The, Tuesday evening local tourna- m'ent still proves a favorite, last Tues- day evening the Markham ladies were the guests and a real game was partic- ipated in. Mr. Wm. Summerfeldt’s rink winning the honors, whiph also included Mrs. McKinnon, Mrs. Brown, Markham, and Mr. A. Summerfeldt. Late Katherne Miller Many friends in this vicinity will regret to learn of the passing of Miss Katherine Miller at her home at 438 Gladstone Ave., Toronto, on Saturday morning last, following an acute at- tack of pneumonia. Miss Miller was the daughter of the late John Miller of Con. 10, Markham, born in Markâ€" ham township a young woman of ster- ling qualities, well known in this Vic- inity, where she had indeared herself- to a host of friends. She iszsurvived by three sisters, Mary and Effie at home, Janet, of Edmonton and one Little Phyllis Padget was at heme to a number of her little friends on Tuesday last, when she celebrated her birthday with an enjoyable little party The little folk had a real party. Mr. and Mrs. M'cGimsey spent the week-end at Wasaga Beach. Mrs: Chas. Boadway, Sutton, Visit- ed Mrs. F. Boadway 9n Sunday last: Mr. Parkes, Layman of Westminstâ€" er United Church, Toronto, will occupy the pulpit of Brown’s Corners United Church, next Sunday a. m. Mr. Park- es will be remembered as giving a suc- cessful concert in the church someâ€" time ago. ' We regret the serious illness of Litâ€" tle Nancy Spears, and .trust for a speedy recovery, and return to her little playmates. . Mrs. W.H. Bennett is visiting reâ€" latives in Alliston. Mrs. (Rev.) Smith, of Uxbï¬dge, spent a few days last week with her brother Mr. Jas. Camplin. Miss Mary Gibson returned to her home in Toronto, after spending a week with her aunt Mrs. Jas. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs., N. Ogden, Miss Isabel Ogden, Master Douglas Ogden, mot- ored to Gravenhurst last Week and en- joyed a boat trip from that point through the Mpskoka Lakes. Mrs. McNaughton, Wroxetelz is Visâ€" iting her sister Mrs. Mary Ibompson. Mrs. Madderford, NAY., has been spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Stephenson. In the absence of Rev. H. H. Eaton, the services of Central United Church were taken last Sabbath by Rev. A. E. "Marshall, of Newmarket, who spoke on the Lord’s Day Alliance Work at the morning service. Bringing an inspirmg message in the evening on “So is my neighbor.†On next sab- bath morning, Rev. E. A. Prentice, son of Mr. George Prentice, Milliken, and who for some years has been in Misâ€" sion work in Ecuador, South America, now home on furlough, will occupy the pulpit. There will be no evening service. Mrs. (Rev.) Cock and daughter Irene, Tweed, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cam- plin one day last week. The past week has been a busy but interesting one for the members of the local branch of the Women’s Inâ€" stitute. The regular meeting held at the home of Mrs. R. L. Stiver On Thursday last was most enjoyable, when Mrs. Geo. Brodie brought an impressive message on “The under privileged woman,†and bringing inteâ€" resting information regarding the work of Dr. Margaret Patterson in connection with the Woman’s,com‘t and the Parole Board. Miss Ruby Grubin, of ‘Stouffville, delighted the ladies with very pleasing vocal solos, accompanied by the guitar. A pleas- ing feature in connection with this event was the attendance of the But- tonville Junior Institute, a fact that emphasized the advantage and ad- visability of co-operation with sister organizations. The hostesses for the afternoon were. Mrs. R. L. Mrs. Ada Hood, Mrs. R. Stonehouse. 0n the Tuesday following, a motor - drive to the lovely home of Mrs Glenn Morgan, Agincourt, th members en- joyed the genial hospitality of the Agincourt Branch, our local organizâ€" ation supplying the program. Inte- resting items included a travel talk on a recent trip abroad by Miss I. Ogden, a paper ‘,Women’s Posses- sions†by Mrs. R. L. Stiver. a fine reading by Miss Millie Miller and com- munity singing. At the conclusion of the program a social hour was enâ€" joyed and afternoon tea served by the Aginoourt Ladies. An expression of appreciation by the Unionville Ladies brought to a close this memorable event. Stiver, ‘ l you look a slg‘nrl Go upstairs this minute, an’ roll your sleeves up high An’ give your hands a scrubbing and wipe ’em till they’re 'dry; Now don’t stand there and argue, and ‘ never mind your tears! And this time please remember to wash your neck and ears†Can’t see why ears growâ€"on us, all crinkled like a shell, 1 With lots of fancy carvings that make a fellow yell Each time his Ma digs in them to get . a speck of dirt, ' When plain ones would be easy to' wash and wouldn’t hurt. And I can’t see the reason Why every time Ma nears, . She thinks she’s got to send me to wash my neck and ears. When I grow up to be a man like Pa i and have a wife l And kids to boss around, you bet they- ’ll have an easy life. . We won’t be at them all the time, the way they keep at me, 7 And kick about a little dirt that no one else can see, And every night at supper time as soon as he appears, We will not chase our boy away to wash his neck and ears. , â€" â€"â€"Edgar Gues Get First thing in at night. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT BUD DISCUSSES CLEANLINESS [broth Women's Institute Meeting it me n :ight!’ minut morning m sch and | Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ellis are†spend ling a few days in town previous t< and “leaving for their home in St. Gather mes. the serial rig the writer, R 1 Miss Ayres is regarded by literary critics as the most searching explorer iof the human heart. Her characters i are alive. She makes you feel their iemotions, weep with them, grieve with them, rejoice with them. Her latest story “Broken†will commence soon as a serial in “The Liberal.†Mr. J. E. Hodg'ins has rented cbn- siderable of his Lake Simcoe property to the Canadian Legion this yéar, twel- ve portable cottages having been erect- ed for the purpose of accommodating 50 soldier’ families. 1930 Since return of radials ‘there (has been increasing Hemand for houses in this district. We regret to learn of Mr. Fred N 01:â€" tingham’s ' serious condition. He is confined to St. Michaels hospital. Sorry to learn that Mr. J. Duggan is ill in Christie Street Hospital. Congratulatiéns to Mr. and Mré. E. S. Colton on the birth of a son (Norman Ernest.) Rev. H. H. Eaton 1.30 p. m.â€"Church School 2.30 p. m.â€"â€"-Rev. E. A. Prentice, Ecuador, South America. 7.30 p. m.â€"â€"Y.‘P.S. Meeting Miss Edna Street spent last Weekâ€" end visiting friends in Barrie. WMrs. Silver, Sutton, is spending a few day with Mrs. F. Boadway. A d ce will be held at Crosby Memorial Rink, Unionville on Thurs- day, August let. Billy Hole and his Live Wire Orch stra will provide the music from eig t o’clock standard time. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"Rev. E. A. Prentice, Ecuador, South America. ‘2 p. m.â€"The Church School 7 p. m.â€"No evening service. Hagerman United Sunday School at .30 p. m. VflIVVI'I‘S/rM. Thompson, and Mfs. Mcâ€" Naughton attended the Baxterâ€"Dale wedding in Eprorgto last Wednesdfly. Park, Scugog Island, and not to Ex- hibition Park as previously announced on Saturday afternoon next, August 16th. Motors will leave the station grounds, Unionville at 12.30 o’clock. Transportation will be provided for those without cars. The members are requested to bring lunch. Mrs. Bruge Patterson, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble last Thursday. éeo. Weatherspoon was a Tbrâ€" onto visitor over the Weekend. n Mr. Ted Gamess was around renewâ€" ing old acquaintances last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael and son Billy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. .Philip Dixon on Saturday last. _ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hood and daugh- ters Allison and Anislee are enjoying an extended motor trip this week through Queheqand Nova Scotia. ‘Mrs. C. H. Stiver and Miss Helen Stiver motored to Morrisburg over the week-end. 7 Th; animal picnic of the Horticult- ural Society will be held at Wilsqp's Mr; Bunt, of Toronto, ï¬sitod and Mrs. Jas. Camplin one day Week. Mr. Wallace Harrington has return- ed home after a pleasant holiday at SparrowflLglfeL _ Mrs. Jas. Gibson and Miss Mary Gibson w re guests of Miss Eleanor Hood, Mi] iken, on Thursday Jasï¬. _ Miss Dorothy Stiver has returned home after enjoying a pleasant holi- day at the summer home of her uncle Rev. J. Burkholder, on the St. Lawr- ence' River. Mrs. Chas. Smales, Miss Allison, Mrs. Thos. Annan and son Andrew Dunbarton, visited Mrs. M.C. Summer- ville on Monday. Miss Ruby L'unau spent the holiday with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stiver. Mrs. W. A. Young, Agincourt, spent Wednesday With Mrs. M. C. Sommer- ville. Mr. Robert Duncan and daughter‘ Marjorie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stiver on Sunday. I Mr. 'and Mrs. C. N. Hagerman were guests of Mrs. Ada Hood on Sunday last. Mr. A: Weighill and daughters, Ila and‘Vera enjoyed a holiday at the Island on Thursday last. Miss 01a Thompson, Mt. Albert, has returned home after spending a Week with Miss Nettie Burn‘ham. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Bell, Kenneth Metcalf, of Toronto, and Edward Bar- ber, Ottawa, called on friends in town on; Friday last. The Cleaners of can Church met in on Wednesday last Mr.‘Stan1e$r Meade is enjoying short holiday in Muskoka. brother George of Texas. The, inter- ment was in St. Andrew’s cemetery7 Markham, Rev. F. Rae, formerly of Unionville ofï¬ciating, when many old friends gathered to pay last respects and to honor a young woman whose memory will live long with her many friends. Rev. J. J. Robbins 10.00 a. m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a. m.â€"Morning Prayer. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH ST. PHILIPS ANGLICAN OUR NEW SERIAL have been fortunate in obtaining rial rights to the great story by river, Ruby M. Ayres. Newtonbrook St. Philip’s Angli the church parlor Mr. last Mrs. Roff, of Chicago, is visiting Here for a few days with cousins Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benson. Mr. A. A. Eden and Hugh Yerex had the pleasure of pulling in a salmon trout measuring 23 inches in Lake Joseph last Week. Hugh also caught on his line a five pound black bass. =°=¢ Misses Grace and Jean Williams, of Lindsay, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Regal of New York, and Mrs. C. Robson, of Toronto, with Mrs. H. H. McMahon, of Toronto, Visâ€" dted friends in Richmond Hill on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. G. Yerex, Lucy and Hugh have returned from a pleasant Week’s holiday in Muskoka. Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Bell and Mr. A1- lan Duncan spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Duncan at their cottage on Georgian Bay near Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, Miss Gwen Smith, of Headford, spent the week- end at Alcona Beach. Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dunlop atten~ ded the annual convention of the Can- adian Florists’ and Gardeners’ Associ- ation held at the Windsor Hotel, Mon- treal last week. Mr. Dunlop is chairman of the Growers’ section of the Association and reports a very pleasant and instructive meeting. Mrs. G. Seymour, of Boston, Mrs. G. Cranmond and Mrs. J. Darby, of Torâ€" onto, visited Rev. N. and Mrs Well- wood on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Orr and Mr. and Mrs. Huff, of Garden Avenue, spent a very enjoyable week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Hopkins, of Orillia, Ont. Saturday night the men went fishing and on Sunday motored to Graven- hul‘st to visit friends there. Miss Edna Pinch, of ThornUury, Ontario, returned home on Sunday after spending the past three weeks with her aunt Mrs. L. H. Clement. Telephone your social and personal items to The Liberal, telephone 9. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burkhardt, of Richmond, Virgina, visited their uncle and aunt Reeve and Mrs. Lunau on Sunday, also Mr. J. T. Moore and son, of Toronto, were guests of Reeve and Mrs. Lunau that day. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Keffer, Messrs Wilmer and Adrian Keffer, of Wood- ‘bridge and Miss Woodburn, of Toron- to, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F‘. Clark, Headford on Sunday. Mrs. Lockett and Miss Edna Lock- ett, of Kingston, Mrs. Haines and Miss Forman, of Belleville, were guests of Mrs. Frederick Mason and the Misses Mason 1“Aspley†on Monday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. James Dixon and Miss Lorrine Dixon, of Markham, visited friends in the village on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner and son of Clarksburg. Ont., visited at Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Clement’s over the week-end. Miss Laura Mason is returning this week from Sandy Cove, Nova Scotia, where she has been spending the sum- mer vacation. Miss Jean Moffat left on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ruthven Mac- Donald, of Toronto, on a motor trip to IWindsor, Detroit and other points in United States. Mr .and Mrs. Nairn and Mrs. Mc- Cauley, of Toronto, called on Mr. and \Mrs. Fred Clark on Sunday. Mr. J.M. Loughlin, Manager of the International Harvester, in Hamilton, called on Reeve‘and Mrs. J. Lunau on Tuesday. Mr. G. E. Ramage, B.A., Mrs Ram- age and children Kenneth and Mary Ruth have returned to their home in London, after a visit with the latters father and sister Mr. J. G. Alcombrack ;and Miss Alcombrack, also the formers Mother in Ottawa. Visitors at Rev. J. A. and Mrs. Fer- guson’s last week, Miss McConnell, of Hespler; Mrs. Henry Henderson, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith of Toronto. Misses Lillian and Yvonne McMast- er, of Cookstown spent last week with IMr. and Mrs. George Drury and family Centre Street. Mr. and Mrs. Warton and Mrs. Brett of Toronto, had tea with Mr. and Mrs. ‘Fred Clark, Headford, on Thursday of last week. Mrs. W. Middleton and Mis Middleton returned this week visiting friends in Irondale, On Mr. and Mrs. James Arr Bruce and Gordon, and Mrs. M Toronto attended the Black Pm celebration held in Hamilton c (lay, August 12th. Mrs. Joseph G‘raham left to Visit her brother Mr. J0 'in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Walter E Mrs. Roff, of Chicago, 1 Barrie, on Sunday and spe with Rev. J.’T. and Mrs. L Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred J and Harold, and Mrs. B. I this Week to spend some tir let Park, Lake Couchiching‘ Mr. and Mrs. Dixon and ith of Guelph spent last F Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Doner, Social and Personal THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTA J 0116 week 'rom €3.11 Residence 14-r-12 Phone Office 100 i Earlier in the morning Tennyson escaped injury in a similar accident, ‘when a car crashed the back of his milk wagon, hurling him through the front and on to the back of his horse. The horse was injured and wagon badly smashed. Tennyson then se- cured a truck with which to finish his work. The injured man has been particularly unfortunate this year having figured in four accidents dur- ing recent months. The Richmond Hill Dairy delivery has likewise suff- ered many mishaps of late. Bank of Commerce Building Thornhill, Ont. OFFICE HOURS: -â€" 10 a. m., 12 a. 2 p. m., 5 p. 7 p. m., 9 p. u u 7 p. m.â€"â€"The Formidability of Evil Versus the Omnipotence of God. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Sunday, August 17th, 1930 Services during August conducted by Rev. Frank N. Bowes, B.A., B.D. 11 a. m.â€"The Church, Never 3. Sleeping Beauty. At St. Mary’s Anglican Church at noon on Saturday, August 9th, the Rev. L. Claude Secrett, united in Holy matrimony Mr. Robert Knox Carter, of Romanelli’s Orchestra, to Miss Dor- is Eileen Sylvia Young of Aldérshot, Ontario. The annual Lennox Picnic will be held at Island Grove, Lake Simcoe, on Wednesday, August 20th. A big pro- gram of sports has been arranged. Everybody We103me. 0:0] When driving south with a truck load of milk, the truck was suddenly struck from behind by the taxi and hurled into the ditch. Constable Reid Who investigated the Crash, rushed Tennyson to Dr. Wesley of Thornhill, where medical attention was rendered. He was removed to his home later. Chas. Cowie, the owner of the truck escaped uninjured. MILK DELIVERY HIT TWICE MONDAY MORNING Don Tennyson driver of the Rich- mond Hill Dairy wagon who suffered head injuries when the truck he was driving early Monday morning was hit by another car is progressing favâ€" orably. Mr. and M1 the engageme daughter Chri Gavin MacGre marriage August. Mrs. Austin, of Tottenham, vis this week with Mr. and Mrs H Austin. - Miss Edith Seaton, of Lindsay visiting with Mrs. Casement, B mond Street. =10=°l (Anglican) Richmond Hill 9th Sunday After Trinity, Aug. 17 10 a. m.â€"Sunday School 11 a. m.â€"Holy Communion 7 p. m.'â€"Evening Prayer. Dr. L‘. R. Marde . . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Marshall, Minister 11 a. m.â€"Moming Service 10 a. m.â€"Sunday School ST. MARY’S CHURCH CARTER â€"â€" YOUNG WEDDING LEN NOX PICNIC ALL EMINENT HEALTH OFFICI- ALS CLAIM PAS- TEURIZED MILK IS SAFEST MILK TO USE. WHY TAKE CHANCES 0N RAW MILK? ENGAGEMENT '5. John Stein announce :nt ‘of their youngest stina Hogg to William xgor, of Winnipeg. The take place the end of 0:0 1' Tottenham, visited! GEO Pasteurézed Milk the Safest and Best Rich- omon=o=01 w‘RIG m 10:0] i=0) Wednesday, August 20th New F ordsmn Tractar DEMONSTRATHON 4th Concession of Vaughan 2 MILES NORTH OF MAPLE LITTLE BROTHERS You are cordially invited to a Taking the Cream MR. GEORGE CROOK ouo=0m0=o=omoma Ford Sales and Service 10:0) PHONE. YAR‘D' LDï¬Aï¬MSON > > 85‘J_¢ 9A9We72b 87thng 011951421» AT THE FARM OF RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Easiest to handle; safest to store; quiet- est to burn; cheapest to useâ€"Anthraci to is by all odds the beat all ’round fuel for home heating comfort. Prepared by the new proceae, our An- thracite is cleaner, more uniform :1 size and lower in ash content. Your bin ï¬lled now will insure the Inme in comfort next winter. customers. A. . In cleaning Anthracite by the new process, the coal rises to the top like cream. The producers take only this cream for the quality we supply to our 00] of the 0:0 0 U R M I L K I S RICH IN TEST. 18 TICKETS for $1.00 HAS BEEN THE PRICE FOR LAST THREE SUMMERS WHY PAY MORE? ‘o=o=o=m=_ 10:0] 10:0 PAGE é?