Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Sep 1930, p. 5

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Holiness Meeting' . . . . . . . . . . 11 a. m. Salvation Meeting . . . . . . . . . . '7 p. n. Rev. H. H. Eaton 1.30 p. m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p. m.â€"Deli'ghting in mercy 7.30 p.m.â€"Y.P.S. Thursday 8 p. m.â€"Y.P.S. Special speakerâ€"MKS Ida Smith, of India. ‘ Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"â€"Stirred from the nest. 2.00 p.m.â€"The Church School- 7 p. 1n.â€"Choice of a Master Monday 8 p. m.â€"â€"Y.P.S. Thursday 2.30 p. m.â€"W.M.S. at the Parsonage. Hagerman United Sunday School 1.30 SALVATlflN ARMY 10.00 a.m.-â€"â€"School. 7 p. XXLâ€"Evening Prayer Mr. Craig, of Toronto; Mrs. E. H. Porter Ypsilanti, Mich, were guests of Mrs. Ida Hood on Sunday. M1'. and Mrs. Philip Dixon, Mrs. Ada Hood, Mr. Ross Burns attended the Bowling Tournament at Aurora on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thps. Ramsay, of Tor- onto; visited Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dix- on on Saturday. The regular Tuesday evening Bowl- ing Tournament assumed a pleasing variation when Irish Trebles were played with a representative from Markham, Agincourt and Unionville on each rink. I‘he first prize honors going to the rink skipped by Mr Petch of Markhamfiother members of the rink being, Mrs. Cole, Agincourt; Miss Helen Stiver, Unionville. Mrs. Thompson, of Zephyr, was the gueit of Mrs. Jonathan Lunau last wee . Mr. and Mrs. Eric McLean, Mount Pleasant, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott. Miss LaBerta Hood spent the week- end at her home here. A fine new sanitary system has been installed in the Public School during the holidays which is a fqrward step in the equipment of the school. Mr. A. M. Hill, Stouffville, and Miss Jean Malloy, of Aurora, returned on Monday to resume duties in the Public School. The fall session open- ing on Tuesday with a full quota of pupils in. each room. Mr. and Mrs. as. Gibson spent the week-end with . and Mrs. E. Hall in Toronto. Miss Mabel Montgomery, Miss Joy- ce Nesbitt and Mrs. Bob Nesbitt, Brig- hton, were guests of Miss Dorothy Stiver last week. Dr. and Mrs. A. C.‘Kennedy and familx are holidaying at Wasaga Beaâ€" ch this week. Miss M. Sommerville visited Mrs. J A. Wales, Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Isabell Ogden returned to Bowmanville, on Monday to resume her duties on the High School teach- ing staff. The Hagerman United School en- joyed a fine outing to Riverdale Park. Toronto, last Wednesday not to Kew Beach Gardens as announced last week Mr. Clarence.Stiver and Miss Effie Stiver, Toronto, spent the week-end at there home here. Mrs. A. McKinnon was visit/01‘ on Wednesday last Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coatsworth, of Toronto, Miss Ina Morrison, Havelock, Mr. Thomson, New York, were guests of Mr. A. Weighill on Friday. * Mrs. S. Gibson and Miss Margaret Gibson, Milliken, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Hood on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bart Unser, Toronto, visited Mrs. LL Hemingway on Thurs- day last. Mr. and Mrs. Kidd and family, San- ford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burnham last week. Mrs. Farwell, Los Angels, Ca1if.; Mf: George Farwell, Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. George Padget, Agincourt, called on Mr.-A. H. Canning on Wed- nesday last. Miss Vera Weighill was a Toronto visitor on Wednesday. Mrs. F. Boadway, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- dershott and family spent the week- end at Island Grove Park. Jes Jes Jes’ Jes Jes’ Jes Jes’ Jes’ a little Jes’ a litt‘ Jes EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Jes J es mce. ’Bout some oddah business; Jes’ take my advice. Jes’ a little chlcken-coop standin’ near de fence; Jes’ a little dahkey, too, indout a bit ob sence; Jes CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT RICHMOND HILL CORPS ST. PHILIPS ANGLICAN a. little pressin’ on de latch, will no one in; a little jewelry, jes’ a diamond pin; a little sherriff on a niggah’s trail sich little tings as dat got dis coon in jail.‘ a liitle bettin’ en de favorite in de race; a little ways behin’ wotkin’ hard for place; a little money won by (lat oddah make, a. little ting like dat lif’ dis dahk- ey broke, a little pi‘essin’ by the fahmer on de triggah a little ’splosion, den a perIoratea niggah. TH URSD Rev. J. J. Robbins Officers in Charge J ES’ little CAPT. LYNCH LIEDr I‘. COOKE >SunAday Services ttle sunshine, Jes’ a little rain. ttle happiness, jes, a little pain little verselet sounds mighty TAKE MY ADVICE Ben King‘s verse SEPTEMBER 4th, a Toronto The need of sidewalks along Yonge Street is keenly felt by the residents of this district. MARION D. RAMER Teacher of Pianoforte Playing and Theory Students prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music Examinatlorm P.0. Box 14 Phone Richmond Hill 85â€"J Messrs L. Midgley and J. Maloney are on a vacation tfip and are visiting friends in Woodstock and London this week. Mrs. W. E. Smith and son Lyman spent the week-end in Sunderland and Lindsay. INSTITUTE MEETING The opening meeting of the W0- men’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Sayers, Centre St., West at 3 p. m. on Thursday, Sept. 11. The speaker Will be Miss E. J. Guest, of Toronto. Her subject, “Helping Boys and Girls to find their right life work.” All ladies of the community are cordially invited. YOUNGâ€"RANSOMâ€"On Tuesday, August 26th, 1930, by the Rev. W. J. Johnston, B.D., of the Eglinton Unit- ed Church, Toronto, Velma Irene, daughter, of Mrs. Ransom and the late Mr. M. Ransom. of Richmond Hill to John H. Young, of Toronto. ALLENâ€"GEEâ€"At Trinity United " Miss M. E: Harrison who has been Church, Toronto, on Sept. 2nd, 1930, spending the summer vacation at her 'by the Rev. D13 Tove“, assisted by home here returned to her school dut- Rev.‘ Dr. Slaght (uncle of the groom) ies at SandWiCh 011 Monday last- Sarah Margaret, only daughter of Mr. Miss F- M- Brown has taken a DOSit- George Gee, of Richmond Hill to Em_ ion on the Public School staff at est Edward Allen, of Indio, Californ‘ia, WinOWdale- I i only son of Mr. and Mrs.‘ G. F. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Law of Bentic- of San Gabriel" California. L (con, Columbia, visited PRESBYTERIAN W. M. S. l The regular meeting of the Presby- terian W.M.S. will Le held Thursday evening (to-night) at the home of Mrs G. Yerex, North Yonge Street. Mrs. Inkster, president of the Toronto Pres- byterial will be the speaker of the eve- ning. The meeting will commence at eight o’clock. The annual tournament; for the W. D. Scott Cup was held at the local green on Wednesday afternoon. Skip Hogarth of Oalgwood was the winner ‘ of first prize‘ and'skip Storey 0f Stouffville second. I Two Richmond Hill rinks had the honor of winning the first and second prizes at the Uxbridge Spring Tourna- ‘ .ment and on Labor Day two other Richmond Hill rinks repeated the feat. Skip G. Moodie won the first prize and skip A. E. Glass second. The first prizes were club bags and seCond bed spreads. The rinks were, Morley Beynon, C. Kerswill, F. J. Mansbridge G. Moodie, skip; A. G. Savage. A. A. Eden, E. T. Stephens, A. E. Glass skip . Fred Mansbridge had the unique hon- or of being on 'the winning rink skipp- ed by Wes Wellman at the spring, tournament and on Monday again was among the victorious. ‘flim ant l A unique gathering was held on Monday afternoon last, when fifty- -two representatives of the family of the late Richard and Hannah Hands, of Downsview, Ontario, assembled at the home farm of Mr. and Mrs. Steven 'Hands for a happy reunion. Children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were numbered among the guests whi- ch included, Mrs. Elizabeth Bell and family, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hands and family, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hands and family, Port Huron, Mich.; Mr. Jos. Hands, :Downsview, Ont; Frederick Hands and family, Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs. A. Hands and family, Mr. and Mrs. ’Woods, Miss Duck, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Stiver Hands and family Union- ville; Mr. Joe Durant and Mrs. Gordâ€" on Anderson, Hamilton; Miss Eileen [Haywood, Chicago. Exchange of happy reminiscences and a sumptuous picnic supper were also enjoyable fea- _tures of this memorable event. The semi-final game of the girls softball league played here on Satur- day next at 3.30 p. m. promises to be a real one. The local girls meeting Thomhill. Get your tin whistles all tuned up and come out and help the girls win. They want an oppor- tunity to play Elgin Mills in the final game. The date of which will be ar'mounced later. Mrs. Jas. Eakln and daughter Vesta South Africa, Mrs. Geo. Bowles, Miss Hattie Bowles, Mr. M. Bowles, of Tor- onto, visited Mrs. D. Harrington on Wednesday. Deputy-Reeve and Mrs. R. L. Stiver were exhibition visitors on Wednes- day. Mrs. Alice Spalton, Willowdale, wa the guest of Mrs. D. Harrington ove the week-end. We regret to report Mrs. W. A. Noble ill in Western Hospital with an attack of Erysipelas. Mrs. W. Elliott is spending a days in Toronto this Week. LANGSTAFF Bowling Notes 1930 HAPPY REI'NION MARRIED she with her late husband and family lived and farmed for about twenty- Lfive years. Sixtyâ€"five years ago Mrs. Playter came to this farm as a bride and some forty years ago left the district to take up residence in Toronto. Many of the older resid- ents of the district recall the Playter family and remember particularly the late Nelson Playter and his fine driv- ing horses. His well groomed and well kept horses and snappy turn outs were familiar to residents of Yonge Street nearly a half century ago. Mrs. Playter is enjoying excellent health. She has motored across the continent twice and shortly will return to Los Angeles where she lived for the past year and a half with her son and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Playter had six children, three of whom are living, Carrie in New York and “Atta” and Arthur of Los Angeles who accomp- anied their mother on the visit here. 1 Mr. Playter died in Toronto about eight years ago. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Everett Law of Bentic- ‘ton, British Columbia, visited this lrweek with friends in the village. For- ‘ty years ago Mr. Law learned the printing trade in The Liberal office. He is a son of the late Robert E. Law and grandson of Abraham Law the first Reeve of Richmond Hill. Mrs. J. E. Smith and daughters Betty and Alverna, left to-day to spend a week with friends in Lindsay. Mr. Frank Harrison spent last week end in Montreal. Mrs. Nelson Playter, widow of the late Nelson Playter renewed acquaint- ances in the district this week. Mrs. Playter who is 85 years old visited the old homestead at Jefferson where Miss Delta Wideman, daughter of “Mr. and Mrs. R. Wideman, Markham Township, entered training this week ‘at the Newmarket Hospital. Miss Eileen Paris, R. N. is spending some holidays visiting Mrs. _P1um1‘idge in Dunnville, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwards and child- ren Were week-end visitors in the Nia- gara Peninsula. , Miss Alice Marriott, of Hespler, is visiting her friend hiere Miss Mabel Reaman. ’1 Mrs. T. L. Kennedy, Mr and Mrs. W. ‘R. Young and son, of Toronto, spent the Week-end with Rev. and Mrs. A. E. [Lunau, Centre Street, West. 1 Mrs. J. Leavy, of Toronto, formerly of Richmond Hill, visited a day this lweek with Dr. and Mrs. Bell, Roseview Avenue. ‘ Rev. R. S. C. and Mrs. L2 flington, spent several day: [Week with Mr. and Mrs. ‘ ‘Church‘ Street. .Mr. Large ant Pastor of the Method ‘here a number of years ago Miss Lenore Glass who has been spending the summer vacation with diet sister Miss Phylis Glass and other [relatives here returned to Oshawa on 'Tuesday. Exhibition visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Secord Reaman during the week were Mr. and Mrs. M. Eagle ‘Iof Hespler, and son, Mr. Arthur Eagle of Detroit; Mrs. Teskey and two daughters, Misses Ruby and Edith Teskey and Mr. W. Reep, of London, Ontario. ‘ Mrs. C. Barker of Regina, Sask, ivith Mrs. Morley Barker and daught- ers of Stouffville, visited last: Friday with Misses E. and R. Barker, Centre Street. Mr. and Mrs. Hastings and family who have resided for the past year on Hunt Avenue, returned to their home in Toronto last week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benson and (Mr. Norman Mabbett and two daughtâ€" ers of Lansing, motored td Graven- hurst on Sunday and spent the day with relatives there. Miss Mildred Mackie left on Tues- ed 2. Fishing Part) day of this week to enter training at and holiday at th ithe General Hospital in Hamilton. Severn River, inch Mrs. Lewis and infant daughter and field and party of Miss Haws of Benson Ave., are spendâ€" Mrs. A. Mills am (ing a. month with their parents infinond Hill, and Ol Trout Creek. iBaldock and E. R9 Mrs. G. Dillinger, of Arthur, is Vis- riting her sister Mrs. W. H. Mylks, iYonge Street. ' } Miss Grace Reynar, of Detroit; ac- ‘companied by her friend, Miss Mary ‘Soule, of San Antonio, Texas, visited over the holiday with Miss Evelyn l'Neill, of this village and with Miss Ethel Mortson, of Victoria Square. ; Visitors at the home of Rev. and 'Mrs. J. A. Fergusonâ€"Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jenkins, of King; Mrs. P. Bovalr. 30f Aurora; Mrs. Johnston, of Ottawa; gMiSS Edith Jones and Miss Evelyn onnes, of Southwold, Ontario; Mr. ‘Stanley Murbie and Mr. William Mur- ‘lbie, of Toronto; Mrs. E. Hicks and Miss Edna Green, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. Crookes and Master Kenneth Crookes of Port McNicol and Mr. and Mrs. James L. Johnston, of Ottawa. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARE'CT- Social and Personal and Mrs. Large. of Isâ€" several days the past and Mrs. Wm. Cook, «Mr. Large was assist- the Methodist Church PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH it JUBILEE SERVICES t’ On 14th and let September special _h services will be held in Richmond Hill Presbyterian church to mark the Jub- ‘ilee of the present building, and 113th anniversary of the church. On the 14th the preacher at the morn- ing service will be Rev. A. S. Grant, ‘ 'D.D., and at the evening service Rev. W J. Buchanan, B.A., M.D.D.D., ex- : moderator of general assembly. w a F‘ ‘ "=ouol At the regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute held here on Tuesday last, the presentation of a beautiful gold Institute pin with a diamond setting was made to Miss E. Thomas ,as an appreciation of efficient and faithful service as secretary of this organization for many years. Mr. Pickering who spoke in the interest of the Institute of the blind, a vocal solo by. Mrs. W. R. Auld and a piano duett by Billy Latter and Ivy William- son were also interesting items on the program. Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Watâ€" son were hostesses. On Monday 22nd a reunion supper and social evening will be held in the church hall commencing at c p. m. On Sunday 2151: a communibn serv- ice Will be held at 11 a. m. and a serv- ice of song at 7 p. m. SURPRISE PARTY Last Friday evening about twenty- five young friends of Miss Margaret Plewman, who intends to emer train- ing in the Wellsley Hospital on Sepâ€" tember 15th, gave her a surprise party in the form of a corn and weiner roast. Dancing was the main feature-pf the evening and a pleasant time spent by all present. Mrs. A. E. Plewman and Mrs. A. E. Lunau attended the Globe “Homemak- er’s Page” picnic in Toronto on Wed- nesday. Mrs. W. Wilson and daughter Miss Vera Wilson, of Gormley, spent Tues- day With Mrs. Wilson’s sister Mrs. L. Doner here. ‘ 9=0=0=0 Mr. and Mrs “Mac” have ret week’s holiday Orillia. Mrs. W. Bone, of Brechin, Miss Eil- een and Mr. Chester «Bone of Hamilton Mrs. Abel and two daughters also of Hamilton, visited on Wednesday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Lu- nau, Richmond Hill. l Mr. W. J. Paris left on Wednesday gnight for Calgary, Alberta, Where he has accepted the position of manager of the rose growing department for a large floral company. Mr. Paris has been employed at J. H. Dunlop’s in Richmond Hill for the past nine years and previous to his departure he was presented with a handsome gold watch by fellow employees, who extended to him best wishes for success in his new position. Mr. and Mrs. E. Downing entertainâ€" éd 3. Fishing Party over the week-end and holiday at their cottage- on the Severn River, including Mr. H. Green- Mrs. A. Mills and children of Rich- mond Hill, and others. Messrs W. Baldock and E. Reesor joined them bn Monday. Mr. William Davies who has the past three months in the l Isles is expected home early week. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Lunau, Centre Street, entertained in honor of Miss Madeline’s coming-of-age birthday on Wednesday evening. and Mrs. R. S. Cooper and son have returned after a pleasant holiday at Victoria Point, near MARKHAM Dr. C. J. Hatsings, well known former M. 0. H. for Toronto in speaking of Pasteurization said: “Even Certified Milk should be pasteurized to make it safe at all times. Our population in Toronto has doubled and we have had no ser- ous epidemic sinc 19- ]0.” His experiences hacked by thousands of authorities. Hamilton; Mr. and Pasteurizgd Miifithe Safest 5nd Best ) has spent the British early next 0:0] Whitegate Britannia and her full brother Whitegate Emblem were placâ€" ed second after a gruelling contest in the harness pairs against four pair of imported ponies. Mr. Davison’s Shetlands swept their classes in both harness and saddle events. Amongst the prominent winners at the A pleasing feature of the Ilve stock C. N. E. this year was G. A. M Daw- parade last Thursday was the six son of UniOnville, with his internation-horse team belonging to Mr. Davison ally known string of ponies and hacK- which headed the paiade. The Shetâ€" neys. Mr. Davison showed twenty lands Were followed by a six horse eight head and won forty n‘lne ribbons. ,team of Dominion Transport weighing In the face of the keenest competition:six tons. The comparison of six ton in recent years the Davison horsesfihfiainst the eighteen hundred Weight captured many of the most coveted ' 0f the Pony team tOOk the fancy of the awards. Whiteg'ate Britannia sired by'CI'OWd and a great hand was given the horse Whitegate Smile shown 3- them. have for the second time was declared The Winnings 0f the DaViSOH horses Grand Champion Pony Mare at the at the C.N.E. and all other fairs big fair against high class imported hroughOUt Canada and the United mares. Gay Goblin was the winner States has brought the names of York 'of the Saddle Class under 13 hands County, Markham township and Un- b i i and Whitegate Bell Boy was first the foal class. WHITEGATE SMILE -â€" 937â€" Sire 0f Prize Winning Ponies in the well known G. A. M. Davison exhibi at the Canadian National Exhibition this year. Unionville Horses Prominent L Winners at the C. N. E. We wish to announce that we have taken over the Coal Business of Mr- John Sheardown and in future will carry a a full line of coal and wood of the various kinds. We hope to be able to fill your esteemed orders with entire satisfaction. “1% Jones Coal Co. ANNOUNCEMENT Centre St. E. 0:0] Telephone 188 ano=o=o=o=o= Richmond Hill, Ont. ‘ The winnings of the Davison horses at the C.N.E. and all other fairs ’throughout Canada and the United States has brought the names of York County, Markham township and U11- ionville to the fore amongst horse breeders of the continent. Dr. Rosneau an out- standing Health Auth- ority says: “Pasteuriz- ation is a good form of sickness insurance tor the consumer. Pasteur- ization saves lives and prevents sickness.” His opinion is held by thousands of authorit- ies. A. C. HENDERSON I PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING THORNHILL, ONTARIO Hot Water Heating andl General Repairs PAGE

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