Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Aug 1930, p. 3

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II‘HORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Toronto. Hud. 13¢7W. We (we prepared to conduct sales of every legixy'tion. Farms and farm stock sales a mxnyty. Farms bought and sold on commis- u. , All sales attended to on shortest notice, L’conduoted by thn most approved methods. IPLE Piano Tuner 35 Years' Practical Experience 378 Bercsford Ave" West Toronto - Lyndhurst 2821 Telephone Glenn’s Drug Store, Rich- mond Hill, for appointment PRENTICE 8; PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice. 415 Balliol St., K. G. Prentice, Milliken. ILLIAN 0.LANGSTAFFâ€"- Diseases of woman and childnn co hqurs: 1: 3 p.1n. Phone 100 J. '1‘. SAIGEON MAPLE .icensed Auctioneer for the County of York ,les attended to on shortest notice and at reascnable rates. Patronage salicited Plowing and Garden Work ‘yand and Gravel, Concrete Work. OAK RIDGES th Yonge St. - Richmond Hill ROL‘PH L LANGSTAFFâ€" Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m. ;o 8 p. m., and by appointment. 2e: Centre and Church Streets., ichmond Hill Phone 24. Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at lWILSON’S CARTAGE from the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will Muept a number of puoils in Piano. organ and Theory . Richmond Hill â€" Tuesday & Friday ‘ HRS. MYLKS f WILLIAM BUCK VIOLINIST Will open a studio in Richmond Hill, for further information apply to Adelmo Melecci, Phone 58-J ss and Long Distance Moving nd and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By Hou_r or Contract one 1535. trucks Insured for Public Liabil- d property damaged. ds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done orkmanship. Prompt Service. p in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge Street New Limousine Ambulances ‘illowdale 69 HUdson 3679-W Stop 5. Yonge Street. Lansing ice hours: 8:10 run. and 6:8 Poyntz Ave” Lansing Willowdale 140. )ffice hours: 124.15; 6-7.15 Capitol Bldg., Yonge St. Bud. 1133; Rand. 2121. fice hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7.30â€"9 (M.O.H. Vaughan Coroner) ‘e Hours: 8-10 a.m. 12â€"2 & 6.8 p.m and by appointment [orkmanship Guaranteed. qut and Shoe Repairer SAND â€" GRAVEL rem Maple Gravel Pit RAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD. A. STONEHOUSE CARTAGE AND EXPRESS Estimates Free. 13 Year’s Books On Hand ltop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 4 pen-hanger and Decorator. 'ERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. bone 62. ,. W. SALEM CALDWELL CHARLES S. DUNNING FUNERAL QIRECTOR‘ AND EMBALMERS DR. J. P. WILSON DRS. LANGSTAFF JOHN R. CAMPBELL W. J. REID The Liberal is recognized as one 0'. the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelvt pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every Weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. WRIGHT & TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AM BULANCE SERVICE JOHN T. ANDERSON Veterinary Surgeon THOR NHILL BERT H UMPHRE‘Y GEO. KIDD VOL. LIII. ADELMO MELECCI MEDICAL MAPLE BUSINESS Professional And Business Director; MUSICAL $1.50 PER YEAR Hud. 1347W. Thomhill, I'163-167 Yonge Stréet _ Elgin 4820 opp PHONE 3. We are the authorized dispensers of Orthogon Lenses. You get clear vision to the edge of your glass- es. Call or Phone for an appointment for an examin- ation. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building southwest corner of King and longe‘ Streets; Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K. C. Herb. A. Clark‘ Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulockl 1207 Northern Building 330 Bay Street - '1 Telephone -â€" Adelai4 { Manning Arcade. formerly of Wm Cook, Cook & Delany Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 9 Wilson N. Robinson 'Money to loan. Barristers, Solicnmrs, Etc. Rooms 503 Northern Ontario Bldg., icor. Adelaide and Bay Sts., Toronto. ‘Wiiliam Douglas, K.C, Donald Douglas BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC MULOCK, MILLIKEN, CLARK & REDMAN F. E. LUKE, Opt. D.‘ W. LUKE, R. 0. Officezâ€"A. Mills Showrooms, East side of Yonge Street, Immediately south of Hill’s Garage Phone Richmond Hill 125 Money to loan at current rates Toronto Office, 18 Toronto Street, Phone, ELGIN 1887 ORTHOGON fiD. 0177 Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. RICHMOND HILL ‘ Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every Saturday. McG HIRE. King. Gwilhn Walter noon BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 2135 Yonge Street Toronto. HYLAND 1898 and 1900 MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS & ROBINSON A. Cameron Macnaughtnn BARRISTER 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West, Toronto Phone: Elgin 4879. MAPLE DR. L. R. BELL Dentist Office: Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 NAUGHTON 8: JENKINS Barristnrs. Solicitors, Notariep ’I‘Plcphoue Adelaide 2108 Offices: as Richmond SL'WeM, 'J'n'rflo Nmmbtun BXock. Aurora Solicitors THURSDAY AFTERNOON THOMAS DELANY Barristere. fin!i(‘ihur3.\ Etc. Hon. W.Iâ€"I. McGuire, Vincent C. MacDonald L.S.B. James A. Boles, B.A. Office Haurs FRIDAY. 1.30 P.M. TO 8 RM Telephone 80 Dr. M. J. QUIGLEY Stafidard Bank Building. “oronto Unit-e OPTOMETRISTS Bank of Commerce Building Banisters. Solicitors. Etc Wm. Cook, K. C. F. Gordon Cook, B. A., LI HAROLD J. KIRBY h r H at Richyoggl Hill Every WILLIAM COOK 8: COOK CAMPBELL LINE Into Unit-e: 816 Federal Bu” 8:} Richmond St. Wee: mo-Id Hill ()Cfice (Liberal Offira' nv rnrwmnu. anle. 'l'hlll'Sdap‘ Wondhridga, Saturday nflernon Monev to loan at Current Ram \\'Lil T. C. NEWMAN MAPLE HOTEL Adelaide and Vicwria Sm â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" Dr. W. Finlay Telephoneâ€"Maple MACDONAL DENTIST reet Toronto Opposite Simpsons I THORNHILL Toronto DENTIST Ma lies Toronto Adelaide 4140 D & HOLES AD 0178 Hi1 LL.B ONTARIO Build i1]. 5041- Mills. '0!“ road alwgether- “3 Carries 3' The following accounts were order- very heavy traffic. ed to be paid: ‘ Mr. Stiverâ€"The taxes are going up Robert Agar, R. R. 2 Gormley $937.- every Yea-1‘ 311d if we Start making eX- 17; Win. Allchurch, Locust Hill $141.- penditures of this size on township '.5; G. H. Bennett, R. R. Markham roads, where are we going to land? $131.15; David Boyd, Stoufi’ville $81.75 Reeve Gohnâ€"-The only difference in R. J. Cunningham, R. R. 2, Gormley‘ after Reeve Gohn~The sixth is a differ- ent road altogether. It carries a very heavy traffic. Mr. Stiverâ€"Is it fair to spend $100 a. mile on other township roads and this much on the sixth concession? l Deputy-Reeve Stiver “I’d like to see ‘the sixth fixed with an expenditure of not over $1,000. per mile." Reeve Gohnâ€"We must remember we spent practically nothing on it last year. Councillor Clark favored new con- ,x‘truction at the estimated cost, of $3,- fsoo. “If it will cost $1,500. to repair hit and we have to turn around next year and rebuild it I think it is waste ;« if money to spend $1,500 on it. We might better spend the $3,500. this year and have a job of it and be through.” l Deputy-Reeve R. L. Stiver said he aid not like the idea of spending $10- ,000. on the sixth concession. He thought the council should go easy and see if some more economical way could not be devised of keeping up the Lroad. Instead of new construction '0f the half mile of road he favored just scarifying the sections and maybe the application of a little stone. The cost of this would be between $1000. and $1,500. as compared to $3,500. for new construction. Of all the items in the estimates the sixth concession was the only one to cause any notable contention. Since this road was handed back to the munâ€" .icipality the matter of its upkeep has {Leen a constant worry to the various ‘councils. By virtue of its type of iconstruction repairs and [necessary up- keep are necessarily expensive items. Engineer Babcock was present and estimated the cost of the necessary} work to be, for oiling and surface treating ' $4,200., patching $1,000, (trainage $1,500, rebuilding- certain bad stretches, about one half mile in all $3,500. making a total of $10,200. The council plans by the elimination of some bridge construction, and the practice of strictest economy to be able to make a payment on the de- Lentures issued last year out of the tight mill rate. There will be no .xpecial rate to take care of the deben- tures. mates as fine as possible and some work planned will have to be left over for another year. «â€" ‘This applies par- ticularly‘to bridges which was a large item of expenditure in 1929 but only the very urgent construction will be tackled this year. j ' Outstanding among the work yet to be done this year and provided for inI the estimates is the repair of the sixth' 1concession which has been a bone of)‘ contention since it was handed back to the township by the County. 'I'hereI will be an estimated expenditure of 1 310,000. on the sixth and throughout the township there is approximately $8,000. worth of gravelling yet to do. County rate which during recent years has steadily risen is up again this year. In order to keep the rate from go- ing up it was necessary to pare esti- ' Markham township council met in which is regarding the new construc- reg'ular session on Tuesday afternoon tion. We are all agreed on the patch- ' and after long deliberation on the mg. the oiling, resurfacing and drain- matter of'township finances fixed the age? 'oWnship rate for the year 1930 at 8 Mr. Stiverâ€"Yes. mills the” same as last year. The at. Reeve Gohnâ€"The cost of scarifying mount required for County purposes iSSthe bad stretches and rolling them and $48,839.00 for general purposes andlmaybe a. little stone is between $1000. $8,053.62 for secondary education, a and $1500. whereas we can have those 'otal of $56,892.62. This will require stretches rebuilt for $3,500. I don’t a rate on the township of 10.55 miIIS‘think that scarifying and even the which is over one mill increase as‘application of a lot of stone Would compared to last year, icarry the traffic next spring; 1 The eight mill rate for townshipa DeDUtY-Reeve Padgetâ€"I’m in favor purposes will raise $41.844. 6n the as-‘Uf the $3500. for new construction 0f :essment of the township which thistrhose stretches. I would like to see yea‘r $5,230,527.00. There was a un- 1‘he expenditure kept within the $10, animous desire on the part of the;000. Thatis the high Spot 0f expen- l‘nembers of council to avoid any in-fditlll‘e as far as I am concerned. ‘crease in the rate this year. It was}. Reeve Gohnâ€"We are hearing more ‘pointed out that. prospects were none criticism from the sixth than any oth- too promising for the farmers and 61‘ part of the tOWnShip- The people , that if at all possible there should be 5'1‘8 UP in armS- It is a busy road and 3 no increase in the township rate. Theli‘é in bad Shape. Cn‘n‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THfiIlâ€"SI)AY, AUGUST Township Rate Struck at 8 Mills the same as Last Year --County Rate Continues To Soar - Weed Inspectors Are Busy. Markham Township Council Will Spend $10,000 on Sixth Concession This Year The tender of the Patterson Con- struction Company for the bridge be- tween lots 15 and 16 on concession 3 was accepted ‘at a price of $2,425. Robert Clark of Thornhill _complain- Gd of the blocking of a natural water course and asked that the council take action. A mee‘ of interested part. fes will be called by the council. Weed Inspectors Stiver and Gowland leported to the council and’ it is ap- parent that these officials have had-a ~ busy time during recent weeks. Some - 'Icry bad cases were reported both r from the east and west sides of the municipality and in many cases the ' inspectors have put in men to cut down 5 the Weeds the expense of which will in turn be charged up to the property owners with their taxes. Inspector} Stiver has had an especially difficult time in some of the subâ€"divisions a- long Yonge Street, but Mr. Stiver pointed out the law quite clear & wa's'. equally insistent that all weeds be cut and that if property owners did not look after the cutting he had no al- ternative but to put a man in to do the work. Both inspectors reported that the ltownship roadways had been kept well but during the year. Chief Inspector Smith recently visited the township ‘ and made an inspection along with the local weed inspectors. .â€"-y.a inâ€"fditure as far as I am concerned. was? Reeve Gohnâ€"We are hearing more me criticism from the sixth than any 0th- ,nd er part of the township. The people -sl Mr. ‘Stiver-â€"I don’t know why it isllasn’t been patched long ago. The {road superintendent was instructed to p.60 it last fall. I’ve been advocating [-git every meeting since April. I think e;it’s a mistake that the road should 1- have been in this shape all summer. 4 'â€" It was finally agreed to go ahead exwith the oiling, resurfacing, patching ,r and drainage and that when the bad a'stretches concerning which there was a difference of opinion are scarified ) that the council meet and decide whet- ill'er or not to go ahead with the re- l'construction. When the road is torn E‘;vp the members will be able to see, ; just how much material is there and eldecide better as to the advisability of 'lletting‘ it stand for a year or rebuildâ€"i , ing it now. . A communication was read from the residents of Helen Avenue complain- irg‘ of the con ition of the roadway i'L-uilt on that street as a local improve- lment two years ago. “We are nearly izding on the dirt” said the communiâ€" cation which asked that the council give the matter Immediate attention. It was pointed-out that the culverts were in very bad shape. . The Unionville police Village tax rate was not inserted in the‘by-law asfl the trustees had not made the annual I lrequisition. I. i W. F. Nichols was appointed tax :ollector for the west half of the town- ship and A. Summerfeldt was appoinb ed for the east half. The salary will 'm the same as in former years. ‘ The township will probably expend :dme money in patching the main street through Unionville which is now It bad shape. apinion is regarding the new construcâ€" tion. We are all agreed on the patch- mg, the oiling, resurfacing and drain- age? 7th, 1930 DISTRIBUTOR u Dealer in Flour and Feed, Poultry Supplies, Etc 0 RICHMOND HILL â€" ONTARIQ E is a remedy for the entire poultry family and will save lots of dollars. Every bottle guaranteed. 0 [l 0 Get it nowâ€"a 16 oz. bottle $1.00 SOLD BY 0 I] J. F. BURR ll Thousands of hens are lost annually through contraction of 0 disease. One sick bird drinking at the water fountain can I] poison the entire flock before you discover the ailment. o Peerless Poultry Prescription used in the drinking water daiâ€" " 1y kills the germs and prevents the further spreading of dis- ease. ‘ Municipal relief $79.00; T. Holden, valuing sheep and mileage $4.00; The Liberal, advertising $9.60; G. A. M. Davison, stamps $4.00; J. S. Baird, 2 sheep killed $25.00; Mrs. R. Rae, work ENQUIRE ABOUT ALBERTA COAL' Cement, Field Tile, Glazed Tile, Cedar Posts Lime and Builders Supplies Chicken Feed Poultry Supplies Lél‘fQSjAFF SUPPLY 00., Ltd Hydro Electric, light for township ‘hall $10.79; G. F. Pollard, express 67c; Jas. Walker, constable salary and mileâ€" age for July $77.10; John Gowland, Weed inspector 45 hours @ 300, 99 miles @ 5c $18.60; D. J. McDonald, Municipal relief $79.00; T. Holden, valuing sheep and mileage $4.00; The‘ J. R. McKenzie, Stouffville, gas 9.81 * G. A. M. Davison, Unionville, gas,- » grader repairs, etc. $2.32; Barkey fires, Stouffville. 50c; Clark Bunker, R.R. 1 Stouffville, operating grader $58.00; Metallic Roofing 00., culverts $693.45; Geo. Weatheral, labor $3.00; John Snowball, labor $3.00; E. A. Dukes, Unionville, trucking $12.50; W. Walker, Markham, trucking $12.50;, Wm. McDonald. Thornhill, trucking $152.25; H. L. Conlin, sand and gravel $73.95; John Tully, fixing drain $2.00; ‘Robert Woodock, Markham, gas $46.25 W. G. Maxwell, salary for July $125.00 i’edlar People, Ltd, culverts $128.70 S. L. Murray, Lansing, work on York Townline $2,257.95. General Accounts Coal-WOOd-COke W. G. FURLONGER, Manager Telephone Thornhill ‘ $291.75; Alex. Duncan. R. R. Union- "ille $242.40; Phillip Forsyth, Mark- ‘ham $1605.75; Amos Grove, Markham $107.95; David Shadlock, Milliken $92.55; J. G. Wideman, Stoufl‘ville $685.55; Harvey Reesor, Markham, gravel $8.50; David Hare, gravel $1.00 Wm. Armstrong, Locust Hill 50c; Wm. Armstrong, Locust Hill $1.00; Fred ’Bell, Gormley $145.08; Kirkfield. Crushed Stone, 1 car stone $62.86;} Wilfred A. Reesor, R.R. 2 Pickering-7 $34.75; Asa Pear-5e, Pickering $158.75; G. Patterson, Markham $3.50; Canada Ingot Co., 1050 ft. highway guard $241.50. Roup, Coccidiois, Cankz; Chicken-Pox, Cholera White Diarrhea Kills Germs - Makes Hens Pay Peerless Poultry Prescription PEERLESS POULTRY PRESCRIPTION Those Diseases are Contagious â€"In Liquid Form ' G. H. DUNCAN. Nights, Richmond Hill 80 Prompt Delivery An unexcelled printing service in 211 Job Printing Department. Our plant is equipped to take care of your every requirements in the line of printed matter. "If it’s printing we do it.” We assure you that you will find the quality, service and price right. Guaranteed at a AUSTIN’S Drug Store 5 °=°=°=°=° 0=O=O=O=O gGained Weight I? on local improvements $50.00; Roti Stiver, weed inspector $70.05; Fred Hemingway, cutting weeds $16.50. DR. McLEOD’S STOMACHICfi and gained fortyâ€"one pounds in c 5 months and now feel perfect- well. Lance Morrison, Bluevale. Suffered with my stomach 10 years with pain, g'as, vomiting. Took PRINTING SER VICE :er, ,â€" \. m0l====o=o==== Ol=“_= tjon of o

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