Jim “I am, but I decided I couldn’t stand it to live with her fol .â€â€"Cinâ€" cinnati Enquier. Fussy Border Jack “Why did you break with A1- ice? I thought you were crazy about her?†Pontiac BA RICHMOND HILL, McLaughlin-Buick SALES and SERVICE =0=0=0=0=°=0=0=0=0=0 =O=0= =0=0=G °=0=°l a=0=l0=0=0=0=0=0=0=5 Burns and calling on old friends. _o=o==o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o= ouo=o=u 3=0===0fl0=0=0 0:0 0:01 Accredited herds inspected by Veterinary monthly VOL. LIII. Richmond Hill “Phone for Free Sample Jersey Milk fl The ladies know good mill! and they are sure to tell their neighbors Roselawn Farms Dairy Limited “YORK COUNTY’S N EWSIEST NEWSPAPER†New Customers Every Day Come and see our stables and dairy. Phone Richmond Hill 54 or 202 Certified ‘o=o==lo=lo===on=g 0=0=0=0=10= O DARING BUT TRUTHFUL SELDOM A PICTURE SO SEN~ SATIONAL IN ITS DISCLOS- SURES OF EX-HUSBAND AND EX-WIVES; SEE THIS NEW LOVE DRAMA OF THE SCREEN’S EXQUISITE STAR_ Real Co-operation Her father. “I doubt very much Whether you would be able to support my daughter; I can hardly do it my- self.†The Suitor (brightly) “Let’s pool our resources.â€â€"â€"Pearson. Ontario “In Essentials, Unity; In Nonâ€"essentials, Liberty: In rill Things, Charity.†RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1930 that the council take action to clean up ithe nuisance of the open ditch on Rose- lview Avenue which had been the subâ€" ‘ject .of complaint. The ,council in- structed the village foreman to have drain which empties in Church Street ditch and was said to cause the trouble “I The Board of Health recommended 3 0 “'cut off first thing on Thursday mom- H'he regular meeting of the council held ' on Wednesday night. Applications were received from Richmond Hill, T-Iaileybury, Midland, Erindale, Wye, ‘F‘oppercliff, Hamilton, Goodwood, Pet- erboro, Newmarket, Niagara Falls, St. IThomas, Lindsay, Birchcliffe, Guelph, Deseronto, Milton, Ezard, Willcwdale, Maple, Woodstock, Timmins, Gravenâ€" lhurst and several scores from Toronto. :Applications ranged all the way from ‘l‘igh class stationery engineers and physical instructors to ordinary laborâ€" .ers and salaries asked were all the !way from $30.00 per month to $160. iper month. The successful applicant was John L. Williams, Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill, who will commence his rew duties right away. The duties inf the position include those of gener- lally assisting with the village work on the streets, sidewalks, waterworks and [electrical departments. I A communication was received from ithe Board of Health advising that the [Board had gone on record as favoring ‘the engagement of a Public Health1 [nurse for Richmond Hill in co-oper? 'ation with the Township of Vaughan,l Richmond Hill to pay not more than‘ twentyâ€"five per cent of the cost. Rich- mond Hill's share would not be over} $375.00. Vaughan township has beenl ‘advised of the willingness of the Board inf Health to co-operate in the engage- l.ncnt of a nurse. 5 Miss Iris Clark, of Plainfield, New Jersey, formerly of this place, is visitâ€" ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Burns and caning on old friends. “I think all streets get their fair proportion†said Reeve Lunau. The question of weed cutting around town was.the subject of some discus- sion. The expense has been consider- able but in cases where cutting has been done on private property the cost will be charged against the property owners. I ' Councillor Davis wanted tw‘o cul- verts built on the new atreet across the Ajax sub-division connecting Wright Street and Richmond Street. Touncillor Middleton thought if the muncil looked after the present streets without taking on any 'new ones it would be doing pretty Well. Councillor Davis thought the west side was entitled to a street parallel t3 Yonge Street the same as Church Street on the east. It woï¬ld be a great convenience to have that street upened up he said. A motion that ‘4wo culverts be built failed to get a seconder. “If it was something for {onge Street or Church Street you’d Jump at it†said Councillor Davis “but slnce it’s over in my side We can’t do it.†Mg i Members commented favorably on} the recent numbering of the houses of the village which has been accomplishâ€" The Board of Health recommended that the town by-law prohibiting the sale of any milk except pasteurized milk be amended to allow the sale of certified milk. At present the by-law provides only for the sale of milk whi- z-h has been pasteurized. It was movâ€" ed that any action be postponed until there was a full council present. Coun- cillor Sims being absent. 0d at a. cost of $34. for numbers and $24.00 for labon One hundred and twenty-six appli- cations for the position of assistant r‘aretaker for the village were read at Assistant Caretaker Advertisement Attracts 126 Applications BOARD OF HEALTH \VILL CO- OPERATE WITH VAUGHAN IN ENGAGEMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE A l- 9 G (K ALL NIGHT SERVICE RICHMOND HILL. MAPLE @ m r {a Vaughan township council met at Vellore on Tuesday afternoon. Reeve James Robson occupied the chair and all the members were present. The by-law was passed ï¬xing the various tax rates for the year. The township rate was fixed at 8.2 mills the same as last year but the County rate which in recent years has contin- ually risen is still on the upgrade and this year a rate of 13.7 is necessary in Vaughan to meet the County require- ments. The amount required for‘ County purposes is $56,086.61 which includes the cost of secondary edu- cation. Last year the County rate on ithe Township was 12.2 mills. The igeneral school rate will be the same Sag previously and the rates for the Various school sections are in keeping with the requisition of the respective school boards. Road work throughout the township as progressing favorably and a large 1amount of excellent work has been ac- :complished this year. On Tuesday iafternoon the members of the council ‘xisited the scene of operations and ‘viewed the new township machinery in action. The new grader and caterâ€" pillar tractor are giving excellent sat- isfaction and are proving economical in operation as .well as a great assist- ance in getting the work done in re- cord time. The expenditure on roads for the various months so far has been January $1,484.48; February $2318.08; March $597.03; April $392.42; May $1127.37; June $2,322.99; July $11,931- .39; a total to the end of July of $20,- 173.76. The township has now under 'way a large undertaking at Patterson on the Maple sideruad Where a new cul- vert is being installed. The roadway will have to be widened and the hill will be cut down to provide fill for the widening. This is a large job but will not all be completed this year. The township has received from John D. Patterson the deed for a por- cion of land at the south west corner of the second concession and the Maple sideroad. Mr. Patterson has kindly given this land to the township free of charge to enable the municipality to proceed: with the straightening of the road at this point and thus elimin- ate a very dangerous corner. games, tug of war, ladies softball tour- nament with Elgin Mills, Thornhill, Unionville and Oakwood teams comâ€" peting. Guessing contests and lucky number prizes. Admission to the grounds FREE Buy a program and win a prize. Refreshments on the grounds Routine. business was transacted in (Vluding the passing of general and road accounts after which the council visited Various parts of the township where work is in progress. On Sunday afternoon, August 17th, at 33 o’clock an open session of the Sunday School will be held and six sterling silver medals will be present- ed. The pastor will give the address. Richvale Pupils successful in the re- cent entrance examinations: T. Adams, G. Huestis, J. Lambert, T. MacPherâ€" son, K. Rowe (H), G. Tarplefli, M. Ev- ans, F. Karas, L. Macklem, P. Philpott, G. Sharpless, J. Webb. NEW HOUSES IN AURORA Aurora is beginning building operat- ion on a busy scale according to Clerk Andrews, as permits for no less than th'ee new house have been issued this week. ‘ A11 is in readiness for the third anâ€" nual Field Day which will be held on SATURDAY, AUGUST 16th. Races, The fire brigade answered a call to the home of A. J. McLatchy, Richmnnd Street, on Sunday morning and the blaze was extinguished before much damage was done. The Occupants of ‘he house were in church at the time. INCREASED RATE FOR COUNTY PURPOSES â€"- BAD CORNER ON MAPLE SIDEROAD WILL BE STRAIGHTENED VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP TAX RATE UNCHANGED I‘IELD DAY SATURDAY, AUG. 16 FIREMEN ANSWER CALL I°=0=O=OHO°=OOUO$0=0=O=O Richvale 30=0=0=02 The township of Vaughan is at pre- sent engaged in installing a six foot galvanized culvert at Patterson on the Maple sideroad and the work is being done by the jacking and tunneling pro- cess instead of‘the usual excavation. The large pipe which comes in twenty foot lengths is placed in position a- gainst the embankment and by jacking is gradually pushed forward as the work of removing the earth progresses and the dirt removed through the pipe. [n this way the culvert is put in place without any inconvenience to traffic and the road always open. There is moreover a substantial saving in the cost. The culvert which is being installed is the well known Armco make, a proâ€" duct of the Canada Ingot Company of Guelph. It is ten gage and costs $17.- '.'9 per foot 1e55 one per cent. The cul- vert when completed will be 86 feet in length. This is the first time that this meth- od of installing a culvert has been practiced in this district and consider- able interest is shown in the work by municipal men from neighbouring municipalities and by engineers of companies interested in this type of construction Work. A delegation from Peel County visited the scene of activ- ities on Wednesday, engineers from the C.P.R. have inspected the work, and others interested in the new method have come from as far as Ottawa. The work is progressing very favorably jand is under the direction of Road Superintendent W. 0. McDonald. Culvert Installed By New Methods EXTRA POLICE FOR HIGHWAY Two motorcycle police assisted Traffic Ofï¬cers Reid and Storey on Yonge Street for the holiday and checked closely the heavy traffic. “Cut In†artists were watched closely and several face charges before His Worâ€" ship Magistrate Duncan on this count. “THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT- YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. The Phantom The Rogue Song CAPTAIN of the GUARD TALKING COMEDY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, AUG. 12, 13 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, AUG. 14, 15 Laura LaPlante John Boles Lawrence Tibbett OF THE METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE â€" WITH â€" CATHERINE DALE OWEN STAN LAUREL OLIVER HARDY Comedy “ Getting a Ticket ’,’ SATURDAY AND MONDAY, AUG. 9, ll Inspired by a Century's Greatest Song BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT â€"â€" WITH -â€" on Chaneyâ€" Mary Philbin â€"Norman Kerry 'omedy Act “ The Rube †TALKING SINGING DANCING Scenes in Technicolor 150 piece Symphony Orchestra o=o===o=o====louo=g MOVIETONE NEWS IN NEWMARKET STILL TALKING RADIALS Reeve F. A. Lundy reported Tuesâ€" day night to the town council that ef- forts to have the Toronto board of conâ€" trol reduce its price of $150,000 on the i.2.43 miles of radial line between Richâ€" ‘nond Hill and Newmarket had failed, but that the board had agreed to the expenditure of $10,000 in repairs to the line. Because only five members of the council were present a special meeting was arranged for Thursday Lt 2 p. m. to discuss the matter in de- Hail. Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ï¬fe Opera MOVIETONE