Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Aug 1930, p. 1

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=O=Ol 6:0) fl Certified Jersey Milk rom accredited herds The death occurred in Hamilton Hospital on Tuesday last of Miss Marie Christine Ratte, deaconness of the Presbyterian Home for Girls in Toronto. She spoke in Richmond Hill and was well known to many here who regret to hear of her passing. 0:0] 0!:on ENEWS Mickie Ca‘rtoon ; 0:0 o m 'o' ESaturday, Monday, Tuesday Aug. 23. 25, 26! The middle man’s profitâ€"That is what you do when you buy If you try it you will buy it. o=o=o=o=m Comedy “ Steamboat Bill McLaughlin-Buick AT 7.30 and 9.30 SATURDAY 2.00, and 6.304 Richmond Hill CAPITOL VOL. LIII. Roselawn Farms Dairy Limited “YORK COUNTY’S NEWS] EST NEWSPAPER” THEATRE SHOWS I0=°=O=0=O=0=0=6 m ing al'our =°=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=m 0:0) PHONE 54 RICHMOND HILL FROM FARM TO CONSUMER FROM FACTORY TO MAN Let us leave a free sample 16 pint tickets for $1.00 SAVE [OH0=0=0=10=0=0=0 =O=Ol ontlac 0=0=0=0=0=0 The Lady of Scandlefi o=o=o=o=o P 01' Comedy “ Good By Legs ” News Memories-Musicale Ruth Chatterton I Engagement. [ The engagement is announced of Sarah M. (Sadie) Gee, daughter of ‘Mr. George Gee, Richmond Hill, to Mr. Ernest E. Allen, Indio, Califor- nia, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Allen Jof San Gabriel, California. The mar- riage to take place soon. NOW PLAYING AUG. 20, 21, 22 70=0=0=O° Ontario “In Essentials, Unity; In Nonâ€"tssentials. Liberty; In All things, Charity.” RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930 Messrs. John‘ Snider and Charles Martin have purchased new Interna- tional tractors. Things are sure hum- ming- around our burg. Letters from the Continent report Miss Mabel Sanderson enjoying her trip to the full. The good spirits of the chil- dren who attended the Mis- sion Band picnic at the Devil’s Elbow last Friday, were considerably dampened when Pearl Caseley fell down an embankment breaking her leg. She was rushed home Where the injured limb was set by Dr. McKay, of Unionville. We are glad to report Pearl is progressing as favorably as can be expected Mr. Charles Martin of the fifth line had the misfortune to break his arm last Thursday while unloading grain in the bar‘n. Messrs. Cecil Nichols and Frank Brumwell accompanied by their lady friends, motored to Niagara Falls on Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Sharpe, of Toronto, is spending part of her vacation with Mrs. E. A. Buchanan. In olden days you took your girl home “On a bicycle built for two.” Nowadays, “you drive your car and I’ll drive mine.” Mrs. Ida Brown, of Toronto. spent a few days this week with Mrs. Wil- mot‘ Brumwel]. ‘ Three youths giving Toronto ad- dresses, one aged seventeen and two .Iag‘ed fourteen were taken into custody iat Port Credit on a charge of purse snatching and it was found their car corresponded with the description of ,the one stolen from here. After ques- [tioning the youths are said to have iadmitted their guilt for the robbery ghere. The seventeen year old lad {shouldered all the blame claiming that Ihe did the job single handed and pick- ed up his companions afterwards. The trio had a joy ride to Montreal and [on their return their money exhausted 'they resorted to purse snatching which was the means of their cap- lture. Victoria Square g'irls’ softball team will journey to Vellore on Friday eveâ€" ning to play a return game with the girls of that community. The last en- counter of these teams resulted in a score of 25 to 4 in favor of Victoria Square. Do it again, girls! After facing charges 'of theft in the Hamiton court, “the boys will be brdught to Richmond Hill to face charges arising out of the Monday night robbery. The dry weather has materially aided the harvesting of alsike and cereal crops in record time. At time of going to press most farmers of this district have completed harvest, several have finished threshing as well. Rev. Mr. Haig is supplying his fer- mer charge, Bondhead and Newton Robinson during the illness of their pastor. Chief Constable Sid Barraclough was notified first thing Tuesday morning and immediately a net was spread throughout Ontario in an effort to catch the thieves. Police in practi- cally all Ontario towns and cities were notified of the theft and given a de- scription of the missing car. Wed- nesday night, Port Credit police noti- fied Chief Bal‘raclough that they had the missing car and the parties who admitted doing the job. The garage of Little Brothers, North Yonge Street, Richmond Hill was visited by thieves on Monday night. The whole place was ransack- ed by the intruders who apparently took their time doing the job. A con- siderable amount of cash was taken, a. new FOrd Coupe, and a few odd car accessories. Admission to, the buildâ€" ing was gained through a Window. THREE YOUTHS CAPTURED AT PORT CREDIT AFTER JOY RIDE TO MONTREAL. Garage Entered and Car Stolen ‘ RICHMOND HILL, n v“... Victoria Square ’ RICHMOND HILL, “" I % SALES and SERVICE 0=0=0=Ol BOWLING TOURNAMENT FOR GREENE CUP The annual tournament of the Rich- mond Hill Bowling Club for the Greene Cup will be held at the local green on Monday next. A large num- ber of entries for this annual compe- tition is looked for Enter now! Miss Etta and Miss Dorothy Keys who have been visiting their grand- parents, returned to their home in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. R. Manning, Mr. R. Manning, accompanied by Miss G. Smith of Edgeley, spent last week (at “The Motor Camp.” Gl’avenhurst. At the last business meeting of the Horticultural Society a resolu- tion was passed that the prizes would be on exhibition each year in the win- dows of the different stores in the village. This year they are to be seen at Mr. C. J. Robeson’s. Several of the members of the S. A. from Richmond Hill \held a short service on Sunday at the home of Mrs. G. Bone, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. Patton, afid Mr. and Mrs. Ellston and little daughter of Tottenham spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .G. Jarrett. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon 'and family motored to Hamilton on Sun- day and spent the day with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Brown of Carnegie, Pa., and Mrs. M. H. Willis of Fredericksburgh, Va., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bailey. 1 There will be an open session of the Sabbath School of the United Church on Sunday, Aug. 31st when Mr. Murray Downey, who has for a long time been an active member of the school, and who is leaving shortly to take a course in the Moody Insti- tute, Chicago, will address the meetâ€" ing. Everybody will be welcome. The monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held at the home of M‘rs. J. Manning on Wednes- day, August 6th, twenty-five being present. After singing-the opening ode a good programme was given, Mrs. J. Manning, Mrs. T. Keys, Mrs. E. T. Wade and Mrs. W. Hodge taking part. A pleasing feature of the afternoon was the presence of Mrs. S. R. Robinson and Mis‘s'vRuth Robâ€" inson of Markham, the latter singing three solos which everyone enjoyed. After singing “God Save the King” lunch was served after which all joined in community singing and a social hour was spent. The W. A. of St. Stephen’s Church held its monthly meeting last Thurs- day at the home of Mrs. J. H. Watâ€" son. After the usual programme a splendid supper was served. The committee in charge are spar- ing no pains to make the Horticul- tural show on Saturday, a success. Beside the exhibition of flowers, etc., afternoon tea will be served. Service will be held in the United Church next Sunday evening when Mr. Park, of Toronto will occupy the pulpit. Monday evening was the occasion of the annual picnic of the choir of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. It was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. South Yonge. Street, and was attended by about thirty members and their friends. In the evening the choir was joined by a. large number of the conâ€" gregation who ‘joined with the choir in a miscellaneous shower for Miss Christina Stein, in honor of her mar- riage which is to take place shortly. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson was tastefully decorated for the oc-i casion. The room was banked with. foliage and a wealth of summer flowers and festooned in pink and white. Beneath a gorgeously decor- ated canopy the bride-to-be sat while La large number of beaiutiful gift {were presented to her. In addition to the shower, the Women’s Associa- Ltion of the church presented Miss Stein with a handsome carving set, and Rev. Marshall on behalf of the choir presented her with a table lamp and shade. During the evening a nov- elty orchestra provided music and Mr. Heard and Mr. George Sims contrib- uted solos. The gathering numbering over sixty joined in community sing- ing and dainty refreshments were served. SHOWER AND PRESENTATION FOR AUGUST BRIDE 10:0] Bowling Notes ‘OEIOI MAPLE 01L=°=Ol OEOgOEOI . A new Valve Machine just Installed. - » Come in and see it EXPERT REPAIR WORK Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snider of Eli called on friends here on Sunday. Miss Margaret Leuschner and Miss Hazel Schillinger spent Sunday at the former’s home here. Mrs. J. Bell is visiting her daughter Mrs. B. Manchip of Toronto. 111085. Mr. and Mrs. C. Boynton, Visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Endean, Richmond Hill on Sunday. Miss Ellen Boynton has been holi- daying with Miss Peggy Endean. Miss Rose Hord of Brown’s Corn- er’s visited with Mrs. Mary Hen- ricks on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hagerman, Tor- onto, Mrs. Kelly, Sr. and Miss H. Duncan were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. W. Leathers. Miss Jessie Thomson was the guest of Miss Della. Stephenson Sunday. Miss Sanderson, Boston, motored through Buttonville last Saturday afternoon. She made a short call on Miss Ada Thomson. Mrs. Cunningham spent a day last week with Mrs. D. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leuschner spent Sunday in Toronto. .. Mr. D. Brown is the first farmer of this district to finish harvesting. He and Mrs. Brown are now planning on a few well-earned holidays. Miss M. Galbraith, Uxbridge, spent a few days last week visiting with her friends here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephenson, New- tonbrook, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Stephenson. Miss K. Craig, Zion, spent Sunday at the home of her brother Mr. W. Craig. All who are members of Unionville Horticultural Society pleaSe remem< her the Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Exhibition to be held Aug. 23rd. Let us prove that prize Winning produce can be grown in Buttonville and vic- inity. Mrs. Forsythe, with her daughter and grandsons called on Miss Ada Thomson last Friday afternoon. "THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT“ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. The Phantomtfii Opera Dr; Fu Manchu BUTTONVILLE GEORGE SIDNEY CHARLIE MURRY The Screen’s Funniest Pair in the Most Hilarious Picture presented this year. HEADFORD WITH TALKING, MU‘SIC,'SINGfNG SOUND EFFECTS, COLOR Comedy â€" Night’l'n a Dormitory. Universal Movietone News Comedy “ Saturday Lesson” BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, Aug. 26, 27 THE RETURN OF THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, Aug. 28, 29 Around the Corner REATER THAN EVER SATURDAY AND MONDAY, Aug. 23, 25 IOEO Comedy “ HE DID HIS BEST ” MOVIETONE NEWS O. P. HEGGIE JEAN ARTHUR and NEAL HAMILTON 0:0! Voice of Hollywood No. VI WITH WITH A very interesting and successful cold meat supper and concert was held at Carrville church on Wednes- day, Aug. 13. A football match be- tween Edgeley and Maple teams was played in the early evening, After a lively scrimmage on a slippery hay stubble Edgeley carried off the prize lwith a score of 2-0. A sumptuous ‘supper was served to nearly two hundred people. A sale of work and a fish-pond proved a great attraction to many and netted a nice sum for the W. A. Later in the evening a fine and amusing program by local talent, assisted by Jean Brillinger of Thornhill as elocutionist, was given in the church, “A Successful Opera- tion” was a fitting climax to the evening“. Mr. and Mrs. Hobday spent the week end in Walkerville. Misses Kae Wark and Grace Baker had tea with Mrs. L. Clement on Monâ€" day. Mi§s Mary Uffen of Toronto spent a few days with Miss Dorothy Hob- day: Miss Virginia Delbrocco is visiting friends in Toronto this week. Miss Hazel Woods is also spending some tlme in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. Middleton, Miss Sadie Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton attended the funeral at Wood- bridge on Sunday of little Jean Rowntree, who died as the result of falling out of a car last Week. 7 Mr. Ernest Baker of Griffin, Sask, arrived on Saturday to spend a week or ten days with relatives here and at Richmond Hill. At noon she was missing again and several hours search was fruitâ€" less. Twenty-four hours later a search in the barn revealed the pig buried under several loads of alsike She had evidently crawled into the mow to sleep and as the alsike was unloaded with slings the pig had not been noticed. She was alive but rather weak when found but soon appeared none the worse for her ex- perience. Personals Miss Annie Delbrocco spent the past week in Toronto. One evening last week Lewis Clem- ent found one of his brood sows missing. After a long search the animal was found contentedly rooting her way under the wall of the hen- house. This resulted in the “lady” being presented with a few rings. The next day. Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE CARRVILLE No.

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