A FAST TRIP In these days of record trips, en- durance contests, etc., it is interesting to note the record cross country trip of 8. Markham township resident. Elâ€" gin Gohn, son of Reeve W. C. Gohn motored to Western Canada last week in a new model Ford. Sixty six hours after he left Thornhill he landed at his destination at Froud Sask., a distance of 1900 miles. This is a record which Will take some beating. There were three passengers in the car and all took turn in driving but it is apparent from the time they made not much time was lost in sightseeing. Mr. John Homer met with minor injuries in a automobile accident last week. Mr. McEanery spent the weekâ€"end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard and family of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Leuschner over the week- end and holiday. Mrs. C. T. Brodie visited with her daughter Mrs. George Quantz, of Aurora last week. Miss Sarah Mapes ia‘spending a few days with Mrs. Safn Allen this week. 12th Sunday after Trinity, Sept. 7th; 11 a. m. â€" Holy Communion 3 p. m. â€" Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"-Evening Prayer. 1 Miss Lucy Savage, of Richmond Hill, has been successful in securing Headford school. We wish her every success as teacher. Mrs. H. Smith, of Aurora, has been spending a few days with Mrs. A. Hen- ricks. The Y.P.S. are holding 3 Corn Roast at the home of Mr. Carl James on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Pert Mumford and son Billy spent the holiday at Mr. W. Leus- chner’s. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, Miss Gwen Smith were guests of.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Comisky on Sunday night. fl Shadow the Law 9:0 Saturday, Monday, Tuesday VOL. LIII. COMEDY HellojiTeIevision NEWS CAPITOL ST. MARY’S CHURCH OAKI COMEDY “ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN MOVIETONE NEWS JAC K HEADFORD William Powell COMEDY “ Follow the Swallow NOW PLAYING SEPT. 3. 4, 5. “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†Richmond Hill uous Show from Z to Evening show at 6.30 , (Approved â€" U) 0=0=°=0=OF° ! JEFFERSON N ‘2§e3£aaï¬ Lï¬a‘é‘ one "A MAN Hm WYOM I N a" Percy Griffen. employed at the Sum- mit Golf Club, met with a painful ac- cident, having his arm caught in the {electric mower, his arm was severely electric mower, which was severely market Hospital for a week. He hop- es to resume work shortly. ' Little Brothers, local Ford deal- ers this week sold their one hund- red and sixth car of the 1930 sea- son. They report business good and the demand for popular 4’ Ford products very satisfactory i despite the period of depression which is causing concern to many lines of business. The sales re- cord of this firm is in advance of last year and is accredited by them to the splendid satisfaction * enjoyed by Ford owners. Mrs. Broadie, of Toronto, was visit- ing her brother Mr. H. W. Legge dur- ing the past week. The Rev. and Mrs. Colclough, formerly of Kettleby, now of Scarboro visited Mrs. Robb at the post ofï¬ce on Friday last. . School resumed its duties Tuesday with quite a few new pupils. Miss Jean Robinson, of Bradford, has been visiting her uhcle Mr. J. Rob- inson for a few days last week. Mrs. Cole, of Richvale, is visiting the Misses German. | Mr. J. Robinson has .been gpending the week end around Muskoka. Lakes and reports regarding crops this dist- rict is the best yet. The Summit Golf Club have had a very busy weekâ€"end, quite a number of Americans visiting. Mr and Mrs. Harold Legge have re- moved to their new home at Long Branch which they have purchased. Mrs. C. Boyntnn and daughter. Mrs. Smith have been spending the week- end at Mrs. Boynton’s home, Yonge Street. INCREASED SALES THIS YEAR FOR LOCAL FORD DEALERS Commencing Saturday, Sept. 6 Shows will start at 7 and 96{p.m. Continuous Sat'y 2 to 11.30 p.m. WE IN (I (Paramount Qiclum YONGE AT CASTLEFIELD °=0==10=2 SEPT. 6, 8. 9 NEWS :Irgiï¬qsfntials, Unity; In Nonâ€"essentials, Liberty; In All Things. Charity.†RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1930 I Elsewhere in this issue is the local iimprovement notice for the gravelling of the balance of Brookside Road whi- Ich will bé gone ahead with as quickly as possible. 1 Following the council meeting the imembers inspected the progress of {the work at Patterson on the Maple lsideroad where the large culvert was recently installed. The hill has been cut down and a fill made at the cul- vert at an expense of $898.50. The work was done by contract. It was ‘also decided to go ahead now and drain the hill, grade and ditch it and have a coat of gravel put on. Routine business was transacted and a number of accounts passed. The reports of the weed inspectors were received and especially on the east side of the township considerable weed cutting has been done by township men which will be charged up to the various properties. Members please noticeâ€"Home sur- roundings, vegetable gardens, window boxes, etc., will be judged on Friday afternoon. All other entries must be made on or before Friday, Septem- her 5th. Make your entries early. Exhibitors please carefully follow rul- es and regulations as upon the prize list. Bring Exhibits in early. Juvenile Gardens will be judged on Thursday. Juveniles make all entries with the .teachers who will instruct them regarding bringing of exhibits etc. Councillor Fred Coakwell, of Mark- ham township who lives in the B0x Grove district reports an excellent crop this year. He estimates his oat yield at between seventy and eighty bushels to the acre. The annual Fall Flower Show will be held in the Arena on Saturday, September 6th. Doors open to the public from 4 till 9. Everybody wel- come. Ice cream Will be served dur- ing the evening. Any person not al- ready a member may become one and make his products eligible for the ex- hibition by paying $1.00 before Saturâ€" day morning. DECORATION DAY AT RICHMOND * Hill and l HILL CEMETERY it MiSS Gl'all In conjunction with the Jubilee ser- * few Weeks vices at the Presbyterian Church,“ * * * * * Richmond Hill, a decoration day serv- BOY : ice Will be held at the cemetery on The BoysS Sunday, September the 14th at 3.30 on Friday at p. 111. Further notice next week. to attend. BEGINNERS SHOULD START TO SCHOOL NOW It is requested by the Principal of the Public School that all parents having children start as beginners bring them to school this week or Monday, September 8 at the very lat- est. As it interferes with the organiz- ation of the school there will be no other beginners class before next Sepâ€" tember. It is planned to hold the regular meeting of the Richmond Hill council next Monday evening. The regular meeting night, the first Mondav of the month was Labor Day. A communication was received from the East Vaughan Ratepayers Associ- ation urging that the council take ac- tion to have sidewalks constructed on Yonge Street. The members of coun- cil will interview the Ontario Departâ€" ment of Highways in the near future to see if the municipality and the proâ€" vince' cannot come to some working agreement which will enable this much needed work to proceed Vaughan township council met in the township hall, Vellore on Monday af- ternoon with Reeve Robson presiding and all the members present. A pe- tition for an improved gravel roadway was received from residents of May Avenue. It was sufficiently signed and the council will proceed with the work as soon as possible. COUNCIL WILL CONFER WVITH HIGH‘VAYS DEPARTMENT â€" BROOKSIDE ROAD AND MAY AVENUE W'ILL BE GRAVELLED East Vaughan Ratepayers Ask For Sidewalks COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY RICHMOND HILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY A GOOD (‘ROP Clarence Graham who has so often brought honor to himself and Vaughan township in judging contests was first in the heavy horse class, Alex. K. Wat- son, Woodbridg'e, Was first in poultry and Roy Deavitt, of Newmar et was second, George Boynton of Gormley, ,was first in beef cattle and Douglas Gee, Gormley, third; Leonard Harmon King, tied with Donald Dalziel, Maple Ifor fourth place in this class. Other winners were James Torrance Markham, 3rd in heavy horses; Arthur McNeill, Woodbridge, 4th and Albert Rutherford, Woodbridge, 8th in dairy cattle; Fraser Gee. Gormley 4th; Wm. Barker, Temperanceville 10th and Clifford Rumble, Vaughan 15th in Swine class. Marshall McMurchy of King, was 3rd and Harold Prior, of Temperanceville, 8th in sheep. :Wâ€"ilâ€" frid Porrill, of Vaughan, was 9th in the poultry class. To all the winners and other competitors The Liberal ex- ltends congratulations. iJunimr Farmers Won at Exhibition Judging Contest Councillor Albert Chapman, chair- man of the Richmond Hill Water- works Commission interviewed regard- ing the account for $454.65 rendered to Markham Township and which was questioned by the council of that mun- icipality at the Tuesday meeting stat- ed that the blll was quite in order. “The matter has often been brought up in council and I understand that Markham had been told of the con- dition and had been billed before but we got no results. If we hadn’t heard from them soon I intended to move to have the water shut off†he said. Other town oï¬icials verified the stateâ€" ment of councillor Chapman that Mara khani had received previous accounts. Councillor Chapman said that as soon as he was asked by engineer Babcock to have RichmOnd Hill workmen re- pair the main he consented and the work was done promptly. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP RECEIVED PREVIOUS ACCOUNTS FOR WATER SAYS CHAIR- MAN OF COMMISSION The account in question is for water used by Markham township residents in the Elmwood Park subâ€"division. In the five years since the installation of the system Markham residents have used $67.41 worth of water and the council of Markham is called upon to pay $454.65. The cause of the differ- ence was a leak in the main which was allowed to remain unrepaired for a long period. There were 68 boys entered in the heayy horSes class, 76 for beef cattle, 143 for dairy cattle, 47 in the sheep class, 75 in the swine division. 25 in poultry, 84 in roots and grain, and 30 in the fruit and vegetables section. York County had the most first prize- Winners, with three, and this county was ,also found well up in the list in other classes. York County was first in heavy horses; first, second and third in poultry, and first in beef catt- 1e. York County was well represented at the Canadian National Exhibition open stock judging contest held on Wednesday. Mr. R. E. White, York County Agricultural Representative had fifty junior farmers in the comâ€" petition. The girls of the County were also well to the fore with twenty seven entries. The Boys Scouts and Cubs will mean, Miss Graham, Public Health Nur- se has commenced her duties in Vaughan Township and Richmond Hill. Several applications for the position were received and con- sidered by the joint Boards of Health for the two municipalities and Miss Graham was selected. She has taken up residence in Richmond Hill. Miss Vrooman who conducted the Nursi g De- monstration both in ichmond Hill and in Vaughan will assist Miss Graham in the work for a few weeks. CLARENCE GRAHAM, ALEX WATSON AND GEO. BOYN- TON FIRST IN THREE CLASSES ‘ PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE ON THE JOB BOY SCOUTS NOTICE 7 p. m. All are asked 6=o==o=lo lJTHE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT“ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. The middle man’s proï¬tâ€"That is what you do when you buy If you try it you Will buy it. MOTORISTS ATTENTION “ The Divorcee †The Greatest Laugh Show of All Time. Comedy “Hot Dog Novelty†Dressed in Doll The CUCKOOS SATURDAY, MONDAY, SEPT. 6, S CHESTER MORRIS Telephone 87 Yonge Street Richmond Hill â€" ’ Richmond Hill Why take the risk of having your license and drivers permit cancelled, when you can obtain protection through an insurance policy. Rates and information on application to THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, SEPT. 11, 12 TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SEPT- 9, 10 MIGHTIEST OF FUN SHOWS BERT WHEELER ROBT. WOOLSEY Roselawn Farms Dairy Limited The Safety Responsibility Law Becomes Effective Sept. lst â€"â€" WITH â€" ' DOROTHY JORDON LOTTICE HOWELL BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT IN GAY MADRID NORMA SHEARER RAMON NOVAR R0 J. R. HERRINGTON Comedy “ Bell of the Night†MO VIE TONE NEW 5 Comedy “ Her Hired Husband †MOVIE TONE NE WS PHONE 54 RICHMOND HILL FROM FARM TO CONSUMER FROM FACTORY TO MAN Let us leave a free sample 16 pint tickets for $1.00 SAVE next Monday WITH IN Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE CONRAD MARKS 0=0=0=° ro=o=o=6 Ontario Ontario