PAGE SIX We are equipped to take care of all your clothing require- ments. A varied line of choicest material to choose 'from and every garment is hand tailored. You will find our prices RIGHT and you will be surprised at the saving you will accomplish by placing your order for clothing requirements with us. Call at our office or telephone and our representative will call. ' Sieberling Tires ELGIN MILLS Canadian Dyers & Cleaners Far Men and Young Men Who Want The Best At Reasonable ‘ Price: HAROLD REID’S Service Station CASTROL OIL Bennett CAN’T win! Approve the Kingâ€"Dunning Budget King Budgets during the past nine years have kept living costs down. Tariffs have been lowered on many commodities and implements of proâ€" duction, reducing living costs, and costs Income Taxâ€"reduced over 35 % since 1924. Sales Taxâ€"Reduced from 6 % to 1%. Postal Ratesâ€"Reduced from 3 c_ents_to 2 cents; $30.00 to 2 cents over $10.00. Receipt Taxâ€"Abolished. Transportation Taxâ€"Abolish6d. Insurance Taxâ€"Abolished. Telegraph Taxâ€"Abolished. Reduction in five years estimated to amount to $ 1 1 6,000,000. pcn‘ny postage teâ€"es rablished. Chegué Taxâ€"Reduced frog} 2. ggnts or} every In the past ten years new tariff barriers have been created by many countries, restricting the outlets for Canadian products. Such restrictions naturally Llead to reduced buying power on the part of the people, in turn affecting manu- ' acturers and producers in every line. This problem has demanded the_high« est qualities of statesmanship for its solution and, the trend having been early recognized by the Kit g Adminis- tration, a non-partisan and highly comâ€" petent Tarriff Board appointed. The result of the tireless e Sorts of this Board is the King-Dunnng Budget. Wank, and Lower Living Costs for All - We are exclusive representatives in this district for the Famous Castro) MOTOR OIL. It pays to use the Rest. Call here for your next change of oil and be assured of good service and quality products. Specialists in Dying, Cleaning and Pressing Goods Called for and Delivered. Phone ZOJ Richmond Hill GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED CLEANING AND PRESSIN G A SPECIALTY N. J. GLASS has been appointed local representative of TAXES REDUCED J. A. Greene, Telephone 5j or Residence 49W Summer Suits Richmond Tai‘lors GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE KEEPING DOWN LIVING COSTS EMPIRE TRADE A VITAL NEED Ontario Liberal Campaign Committee, Toronto Motor Accessories of production while at the same time helping Canada to build up the greatest export trade per capita, in the world, in manufactured and semi’manufacâ€" tured goods. 192 2â€"&1gar, agricultural implements, textiles, boots and shoes. 192 3â€"British preferential tariff reduced by 10 percent, where goods imported by Canadian port. l. 1924â€"Instruments of production used in agriculture, mining, forestry and ï¬sheries. 1 92 54â€"Well-drilling machinery and ï¬shermen’ s engines. 1926â€"Sugar, automobiles, tin'plate, etc. 1928f1‘m_p_lenqen_ts of prgduï¬tion in }nln_i_ng and ï¬sl'lingindustricg; fertilizers on free lisf: 1930â€"Tea, porcelain, china, vegetables, fruits, fl-ee under British preference. Reduction in duties means reduction in prices. Providing a market for Canada’s products, ensuring the building up of a home market for her manufactured products, the policy of the King Administration offers assurance of Canada’s future prosperity. The prompt development of trade within the Empire is the logical solu- tion of the enormous problem involved; and the enthusiastic manner in which the Kingâ€"Dunning Budget has been received throughout the Empire ensures Canada a most favourable position at the Imperial Conference for the interchange of products. TARIFF REDUCTIONS Gas and Oil ONTARIO Mortality among Young Pigs One of the most serious problems confronting swine breeders now, is un- idoubtedly the high mortality among the very young pigs, sometimes called “Anemia in suckling pigs.†For some time the staff of the Ontario Veteri- nary College have been studying this problem and they are frank to admit that many phases of the disease still baffle them. The disease can be pre- vented by keepingthe pregnant sow and then the litter in an environment which includes plenty of air, sunshine Lz‘nd green feed, but in winter time when these conditions are out of thel question, the disease is much more difficult to control. In a test recent- 1y made a number of young bacon type .,..._-_, .. -â€"‘. Unthrifty poultry may be infested with internal parasites. Examine a number of birds, and if worms are found add two pounds of finely pul- verized tobacco to each 100 pounds of dry mash. The tobacco should con- tain at least 11/.» per cent. nicotine. The use’ of tobacco will reduce the in~ ternal parasite danger with young poultry, so says Dr. L. Stevenson. ;GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS To rescue a herd of 31 cows, Pepper la dog owned by A. J. Brown, Ran- dalia, Iowa, swam a river swollen by :3. cloudburst, and drove the animals who were marooned on an island, into the river, from Which place-they swam to safety. The cows were valued at 54,000. V v'od an electric water heater in the dairy room at the barn. All -milk pails and the metal parts of his milking machine are thoroughly scalded and he reports fewer complaints from the shipping plant than when boiling water was carried from the house. Where elec- tricity is not available, the use of ster- ilizing solutions should be considered. i . . Your druggist can adVISe as to what‘ He carries in stock. Directions for 1 making the solutions and the frequen- cy of changing it should be'strictlyl adhered to, in order to obtain the best results. I l Fall Wheat Crop God The harvesting of fall wheat in the southwestern-portion of the province has been genera! during the past ten oays. Due to warm weather with cool nights during ripening time. the heads are quite plump and the growers are securing much larger yields than they expected. Reports of agricult- ural representatives from other parts 31’ Ontario would indicate a fair aver- age crop of wheat. NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO You have more respect for talk when you reflect that most of the world’s woe is caused by things people won’t talk about. Newmarket council proposes to put a tax on gasoline pumps. The Stouffville tax rate for the year 1930 has been s-‘rixck by the council at 31 mills on the dollar which is the same rate as last year. According to the Creemore Star, four cheques, filled in and signed by the ofï¬cials of Nottawasaga in favor of farmers in No. 1 division were torn from the Treasurer’s book and removâ€" ed while the councillors ate supper in Duntroon at their July meeting. The largest lunge in many years to be taken from Lake Couchiching was naught Friday night. July 4th, by Jos. Rolland, of Orillia, while trolling in the bay. The fish weighed 31 pounds and was 21 inches around the middle and Well on to four feet long, says the News-Letter. Representing a new industry for manufacturing equalizing machines For race trucks, two men frOm Toron~ to appeared before‘ Newmarket town council at its last meeting to tell their tale. When asked by the Mayor how much money they would need, a com 550,000 was the answer to place the first machine on the market. . $75,000 additional would have to be raised to complete the first year. ‘ Council did not seem to show much enthusiasm over the proposition put forward by the promoters. If any of our readers contemplate going in for the larger species of live- stock, the following list pf average 'l'ices quoted by the London Zoo may be of interest: Rhinoceros, $5,000; hip- popotamus, $4,500; elephant, $3,500; giraffe, $8,000; zebra, $750; bear S350. Tobacco in Poultry Feed Unthrifty poultry may be infested ".‘Iith internal parasites. Examine a number of birds, and if worms are found add two pounds of finely pul- verized tobacco to each 100 pounds of dry mash. The tobacco should con- rain at least 11/2 per cent. nicotine. The use“ of tobacco will reduce the inâ€" ternal parasite danger with young poultry, so says Dr. L. Stevenson. Build Up The Soil Not infrequently do we read of some section of the country where the soil has been gradually impoverished to the point it will no longer return a profitable yield. This has come sol- ely as the result of neglect upon the part of its owners to return to the soil at least a portion of the nourishment removed by successive cropping. Toâ€" 'day there are available many fertiliz- iers readily adaptable to various types ‘0)†soil for the purpose of restoring ‘co the earth its former fertility. True, they cannot be applied indiscriminaten ly, but by judicious application, based‘ on the recommendation of ofï¬cials of 1he Department of Agriculture or the Ontario Agricultural College, a farmer may reclaim laiid now on the verge of total impoverishment. sows were placed through the province for breeding» purposes and a check made on their growth and production of young pigs. Records of 39 gilts fax-rowing this spring show that the average litter contained only 10.9 pigs of which 6.5 were saved to grow to commercial age and Weights. The greatest cause for loss is said to be too often carelessness and inexperi- ence on the part of the owner both during pregnancy and after. Many losses might be prevented with a little care and extra watchfulness. Estimates Free A Taxpayer of The District, Church St. Richmond Hill P. 0. Box 32 Painting. Paper-hanging and Decorating WORK GUARANTEED Hudson Decorators B. R. \VOLFREY, Prop. if worms are of finely pul- 100 pounds of Little Brothers W. D. MERCER B Richmond Hill Members Standard Stock and Mining Exchange OKE BUILDING 304 BAY STREET, ELgin 5111 MINING BROKERS PRIVATE WIRES TO BRANCH OFFICES are STronger~Tou§Hér Cords NUT, STOVE AND EGG COAL Delivered in Richmond Hill and Vicinity LINDSAY ORILLIA LONDON WINDSOR PETERBORO ST. THOMAS KITCHENER BARRIE Write for our Mining News. Free on Request Qumbippe“ Sh ows The Weighflg’r Richvale Service Station George Swims, Props ï¬ï¬‚flfleï¬ï¬‚mï¬ iï¬‚ï¬‚Ã©ï¬ Stop 22-A Yonge Street RICHVALE' -â€" FIRST CLASS MECHANIC EXPERT ATTENTION to ALL MAKES of CARS J. Sheardown IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Under New Management F. G. OKE & CO. HERCULES GAS and OIL REFRESHMENT BOOTH builds the only THURSDAY. JULY 24, 1930 ERE is a test which easily proves the value of GumrDippingH/the extra patented Firestone process of saturating and insulating every ï¬bre of every cord in a Firestone tire with rubber to eliminate internal heat and frictionalâ€"the greatest enemy to tire life. A two’ounce weight is suspended on the end of One strand of a cord (a) taken from an ordinary tire. The strand breaks in 15 seconds. A similarweightis suspended on a GumrDipped strand (b) taken from a Firestone tire/ea it remains unbroken for 45 seconds/~three times as long! Let your nearest Firestone dealer equip your car witha set of these stronger, tougher, more dependable tires that hold the'world’s records for mileage and endur- ance. See him today. FIRESTONE TIRE 'and RUBBER C0, OF CANADA/LIMITED Hamilton â€" Ontario Authorized Ford Dealers Richmond Hill Eritish American Service Station Richmond Hill Best Grade Prices ONTARIO Ontario for