Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jul 1930, p. 8

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WE HAVE CUT THEM TO THE CORE 1 Essex lChrysler 1927 Coach Sedan These cars are in good mechanical condition and these prices are far below value. w. G. BALDOCK, Preston Galvanized Tanks are guaranteed. Size 3 ft. in dia- meter and 2 ft. deep. Cash price $7.70. Oblong tanks 6’ x 2' x 2'. Cash pric‘e $1_0.8_5‘. . . built of 20 7716 date of .. Tens @f T hmggaww V n: E‘LGIN MILLS We are exclusive representatives in this district for the Famous Castro! MOTOR OIL. It pays to use the Best. Call here for your next change of oil and be assured of good service and quality products. HAROLD REID'S Service Station CASTROL OIL Specialists in Dying, Cleaning and Pressing Goods Called for and Delivered. Phone 20J Richmond Hill GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE Sieberling Tires Motor Accessories G: TWO REAL BARGAINS anadian Dyers & Cleaners has been appointed local representative of PAGE EIGHT Eastern Steel Products Limited, Guelph Street, Preston, Ontario. Please send literature on Preston STEEL T RIB-ROLLkRoofing 1:], LED-HEB Nails have proven their supreme value as a preventive of spon- taneous combustion by keeping air in constant circulation. Preston Barn Ventilator: . J. GLASS Wmâ€" d Eights. PEBEWKTHEEE} 7 I 01138 St, Richmond Hi“. m. interested RIB-ROLL Roofing a, LEDHE’D’ T131; ‘fiTsa‘r'S‘BoLSL Hardware [3, 5:12:11 Lath E]. Gxeck items in which you are inn..." Addrex: ame L M v I Preston Metal Ceilings The enduring quality and beauty of Preston metal ceilings have made them one of the most popular types of ceilings for stores. homes and offices. Preston METAL CEIL- INGS are permanent. They retain the}: good looks indefinitely. Economy Metal Lath At left is shown close-up of the famous Ec- onomy Herringbone (double-mesh) Meta! Lath -â€" a metal lath that can be supplied, erected and plastered as cheaply as No. 1 Wood Lath. It gives 100% perfect key as against 15% key of wood lath . . . elimin- ating streaks, cracks, falling plaster, and providing great fire protection. SPECIALâ€"We offer attractive terms to reâ€" sponsible farmers on roofing and siding for needed repairs to their buildings. Write for full particulars. mews An Unbeatable Combinalion RIB-ROLL Roofing and Preston LED-HED nails make a roofing combination impossible to beat. The cost of laying RIB-ROLL is lower than nearly all other types of roofing. When you use LED-HED nails you get a ,rigid, handsome, tight-jointed roof that de- fies fire and weather. The nails are speci- ally designed with lead heads which com- pletely seal the nail hole. There are no awkward washers . . . no threading or punch- ing. \IVrite for samples of RIB-ROLL and Pre:.;on LED-HED nails. Appearance alone has sold Rib-Roll roofing to thousands of farmers . . . but it is economy, fire protection and permanence that keeps it sold. Wherever you go in Ontario these handsome roofs are familiar land-marks . . . protecting millions of dollars worth of crops, stock and property. RIB- ROLL’s success has caused it to be widely imitatedâ€"but Rib-Roll alone hasthe rigidity, ease of erection, durability, low cost and absolute fire protection which make it the foremost roofing value in Canada today. Guelph Street: Preston, Ontario Factories and Otfices at Toronto and Montreal Imited; Richmond Hill, Ont. Gas and Oil ONTARIO ‘Mulock at R'ichvale Appeals 1 On Policy of Empire Trade Richvale Church was filled to cap- acity on Tuesday evening to hear W. P. Mulock the people’s candidate in North York and other speakers discuss 1he issues of the day. It was probab- ly the largest political meeting ever held in Richyale and a very enthusi- astic reception was tendered to the candidate when he entered the hall. Mr. Mulock dwelt mainly on the big‘ issue of the campaign Empire Trade which he emphasized as the major question of the coming‘election. He felt that as Canadians in the face of pre< sent day economic conditions we must look to the MOTHERLAND and the other parts of the BRITISH EMPIRE for our markets. In the past we have been selling a great deal more to the British people than we have been buy- ing from them. The War had left Europe in such a state that Britain was being more and more cramped for markets and thus her buying power was impaired. The logical step for Canada was to buy MORE BRITISH GOODS so BRITAIN could be in a position in turn to buy more from us. The BRITISH PREFERENCE which is the basis of the May Day DUNN- .ING BUDGET pointed the way to a wider market for Canadian wheat. Those who treat the Dunning Budget, the EMPIRE TRADE policy of the present government lightly, those who may say it is of little account should heed the words of leading British stat- esmen of all political faiths who have hailed the Dunning Budget as a mom- entous step towards strengthening the bonds of Empire and the fostering the economic progress of all countries un- der the UNION JACK. “Minor is- sues may be talked to you" said W. P. Mulock, “but remember the great is- sue of this election is EMPIRE TRADE.” Mrs. Jackson and son, of London, are visiting with Mrs. Jackson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davis. A number of ladies from here motâ€" cred to Aurora on Tuesday to attend the Liberal meeting which was held in the town hall. It was a very enthus- iastic gathering: and the speakers were Mrs. Allen, Miss Ferguson and Miss Johnston. A male quartette provid- ed the music. Mr. and Mrs. Mulock were on the platform. Mrs. Mulock was presented with a beautiful bouquet of red roses. that EMPIRE SPIRIT in Britain he said and he was sure the Canadian people on July 28th would vote by an cverWhelming majority in favor of that budget and in favor of EMPIRE Co]. A. E. Kirkpatrick held his aud- ience in close attention as he told of HS recent visit to the British Isles and the effort that is everywhere evident in the MOTHERLAND to push "EM- PIRE PRODUCTS. Everywhere were signs he said which read, “Buy Can- adian Cheese," “Buy Canadian Apples” A number of written questions which were handed to Mr. Mulock when he was entering the hall were given an- swers by/the candidate in a clear cut thoughtful and satisfactory manner. etc. The EMPIRE BUDGET of the present government was the answer to Dr. Marwood, a graduate of Saskaâ€" toon University and Hamilton General Hospital has opened an office over the Bank of Commerce building. Miss Effie Bird is taking a summer course at Toronto University. Miss Hodgson is taking her second year course in Agriculture at Guelph. Mrs. J. Dean, vilho was hurt in a_mo- tor accident in Buffalo is getting a- 10ng nicely. Mr. A. L. McDonald, John Street, who is taking a summer Course at Guelph,- spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Florence Clubine visited on Wednesday with her sister Mrs. Wisn- er in Aurora. x Mr. and'Mrs. Anderson, of St. Cath- arines. visited over the week-end with Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Sparling. Mr. Otto James and Mr. and Mrs. Hayman left on Monday, by motor, on a holiday trip. Miss Aggie Cooper spent the week- end in Toronto, the guest of Miss An- nie Cooper. Mrs. P. E. Harrison, Thornhill, an- nounces the engagement of her sister Flossie Arvella Foster, Toronto, to Hubert N. Cole, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cole, Roche’s Point, the marriage to take place quietly the end of July. ‘ Dr. and Mrs. Robb, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ness. Miss Violet Black, of Chicago, and Mr. Herbert Smith, of Toronto, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Conservative Candidate Scored For Unhappy Part In Radial Abandonment “W'ere Ever People So Betrayed?" Asks Former County Councillor. SOCIAL and PERSONALS Thornhill ENGAGEMENT THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO the evening before he was talking to a titled conservative who not long ago held a high and important administratâ€"~ ive post in the government of Canada. who stated in confidence to him 'thati TRADE. The speaker said that only “ O the EMPIRE TRADE ISSUE 0f thelE Unemployment conditions existing throughout the world to-day could not be attributed to President Hoover of the United States, said Go]. Kirkpat- rick. No more he said could those conditions be attributed to Rt. Hon. Ramsay MacDonald, premier of Brit- ain, or to Stanley Baldwin or Lloyd George, and surely no more to the government of Canada. World econ- omic conditions were strained ‘as an aftermath of the war, the buying pow- er of the nations of the world has been impaired. In comparison to other anations of the world Canada occupies an enviable position in regards to un- iemployment. Conditions in United States are much worse in this regard than in Canada he said. present election was the greatest is- sue on which any political party had ever appealed to the people of Canada. The gentleman referred to and thous- ands of other conservatives recognized in the present issue of EMPIRE TRADE something of vital importance to Canada and to the British Empire, something far above the importance of party gain or political advantage and on July 28th would support the government candidates. oB-Jegfiibi'tion genie Langing Ladâ€" ies defeated the Cee Bees of Toronto on the Lansing diamond: Games in the Suburban Yonge Ladâ€" ies Softball League to be played dur- ing the coming week are, July 18â€"El- gin Mills at Unionville and Wednes- day, July 23rd, Lansing at Elg'in Mill§. Lansing Ladies won the first series of the Suburban Yonge Ladies Softball League. Now who will Win the sec- ond series? Come on Thornhill bring the cup here this time. r_ \VHO WON THE GAME? One of the most interesting games of the season was played in the ladies‘ Suburban Yonge League Wednesday‘ evening between Lansing and Thorn- »hill. The game was close and excitâ€" ing. Disputes arose in regard to a number of runs that the locals still think they deserve credit for. The Lansing diamond has a splendid infield but owing to a ravine passing along the back of the outfield it is practical- ly impossible to obtain a homeerun. As a number of our hits landed in the long grass the umpires decisions in regard to the runs from them were Idisputed. Although Lansing claims lthe game by a score of 12-15 our girls still think that their’s is the victory by a score of 154-17. a man who will give North York a real service as our representative in the House of Commons, and that will be a welcome change for North York.” Dealing with the Radial Abandonment Mr. Baker who is a former member of the York County Council termed the action of Col. Lennox as a betrayal of the people of York County. “When the City purchased the Metropolitan as a member of the County Council, I With other members asked Col. Lenn- (,x as County Solicitor to see that the rights of the people of York County in the Metropolitan were protected,” said Mr. Baker,” and our answer was “all is alright don’t worry until 1930.” Col. Lennox was at that time associatâ€" ed With the T.T.C. and now that 1930 has come we see how far the people of York County were protected. “Were ever people so betrayed?” asked Mr. Baker in reviewing the record of Col. Lennox in relation to the Metropolitan Abandonment. Morgan Baker ex-i‘eeve of Whit- church township paid tribute to the nandidate W. P. Mulock who is a can- didate in this election and who he said would be the member of parliament for the riding after July 28th. “In Mr. Mulock” said the speaker “we have 1 Second Series July 16â€"Thornhi11 vs Lansing “ 18â€"Elgin Mills vs Unionville 23â€"Lansing vs Elgin Mills 25â€"Unionville vs Thornhill 30â€"Unionville vs Lansing Aug. lâ€"Elgin Mills vs Thornhill “ 6â€"E1gin Mills vs Lansing “ 8â€"Thornhill vs Unionville “ 13â€"Lansing vs Thornhill . 15â€"Unionville vs Elgin Mills 1 “ 20â€"Lansing vs Unionville 3 “ 22â€"Thornhill vs Elg'in Mills 1A1] Games will start at 7.30 sharp. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. J. Sparling, D. D. 10 a. m.â€"Y0ung Men’s Classâ€"M. J. Johnson, teacher. 11 a. m.-â€"The pastor 2.30 p. m.â€"Sunday School. Mr. 1A. W. Galbraith, Superintendent. 7 p. m.â€"The Pastor. u (I H l‘ LADIES SOFTBALL SCHEDULE SUBURBAN YONGE LEAGUE SOFTBALL NOTES 0:0] Q Certified a Jersey Milk Q 5=o==o=o====oz=o Real Vaiues at Low Prices Our drivers will leave a sample of this milk for your approval 8 QUARTS or 16 PINTS FOR $1.00 This Milk sells in Toronto at 28 cents per quart ADelaide 0880 Formér Dominion Hotel. If It Is a Leaky or a Plugged The Preserving Season Is At Hand Be Prepared Preserving Kettles Aluminum and Granite Delivery will start in Thornhill and North York Township next week PHONE 1744 Phone 18 SALES and SERVICE. Richmond Hill 144 SIMCOE STREET Roselawn Farms Dairy Limited $160.00 Little BrOthers $300.00 HERD UNDER DOMINION ACCREDITATION $160.00 $150.00 $325.00 USED CARS $50.00 Fruit Jars all sizes Rubber Rings, ch Rings, I New Perfection Oil Stoves Nationél Electric Rangettes 0:0] Phone Richmond Hill 54 or 202 Ford Sales and Service Richmond Hill, Ontario THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930 1927 CHEVROLET CABRIOLET Rumble Seat 1928 DURANT ROADSTER Good Condition 1926 FORD COUPE Excellent Condition 1926 FORD COUPE â€" Motor Overhauled 1922 and 1923 FORD COUPES â€" Also 1930 FORD SEDANS 1926 ESSEX COACH TERMS . Brathwaite 0=0=0=Ol â€"TRYâ€"â€" RADIATOR F. A. GREENWOOD Richmond Hill o=oo=6 RICHMOND Etc . TORONTO Ontario IOEQ

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