There is no riding in Canada where the issue of EMPIRE TRADE has greater appeal than in NORTH YORK, and everywhere when W. P. Mulock the government candidate has declared his stand for a GREATER CANADA THROU- GH EMPIRE TRADE his message has been received with enthusiasm by the electors. We believe that North York is in favor of EMPIRE TRADE and that on Monday next irâ€" respective of past party afï¬liations the electors will go to the polls and record a record majority for W. P. Mulock and for EMPIRE TRADE. The calibre of the leaders of the opposing parties is be- ing well tested by the strenuous campaign which they are waging. So far honors are all with Rt. Hon. Mr. King. Even the Conservative newspapers are admitting that Mr. King has demonstrated that the old Chieftain Sir Wilfred Laurier knew what he was doing when many years ago he suggested him as the coming head of the Liberal party. His campaign has been that of a statesman, forceful yet dignified. If Mr. Bennett has any constructive ideas to present to the public so far he has so obscured them under an avalanche of words that their meaning has not yet been brought to light. His plan of action seems to be to promise anything that he thinks will make a hit with the electors and gain him votes, regardless of whether he can redeem his promises or not. Sir William Mulock now Chief Justice for Ontario who represented the riding of North York in the House of Com- mons for many years who is to-day universally recognized and loved as “Canada’s Grand Old Man†was the first advo- cate and a foremost supporter of the British Preference ex- tended by Canada in the famous Fielding Budget of 1896. North York’s representative at that time was Postmaster General in the Laurier Cabinet and the great Laurier himself ascribed to Sir William the major credit for theBritish Pre- ference. North York’s representative in the person of Sir William Mulock was also responsible for the introduction of Penny Postage in Canada. These interesting facts so close- ly linked with the history of Canada were recalled by the Prime Minister when speaking at Newmarket Saturday eve- mng. The tribute paid to Sir William Mulock’s accomplish- ments for Canada and for the British Empire were well de- served and strike a responsive chord in the hearts of the [people not alone of North York, but of Ontario and of Can- ada. The representation of North York by Sir William Mu- lock brought credit and glory to this riding and made a notâ€" able contribution to the development of Canada and the Em- pire. It is not any wonder that in the face of such a great out- standing issue of far reaching importance to CANADA and THE EMPIRE that the people are everywhere putting CAN- ADA and THE EMPIRE before party and are forsaking life- long political affiliations to support the government candi- dates. The EMPIRE TRADE policy of the present govern- ment has so appealed to the Canadian people that thousands of those who are conservatives on election day will support government candidates because they cannot approve or re- concile the stand taken by the leader of the opposition in this election. _ __ __ In this election the people of North York have the op- portunity of sending to parliament another Mulock Who is ready and prepared to take up the torch and carry on to even greater accomplishments for Canada and the Empire. The candidature of W. P. Mulock in this critical and momentous election in the history of Canada is timely and is heralded with satisfaction by electors of all political affiliation. Sir William Mulock in years past sponsored the ï¬rst British Pre- ference and now in 1930 his grandson, William P. Mulock is standing for a further expansion of EMPIRE TRADE. On July 28th Historic North York will send another Mulock to parliament and the voice of this riding which in 1896 was heard in favor of the first BRITISH PREFEREN- CE will be heard again in support of a further extension of- the preference and for a GREATER CANADA THROUGH EMPIRE TRADE. Next Monday, July 28th is election day. Canada on that day must choose the men who will make up the Parlia- ment of the land for the next four years and the government which will administer its affairs in that time. It is more than an ordinary election with one party aiming to retain power and another party aiming to secure the reins of ofï¬ce. It is not a matter of “in†or “out†at this election. This elec- tion is recognized as one of more than ordinary moment, as a critical turning point in the history not only of Canada but of the whole BRITISH EMPIRE as well. The great and out- standing issue of EMPIRE TRADE has appealed to the Canâ€" adian people who recognize in the Dunning Budget the opp- ortunity of a life time and an opportunity which if not grasped in the present election may never come again. ivy The financial record, alone of Mr. King and his govern- ment is enough to merit their being SWept back inte ofï¬ce by a huge majority. iThey took_ lip th_e_ _reins of gqvennment at a time when Canada’s financial position seemed desperate. The Meighen administration had added in the previous two years $174,000,000 to the country’s already staggering na- tional debt. They inherited a legacy of debt and waste and converted it into a. sound, economical, business administratâ€" ion. They balanced the budget in the face of cries from all sides that it just couldn’t be done. In their first year in ofï¬ce they reduced-the deficit by $50,000,000. Ever since then the debt of the country has been steadily decreased. There has been a reduction every year, amounting in all. in- cluding an estimate of $44,000,000 for 1930, to more than $260,000,000. I 1 I ~ , 1,1. aiently. Yâ€"v-,--- SurIe-B/é government that makes such a showing ought to be allowed to continue its work of running this nation efï¬â€" Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on Application. TELE Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO., LTD. J. Eachern Smith. Manager Member Cagadian Weekly Newspaper Association Subscription '$1.50‘per iyear â€" *Toi the "Uiï¬ted States $2.00 PAGE TWO MULOCK AND EMPIRE TRADE THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930 MULOCK FOR NORTH YORK WHICH WILL YOU HAVE THE LIBERAL TELEPHONE 9. The opposition leaders in the present election who apâ€" pear to think it their duty to oppose and attempt to block every forward move in the interests of Canada if there is a chance it will work to their political advantage are shouting that they are the friend of the farmer. The opposition speakers are working on the assumption that if they can fool the people for a week or so before election and get into pow- er that is' all that matters. ‘"SihcéWï¬eh“‘haV€’the‘big inte- rests of sky-high protection developed such a concern for the farmer or his problems? Why should the opposition oppose and criticize the New Zealand ’h'eaty? These are the facts. In 1921 under a conservative administration Canada imported 30,000,000 pounds of Oleomargerine from the United States. In the late fall of 1921 a Liberal government was re- turned to power and the importation of Oleomargerine was immediately stopped. It was found in a few years that Can- ada was not producing enough butter for home consumption due to the large quantities of milk and cream being used for ice cream and other purposes. The government then made a treaty with New Zealand, a British Country, a sister with- in the British Empire, from which country Canada bought butter and in return New Zealand bought CANADIAN GOODS to the extent of FIVE DOLLARS for EVERY DOL- LAR Canada spent in New Zealand. This was good business for CANADA and for the EMPIRE. Owing to the Hawley-Smoot tariff in shutting out Can- adian Dairy products this year the Canadian government, al- ways alive to changing economic conditions and the needs of the Canadian farmer as well as every other class of people in this broad Dominion in the DUNNING BUDGET now gives the Canadian farmer protection of 4 cents a pound on New Zealand butter and seven cents a pound on butter coming from foreign nations. W This is the record of the actions of a government ever concerned with the progress and prosperity of Canada’s bas- ic industry. What has the opposition to offer? The session of 1930 will go down in Canada’s domestic history as one that was productive of the most advanced leg- islation in the world for returned soldiers. There were two revolutionary departuresâ€"one, the War Veterans’ Allowan- ce Act, and the other the complete revision of the pensions system. There is no relation between the two. The form- er is “social legislation,†having no connection whatever with pensions. A veteran who obtains relief under the War Vet- erans’ Allowance Act does not in any way prejudice his right to apply for a pension if he feels that he is entitled to one. This measure is unique in the legislation of any country no other nation in the world has anything, even remotely reâ€" sembling it. The opposition party in this election is unfortunate in its leaders Who are going up and down the country delivering a rhapsody of gloom that will probably go down in history as the “Bennett Blues.†The people of Canada will on July 28 answer those who for the sake of a political advantage are willing to libel Canada’s true economic condition. CANADA’S war pension legislation is the most advanc- ed in the world: no other nation has made provision for its ex-service men and their dependents on a scale of such openâ€" hand-ed justice as this country. In addition to the great national issues of the present election the people of the North Yonge Street district have on Monday next the opportunity of condoning or condemn- ing the record of Col. T. H. Lennox the conservative candi- date with regard to the METROPOLITAN RADAIAL A- BANDONMENT. The pedple with their votes can say that they do not approve of the dual association of Col. T.H. Len- nox and vote against his candidature or by voting for him the people can say we do not demand either sincerity or serâ€" vice of those who represent us THE 1930 budget is a national budget. It fulfills the pledge of Mackenzie King given on November lst, 1929, at It is an opportunity for the North Yonge Street district to again assert itself. The people with their votes on May 3rd declared in no uncertain voice for a radial service and by the untiring efforts of the municipal councils that service is now in operation. It is in operation despite the BLOCKERS BRIGADE in the County Council and not through any ef- forts of Col. T. H. Lennox. Winnipeg: The people of the North Yon ge Street district have been victorious in the face of tremendous difficulties in securing a car service on Yonge Street. There are other battles to be fought and other victories to be won before the North Yonge Street district will take its rightful place in the sun. If the people by their votes on July 28 declare that they do not apâ€" prove of the dual association of Col. T. H. Lennox in the METROPOLITAN RADIAL NEGOTIATIONS, then people may expect that future representatives will give to the people a measure of service which will be in keep- ing with the needs of this district. If on the other hand the people irrespective of the service rendered, vote party before everything else, What more can the people expect in the fut- ure than a measure of lack of service such as has character- ized the public career of Col. T. H. Lennox. Canada has been well named, “The Land of Promise.†At the lavish rate of progress he is making, Mr. R. B. Ben- nett will go down in Canadian political history as The Man of Promises. His promises to date would almost fill the statute book. And still there is no end of them. Every- where he goes the same tale is told. Promises! Promises! Promises! No matter what it is that is wanted in any localâ€" ity Mr. Bennett promises it shall be done. Nor does it mat- ter whether, or nqt, the promise is possible of fulfilment. That does not seem to count at all; it is beyond consideration. The MOTHERLAND is awaiting Canada’s answa‘. Canada will answer on J uly 28th in favor of the EMPIRE. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ...r -0 . “We will continue to shape our fiscal policies on a national basis in the interest of all sections in Canâ€" ada. We will continue to legislate, not for one class but for all classes; not for a favored few but for the greatest good of the greatest number.†“ NORTH YONGE STREET DISTRICT AND THE ELECTION THE NEW ZEALAND TREATY According to press reports Hon. G. S. Henry will speak in Richmond Hill this week on behalf of Col. T. H. Lennox. The Minister of Highways for Ontario and the member for East York is well known in the North Yonge Street district in relation to the issuing of the BUS PERMIT which was the “beginning of the end†of the METROPOLITAN RADI- AL. The BUS PERMIT was issued by Hon. G. S. Henry’s department and the only excuse given by the Minister who admitted it was a mistake was that he was absent from the office when it was issued. The Honorable Minister should be careful lest in his zeal in this federal campaign he is away from his ofï¬ce so much another BUS PERMIT might be is- This country of ours is an extremely rich country. It is like a healthy youngster, continually growing out of its clothes. With the small population we have, combined with constant expansion and growth, there will always be plenty of work for everyone willing to work. There will, naturally be brief periods of depression such as the one now passing. When our world customers are unable to buy our products then, because of that fact, we shall not be able to sell our merchandise. Thishappens in all businesses at times and the running of Canada is the most gigantic business in it. Canada is healthy, virile, growing. It cannot stop going for- ward; it never has; it never will. For Canadians to grouse about hard times is a cowardly business. What we shall need to do is to have faith in our young country and in our- selves and then to remember that faith without work is dead so far as nation-building is concerned. Canada is all right. Col. Lennox the conservative candidate in North York has a dance billed for Bond Lake Park this week. Bond Lake Park belongs to the City of Toronto and is under the author- ity of the T.T.C. as one of the assets of the abandoned Metâ€" ropolitan. The park which has always been a popular re- sort for church picnics and outings of various organizations as well as a pleasant and enjoyable playground for the peop- le of the district has been closed all year. The public have been denied admittance throughout the summer. Col Len- nox’s association with the T.T.C. has no doubt been success- ful in securing for him this park which has been denied to the public during all this year. It’s time for a change in North York. Vote for Mulock. . Lennox has had thirty years in public life. What has he given in return? Give Mulock a chance. Give North York a chance. Next Monday, July 28th, is election day. It is the pri- vilege and duty of every citizenrto VOTE. sued. Hon. G. S. Henry, M.L.A. for East York and Minister of Highways for Ontario instead of campaiging in the feder- al election might be better employed looking after the afâ€" fairs of Ontario. For instance he might to good advantage and to the benefit of this district bring out a policy for the construction of sidewalks along provincial highways which would provide North Yonge Street with a long over-due nec- essity in the interests of public safety. Now that Hon. G. S. Henry is about to take the plat- form with Col. T. H. Lennox in this campaign the electors of the North Yonge Street district with their ballots can pass judgment on the record of both in the inatter of transport- ation in this district. Strengthen the hands of the government representatâ€" ives who go to the Imperial Conference in September. Let Canada’s voice on July 28th be in favor of a Greater Canada Through Empire Trade. North York deserves the best in representation in Par- liament. Vote for Empire Trade. Vote for SINCERITY and SERVICE in public life. Vote to give North York the best best possible representation at Ottawa. Vote for MULOCK. The voice of the electors of North York on July 28th will demand SINCERITY AND SERVICE from those who seek public office. Col. Lennox the‘c'onservative candidate must be judged by his record of thirty years in public life. What has he done for North York or for Canada? Col. Lennox with a period of some thirty years in public life has had his chance. Give North York a. chance. Vote for MULOCK. WE ARE PLEASE!) T0 ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTlVlENT 10F Free Flowing Fertilizers CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED FERTILIZER DIVISION C. L. Walker, Teston, Ont For Canada and the Empire Vote for Mulock. THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930 as dealers in this territory for C-I-L FERTILIZERS LIMITE CIFâ€"ID