Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Aug 1930, p. 1

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Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Winger, accom- panied by Mr. Ernest Swalm of Dun- troom, motored to Clarence Centre on Suéulay last where they spent the week en . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sider and son Kenneth of Toronto were Sunday visi- tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Sider’s. ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson of Oshawa spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Wilson. The Domestic Science course held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Jones is being well attended by the ladies in this vicinity. We are glad to see Mr. Ambrose Barnard in the village again after being absent for 2 months. He reports a nice time visiting friends in Smith- vill, Vineland and Winona. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stickley of Grantham, Pa., are visiting with Mr. Stickley"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stickley, also other relatives here. Mr. James Conner is spending a feyfiays wi‘th‘friends in_ Pickering. Mr. and M1‘s.‘Herb. Smith, Miss Gwen, Mr. Comisky, Mrs. C. Boy‘nton, Miss Ellen, Mrs. C. Helmkay, were the guests of Mrs. Arthur Haymén, Thornhill last week. The Y. P. s. will He held on Thurs- day night. Mrs. Walter Leuschner is ‘ir'l chavllge of £he_ meefing. Mrs. Harry SmithJMirlcVand Mrs. Sam Stephenson and family of Tor- ongg, cglleii on friends here last week. Mr. C. Boynton has been busy get- ting ready for the Ex. We hope he will be successful in carrynig off a good number of prizes. Mrs. A. Henricks visited friends in Unionville on Sunday. Mrs. F. Leuschner spe‘n‘t the week end in Toronto. Mr. Stewart, Miss Jane, Master Ossie and Howard motored to Can- field last week and are spending a fax}: daysjhezfe. Mrs: Charlie Helmkay has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wellman and family, Miss Emma Barker, Master James Barker motored to Kitchener and Mount Forest last week. Miss Gwen Smith is r goending a few days With her friend Miss Mabel Curtis‘of Toronto. Mrs. M. Elsoa,rl\/£rs. J. Hart, Miss Daisy Hart, were the guests of Mrs. A._I_-Iemj<;ké on Sa_t_1_11'da):. Mr. and Mrs. Carl James are spend- ing a few days motoring in Northern Ontario. a flSaturday, Monday, Tuesday Aug- 30. Sept. 1. 0=0=0=01 Comedy HELLO TELEVISION Continuous Show Monday SHOWS AT 7.30 and 9.30 Holidays and SATURDAY 2.00 and 6.30 CAPITOL! VOL. LIII. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Commencing Saturday, Sept 6th, Shows .will start at 7 and 9 p.m. Coniinuous show Saturday from 2 to 11.30 p.m. lst Evening Show at 6.30 DESERT SUNK CARTOON HEADFORD “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST ‘ NEWSPAPER” THEATRE GORMLEY 3’ Our Gang Comedy “ Pups are Pups 102:0 Drescen Dolls - .Musicale. MARIE RESSLER Sept. 3, 4, 5 MOVIETONE NEWS 10=°=°=Ol ‘ouomonomop WILLIAM Aug. 27, 281 2g OURNEY’S’ENE fl The regular monthly meeting of J. Vaughan Township; had . ‘ . his first aeroplane ride at the Lennox W' I' Will be held m sunday schml Picnic recently. Asked how he en- room, Saturday, September 6th. An joyed it “J. T_ " said “just fine_” He address on “\‘Iouth Health” will be was accompanied by Chester Saigeon, given by Stuart of Markham, J. Carl Saizeon of Maple, Archie which will 'be sure to prove both in- Cameron, Vellore, and Robert Living- teresting and helpful to all. Lantern stone of Clairville. The party circled slides will also be shown. The rollover Snake Island, Sutton and Jack- call to be answered by recipes forson’s Point at an altitude of about salads.’ Come and bring your friends.100() feet. Exhibition E the Vehfiéciienv yopgg and old this week. Quite 5. number from Teston at- tended the Decoration Day Services at King City nggtel‘y o_n_ Sgnday. mtg, MIi-ss' Jeah Hadvivéifi, VMawrféhfla'nd Muriel Kyle have returned home aft3§r_s_pgr}ding arvacation in Toronto. 7 Mi§s Dorothy Keriflsflpen’c Monday with her friend Miss L. Dibb. The LaHies Aid and Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. John Jennings on Friday afternoon. There was a fair turn out. Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson, Seventh Line were Sunday visitors at the home of L. Hadwen. Mr. Wm. Barker, Miss Annin and Miss Silk motored to Muskoka to Lady Eaton’s Farm for over the weekâ€"end and report a good time. Miss Ileta Lloyd is home for a couple of weeks. Master Herbert Lefroy is home from visiting friends in Bowmanville. A number of our young people attended the midnight frolic at Wilcox Lake on ‘Sunday night. Mr. Freda Barthbrpe visited Mr. Thomas Robinson over the week-end. Mr. Arthur Walker, Jr., of King Horn has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson. Mrs. E. Bowen and Miss Hattie Deisman were successful in carrying away several prizes at King.Horti- cultural show on Friday and also at Maple on__Satu1‘day. Miss Elleen Griy is holidaying at the home of her Aunt Mrs. McDonald Klgirhburg. They have sEaRZE'to fix the road through the town which was needed veg: baflly, Mrs. Roy Wilson. Pearson Jones of Maple is visiting his counsjn _Hadwen Kyle. TEMPERANCEVILLE Mr. Roy Folliott has his new barn painted. NOW PLAYING Victoria Square COLIN CLIVE TESTON with "In Essentials, Urgizy; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity.” 1,2[1 IOEO RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1930. Enjoyed Ride in the 'Air Denutyâ€"Reeve J. T. Saigeon of Vaughan Township, had the thrill of his first aeroplane ride at the Lennox Picnic recently. Asked how he en- joyed it “J. T. " said “just fine.” He ‘vaas accompgnied by ‘Chester Saigeon, The prizes ofl"ered by the local Wo- men’s Institute for the highest stand- ing in Form III go to Betty Campbell, first; and Edna Reaman and Margaret Trench, tied for second. Skip A. E. Glass of Richmond Hill who has been a successful contender at many tournaments this season, scored another victory at Stoufiville mixed tournament last Friday. The winning rink was, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stephens, Mrs. N. J. Glass, A. E. Glass skip. The ladies won tables and the gents table lamps. The competition among the bestl candidates for H.S. Entrance was so? keen that the entrance board of Aurora ‘ was asked to re-read the papers and ' decide the standing of the winners. Final results, which did not alter theI original ranking, give the first prize,l five dollars worth of books and school supplies at Glenn’s, to Ross Hastings; Billy Stewart, second; Virginia Little, third. These three pupils, all of Rich- mond Hill Public School passed with honours within three marks of each other. _._‘.° ..... , Au.“ uAlAaLu, must: motorists who were eye witnesses as well as the drivers and occupants of the cars. The jury found that the deceased had met death 'as a result of being struck by the car driven by 121:,IJA , The prize for the High School stu- dent making the best use of his or her opportunities during the past year goes to Madeline Anderson. It consists of five dollars worth of books and school supplies at Austin’s. The Board of Education’s prizes are awarded as follows. Highest standing in the Lower School won by Fred Taylor of Form I who averaged 89% on the year’s work. He will receive books valued at five dollars to be preâ€" sented later. The corresponding prize of equal value in the Middle School goes to John Wilson who completed Junior Matriculation with five First and two Second Class Honours. The Upper School prize, five dollars cash, has been won by James Kerswill who has completed Honour Matriculation with five Firsts, three Seconds, one Third Class Honour and two Passes. ..~ V..- u-.-\.u VJ Fields, and that the Ford car driven by Miss Wishart of Torontg by cut- ting in sharply in front of Fields, had contributed to the cause of the accidents Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church to Hold Anniversary Services Services to mark the Jubilee of the present church building and the 113th anniversary of the church here will be celebrated at the Richmond Hill Presbyterian church on Sunday Sep- tember 14th, and Sunday September zlst. At the morning service on Sun- day, September 14th, Rev. A. S. Grant, D.D. secretary of the general Board of Missions will be the speaker and in the evening Rev. _J. Buchanan, B.A., 1UP“ “ The annual fall tournament for the W. D. Scott Cup, and valuable prizes, will be held on the local green on Wednesday, September 3rd. The present Club House is .now offered for sale and it is planned to build.a new one next year. Two Richmond Hill rinks journeyed to Markham on Wednesday afternoon and captured list and fourth prizes. The rink skipped by G. Moodie won first with three wins and a. score of 67. The winning rink was, C. Kers- will, C. P. Wiley, F. J. Mansbridge, Gid Moodie skip. A. E. Glass’s rink had two Wins and won the fourth prize, the personnel being, A. G. Sav- age, W. Riddell, E. T. Stephens, A. E. Glass, skip. In the annual tournament for the Greene Cup held on Monday, skip W. Riddell won first prize and skip W. Wellman second prize. ing théi‘e wfi'll be Commumon Service, and m the evening a special serv1ce of song. INQUEST HELD The inquest concerning the death of David Burn who died as a result of being struck by a car while walking north on Yonge Street at May Ave. on Saturday, August 16th, was held Monday evening in Richmond Hill. Coroner Dr. Dales presided and witâ€" nesses included Constables Reid, Mashingham, and Parraclough, Dr. R. L. Langstafl’, Mr. Gillard, three Awards of prizes offered by the Board of Education and others in- terested in education in Richmond Hill have been made upon the results of the midsummer examinations. M.D., Gen: eral Assembly will have charge. On Sunday, Seppglpbeg' let, in the morn- High School Prizes and Scholarships Bowling Notes ‘ Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Manning and 'family, Mr. and Mrs. Calegar of IHamilton spent Sunday with Mr. and lijs: J. Manningt The annual dance under the auspices of the Maple Fire Brigade will be held in the Community Hall, Maple, on Thursday, September 11th, Hender- son’s F‘ive Piece Orchestra will pro- vide the music and Dick Harrison will be floor manager. The dance .commences at 8 o’clock. Everybody _w.eleome. 7 Gents $1.00, ladies free. Mr. J. A. Rose returned on Sunday after a two weeks’ visit with friends in Hamilton. Mr. Geo. Keys of Toronto and Mrs. W. and Miss Jean Spieran, of Brus- sels, were visitors at the.home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Keys on Saturday 14-; Mr. and Mrs. W. Green, Miss Smith and Miss Woodland of .New Hamp- shire, motored over and are spending the ,week with Mr. Green’s sister, Mrs. Mgrray iWood. last Mr. Chas. F‘. Taylor and family have left Oak Ridges for Newtonbrook where Mr. Taylor will join his brother in the Florist Business, having given up his poultry farm which he has car- ried on here for four years. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor’s many friends here re- gret their moving and wish them every success in his new adventure. They will reside with his brother until their house is built. Miss M. Morrison entertained a number of friends from Barrie on ngne§day of last week. Misé Gladys Burns spént the week- iapd With her friend Miss Violet Phil- 1P§¢ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Minton and children of Unionville spent the week end here. The second annual exhibition of the Horticultural Society was held on Saturday and was a decided success. The exhibits were all of good quality. A large crowd was present and tea wa_s_ served wh_i_c_h brought in $35.7 Mr. Wm. Vallier, one of the oldest residents of Maple, passed away in Toronto on Monday afternoon. The funeral took place on Wednesday to the Maple cemetery. A shed belonging to Mr. Roy Keffer was destroyed by fire on Saturday. The Maple Volunteer Fire Brigade was on hand shortly after the fire was discovered but too late to save the building and the implements that it contained. The origin of the fire is unknown. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Prest and Miss Beatrice Prest and her friend returned on Saturday from Kirkland Lake, where they were spending their holidays. AMr. and Mrs. W. E. Phillips and daughter Violet spent Monday at the home of and Mrs. W. Burns. Mr.'Walter Bone and his men have been putting down a new sidewalk on Rajlway 7 Mr. "and Mrs. Hugh Ferguson of Aurora spent Saturday at Mr. Wm. Oliver’s. Mr. and Mrs. F. West of Buffalo, Mrs. W. West and Mr. C. H. Jones of Toronto, spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Burns. The brick house of Mr. William Ash on the Wilcox sideroad was completely burned at 3 a.m. last Wednesday. The Richmond Hill Fire Engine was rushed to the scene of the fire but was un- able to do any good. The house burned to the ground and all con- tents, the origin of which is still un- known. Mr. Frank Gardener accompanied by Mr. G. H. Taylor of Newtonbrook spent the week-end in Midland visit- ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. Watson of Tor- onto have returned home after spend- ing a week at the home of Mrs. William Minton. Mr. Bury has purchased a new tractor and plows. Farmers of the district have been taking the Western plan of stock threshing and report everything go- ing'fine until recent rain intervened. Mr. J. Robinson has just returned from a visit to Pennslyvania and by his__look_s has derived much benefit. ",i _...-._ -yvv..- *uu. anvvaCAAC DNeWs comes from the General Hoe- pital that Max Steine, who was hit by a motor on Yonge St. recently is pro- gr§§_sing_favou1:z_1b]y. Mr. and Mrs. Nuttall of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. Geo. Neile, Sunday last. School will reopen on Sept. 2nd. On Sunday last a large sedan car went over the tracks just south of Gambles Side Rd., and an elm tree just saved it from going over a steep embankment. The occupants escaped with only a shaking up. _ Miss VErma Clfibuifie retu‘rned home Saturday after spending a week With her sister in Toronto. M}. and Mrs. Leslie Baker of the Summit Garage are moving into Mr. Tom Hill’s house at Schomberg Juncâ€" tion. The rainfall on Saturday and Sun- day was very beneficial to crops around here. Misses Nellie and Francis Kilty of Winnipeg have been spending some time in Oak Ridges visiting friends. No doubt many people will remember when Miss Kilty taught school in the old schoolhouse here. Both ladies are stillAteaghing school in Winnipeg. Miss Bessie Legge has been spend- ing pa’rt of her vacation at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Leg‘ge. Maple Firemen Will Hold Dance JEFFERSON Oak Ridges fl Certified Jersey Milk from accredited herds 0:0) 0:0] lInn": HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT“ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. The middle man’s profitâ€"That is what you do when you buy If you try it you will buy it. MOTORISTS ATTENTION CLAUDETTE COLBERT â€"-CHARLET RUGGLES Millions have read about him, love him. You must see this. The Benson Murder Case SPECIAL MATINEE Monday, Sept. lst, 2.30 pm Comedy “ He Trumpt Her Ace” Singing Novelties Movietone News Telephone 87 Yonge Street Richmond Hill -â€" Comedy “Red Heads.” Richmond Hill YOUNG MAN 0F MANHATTAN Why take the risk of having your license and drivers permit cancelled, when you can obtain protection through an insurance policy. Rates and information on application to TRUE TO THE NAVY The Safety Responsibility Law Becomes Effective Sept. 1st Roselawn Farms Dairy Limited BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT Comedy Hauntedâ€"Novelties Memories â€" WITH â€" FREDERICK MARCH and HARRY GREEN Unravel the most baffling of all mysteries. Saturday and Monday, Aug. 30, Sept. 1 TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, Sept. 2,3 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, Sept. J. R. HERRINGTON WILLIAM POWELL [0:0] 10=O=OI=OI PHONE 54 RICHMOND HILL FROM FARM TO CONSUMER FROM FACTORY T0 MAN CLARA BOW Let us leave a free sample 16 pint tickets for $1.00 SAVE next Monday WITH with 0:0] Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Movietone News I0=0=O=° [0=0=0=0 Ontario Ontario No.

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