. Just a reminderâ€"if your subscrip- tion is due kindly let us have payâ€" ment. Prompt payment by subscriâ€" bers of The Liberal has been one feature in which we take just pride. Richmond Hill will continue for some time at least to be the terminal of the North Yonge Railways. At meetings held last week in Aurora and Newmarket citizens of the north- ern towns decided to take no action for the purchase of the section of the line lying north of Richmond Hill. The police have been paying part- icular attention this year to the reck- less driver, said Police Magistrate G. H. Duncan to The Liberal this week. Similiar action by police in all parts of Ontario however does not seem to check the mania and compared with last year there appears to be equally as much if not more reckless driving than ever. ‘ Next Saturday, August 30th is the date of the big sale of garage equip- ment at Baldock’s Garage Richmond Hill. This is an opportunity for every car owner to buy and save money on car equipment. The reason was that the purchase price ‘and prospect of operating deï¬- cits would be to great a ï¬nancial undertaking. The people wanted the radialsâ€"but the cost was too great. There have been 574 convictions registered in the local police court this year. The driver who cuts out of trafï¬c line gives a lot of work to the police apd a lot of trouble to himself and others. A ‘ Reserve Thursday September 11th, the date of the annual dance of the Maple Fire Brigade. It was a suc- cesful event last year and will be another evening of enjoyment this year. Henderson’s Orchestra will pro: vide the music. Yonge Street seems to get more than its share of the Speeder and reckless driver. The purchase 'price'vof the‘north- ern section of the radial line would have meant an additional 13 mills taxes for Aurora. We can hardly blame the people for balking at that. Bond Lake Park which has been closed to the public since the close of the 1929 season is to be offered Our standing request to correspon- dents and contributors isâ€"please send your news items in early in the week. fonesale by, the City of Toronto. The property includes 45 acres of lake and 75 acres of land. It was pur- hased by the old Metropolitan Radial Co. in 1898 and since then has been a popular amusement resort. George Buck, trafï¬c ofï¬cer, formerly of Yonge Street who was badly in- jured in a crash near Ottawa recently is making favorable progress towards recovery. I There will be four new faces on the teaching staff of the Richmond Hill High School. Miss Belanquet of Sudbui‘y will teach Moderns, Miss Izzard of Aurora, English and His- tory, Miss Smith Aurora, Physical Culture and Junior English, Miss Shaw, Toronto, Commercial. All come highly recommended. Schools open for on Tuesday September According to reports received from all along the line the North Yonge Railways are enjoying a generous patronage. The adandonment of the old radial and the substitution of the bus service lost a large number of patrons for the line who it is believed are being gradually won back by the attractive service now supplied. The Richmond Hill Public School stafl“ will be the same as in the past year. There were no resignations and no new teachers were engaged. There is everywhere throughout the North Yonge Street district a grow- ing feeling against the “HITCH- HIKER" and also the motorist who persists in carrying passengers in competition with the people’s railroad. As public opinion strengthens against this nuisance it will be done away with and the line will be a gainer by many fares daily. “Pass up the HITCH-HIKER†is a good motto for North Yonge motorists. Pass up the “free ride seeker†n Yonge Street. Vince PAGE TWO GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS )r your printm ral, job printing tivity of chicken thievtes is reâ€" d in various parts‘ of the proâ€" Keep the hen house locked an alert watch dog is a valuable Teleph< n arou 11C the fall temi 2nd. consult The )artment and at the right chmond HilL 1rm Up in the north country they handle Communists even rougher than Chief Draper’s men in Toronto. Recently ‘the whole village of Garson, in the Sudbury district, turned out to listen to the soapbox orators. On arriving, the band of Communists, under Com- rade Martin Parker, organizer for the district, were sandwiched bet- ween a line of seventeen police officers on one side of the street and many townspeople on the other. What a gathering! But Comrade Parker’s opening words were the signal for an attack. The natives let loose a barrage of the rottenest eggs and tomatoes procurable in the village, and lit was no time until the red sym- pathizers were dusting Garson’s dust from their feet. Power of Musicâ€"And after hear-1 ing the Stein Song a few millionl1 times, we sent our ï¬rst contribution' to Anti-Saloon League. (Judge).[ gl'UWllls lallllly UL xcawcla. 1115 “AUâ€" . - .- . Thornhill Horticultural Society lelal ‘5 all home pllnt’ $150 pet year' lheld its annual flower show in the lClubbing rates With an T°ront° rink on Saturday afternoon and eve- ;dailies and leading periodicals and ning, when an exceptionally ï¬ne showing of flowers and vegetables magazines. 1 . , . lwderei exhiï¬nted“. flgespite the prolong- } - - e roug t t e owers were in ex- Rwhmond H111 Flower Show satur' icellent condition and there were a day September 6th SHOW 311d GO- 'large number of entries, Mr. E. [Grainger acted as judge. The folâ€" Dogs worry sheep and also worry Illowing were the prize-winners:-â€"- Townshi councillors. Do s ' Junior’s Prize List p g m the: Bouquet Wild Flowersâ€"Ethel Ive- township of Uxbridge are causing the son Isabel BalL council considerable concern these B’oquet Flowers from home garden days especially as at the last session -â€"Ethel IViSOn, Isabel Ball. ‘ of the council there were numerous Vegetable Conectlon from home bills presented to them for sheep killed gardenâ€"Ethel IVison' . , ADULTSâ€"Class 1, Flowers and worried by dogs amounting to A‘sters, 6 bloomsâ€"Miss Wilson, several hundred dollars. Mrs. P. Riddel‘l.‘ A , n all. TY ‘n Two young bandits Who robbed a bank in Hamilton on Monday were each sentenced on Tuesday to eight years in the penitentiary with thirty lashes added. Such speedy and severe punishment should make other young fellows of the swim type of mind do a lot of thinking before they tackle a bank holdâ€"up. “Losers, seekers; ï¬nders, keepers,†runs the old couplet, but ï¬nders are not keepers, according to law. Walter Wellington, a Chatham boy, found a watch, and because he took no steps to ascertain its owner, he was convicted on a charge of theft. Magistrate Arnold let him go on sus- pended sentence. Studentâ€"“A physician who won’t give out prescriptions.†(Drexerid). The .district enjoyed a bountiful ‘rain Saturday .night and Sunday. It was badly needed. Friend of the Camel.â€"Professor (in Engineering rclass)â€"“What's a dry dock?†If you are not already a subscriber, subscribe today and join our ever growing family of readers. The Lib- eral is all home print, $1.50 per year. Clubbing rates with all Toronto dailies and leading periodicals and magazines. Time to Duckâ€"“Really, Bill, your argument with your wife last night was most amlIsing.†“Wasn’t it tho ? And when she threw the axe at me I thought I’d split.†Richmond Hill and the North Yonge Street district despite the epidemics and paralysis scares which are feat- ures of news from other centres is notably free from any such complaints. Richmond Hill [has a clear sheet according to Dr. J. P. Wilson M.O.H. and there is not even a quarantine card posted in the town. The story of the Battle of Mons is likely, it is understood, to be made into a motion picture by Ontario government cameramen, who are now in England arranging for the ï¬lming invasion of the French and Flemish battlegrounds. Miss D’Arcy Berry, daughter of Dr. J. B. Berry of Willowdale, has been appointed to the position of public health nurse, for North York Toï¬mship. The rain over the week end was the answer to the farmers’ prayers. Mrs. Alex Huston, of St. Clair ave. east, Toronto, suffered severe back injuries, when the car in which she was driving skidded and overturned into the ditch on Yonge st., about a mile south of Holland Landing, late Sunday night. The ï¬rst reunion of the McMenomy family was held Saturday at the home of Robert McMenomy at Markham, when relatives and descendants of the veteran saddler gathered from all parts of Canada and the United States. ' When David Clarke, of Whit- chui‘ch, celebrated his eightieth birthday last week, six children and twenty grandchildren attended the family party in his honor at the old homestead, lot 13, concession 6. Whit- church Township. Vegetable Collection from home gardenâ€"Ethel Ivison. ADULTSâ€"Class 1, Flowers A‘stex‘s, 6 bloomsâ€"Miss Wilson Mrs. P. Riddell. Asters, Double COILâ€"Mr. H D. Bennett, Mrs R. Simpson. Colendula, COILâ€"Mrs. W. Ball, Mr. H. D. Bennett. Cosmos, Single, COILâ€"Mrs. F Simpson, Mr. H. D'. Bennett. Cosmos, Double, COILâ€"Mr. H. D Bennett, Mrs. J. A. Pearson. Dahlia, Decorative, 1 bloomâ€"Mrs Wells. «n1 Dahlia, Peony, 1 bloomâ€"Mrs. Wells. Dahlia, Collectionâ€"Mrs. Wells. Everlasting, Collectionâ€"E. F. Wilt- shire, R. Caseley. Gaillardia, 6 bloomsâ€"Mrs. J. L. Davis, R. Caseley. Geraninums, Singleâ€"Mrs. Wells, E. F. Wiltshire. Geraninums, Doubleâ€"N. J. Smellie, E. F. Wiltshire. Gladiolus, 1 Spikeâ€"N. J. Smellie, Miss E. Wiltshire,_ -. .. n4 “.7 Delphinum, Perennial COILâ€"Mr. S. Bone. Lavatera, COILâ€"Mrs. R. Simpson. Marigolds, French, 6 bloomsâ€"E. F. Wiltshire, N. J. Smellie. Marigolds, African, 6 bloomsâ€"Mrs. J. L. Davis, E. F. Wiltshire. Mignonette, COILâ€"Mrs. F. Simpson. Pansies, Coll.â€"â€"-Mrs. F. Simpson, Mrs. J. Teeson. Phlox, Annualâ€"E. F. Wiltshire. Phlox, Perennialâ€"E. F. Wiltshire, Mrs. J. A. Pearson. Petunias, Single COILâ€"Mrs. J. Tee- son, Mrs. A. Stephenson. Petunias, Double COILâ€"Mrs. Pearâ€" son, Mrs. J. Teeson. Roses, 1 Bestâ€"Mrs. F. Simpson, Mrs. R. Simpson. Roses, COILâ€"Mrs. J. L. Davis. Salpiglossis, Coll.â€"â€"-N. J. Smellie, T. Ivison. Scabiosa, COILâ€"Mrs. H. D. Bennett, Miss May Campbell. Snapdragon, Coll.â€"Mrs. F. Simpâ€" son, Mrs. Fuller. Stocks, COILâ€"Miss M. Campbell. Sweet Peas, COILâ€"Mrs. Wells, Mrs. F. Simpson. Verbenas, COILâ€"Mrs. Fuller, Miss May Campbell. Zinnias, Coll.â€"Mrs. Pearson, Mrs. F. Simpson. Annuals, COILâ€"Mr. H. D. Bennett, Mrs. R. Simpson. ‘ Gladiolus, Coll., named Varietiesâ€"â€" N. J. Smellie. Fern, 1 Specimanâ€"Mrs. F. Simp- son, Mrs. P. Riddell. Class II.â€"â€"Vegetables Beets, 6 tableâ€"Miss M. Campbell, R. Caseley. Carrots, 6 tableâ€"Miss M. Camp- bell, T. Ivison. Cabbage, 2 any varietyâ€"E. F. Wilt- shire, Miss G. Wesley. CauliflOWer, 2 any varietyâ€"E. F. Wiltshire, Mrs. W. Ball. Celery, 2 heads whiteâ€"Mr. T. Ivi- son, E. F. Wiltshire. Corn, 6 ears yellowâ€"Miss M. Camp- bell, Mrs. Pearson. Cucumber, 2 slicingâ€"T. Ivison, E. F. Wiltshire. Lettuce, Leafâ€"E. F. Wiltshire. Lettuce, Headâ€"E. F. Wiltshire. Mangel, best specimanâ€"Mrs. Pear- son, E. F. Wiltshire. Onion, 6 Whiteâ€"May Campbell, E. F. Wiltshire. Onions, 6 redâ€"N. J. Smellie, E. F. Wiltshire. Onoins, 6 yellowâ€"Mrs. F. Simpson, Gladiohis‘foi Spikesâ€"N. J. Smellie, Miss E. Wiltshire. Gladiolus, 6 Spikesâ€"N. J. Smellie, Miss E. Wiltshire. Gladiolus, Best Collectionâ€"N. J. Smellie. . .. A" u- Ulllclllv. Gladiolus, Primuliuns COILâ€"Miss Wilson. Lillies, 2 Spikesâ€"Miss E. Wiltshire. Delphinum, Annual COILâ€"Miss E. Wiltshire, H. Q. Benqe'jzt." n ‘1" a Thornhill Annual Mid- Summer - Flower Exhibition N. J. Sniellié. Peppers, Green Ivison. Parsnipsâ€"Miss G. Wesley, E. r: Wiltshire. Potatoes, 3 varieties, namedâ€"E. F‘ Wiltshire, Mrs. Pearson. Potatoes, 6‘ Cobblersâ€"E. F. Wilt- shire, R. Caseley. Potatoes. 6 Green Mountainâ€"R Caseley,_ MrsL‘D. Boyle. “ mL ....... THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO "Pum'rskin Pie E. F. Wiltshiye; wgqila's'h, Hubbardâ€"R, Casely, son. _ ï¬ ï¬ m. Tomatoes, 5 largeâ€"1:2. t“. wntsmre, Mrs. F. Simpson. Tomatoes, 5 Saladâ€"E. F. Wiltshiret Miss M. Campbell. Vegetable Marrowâ€"Mrs. F. Simp- son. E. F. Wiltshire. Coll. of Vegetablesâ€"E. F Wiltshire Church St. ‘aintin Hudson Decoralors WORK GUARANTEED Téxpayer of The Distric'. R. \VOLFREY, Prop. Estimates Free i~e'â€"â€"'M;‘s. R. Thompson, Paperhanging and Decorating â€"â€"E. F'. Wiltshire, T Richmond Hill Box 32 Wesley, E LIST OF PRIZES Wiltshire Smellie, Society Mrs. Pearson. in the! Endive, 3 b1 T. Ivi- 'l‘eeson. Crabapples, any varietyâ€"J. A. Thompson. Mrs. F. Simpson. Class IV.â€"Specials Decorated Table â€" Mrs. J. L. Mc- Donald, Mrs. J. L. Davis. I Bouquet of 2 varietiesâ€"Miss A. Boyle, Mrs. H. D. Bennett. 6 qt. Basket Potatoesâ€"Miss May Campbell, E. F. Wiltshire. 6 qt. Basket Canning Tomatoesâ€" J. A. Thompson. Perennials, COILâ€"Miss N. Mundey, E. F. Wiltshire. Buttonhole Bouquet, Gentsâ€"Miss N.AMundey,AT. Ivison; Corsage Bouquet, Ladiesâ€"Miss N. Mundey, Mrs. F. Simpson. Class V.â€"Novelties Noveltiesâ€"E. F. Wiltshire, Miss N Mundey. Miss Alice Wilkinson has returned from a short vacation spent with her aunt and uncle in Stayner. Apple Mundey Apple Donald, Pears ‘ Mrs. W. Hood, Toronto spent part of last week-end with her son Mr. L. Hood. Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown are visiting friends in London, Ont. for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKenzie, Toronto were Sunday visitors at the home of their neice Mrs. Geo. Kelly Jr. 7 Mr; and Mrs. Norman Porter of Thornhill spent Sunday afternoon vis- iting Mi§s_, Drew‘quly. Dr. Kelly' Sr. is a regular attend- ent at Toronto Exhibition this year. He is acting as veterinarian to ex- amine the show horses. 7 Mrs. Summerï¬eld and children of Unionville are spending a few days with Mrs. John _Boy_ingtor}. The Boynton brothers have again taken a fine showing of hogs to Toronto Exhibition. We wish them the best of luck. W Mr;randiMrs. Edmund Duncan and Mr. Peter Duncan were Sunday visâ€" itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Piggle. Several young people of this vic- inity attended the dance held in Unionville Memorial rink last Thurs- day evening. They report a real good time, and are looking forward to niax}? dance which is to be held Sept. 1 t . Viiï¬isgiFlossié Denby: of Richmond Hill called on Mrs. N. Boyington last Monday _afternoon. Master Lorne Phillips has returned to his home in Niagara Falls, after spending several weeks with his sis- ter, Mrs. Joe Bye1‘.__ Mr. Gladstone Wilson had the mis- fortune to be struck by a spike which flew out of their threshing machine. He had a very narrow escape, but we are glad to see he is able to be around again. 1e BUTTONVILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL HIGH SPOTS AT ONE. Exhibition Here Again When visiting the Exhibition be sure to see the displays. of the many lines of merchandise in the various buildings We are agents for several lines shown at the “Ex†including The National Dairy Council of. Canada in a recent report stated that' Saskatchewan stood third in the Dominion in the matter of es- timated gross revenue from dairy products in 1929. The figures are given at $21,000,000 as compared with $20,979,000 the previous year. Market prospects for fruit grow- ers of Nova Scotia are encouraging because the British Isles must look to Nova Scotia for the bulk of their barrelled apple supply until Novem- ber 15. as a result, of the embargo on barrelled fruit from the United States. Last year a British artist pub- h'ch' declared Canadian women to be the most beautiful in the Empire and n0w anothér Britisher â€" this time a newspupï¬r man «â€" claims they are me Emrflre's greatest rm- vellerq. It appears 'hat a check-up on ranway travel in summer rec veals that eighty pen cent. are females. Mn l. .Mn-uuâ€"J "-- Thornhill Hardware Total production of maple syrup in Canada for 1930 was 2.185.379 gallons valued at $3,869,107, and of maple sugar 8,208,276 pounds, valued at $1,381,513. Average mar- ket price of maple syrup was $1.77 a gallon, and of maple sugar 17 cents a pound. The Province of Quebec was the largest producer and balance came from Ontario, Nova Scotiu and New Brunswick. Phone33 Trees & Co. Baggage, Harness, Leather Goods, Etc. McClary and Dominion Stoves Heaters, Furnacettes, etc. Philco, Rogers Majestic and DeForest Crossley Radios Metallic Raoï¬ng, Carr Iron Siding Garages, Etc. Premium Vaccuum Cleaners, Beatty Washers, Singer Sewing Machines, Lundy Fence See us first if interested in any of the above lines A. C. JAMIESON THURSDAY, AUGUST McClarey’s ELECTRIC RANGES Richmond Hill PAINTER & DECORATOR H. FORSTER MAGINE a giorious section of the Canadian Rockies hewn boldly from the bosom of Mother Enth. and a giant hand reaching down into one of the Canadian National Steamships’ West Indies’ fleet and stealing a. group of luxurious cabins, then you have an idea of this year’s exhibit of the Canadian National Railways at the Canadian National Exhibition. JaSpet National Park is one of the two features of the exhibit. In a. 50-foot long panorama of the mountains, I. mother bear and her cubs go {rollicking in the forest, deer are made to scamper through the brush and the noble Athabasca river sings a. rippling song of contentment. Wall Paper Sllnplied if Desired Marvellous effects are obtained by the use of colored lights. Beginning with the faint light of dawn, the sky changes to the beautiful hues of sunrisa and slowly dusk comes and moving clouds are painted with reds and blues to give an excellent idea of 'the sunsets for which the mountains are noted. In another part of the railways’ building, visitors walk the gang plank and over the fide into the “Lady Nelsonâ€, flagship of the West Indies fleet. Inside the white hull, is a portion of the main lobby and, directly opposite, the purser’s ofï¬ce. A uniformed ofï¬cer is ready behind the grille and he has an efï¬cient staff of six stewards waiting to initiate the visitor into the ship’s mysteries. Leading off the lobby are rooms, exact replicas of those on board the “Lady†ships, and showing the Various types of accommodation†FORKS and RAKES HOES, RAKES, SPADES DIGGING FORKS Telephone Stouffville 61 16 Thornhill, Ont. AND RANGETTES C. N. COOPER VICTORIA SQUARE Hardware 1930 Jntario