Blue Monday has been crossed off the cal person escapes the terrors day is a festive day. endar. If a of the highways on Sunday, Mon- Safety on the highway calls for the honking of the horn before attempting to pass. Safety demands it, and safety on the road is the supreme consideration. It is a recognized fact that experimental experience has no equal, but it must be honest and thorough. One glimpse from the inside is not enough. Too many are prone to give it “the onceover†and call it enough. But religion is someâ€" thing that must be lived to be thoroughly appreciated, and an ounce of living is worth a pound of profession.â€"â€"Don’t neglect your church because its summer. Churches always complain of a falling off in the atten- dance at regular services during the summer months, and in referring to this regretable situation, one venerable clergy- man said: “Religion is like a stained glass window in a church. N o matter how bright the day may be, you cannot see the beauty of it from the outside. Come inside and look at it from within; then you will know.†If the weeds were cut along highwaysâ€"and there are laws which provide that this shall be done â€"â€" there would be less pollen and the automobile would not have this charge laid at its door. People who reside continuously beyond the limits of towns and cities do not appear to be sufferers from these diseases to any greater extent than their city cousinsâ€"pro- bably because they can smell pollen all summer and fall. But when the wicked automobile takes the town dweller out a- long the scented highways, he at once begins to sneeze and exhibits symptoms of hay fever or asthma, both of which are classed as nonâ€"fatal diseases, but which cause suffering and depression to. victims and distress to relatives and friends. The automobile takes increased numbers into the coun- try. Millions of cars are daily conveying additional millions of people through great country spaces. From the road- sides and fields rises plant pollen, so fine as to be invisible in the air. We breathe it into our lungs and hay fever or as- thma follows. By residing in the country, which is the easy thing to do now that roadways have been provided over which to pass rapidly is a joy, one comes in contact with larger quantities of plant pollen, which is recognized as one of the chief caus- es of hay fever. And here comes a new one. across the border announces that ularity of the automobile are c.‘ thfgughout the country. In the mass it is blamed by many as having changed the whole course of social and business life, starting at the home and sweeping bare theatres and churches, injecting uncer- tainty into all lines of business, diverting study and poise, raising hob with finances, filling courts with damage cases, overcrowding hospitals and causing unending trouble and expense. The automobile has been blamed for a long list to catalog which would be to name about everythin ual in this somewhat upset world. Attention of Ontario motorists is called' to the Safety Responsibility Law passed by the Legislature which becom- es effective on September 1st. Under provisions of this enâ€" actment motorists guilty of certain offences in connection with the highway traffic regulations will not be allowed to continue driving until they have satisfied the authorities of their financial responsibility. In the case of persons of means there will be no trouble about complying with this reâ€" quirement but the majority of people will be forced to seek protection from the insurance companies. Offences that will bring this legislation into operation against the. owner of a motor car include those serious driving violations aired so often in trafï¬c court, these days, together with the inabil- ity of an automobile operator to pay a judgment for damag- es rendered against him. The law was passed to protect people from injury at the hands of irresponsible motorists. Everyone has read of cases where a person was injured by the carelessness of a driver and could collect no damages be- cause the man responsible for the injury wasn’t worth any- thing. It is to get away from this kind of thing that the new law was passed by the legislature and it means the maâ€" jority of car owners will have to take out insurance. Proâ€" visions of the amendment apply to visiting m‘otorists from the United States and other provinces. The Canadian Automobile Underwriters’ Association has prepared a pam- phlet explaining the whole situation which can be had, free of charge, from agents of insurance companies who are members of the association. PAGE TWO , Member Canadian Weekly NeWspaper Associa‘ Subscription $1.50 per year â€"â€" To the United 8‘ Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Advertising Rates on Application. TELI Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOT‘ THE LIBERAL PRINTING C0., LTD J. Eachern Smith, Manager CHARGED AGAINST THE CAR SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY LAW THE SUMMER SLUMP THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1930 THE LIBERAL a. A Public Health Service Lt suburban life and the pop- causing hay fever to gain ed for a long list offences, about everything , unus- Newspaper Association To the United States $2.00 RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 9 I Why bring a car to a halt at a ;“Stop†sign? ‘ The purpose of such a regulation, according to the North Caroline su- preme court, is to give the motorist ‘ ‘he opportunity of becoming better in- f‘fvrmed about traffic conditions on the ’ ntersecting street or highway. And, having thus informed himself of the situation on the roadway he is anout to enter, his next step, in the words of the court, is to determine, A dirty headlight bulb burns out more quickly because it is less able to 'l'adiate the heat generated within it? ’ The reason for shifting the parking (lights from the cowl to the front fend- ers was to make them truly parking \lights? On the cowl, these lamps fail- i‘ed to show a light to the rear which is [possible in the case of fender mountâ€" [ mg. While bulbs of higher candlepower ~Ised in the car burn brighterâ€"if the voltage is higher they will give less light? damaged the station to the extent of $11,000. In spite of a strong defence that the proprietor had no ground for action, the superior court held the de- fendant customer responsible. ’ Smoking around a gasoline filling station is one of the cemmonest of .‘abits. But it is a habit that the customer soon will break if he has the experience of a motorist who called for gas at a station in Los Angeles. By lighting a cigarette near _,the gaso- line tank be caused an explosion that It was found that after a certain amount of crankcase dilution has tak- en place, an equilibrium is reached be- ‘yond‘ which there is little if any in- ‘u-ease in dilution of the oil with raw gasoline. This was attributed to the (evaporation of the gas that had found its way into the oil. Ventilation of the crankcase was hit upon as a means of assisting and speeding'up this evap- oration. Crankcase ventilation was not just another sales gesture. It had its origin in an important fact learned irom fuel research, and performs. a valuable function. It is worth remembering when breaking in a new car that the speed- in second gear never should be a1- :owed to exceed half of that prescrib- ed for high gear driving. In other words, if the manufacturers set 30 [miles an hour as the preper high gear speed for the first 1,000 miles, one should not exceed 15 m.p.h. in second. [it is a matter of keeping the engine: he may be surprised for over in Eng- land toâ€"day there are two versions of this type of transmission. Both are declared to have proved themselves in tests of the most trying kind. Did you know that \Vould the motor car buyer be sur- prised should he be told his car has a hydraulic transmission? Well, then from getting above a certain number nf revolutions per minute. In such a rvase the speed in low should not ex- (-(‘ed seven miles an hour. iardest one the pedestrian ever has to ford. The positive results accomplished by the addition of safety courses in public 1-arachial and private schools are held LO more than adequately justify those [who insisted upon it several years ago. It was opposed in some quarters on the ground that it took time that ‘ might well be devoted to the tradition- {ul pursuits of the class room. ‘ Now the thought grows that safety [education has become one of the s3h001’s most definitely valuable con- ‘ iributions to a better social order. . Slowly, but surely, education is having 1 its effect. Education as the high road to safety does have the disadvantage of being slow. Even its staunchest advocates concede that point. Every now and then, however, they have reason to point to its undeniable ‘certainty. At present they are doing ‘ '90 in connection With statistics relat- iing to the improvement in child safea Ity. Through the schools, the child is being taught just where he must look for danger and how he must safeguard! himself against it. The process is bearing fruit. Stat- istics of the safety clubs, of police de- partments, motor clubs, motor vehicle departments and other sources alniOst without exception show that accidents involving children are becoming pro- portionately smaller while those in- volving adults are increasing. So definite is the trend that many I] I 'are convinced that the one great hope in the traffic accident situation is ithat the coming generation Will have :afety imbred into the very fibre of l its being. ‘ The traffic stream is just about the THE LIBERAL, RICHMQND HILL, ONTARIO THOUGHTS FOR MOTORISTS Much of the appeal of a meal lies in whange from the usual. Combined with a simple meal which embraces cold meat and a salad and a desert with iced tea or coffee, the frozen desâ€" serts prove most refreshing. While raspberries are in season the follow- ing recipe will be found appetizing. Raspberry Mousse. 1 Cupful of raspberry juice, 1 cupful of sugar; 1A? tablespoon of gelatine, 2 tablespoons of cold water, 1 cupful of whipping cream and 3 tablespdonfuls of confectioner’s sugar. Heat rasp- berry juice and sugar. Soften the lgelatiné in cold water-and dissolve in the hot liquid. Cool the mixture un- til it begins to thicken and fold in the -ream which has been whipped until stiff and sweetened with the confect- ioners’ sugar. Tum into a mold, pack {nice and salt and let stand for at] least three hours. If canned raspw’ ben‘ies are used in this recipe less sugar will be needed. Serves six. If the car owner follows the direct- ions literally he can align the front wheels of his own car. The chance ‘of erring is considerable, however, and since the job done by the mechan- Sc, is so inexpensive, the whole thing may better be left to the service stat- Ion. With, regard to quick getaway, about which every motorist is thinking in these days of heavy traffic it is well do know that shifting from low to sec- }ond gear is the greatest time waster. rl‘he point is not to start in second but rather to practice shifti-ng_unti1 one has perfect technique between the low- er gear combinations. vehicle laws during 1929, according to reports made by the courts to the state .notor vehicle department. There were 27,588 cases tried, an increase over the previous year of 2,690. These cases included only offenses against ‘ihe state laws and not viola’cions of city ordinances. An average of one in every twelve .f the operators licensed to drive in Connecticut were tried by the courts of rhe state for violations of the motor Berlin buses are being equipped with (-xtension frames above and outside ihe fenders high enough to enable the driver to see them. The fender pro- tectors show the driver the clearance his bus has and aid him in judging distance in narrow lanes of traffic on cangested streets. ' Tire carriers, especially on the cars of a few years ago, may be a source of noise that is hard to 10cate. The sound may be transmitted elong’ the frame until it seems to be quite far re- moved from the actual source. Running the windshield wiper oc- casionally not only serves to keep the mechaniSm in working order, but in- forms the driver that it will operate when he needs it. Have the punctured tire repaired at once so that a good spare will be avail- able at all times. Painting, Paperhanging ‘ and Decorating \VORK GUARANTEED Estimates Free A Taxpayer of The Districi, Church St. Richmond Hill P. 0. Box 32 the car out of the mud. Have some- one push the automobile, while the driver engages the gears and gives it pienty of gas. Don’t place sticks or boards under the rear wheels when trying to move the car out of the mud Hana mum ' In an effort to determine way some automobile license plates fade in a short time while others last full sea- son, scientists of the bureau of stand- ards submitted them to tests in a weathering machine. Some plates Vere given glassy coats of varnish, Ac preserve them, while others were left dull, and all were exposed to the effects of the artifical weather maker, which in thirty-seven days subjected them to the wear and tear to be ex- pected from months of hard use on cars. In every instance, it was found that the dull tags outlasted those that “ had been varnished, and stood the. test better. ONE GOOD RECIPE MAKES A COOK FAMOUS and Hudson Decoralors B. R. WOLFREY, Prop. whet hether in the ex‘ may go upon the y with reasonable I others.†the exercise of due care pen the intersecting high- asonable safety to himself [Little Brothers (‘nnadian Pacificâ€"that is to say. 37,000 mpals every day or 259,000 every woek, This gigantic total I: made up of about 4.200.000 in din- inz cars and statinn restaurants: 4.450.000 on A'lautic or Pacific stnnmshins: 1.350 000 on inland and coastal steamr‘ra. and 30500 000 In the- company's hotels and bungalow camps. About 1317!; million meals a. year are served t9; travellers by the . D. MERCER ADeIaide 0880 , , ,UU- .. vvv uuyo, a, IUUUFU is this year bidding strongly tc maintain her position. having lait’ 100 eggs up to April 15, and keep- ing up her average since that date If It Is a Leaky or a Plugged “Lady Victorine". barred Ply- mouth Rock hen which last year laid 358 eggs {11,365 days, a record .1- LL! At the Calgary Bull sale held re- cently, the largest sale in North America at which bulls are sold singly, 531 bulls realized $115,475 an average of $217 each. Here- fords were the sensation of the sale. 218 head bringing $66,395, or an average of $30436 per bull. “A uuu v1 IVA. The part} witlnTAI-rlwlliayes landed 342 salmon, all of which, except some eaten, were returned to the water. “I never saw such good fishing," he said. A bright Atlantic silver salmon. weighing 28 lbs.. hooked on the Cain’s River, April 28 last, by David Hayes, viceâ€"president of the Gen- eral Electric Company, Bridgeport, 001111., is regarded as the record spring run salmon ever taken by early anglers in New Brunswick. rnL- hr A Canada’s new championship 18- hole golf course, the Royal York of Toronto, is scheduled to be opened officially May 19, when it is expected there will be a distin~ guished gathering of golfing not» ables present together with E, W. Beatty, chairman and president or the Canadian Pacific Railway, the otganization responsible for the creation of the course. It has a length of 3.140; 3,370; 6.610 yards from the championship tees and a par of 35--37~-72. At the annual meeting of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company held early this month dividend of 2% percent. on common stock for quarter ending March 31 last, was declared from railway revenues and special income, payable June 30 next to shareholders of record May 29. R. S. McLaughlin, of Oshawa, president of General Motors of Canada, Limited, was elected to the board of directors. 144 SIMCOE STREET at ANY speed SAFEIY-- Auto Parts Repair Co. gig NEW BALLOON to say. 259,000 total I: In din- Firesione Heavy Duty Bvailoons. See your nearest Firestone Dealer today. With the new Firestone Heavy Duty Gum-Dipped Balloon Tires you have a wide margin ol salety at ANY speed. Built in advance of today's car requirements, they withstand rougher usage than any car on any road at any speed, can give them. Firestone Heavy Duty Balloons are made ol Gum-Dipped cord construction-the strongest and safest method known. They have a deeper safety tread, extra side-wall thickness and two extra lies of Gum-Dipped cords just Eeneath the tread to absorb. road shocks. They are the strongest, salest, toughest tires that Firestone has ever built. Makeayour car safer For travel. Equip it»with a set of new -TRYâ€" THURS FIRESTONE TIRE Authorized Ford Dealers Richmond Hill BritiSh American Service Station Richmond Hill RADIATOR LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES ASHPHALT ROOFING, GYPROC. Phone 27 Richmond Hill SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. 514-16 Queen Street East PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS‘ ALSO USED TIRES We Buy and Sell Used Proprietor Cars and Trucks F. LE’BLANC Phone: WAverly 3513 SDAY, AUGUSTV 7th, 19303 Threshing ‘E TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Hlmikon v Onnn'o NATIONAL AUTO WRECKERS PAINTER & DECORATOR H. FORSTER Telephone Stouffville 6116 Wall Paper Sunplied if Desired STAN WOODS $2.25 per hour '. A. GREENWOOD VICTORIA SQUARE {.R. 2, Maple ’Phone 1864 Richmond Hill Dealers in TORONTO