Had it not have been for the Wisdom and foresight of the Liberal Gov- ernment, Canada would have, at the present time, 150,000 or 200,000 more unemployed. Which Policy Do You Choose? Vote Liberal---Vote Muioch HON. G. N. GORDON COL. A. E. KIRKPATRICK MISS EDNA FERGUSON W. P. MULOCK ' PLY thUTH and DeSOTO Public Meeting T 0 - N I G H T gixes {Ed Eights. Products of Chrysler MORGAN BAKER, President EVERYBODY WELCOME MORGAN BAKER, President Noith York Reform Association Talented Entertainers will contribute to the program FACTS THE PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW GOD SAVE THE KING uurh which is amalgamated THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA PAGE EIGHT Masonic Hall RICHMOND HILL THE CANDIDATE IN NORTH YORK THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE The policy of the Liberal Party on-immigration is to leave the matter entirely in hands of the provinces. The provinces must say the number and class of emigrants they require and the federal government assist financially. ' The immigration policy of the Conservative Party: On page 21 of Hansard, Mr. Bennett leader of the Conservative Party said: “We must have settlers; we must have facilities to take care of an additional population of 15 to 17 million people.†And General McCrae, speaking for the Conservative Party, on page 1164 and 1165 of Hansard, said, “We should adopt a plan resembling the Ir ish Land Act.†He said, “I estimate the government would be called upon to finance about $30,000,000 a year for 10 years, a total of $300,000,000 to bring immigrants to Canada. Yonge St., Richmond Hill“ The Bank is an Agent This Bank maintains Branches throughout Canada and agents in every cothercial centre of the world. Lt is to make the market a thousand miles away as accessible and profit- able as the market which lies at your door. I‘HE BANK is an agent whose duty SPEAKERS: NORTH YORK REFORM ASSOCIATION L UL'IS NORTH YORK ertainers the program WELCOME ‘ HE KING J. H. NAUGHTON, Secretary Lihpral Print. Richmond Hill on HOLSTEIN BREEDERS WILL HOLD PICNIC “Old Orchard Farm†will be the scene of a large basket picnic for breeders of dairy cattle and their fam- ilies on Wednesday, July 30th. W. G. Milne, owner of the estate and Ed. Irish, superintendent, extend an invi- tation to the Holstein breeders of York County to close on that date the series of Holstein field days at that farm. The farm management is ar- ranging to supply the liquid refresh- ments for the basket picnic. COLE â€" FOSTER A very pretty wedding was solem- nized in the presence of the immedi- ate families at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Harrison, when Flossie Foster sister of Mrs. Harrison, and daughter cf Mr. William Foster and the late Mrs. Foster was united in marriage to ’7 Aï¬n Stephenson, of Toronto, visited this week with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Morrison. Mr. A. C. McDonald, principal of the Public school here, has been success- ful in passing his examinations on 14 subjects. _ -, ._ . . ... .1- .._...,--._. Mrs. J. J. Sparling is Visiting this Week with her sister in Thorntop. Miss Helen Sinclair is holidaying with her grandparents at Stay‘ner. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wilcox left !ast week on an extended trip to the coast and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest and son of Toronto, are occupying their house during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wells spent a few days this Week with friends in Laskay. Mrs. E. Francis is holidayfng at Or- chard Point Inn, Atherley. Mr. Andrew Melrose, of New Jersey U.S., spent last week with his aunt Mrs. Grice, Centre Street. The following have obtained stand- ing- in the high school entrance exam- inations in Thornhill school. Names are given in alphabetical order? and not in order of meritâ€"R. Bennett (H) L. Davidson (H), D. Farr, M. Gillies, P. Gill, E. McLean, /M. Smith, D. Smellie. We congratulate Mr. McDonald, prihcipa], on the splendid work done in the past year, not only in the ent- rance class but also the third and four- th classes. NE‘V SUBURBAN YONGE SOFTBALL SCHEDULE A meeting of the Suburban Yonge Ladies Softball League was held Wednesday evening at the home of Ede Luesby. Owing to sarcastic re- marks being said by the Lansing play- ers, Manager Smith of the local team decided to not allow his girls to meet Lansing in a league fixture this seas- on. So one of the points discussed was whether to drop Lansing from the league or not, a ballot vote was taken and the results were "i to 5 to drop them. The Suburban Yonge League will carry on with Unionville, Elgin Mills and Thornhill. The following schedule was drawn up. July 25â€"Unionville‘ vs Thornhill Mrs. D. Boyle and Misses Agnes and Marguerite Boyle spent Wednes- day in Peterborough, with Mrs. Boy- le’s sister, Mrs. Robinson. ï¬Miss [Laura 'Inglehart, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Miss Florence Clu- Fine. Mr. and Mrs. B. Heslop spent Sun- day at Lgkg Scu_gjog_. I “ 30â€"E1gin Mills vs Unionville Aug. lâ€"Thomhill vs. Elgin Mills 1 “ 6â€"E1gin Mills vs. Unionville [ (at Thornhill) ‘ “ 8â€"Thornhill vs Unionville “ 13â€"Unionville vs Elgin Mills “ 15â€"Elgin Mills vs Thomhill l “ 20â€"Unionville vs Thornhill (at Elgin Mills) Aug. 22â€"Elgin Mills vs Thornhill (at Unionville) ' SOCIAL and PERSONALS . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wells spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James' VClubine, Laskay. I J. H. NAUGHTON, Sec. Thornhill TBF. LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO rm“? I VOTE FOR MULOCK AND A 18 GREATER CANADA THROUGH "Mills EMPIRE TRADE. . Neal Hubert Nelson Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole, of Roache’s Point. Rev. Dr. J. J. Sparling, pastor of the Unit- ed Church, officiating. The drawing room was beautifully decorated with bouquets of sweet peas, roses, baby breath and ferns. The bride looked charming in a. gown of white flat crepe with rhinestone trimmings and large White picture hat of mohair, she wore shoes and stockings to match and carried a shower bouquet of pale sweet peas, larkspur and babys breath and wore a string of pearls the gift cf the groom. After the ceremony all sat down to a sumptuous repast. The bride and gr00m left amid show-. ers of confetti, on a motor trip to- Roache’s Point, Detroit and Flint‘ Michigan. The bride travelling in al tailored suit of navy blue’ tricotine., After the honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Cole will reside in Toronto. l Rev. J. J. Sparling, D. D. 10 a. m.â€"Young' Men’s Classâ€"M. J. Johnson, teacher. 11 a. m.â€"â€"The pastor 2.30 p. m.â€"Sunday School. Mr. A. W. Galbraith, Superintendent. 7 p. m.â€"â€"The Pastor. Prince chsato Tokugawa, presi- dent of the Japanese House of Peers, and his son. Hon, Iyegasu Tokugawa, Japanese Minister to Canada. met recently on board With the opening of the New Pines Hotel at Digby and of the Algonquin Hotel at St. Andrews- by-tt’he-Sea at the end of June, the tourist season in the Maritime Provinces is now in full swing. Reservations at both hotels are very heavy, forecasting a. prosper- Difficulties met by Canadian and United States motorists when taking their cars to Europe have been overcome by facilitls afforded by the Canadian Pacific Railway, under which the owner can ship his car as baggage between Canada and European points in either direction. The Company arranges for the ne- cessary customs and reglamtlom documents for every country to be visited,erving licenses; license pla- tes, and membership in the Royal Automobile Club. The car is un- loaded within an hour of the ship's arrival and is furnished with oil and a email supply of gasoline and made ready for the road. There is no red-tape and no bond or other ï¬nancial guarantee required. Parliamentary Conference andritoro-k the opportunity to see his son who had come to Victoria from Ouawa to meet him. Beating the world's record in passenger traffic operation, West- ern Canada comes into the lime- light this year with the 1252 mile continuous run from Fort William to Calgary of the Canadian Pacific locomotive number 2808. A number of locomotives of this class are now being built by the railway, equip- with roller~bearing Iboxes which will still further facilitate engine operations on long runs. The season’s first climb of Mt. Temple, 11,600-foot peak in the Rockies, was made last week by Dr. Thoring‘torn of Philadelphia, wellknown writer and Alpim‘st. and W. Kerr, of Vancouver. Edward Feuz, doyen of Swiss guides in the Rockies, was in charge of the climb which started out from Chateau Lake Louise at three in the morn- ing and reached the summit at ten. Canadian Pacific liner' Empress of Russia. The Prince was on his way to London to attend the inter- Leaping .into sharkâ€"infested waâ€" ters in the China Sea haLI‘way between Hong Kong and Shanghai, Carpenter Tom Ellwornhy, of the SS. Empress of Russia, saved the life of Mrs Makareff, passenger on the ship who had jumped overâ€" board in a fit of dementia. The wowan strongly resisted efforts to rescue her and 4th Engineer Dean went to Ellworthy’s assistance, the (DUO) two men succeed'lhg in bringing her b;ck aboard ship after dong and exhausting struggles. " Believed to be the largest salmon ever taken 'by' fly on the Medway River. Cape Breton, Archie Joudry. Baugscote Club guide, took a fish recently that weighéd 32 lbs, was 42 inches long and with a girth of 21 inches. The fish has been pho- tographed for reproduction in the Saturday Evening Post. The railway grade crossing probâ€" lem is not a problem of the mil- way’s making- but essentially a “spciaA problem" and responsibfl- ity for its solution rests upon socibty as a whole. in the opinion of W. P. Borland, Chief of the Bu- reau of Safety, United States Inter- fltate Commerce Commission. (Anglican) Richmond Hill 6th Sunday after Trinity, July 27 8 a. m.â€"Holy Communion. 10 a. m.â€"â€"Sunday School 11 a. m.â€"â€"â€"Morning Prayer 7 p. m.â€"â€"Evening Prayer. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH ere and There ST. MARY’S CHURCH Hear the Election Results over ‘P'H‘I'II'C'O RADIO USED CARS Real Values at Low Prices IMPERIAL BANK 0|= CANADA PHONE I'M-W Former Dominion Hotel. Election Returns Phone 18 Family partnership in banking RICHMOND HILL STONE, GRAVEL SAND AND PEA GRAVEL Supplied on Short Notice. WIRE FENCING and CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Phone Maple 864 One $325.00 $160.00 $300.00 $475.00 $150.00 ND OFFICE $50.00 will be better heard on a new Radio De Forest Crosley ittle Brothers Also the following special values : . Model, all electric set at $129.50 Battery Sets complete $50.00 WALTER BONE & SON Branches at Nowmavket, Aurora, Schomberg, Bolton New Screen Grid Models Richmond Hill, Ontario A very real service is offerâ€" ed by joint account priv’ ileges. Two people may cheque and deposit through one account, and this makes a very convenient family banking arrange; ment. Any Branch of the Bank will be glad to open joint accounts and explain details. Ford Sales and Service THURSDAY. JULY 24, 1930 $185.50 up TERMS Capflal and Resetvo $15,000,000 1927 CHEVROLET CABRIOLET 1928 PONTIAC. 4 Door Sedanâ€" in excellent condition 1928 DURANT ROADSTER 1926 FORD COUPE â€" Motor Overhauled 1922 and 1923 FORD COUPES â€" And also Sedans 1926 ESSEX COACH . Brathwaite Rumble Seat Good Condition .I. A. GROSKURTH. Manager Richmond Hill RICH MOND KILL 410