Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jul 1930, p. 5

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uw‘, - Mr. and Mrs. William Gohn, Mr. and Mrs. James Atkinson motored to Bal- sam Lake on Sunday. Communion services will be held in Brown’s Corners United Church on Sunday, July 27th. Preparatory serv- ices the preceeding Thursday,‘ July 24. Ogden is épending the week with friends in Mount Albert. _ Misses Flora Harding and Ethel Miles as representatives of Ebenzer Sunday School, Milliken are attending summer school at L_ako C0uchiching. "Minaâ€"naers. W. Craig spent Satur- day the 12th Withrifrljiendé i_n Bglton. . barter and-Mrs. Sneath, of T0â€" ronto, were guests of Mrs. Jonathan Lunau on Wednesday lasrtr. Cénifiilw United Sunday School held a successful picnic to Kew Beach Gardens on Wednesday 1ast_. v and “daughter Pearl, of Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stiver on Thursday. Misus Vera Weighill flag a Toronto visitor on Friday last. "Mivss Martha Dunn, of Toronto, was the guest of Miss Gladys McMullen over the week-end. v Vfirsfkdbifi’sioh is visiting her daughâ€" ter Mrs. M McDowell. Mr. déuley, of Toronto. spent last Friday with Mr. A. Weighill. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lunau and fam- ily of Toronto, spent several days reâ€" cently with _and M1Ԥ._._Iohn Lunau. “Miss VfiMérgéret Thompson, Sandâ€" Iord, is the guest of Miss Nettie Burn- ham. Wednesday, July 9th was the popu- lar picnic day in our vicinity, when the Eckardt picnic at Crosby Memorial Park; the Lutheran church; Brown’s Corners United Sunday School picnic to Kew Beach gardens, and the Junior Farmers Picnic, Were all places of equal attraction. .... m 1 a miscellaneous shower of many beau- tiful gifts, signifying the popularity of the young lady in this vicinity. Games and refreshments were also a part of this enjoyable event. a bf friends asserfibled to off- er congratulations on her marriage to Mr. W. C. Ellis, Paris, which takes place at an early date aqd to pr_esent Effie Stiver leaves on Friday for two weeks holidayiin Muskokah â€" Vand 7 Mrs. H. V Patterson, Mrs. Jas. Walker, Mr. Leslie Hood enjoyed 2 tripito Balsam Lake on Sundoy last. A Bléééént' evening was spent rat the home of Mi5s Margaret Anderson, Main Street, on Wednesday ]as_t, when Eleanor and Matthew Boyle, of Richmond Hill are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dixon spent the week-end in Oakville and Guelph, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dixon and Mr. Fred Dixon. “VMiisws’ Viola Walker is attending summer school in Toronto. > {3 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT “Mrs. A; CamiJlin was Icalled to Lon- don on Tuesday on account of the sud- den death of her nephew Mr. Millgr. MréIJames Gibson and Miss Thyn- ne left on Tuesday to spend a Week with Miss MarynGibson, '1_‘_or9n_to.' IséB’eIl Ogden and Mrs. Craw- ford were Toronto visitors on Wed- r-esday. _ _.. . -.. n“ Unionville rgigls.‘ Upon invitation of Mr. A. J. H. Eck- ardt, a representation from the schools of York County assembled at Crosby Memorial park, last Thursday to hold a picnic. Owing to lack of publicity the attendance was not as large as desiredâ€"but a fine time was enjoyed by all present. At the conclusion of the sports, Mr. Eckardt expressed his loyalty for his boyhood home, and de- sired that this event become an annu- al affair. Mr. E. D. Manning, of Newmarket High School expressing the appreciation of all interested to Mr. Eckardt, for his kindness said it had been decided to hold the next event on June 3rd, 1931. The Winnâ€" ers of the races Were as follows:â€" Lady teachers race, Miss K. McGreg- or, Newmarket, silver service; Men Teachers race, J. B. Bastedo, New- market, silver service; Boys race, lst Keith Kennedy; 2nd Oswald Dyke; 3rd Frank Warren. Girls race, lst Fern Kennedy; 2nd Barbara Bird; Boys unâ€" der 12, lst Davie MacKay; 2nd Arnold Court. Girls under 12, lst Ethelyn Warren; 2nd Dorothy Bird. The baseball match for the silver cup, pre- sented by A. J. H. Eckardt resulted in ‘ And the boon in them, For the prayers they pray And the doubts they slay; For the do in them And the true in them For the blue skies they show us And the new stars that they straw BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! And we thank Thee, God, For the light in them; For the urge in them And the surge in them; For the souls they wake And the paths they break; For the gong in them And the song in them, For the throngs of people they bring to us. ’ And the songs of hope they sing to us Books! Books. Books! And we thank Thee, God, For the deep in” them: For the rythmic sw'mg And the sweep of them, For the croon in them THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930 'fmâ€"‘WILérnisjing girls, defeating mber of tn genial dispo with many. arge of Rex W. L. Stid'ger Auu him. ; Mrs. Bruce Muirhead and daughters Mary and Dorothy, of Toronto, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. James Muiljhead. Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"â€"â€"Unbe1ief Handicaps 2 p. m.â€"The Church School 7 p. m.-â€"Moses. Monday, 8 p. m.â€"â€"Y. P. S. Hagerman United Sunday School at 1.30 p. m. Miss Fern Kennedy left 6n Saturday to attend summer school at Lake Cou- chiching. Mrs. Wm. Pingle, Miss Irene Pingle, .of Toronto, visited friends in town on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Burnham and daughtâ€" er Nellie motored -to Mount Albert last Saturday. Mrs. C: Brodie, Stouffv-ille; Mrs. Robert Kelly, Sunderland visited Miss M. Sommerville on Sunday last. Mr. Emerson Irwin, an old time resident, now living in Schomberg, was around renewing old acquaintan- ces last Week. ' Ml:â€" Milton Hagerman, of Torohto, has been spending a few days with Mrs. R. A. Stiver. Mrs. T. iBurnett was called to Good- wood on Tuesday last on account of the illness of her sister Miss Sarah Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Latimer and family spent Sunday in Toronto. Mrs. F. Boadway-and Mrs. S. Allan, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. A. F. White on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington, Mrs. Spaulding, of Toronto, enjoyed a. mot. or trip to Buffalo last Wednesday. Mrs. A. L. Brown and daughter Shirly, Dorothy Hurrell, Mrs. W. J. Perkin and daughters Grace and Eve- lyn enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls on Wednesday last. Missw Gladys-Stiver spent last week visiting friends in Toronto. A pleasant afternoon was spent last Wednesday when the Bethesda Luthâ€" ern Ladies Aid held a joint meeting with the Sherwood Ladies Aid and were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Hemrich at the parsonage at Sherwood. Mrs. Gray is spendifig the week wig} friends iniUxbridge. We congratulate Mriand Mrs. Wm. Summerfeldt on the birth of a son, born on Friday last. Sometimes we travel great distances to see beautiful things and sometimes we miss the beauty near at hand. The garden of Mr. Fred Leaf, the popular president of our Horticultural Society at this time presents a pleasing sight to flower lovers, with its countless spikes of delphinium of exquiste color- ings and quality. Mr. Leaf plans to specialize in this particular flowerâ€" and we predict for him great success. In order to correct any mis-inter- Lretation of the Hagerman School re- port, We offer the information that Jean Muirhead and Helen Wilson passâ€" ed from lst to Junior 2nd. Mrs. E. C. Johhson, of Toronto, Miss Mollie Hazzard, Dryden, Man., visited Miss M. Sommerville on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hood, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hood and family, Mrs. Susan Gibson, Miss Margaret Gibson, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Hood and family, of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, Miss Kate Hood, of Toronto, Were guests of Miss Eleanor Hood, of Milli- ken on Thursday evening last. Rev. Solomon Cleaver, D.D. has been secured for the Thank-Offering services of Ebenezer United W.M.S. which will be held on Sunday, October 12th. Further announcement later. We congratulate our baseball girls tn the win from Lansing last Friday. We knew you could do it girls. Keep up the good work. §mer, E. Kirk, J. Lunau. l Mrs. Hugh Devlin, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith over the week-end. Mrs. Don McKay, of Toronto, s'pent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs George Gormley. A quiet wedding was solemnized at Brown’s Corners United Church on Saturday, July 12th, at 7.30 p. m., when Mrs. J. McQuay and Mr. J. Kerr were united in marriage by Rev._ S. Woods. The happy couple left im- mediately on an extended trip to Van- couver. 1000 a. m â€".Qn."r!aj' CAN»! I! i. ia-Hor’ung Pram The regular meeting of the Button- Ville Junior Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. George Padget on Saturday next, July 19th at 2.30 p. m. Mr. Galbraith, Toronto, will present an illustrated lecture on Horticulture. A full attendance is requested. Mr. Lloyd Stiver is éttending sum- mer school in Toronto. Miss Grace Harrington, of Toronto spent the Week-end at her home here Mr. J. Davidson, Glasgow, Scotland, Mr. A. Stirling, Scarboro Junction, were guests of M1: and Mrs. C. A. Hood on Monday. Misses Laui‘a Brown and Edith Craig are attending summer school at Lake Coilchiching. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, Onumee, visited and Mrs. W. Elliott over the week en . PHD 000 127 Mrs. Ellen Little, of Toronto, visit- ed Mrs. George Harrington over the week-end. H. Hood, J: Bgng, R‘. Allan, w. Lati. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH CENTRAL UNI-TED CHURCH me daughter Blanche, of California yrvive rhirin. The pan-bearers were THORNHILL. 0N1 Hot Water Heati: General Repai Rev. H. H. Eaton m.â€"Church School m.â€"Unbe_lief Handicaps m.â€"Y.P.S. Meeting The large attendance at the funeral and the floral offerings were‘evidence of the Wide circle of friends and ac- quaintances who mourn the passing of one who for so many years was a fam- iliar figure in this community. He is survived by his wife formerlv Minnie Griffin, who has been his life partner for forty one years, th sons Stanley, of Richmond Hill; Baldwin, - 1' Toronto; two daughters Lena and Vel ma, two brothers Fred of Vandorf and Alfred of Aurora, four sisters, Mrs. E‘. Hollingshead of Kinghorn; Mrs. J. Cull of Kinghorn; Mrs. Sam Williammn. 2f Vandorf; Mrs. Wells, of Vandorf. The funeral on Wednesday which was under Orange auspices was con- ducted by Rev. G. E. Coulter, of the United Church. A large number of brethren walked to the Richmond Hill cemetery Where interment took place and Where the Orange service was carried out and six brethren acted as pall-bearers. Garden Avenue, Langstaff DR. M. H. BLANDIN, Pastor . Sunday â€"« 11 a. m. Sunday School Sunday 7 p. m.â€"Gospel Message by the Pastor. Mondav â€"- 8 D. m. Young Pennln The late Mr. Ransom was but”: a: Kinghorn, in York County seventv years ago. Early in life he learned the barber trade in oronto and forty- two years ago move to Richmond Hill where he has been in business ever since. .His first stand was in the Lorne Block and seventeen years ago he moved to the shop on the east side of Yonge Street. He was a st1.mch member of the Orange Order having joined the Lodge forty six years ago and until last year never missed a walk on the 12th of July. He was a]. so a well known member of the Black Preceptory. / On Monday, July 14th the death oc curred in Richmond Hill of Moses Ran- som one of the oldest of the town’s business men and a highly esteemed citizen. In ill health for some years the deceased recovered from a serious operation a little over a year ag) and during the past twelve months resum- (-d his barber business. However re cently he had not been so well and on Monday passed away. Mrs. Crowhurst, of Vancouver. 3 for- mer resident of Richmond Hill, is vis- iting at the home of Mrs. I. D. Ram- er, Roseview Avenue. On Friday last. a very enjoyable evening was spent by the members of ‘fhe United Church choir at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mylks, when they presented Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams (nee Miss Olive Mortson) with a beau- tiful floor lamp, a gift from the choir. Mr. Melecci, choir-leader made the presentation address and both bride and groom responded very fittingly. The evening was spent in games and contests as well as musically and re- freshments made a splendid climax for the occasion. J. H. Dunlop, J. R. Herrington, A. A. Eden, A. L. Phipps, W G. Baldock, F. D. Webster, and L.A. Hill, of Rich- :nond Lodge, attended the annual meeting of Grand Lodge in Toronto on Wednesday. A pleasant time was spent last Fri- day, July 11th, when little Miss Molly Secrett, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Secre’gt, Roseview Avenue, entertained the following friends at a birthday party:â€"â€"â€"Shirley Hill, Dorothy Eden, Kenneth Shields, Laura Frisby, Ralph Frisby, Arthur Williams, Harold San- erson, Lloyd Sanderson, Doris Wade, Victor Secrett, Lorna Gillings, Mary Duncan. Games were played on the lawn until lunch was served and a most enjoyable time was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brillinger visited 311 Sunday in Stouffville and this week enjoyed a fishing trip on the Notawa- :soga River near Camp Borden and re- port a delightful trip. Miss Verna Cherry, of Gormley, is spending this week with Mrs. K. Blan- chard, Centre Street. Miss Marjorie Williams, of Lindsay, is visiting her cousin Betty Smith. Misses F. and home this week Muskoka, where weeks’ vacation. Misses Stella and Mildred Mackie spent the week-end in Huntsville. 1 Social and Personal Mr. and Mrs. A. Pattenden and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. F. Leppard and family spent the week-end in Port Severn. A number from here attended the Orange Celebration in Toronto on the 12th, going on to Bolton celebration in the afternoon. Mrs. M. Elson has returned home from Guelph, where she visited a Week with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Elson. LANGSTAFF GOSPEL MISSION Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwards and child-- ren, Benson Avenue, are spending a few days with relatives in Dundas and Grimsby. Miss Mary Batty, of Toronto, is en- joying a few days vacation the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Burr, Markham Road. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith and fam- ily and Mr. W. Baulker, of Kitchener visited over the week-end with Mrs Smith’s mother, Mrs. Hart, Arnold St Miss Jean Zuefelt is spending a fevx days in Toronto, with her cousin Mis: Ishbel Holman. Mrs. H. A. Nicholls and Miss Russel returned home on Saturday after spen ding the past month with relative: and friends in Toronto. Rev. D. and Mrs. Marshall and fam ily left on Wednesday to spend thei vacation in Kincardine, Bruce Beacl and other points. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTAp“ Richml 5th Sunday LATE MOSES RANSOM ST. M ARY OBITUARY Holy Communion Evening Prayer. m. Bibl nd Hill after Trinity E. Page returned “a” frOm Port Carling, Edgar Qahi they enjoyed tvio 0L1! H tion The present wage agreement between Anthracite operators and Mine Work- ers will expire Saturday, August 30th, at Midnight that a new wage scale will have to be negotiated. 011 very re- liable information, the Anthracite op- erators will call for a reduction in the wage scale of 25%. If they do this it may result in a more or less distur- bance and possibly the suspension of mining for a time. It may be to the intere'st of Householders to order their supply of“ coal to- the winter previous to that date and save money and worry Holiness Meetirig . : Salvation Meetin; . @rder Your €an NGW SALVATION ARMY PHONg YARD‘ We Buy and Sell Used Cars and Trucks There will be softball games on the diamond by Toronto teams, (the names of Which will be announced next week) commencing at 6 p. m. There will al- so be dancing in the pavilion at 9 p. m. Electrical Repairs Estimates Given Gormley R. R. 2 Agincourt 214-21 Phone: WAverly 3513 i A raspberry and ice cream supper will be given on Saturday, July 26th, 1930 on Mrs. Stephenson’s lawn from 5.30 to 8 p. m., under the auspices of the Elgin Mills Girls Club. Price ad- ults 50 cents. g 2 : r-RESIDENCE .woop' ~â€" BS-J w b 3:151:71)! Quasi/5n PHONE YARD' > IO â€" 9/19 Ansley now open in Switzer Block, Richmond .rlill, and T.H. Hardware block, Thom- hill. For information telephone Thornhill or Richmond Hill 194. PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS ALSO USED TIRES Edgar Audette. Senior II to Junior IIIâ€"June Woods (hon), George Pollard (Rec. in spell- ing.) PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS OF S. S. No. 19. VAUGHAN Junior IV to Senior IVâ€"Ruth Rum- ble, William Pollard, Jean Rumble, Gertrude Lund, Wilbert Walker. Senior III to Junior IVâ€"Margaret Savage, Marion Michell, Madeline Rumble (Rec. in spelling.) Junior III to Senior IIIâ€"Ethel White (Rec. ill during part of exams) Ed- ward Lund (Rec. in History); Nelson Lund (Rec. in History.) Senior I to Junior IIâ€"Thelma Woods LECUYER & Co. Ltd. McIntosh Granite C0. NATIONAL AUTO WRECKERS 1623 Yonge Street MULOCK COMMITTEE ROOMS RICHMOND HILL CORPS Officers in Charge CAPT. LYNCH LIEUT. COOKE SCHOOL REPORT 514-16 Queen Street East MONUMENTS Phone HYland 2622 Elgin Mills Sunday Services ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Limited V. E. McCANN, teacher F. LE’BLANC 11a.m. Proprietor Toronto . m Toronto Transpoflati Maple, July 3rd, 1930 Amount to be paid by Corp’n. Estimated Cost: Oxford Street . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56.00 576.00 Brookside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 1,155.00 The estimated cost per foot frontage is twenty-eight cents. The special assessment is to be paid in five annual installments (3 A petition to the said council will not avail to prevent its constructâ€" ion, but a petition against the work or the manner in which5it has been undertaken, may be made pursuant to section 8 of The Local Improvement Act, to the Railway and Municipal Board, by a majority of the owners representing at least one-half of the value of the lots which are to be specially assessed therefor. (4) A by-law for undertaking the work will be considered by the council at a meeting thereof to be held on the 5th day of August, 1930, or at a re- gular or special meeting thereof to be held thereafter. L) Oxford Street Plan 1999 from Bathutst Street to Eastern limit of Lot 65. Brookside Plan 1642 from Yonge Street to 190 feet west of west limit of Lot 10. and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutti directly on the work. (2) The estimated cost of the work and the amount to be paid by the Corp- oration is as follows:â€" 113 (1) The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan i construct as a local improvement a gravel roadway on the streets: TAKE NOTICE THAT MERE“ July 19 W. P. MULOCK, Candidate in Norfil York N ewmarket Arena Empire Trade is the Issue RT. HON. W. L MACKENZIE KING MORGAN BAKER, President North York EVERYBODY WELCOME Local Improvement Notice Township of Vaughan. To merit your support and. goodwill all associ lcm will endeavor to provide serviâ€"re worthy of 5 safety, courtesy and efficiency. Your system is operated on a service-at-cost basis for pub service,â€"not for private profit. The present service is designed meet the requirements of traffic now ofifered and the full value every fare you pay is returned to you in safe, convenient and efii ent service. The more fares your system collects, the more raven is available for the maintenance and development of the sex ' es. Besides offering satisfactory service to those now resident in the North Yonge districts, your street railway will attract increased population and new industries to occupy land that has been. vacant and unproductive. Land values thus created will contribute addit- ional revenue to share the cost of improvements necessary to the progress of growing municipalities. Transportation services can contribute to the devolpment of a community only in a measure proportionate to the extent that resid- ents of the community contribute to the success of the service“ through support and goodwill. Your North Yonge Railways system now provides modern, cit}, type public transportation service that is safe, reliable, and econom- ical. At 8 o’clock, Standard Time STONE, GRA VEL SAND AND PEA GRA VEL Supplied on Short Notice. WIRE FENCING and CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION GOD SAVE THE KING Progress WALTER BONE & SON Canada’s Prime Minister â€"and â€" Phone Maple 864 Reform Association ion Com J. B. McLEAN, Clerk of Vaughan Township J. H. NAUGHTON, Secretary PAGE FIVE Witl' Ian intends to the following hes west limit

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