Give Him an Even Break. “This vase" is 2,000 years old. Be very careful in carrying it, “You can depend on me, pyofessor. But the‘makers of reducing machines are still living on the fat of the land. QOHOI [OI Suon=o=m 0:0] ï¬Saturday, Monday, Tuesday AUG. 16. 18. 19 0:0 °=O=O=Ol Universal News Added Attraction for Saturday Matinee 2 pm. sharp Gun Law with Tom Pontler AT 7.30 and 9.30 SATURDAY 2.00 and 6.30 CAPITOL VOL. LIII. Comedy “Good Bye Legs†News MEMORIES â€" MUSICALE COMEDYâ€"COPY McLaughlln-Bulck SAEEgMgï¬g HISLERVIC Richmond Hill 'ednesday, Thursday, Friday, AUG. 20. 21. 22 Jersey Milk Phone for Free Sample Roselawn Farms Dairy Limited WARM 380$. “YORK COUNTY’S N EWSIEST N EWSPAPER†THEATRE mien: Tum R V. E u WZNNIE LIGHTNER SHOWS CLEAN MILK FROM HEALTHÂ¥ COWS IOEIOI Phone Richmond Hill 54 or 202 I0=0=0=0=0=0l 0:0 Certified JOE E. BROWN EVERYBODY LIKES IT BABIES CRY FOR IT 5 per cent. Butter-fat 10:0] ano=o=o===ono LOEO with and “THE DIVORCEE †0:0) Norma Shearer COMEDY How’s My Baby Snapshots iNews =Ot==0u0=OF ELGIN MILLS 12; UNIONVILLE 10 Elgin Mills defeated the Unionville girls in a league game at Elgin Mills by a score of 12 to 10. This victory puts on Elgin Mills on top of the lea- gue. NOW PLAYING AUG. 14, 15 oucn=o=o==zon=o =OEO IN 0:0] 0:0] Ontario ‘fljzï¬gsgeitigzgl Unity; In Non-e;sggtiqls, Liberty; All Things, Charity.†10:10 IOHO anm 0:0) RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 14, 1930 I The following candidates have been partially successful ‘passing in the Isubjects indicated after each name: ' Herberta Baker, Chem. 2; Floyd Bee- ’mer, Eng. Comp. 1, Lit. 2, C. Hist. 3; !Mary Brillinger, Eng. Comp. c.; Elea- inor Drury, Eng. Comp. c., Lit. 3, c, ‘Hist. 0.; Annie Elliot, Anc. Hist. c., iPhys. c, Chem c., Fr. A. 2, Fr. c 1'; Donald Frisby, Geom. 3, Phys. c, Chem c,; Winnie Gillings, Phys. c, Chem. 0, Lat. c, c, Fr. A 2, Fr. c. 2; Esther Johns, Eng. Comp. c. Lit. c, c, Hist. 3, Alg. 3; Grace Johnston, Lit. 0; Ralph‘ Mackie, Anc. Hist. c, Phys. 2, Chem. c, Lat. A., 3, Fr. A. 2, Fr. 0 3; Margue- rite Manley, Lit. c, C. Hist. 3, Alg. 3, Geom. 2; Stanley Moore, Lit. 3, C. Hist 2, Alg. c, Geom c; Victor Moore C.‘ Hist. 3; Anna Phipps, Anc. Hist. c,‘ Phys. c, Lat A c, Fr. A 3, Fr. c, c.;‘ William Proctor, Phys. 2; Betty Rum? bIe C. Hist. c; Mae Sheppard. Lit. 1,‘ C Hist. 1; Harvey Smith, C. Hist. 3; Lloyd Vanderburgh, Alg. 3, Geom. 3; Dorothy Duncan, Eng. Comp. 3, Lit. 3, C. Hist. c, Fr. A c. Fr. c., c; Edera1 Monroe, C. Hist. 3, Lat. c c., Fr. (2 c. l A joint'meeting of the W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s and St. Paul’s churches Was held here last Wednesday after- noon. A programme was given by- the visitors after which tea was serv~ Mr. J. T. Saigeon, Mr. J. Carl Saige- on and Master Jack have been visiting friends near Drayton and returned on Monday. ’ Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sweet and fami- ly of Oshawa, and Miss Irene Chap- man, of Hamilton, visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Robeson. Mrs. G. W. Bailey and family left on Monday for Hawkesbury where “they will ViSIt Mrs. Gordon Ross and other friends. Lillian Anderson, Pauline Angle, John Bruce, Wilbur Burford, Betty Campbell, Nelda Davis, Harold Echlin, Jean Hall, Mary Hickey, Kathleen Hodgins, Ralph James, Elizabeth Jeffâ€" !erys, Margaret Tefferys, Ruby Jeffer- ies, Lola Jones, Katie Kozak, Marie Leary, Hugh McDonald, Isabel Mc- Lean, William Noble, Ruth Od'luni, May Plewman, Edna Reaman, Morley Sanders, Jane Stewart, Margaret Trench, Grace Valliere, Laurene‘ Walk- er, John Wilson, Olive Wilson, Vera Morris. Mr. H. C. Bailey and Mr. D. Couper spent part of last week in Northern Ontario and, Quebec, and visited Coch- rane, Lake Sesekenika and Other plac- es. Mr. Chester Saigeon, ’of Calgary, arrived home on Saturday evening, having motored over With friends. r Rev. C. H. Bowman is away in Nor- them Ontario on several week’s va- cation: Miss S. Robinson and Miss Jean Robinson have gone for a. vacation to Algonquin Park. ' v When an intellectual says you can h'ain your daughters right and needn’t worry about temptations, he hasn‘t any daughters. Mrs. Margaret Hague and Miss Lor- raine Hague, of Toronto, are spend- ing a couple of weeks at Mr. W. John- son’s. . The people of the village had a good view of the R-100 on Monday as it circled over the city. ‘ Mrs. Morley Kinnee visited last week with Mrs. Roy Fierheller of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith and son, and Mrs. Jennie Gunn and family motored from Maple to Markdale and spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Hartley formerly of Maple and a1 so visitedgfriends in Owen Sound. Recent rains have been very bene- ficial to root crops and gardens. Remember the Maple Horticultural Society annual show on Saturday, August 23rd. The following candidates have pass- ed in all the subjects written: Middle School Exam. Results MAPLE 10:0] The pedestrian struck and severely injured by a hit and run motorist at the north end of the village on Sun‘â€" day night was identified in the Town- to General Hospital by D. W. Clubine, of Markham Township, as his hired" man, Mac Stein. Stein is 42 years of age and had been in the employ of Mr. Clubine but a short time. He formâ€" erly lived in the United States. Al- though suffering from serious injin‘ies and in a critical condition Stein is showing improvment and hopes are held out for his recovery. H. D. Macre of Queensville, said by police to be the driver of the car which hit Stein is under arrest having been Chas. ed and caught by Constable Coles in Aurora. Moore it is said claims that he was unaware he had struck anyone. ONE CASE OF INFANTILE, PARALYSIS IN VAUGHAN« ‘ One case of Infantile Paralysis was reported in Vaughan Township this Week. The victim is a five year old girl at Elders’ Mills but her condition this morning was reported as very favorable. The case was caught early and the serum administered be- fore the dread disease had made much‘ progress. 'Lrong hopes are held out for the recovery of the girl; LOCAL RINK \VON FIRST PRIZE AT COLLINGWOOD A rink of local bowlers went far a- field on' Monday and returned as the champions of the mixed tournament held at Colling'wood. The rink skipp- ed by A. E. Glass was successful in winning three games, scoring 78 points against a total of 24 points scored by opposing rinks. The individual priz- es were, for the ladies Kenwood blank- ets, for the men leather bowl bags. The winning rink was: Mrs. E’. T. Stephens, E. T. Stephens, Mrs. N. J. Glass, A. E. Glass, skip. At the Aurora tournament held on Wednesday afternoon the Richmomf Hill rink skipped by A. E. Glass won the third prize. The personnel of the rink was, A. G. Savage, George Gee, E. T. Stephens, A. E. Glass, skip. Soft Boiledâ€"“Where did you get those big, tender, sympathetic eyes.†she cooed. “0h,†replied the sailor “they came with my face.â€â€"Ou1" Navy. ELGIN MILLS AT THORNHILL Elgin Mills will play a league game at Thornhill to-morrow night (Friday) at 7.30 sharp. This promises to be a real snappy game. INJURED MAN IDENTIFIED â€"- WORKED FOR D. W. CLUBINE ORILLIA In the two mile swim at Orillia on Monday, August 11th for the Orillia Dairy Co. trophy Ed. Fee of‘Langstaff, won after a hard fought' and thrilling race. Ed. Fee and Jim Burton started off at a fast pace that soon left the other competitors far in the rear. The finish was easily the most spectacular of the day, one fifth of a second separating first and second. Fee swam the two miles in one hour and seventeen seconds. “This young Athlete is not only a Wonderful swimmer but is one of the best Junior Golfers in the Toronto district. Bowling Notes 10:10] ouo====lo=xo====o=ox IO'=O=OI A new Valve Machine just installed. - Come in and see it. EXPERT REPAIR WORK "THE HOME OF man CLASS ENTERTAINMENT“ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. aughan Ratepayers’ Association THIRD ANNUAL Objectâ€"To raise funds for the erection of a meeting hall. RACES â€"â€" GAMES â€" TUGâ€"OF-W’AR LADIES SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT FREE - Half Ton Hard Coal - FREE Saturday, August 16, 1930 BARBARA STANWICK LOWELL. SHERMAN RALPH GRAVES All Talking Drama of New York’s Night Life ROD LAROGUE CONRAD NAGEL MARIE DRESSLER and O, P. HEGGIE Comedy “A Tough Wicket †Comedy “ Getting a Brake betWeen Elgin Mills, Thornhil}. Unionville and Oakwood Ladies of Toronto. 3 F. H. Cole, Pres. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, ’AUG'. 19, 20 One Romantic Night Richvale Church Grounds THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, AUG.. 21, 22 BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT Talking, Singing, Frolic of the greatest Stars of Hollywood . Comedy “ Fifty Million Husbands †MOVIETONE NEWS SATURDAY AND MONDAY, AUG. 16, 18 FIELD DAY Ladies of Leisure BUY A PROGRAMME aramount on Parade â€"â€" W]TH â€" CLARA BOW Entrance to Grounds Free REFRESHMENTS ON GROUNDS DHOI Sports commence at 2 p.m. sharp LILLIAN GISH 0:0] Stop 22A Yonge St. holder of lucky number Universal Movietone News Voice of Hollywood No. V WITH 9:01 Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE 0:0] 161m Evans, Sec. Lo=o===lo=o zo=o=g No.