-boos. Our charges for any of our five different soft-water washing services are very reasonable If you are a regular customer ask our driver to arrange the matter for you. AND RANGETTES McClarey’s LLoydbrook 2161 CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS York Market Richvale Hardware untafio after which date the undersigned Will proceed to distribute the estate, liav. ing regard only to those claims of which it has then had notice. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 15th day of July, A.D. 1930. N. L. MARTIN, Trustee. 73 King Street, West Toronto, Ontario er, formerly doing business in the Townships of Markham and Whitchur~ ch, both in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, has made a sale of his threshing business to Rolph F. Baker, Joseph Byer, Edgar Stickley, and Harvey Cober and Earl Cober, all of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, Threshers, respectiveâ€" ly, and that the undersigned has been appointed Trustee under the provisions of the Bulk Sales Act. ALL persons claiming to rank on th estate must file their claim, duly prox en, with-the undersigned, on or befor the 15th day of/Aug‘ust, A.D. 193( TN THE MATTER OF JOHN F YOUNG GIRL to help with housework. Apply Mrs. D. Rumney, 27 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. WANTEDâ€"Young geese, fowl,‘ young cockerels, top market price paid. A. G. Robinson, Rumble Ave., Box 174, Phone 190. MAN TO DRIVE MILK ROUTE in BOARDERS, Good board and room. Apply Mrs. John Baker, 63 Rich- mond Street, Richmond Hill. LADY WISHES ROOM and board with quiet family, no children, off highway, reasonable. Mrs. F. Hamp- ton, 91 Dingwall Ave., Toronto, Ont. TWO LABOURERS, temporarily. Ap- ply H. J. Mills, Centre Street, Rich- mond Hill. HORSE and BU GGY, covered delivery wagon, billy goat, delivery box suit- able for half ton truck. H. Pitman, Bayview Avenue, Langstaff 2nd con- cession, east of Yonge Street. CREAM WICKER BABY CARRIAGE $8.00; Ford half ton truck $35.00; rain coat, two; 97 acres with build- ings. No mortgage. Exchange for House. Fletcher, Spruce Ave., stop 22-A Yonge Street. WILL EXCHANGE City property for farm in York County, from 50 to 100 acres, house clear of encumbrance. Apply G. Yerex, Richmond Hill, Phone 116-M. SEVEN ROOM FRAME HOUSE situ- ONE ASPINWALL Power potato sprayer, 4 row; also one silo 12 x 32 all in good repair. W. F. Kincaid, Unionville. 50 FOOT LOT on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, close to Yonge St, will sell cheap for cash. Apply W. G. Miller, 107 Roselawn Ave., Tor- onto, phone Hudson 2825-J. CRAPHONOLA in fumed oak, with 30 records. Mrs. Peter Jones, Maple, phone Maple 28-60. HOUSE in Maple, in good repair, elec- tric, hard water in kitchen. Apply Mrs. McFeely, Milton, Ontario. DURING THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, ated in Unionville, electric lights, hard and soft water, lot 90 feet frontage. Apply W. L. Latimer, Unionville. ’ VERY Low PRICE FOR CASH, two six roomed houses and fifty foot lot 2 minutes walk from Yonge Street, in Richmond Hill, deep lot, fruit trees, hard and soft water, electric light, cellar, both now rented, a real investment. Apply to owner L. B. Finch, 586 Ossington Ave., Toronto, Telephone Lombard 3124 or at The Liberal Ofllce. A QUANTITY OF STANDING HAY COBER, formerly doing business in the Townships of Markham and Whitchurch, both in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, and in the matter of the Bulk Sales Act TAKE NOTICE THAT John-E. Cob- Richmond Hill, also man to drive route in Thornhill District and North York Township. Apply E. T. Step- hen‘s, Roselawn Dairy, Richmond Hill. A'lfalfa and Timothy. Apply Miss Bertha Chapman, Thornhill, Ont. Household furniture will be s_old privately at 42 Church Street, Rich- mond Hill, Ont. Notice to Creditors R. S. WHITE RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first i! sertion and 15 cénts for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Eyes Examined Oculist Prescriptions Filled Satisfaction Guaranteed "THIS IS THE DAY OF’ ADVERTISINGnMAKH THE MOST OF IT” TORONTO Optomotrist and Optician Classified AdVS. 4 Bloor Street West, FOR SALE WANTED THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930, ‘d will PHONE CITY. HUDSON 8527 RICHMOND HILL 3 Automobile Radiators, Fenders, Bodies Authorized United Motors Radiator Service 57 5 Yonge Street O.K. Shoe Repair We solicit order for Cut Flowers for all occasions which will be promptly and cheerfully filled. MAGEâ€"Impoi'ted Belgian Stallion â€"~ The property of Milne & Irish, will be at his own stable, Langstaff, for the season of 1930. Fees $12. Anyone from a distance having mares may make suitable arrange- ments for a convenient meeting place. Phone Thornhill 16-22. I‘oronto Hamilton Tenders will be received up till 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, July 26th, for installing a Sanitary System and alterations to basement of Unionville Public School. Specifications can be seen at Stiver Brothers ofiice after Saturday, July 19th. The lowest tenâ€" der not necessarily accepted. Phone 27 LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES John A. Campbell & Co. Limited LAWN MOWERS ground. Apply B. H. Lasher, Yonge Street, Richmond LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES ASHPHALT ROOFING, GYPROC. and Contracts Re-Financed Now is the time to order that new suit for the summer. Place your ord- er with RICHMOND TAILORS and be assured of finest quality, good workmanship and reasonable price. HAIRDRESSING'-â€" Marcelling and Finger Waving, etc. For appoint. ment phone 178, Mrs. Russell, 56 Centre St., West, Richmond Hill. ORDERS TAKEN for Homemade bak- ing. Delivered. Mrs. R. Fetch, Baker Ave., Phone Richmond Hill E M artin’s Barber Shop AUTO ACCESSORY: REPAIR C0. John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS 205-6 Bloor Building (Bloor at Bay) Kings. 5566â€"6020 Toronto, Ontario KIngsdale 3836 Hill Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co. Stock Registef Automobile Bankers MISCELLANEOUS Have Your Tonsoria] Require- ments attended to while waiting for your cat. Moved from Trench's Shop to house opposite High School on Yonge Street. All kinds of Shoe Repairing, Harness Repairing. W. SWITALSKI CARTAGE DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hill and Intermediate Points Every Day Right at The City Limits North Toronto. D. RUMNEY RICHMOND HILL TENDERS E. G. HURLEY Richmond Hill Dealers in A. C. KENNEDY, Ottawa AN“ 1930 Richmond Hill LONG Windsor London Secretary 30-J Toronto

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