gOEOI PAGE SIX 0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0==0=0=0=0 o Richvéle Service Station George Siokeg, Prop. RICHVALE FIRST CLASS MECHANIC EXPERT ATTENTION to ALL MAKES of CARS TORONTO PRICES QUALITY AND WEIGHT GUARANTEED Stop 22-A Yonge Street IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS PHONE YARD “T6 "â€"4" : 85‘J 94eka maï¬a/mag 02652222" GENERALLY speaking, a business man is averse to having his stationery changed from the accepted form. For ten, twenty, or more years it has conformed to a rigid standard, and usually, he feels it should be kept so. 11 But consider this: If the business itself was conducted on a basis of 1910 merchandising policies would the custom- ers of 1930 patronize that business? Attractively 11 Business stationery and printed forms are an integral part of every going concern. When a customer or business associate reads a message or invoice from an indifferently printed or constructed piece of stationery the impression is not good. 1} Next \time you require printing think over it a while. It’s worth a lot of thought. If suggestive advice or co-oper- ation from your printer will help, call 9. We’ll be glad to assist. And we produce Good Printing. ourtesy 7 HE RCULES GAS and OIL REFRESHMENT BOOTH Under New Management 3..Connesyiaone ofthe ï¬rston menu of our delivery service. With our driversâ€"courtesy, consideration and carefulncss constitute a 1:er Our delivery service will please youâ€"no will our coul . . . Prepared by a new proo- eae, our Anthracite is the highest qual- ity obtainable. It is cleaner, lower in ash content, even burning and adapts itself to automatic control. You'll ï¬nd It gives more heat comfort tlnn any coal you owe:- used we’ll provo it. Telephone 9 10:0 THE LIBERAL used. Try I ton or two and "RESIDENCE -â€" 85-J JOB DEPARTMENT 02=0=::=o=:o==omm ONTARIO Different Richmond Hill iNEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE 1 BUSY FARMER Given Provincial Award Joseph E. Brethour, Burford farm- er, was last week presented with the first provincial $1000 award by Premi- er Ferguson in recognition of his con- tributions to agriculture, particularly respecting the improvement in bacon hogs which raised the standard in the Whole bacon industry in the province. Premier Ferguson in making the pre- sentation explained that it was just as ‘a recognition, notâ€".as an inducement, to indicate to the farmers of Ontario that the people as a whole were vitally inte- rested in their progress. Bonn Growers Hit Despite an increase of approxim- ‘ately 20 per cent. in the acreage of ‘beans in Elgin County over last year, the yield will Show a decided drop because of the long drought which last- ed in that district for over six weeks. ‘F. S. Thomas, district representative states that the crop will only be fair, lwhile others interested in the growing Iof beans for commercial purposes are still more pessimistic. The effect of the lack of rain is clearly evident in many fields in the shrunken bean, the poorly filled pod and the vines that |are only partially podded. Elgin has between 8,000 and 10,000 acres in beans this year. It is unlikely that the yield per acre will be much over 12 bushels, Whereas yields of 25 bush- els to the acre have not been uncom- mon in that district‘ in the past Sow Thistle Conference With more than fifty in attendance including farmers from three counties, agricultural representatives and vari- ous officials of the department, a meeting in the interest of sow thistle control was held on the farm of W. D. Hyslop, near Stratford, Where exâ€" periments with regard to the Weed have been conducted on four plots. Last year the entire field was a grain ‘crop yielding about fifteen bushels to ‘the acre and much infested with sow thistle. On each of the four plots a portion was left unfertilized while a- nother part received an application of 400 pounds per acre. In every case the fertilizer had checked the sow thistle. Several other experiments Which had been conducted were dis- cussed at length by J. A. Carroll, di- rector of the crops and markets branch who explained the different methods carried on. Fruit-Packing Plants Planned An experimental fruit-packing plant will be established in the vicinity of Newcastle at an early date, according to a recent announcement by Mr. J. B. Fairbairn, Deputy Minister. “The idea We have in mind,†he said. “is to get uniformity and tightness of our overseas fruit shipments. ‘If the Newâ€" castle plant proves successful We will establish other plants throughout On- tario. Arrangements are being made so that growers may have packing THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND VHiILL, ONTARQ IOHOI facilities located in their districts by applying to the Government.†The Newoastle district was chosen chiefly because the apple industry there has been declining and because the de- partment has been able to take over, refit and place under proper supervis- ion a warehouse owned by growers there. The growers will be charged for the actual cast of packings but not for supervision nor for commission on overseas sales, which will be handled by Andrew Fulton, the Government’s fruit Britain New Plan Launched The reâ€"establishment of the hog- raising industry in Eastern Canada by the liberal utilization of coarse grains grown in Western Canada, thus also assisting the West to solve the prob- lem of marketing its crops, is the un- derlying idea of plans now in the course of development by the Western wheat pools, the Eastern live stock interests and the packers, with the aid of the Ontario and Dominion Depart- ments of Agriculture, and the O. A. C. A representative of the grain growers has already been visiting various parts of Ontario with a View to organizing for the distribution to live stock breedâ€" ers of coarse grain feeds of which there is now a large surplus tied up in terminal elevators. In this way it is hoped that Canada may recap- ture her former fine export market for bacon, hams and other pork pro- ducts. At the same time a domestic market will be provided for barley, oats and lower grade Wheat produced in Western Canada, thus easing the marketing problem of the West at times when grains are slow to move. According to the plan, these grains will be made available at any point in Ontario at equalized prices and an assurance given the stockâ€"raiser that he will be able to obtain such grain every month 1n,the year at a com- parative level with world prices. It is hoped that new stimulus will be given the live stock industry by the inauguration of this program. Current Crop Report The first report frond represent- atives for the month of S tember showed that crop conditionseï¬ad im- proved considerably for later crops such as potatoes and ensilage corn, but the showers arrived too late in the season to be of much help to buckwheat, which is reported as being h'liOI'e or less a failure throughout Western Ontario. Decrease in milk flow was reported in practically all counties, especially in Western On- tario, due to shortage of pastures. Northern Ontario was enjoying good weather for harvesting and a keen demand for hay was noted. Overseas Export Resumed After a lapse of two years during which time price levels for cattle in Canada were above an export basis, the cattle trade with Great Britain Manchester Commerce sailed from Montreal with 128 head on order for Manchester. Some of the cattle were purchased in Toronto and these, ac- cording to the buyer, were known as light Manchester feeders. They av- eraged around 1100 pounds. In ad- dition to the Manchester line, the An- chorâ€"Donaldson line is also offering space and the S.S. Castalian has all space taken except for 50 head. Aâ€" Inother large shipment from a west- ern province is also reported as mov- ing. These new developments are resulting in renewed confidence in the export market as an outlet for Can- |adian products. i‘yFertilizer Field Meetings Popular Fertilizer tests with potatoes, grain fcrops. canning crops and pasture are being tried out in South Simcoe und- 'er the direction of the Chemistry Deâ€" partment, O. A. C., Guelph, and in- :co-operation with F. A. Lashley, agri- {cultural representative. These ex- :periments have shown up extremely 'well and very interesting results are :expected. Recently a fertilizer field meeting was held on E. C. Whiteside’s farm near Alliston, where an extensive test is being carried out on a field of 42 acres of potatoes. In spite of a busy time for farmers, 175 growers from Simcoe and adjoining counties turned out in the middle of the after~ noon to hear addresses delivered by various fertilizer experts. Later the party made a tour of the Alliston po- tato district, stopping at T. H. Wilson and Sons, where demonstrations in spraying and dusting were given. To \add to the success of the program the Wilson Bros. staged a display of mod- em potato machinery which they have in use on their own farm. While potatoes are looked upon as a specialized crop around Alliston, the marketing representative in Colling'wood digt‘rict can boast of its production of tomatoes and other can- ning crops. Fertilizer tests on the Smart Bros. farm near Colling'wood have so far shown amazing results. is becoming a very serious problem to farmers. Mr. R. E. White, Newmar- ket, Agricultural Representative for York County, strongly advises the treating of wheat for smut before sowing. The copper carbonate dust treat- ment is recommended for the pre- vention of buntâ€"or stinking smut of Wheat. This smut affects the ker- nels of Wheat but not the chaff. Where gthe chaff and kernels are both affect- ed, the cause is loose smut, which re- quires a different treatment. Direct inquiries for this to R. E. White. New- market. The copper carbonate dust is applied at the rate of two to three ounces per bushel of grain. Dust mixing machines are now on the marâ€"l Iket. Farmers may make a hOmel mixing machine from a barrel churn, ordinary barrel or cement mixer. Six} ty bushels of wheat can be treated in .an hour. Treated grain is unfit for milling or feed but may be stored in-‘ definitely for seed purposes. Seed} drills should be thoroughly cleaned1 before and after seeding. Germinâ€" ation is not injured by this treatment. Wheat must be cleaned before treated, to eliminate bunted grains present and other impurities. Local hard- ware stores will have or can obtain this copper carbonate dust for you. The damage caused by grain smut‘ I Full directions are found in bulletin 349, Grain Smuts, obtained upon ap- plication to the Department of Agri- culture, Parliament Buildings, Toronâ€" to; or the York County Agricultural Representative, R. E. White, New- market. °=0=0=Ol zKills Germs - Makes Hens Pay Thousands of hens are lost annually through contraction of disease. One sick bird drinking at the water fountain can poison the entire flock before you discover the ailment. 0 Peerless Poultry Prescription used in the drinking water dai- “ 1y kills the germs and prevents the further spreading of dis- ease. =01= )=0=0= °=°=0=0=w0==0=0=0=0 Bargains in High Grade A.D..G0rrie 8: C0. We can save you dollars. Roup, Coccidiois, Canker, Chicken-Pox, Cholera, White Diarrhea is a remedy for the entire poultry family and will save you lots of dollars. Every bottle guaranteed. RICHMOND HILL 2424 YONGE STREET GRAIN SMUT If you are in the Market for a Car, pay us a visit Peerless Poultry Prescription Dealer in Flour and Feed, Poultry Supplies, Etc PEERLESS POULTRY PRESCRIPTION Always a Large Stock to Chose From Show Rooms open until 11 p. m. Daily Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Dealers THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11th, 1939 J. F. BURR RALHP C. GILLIES. Manager Get it nowâ€"a 16 oz. bottle $1.00 Those Diseases are Contagious Telephone HUdson 3443 â€"â€"In Liquid Form- DISTRIBUTOR Confidential Terms if desired SOLD BY 10:0] Postmasters in the approximately 12,000 offices in' Canada receive up- wards of 1,000 requests‘each day for senders of mail that they be allowed to retrieve it from the post. In about half the cases an opportun- ity to correct addresses is sought. In the other half, people, on second thought, decided the letter would be better unsent. Applicants, however are doomed to disappointment for when a letter goes into a‘mail box or a post office, the sender loses his rights to it. It auto- matically becomes the property of the person to whom addressed. Requests for the return of mail have become so numerous that the De- puty Postmaster-General, L. J. Gab- oury; has issued a warning to Post- masters that “mail matter must be for- warded according to its directions. On no application however urgent can it be delivered back to the wriizer, or any other person.†Stenographic, Commercial, Com- plete O'flice Training, and Secretar- ‘ial Courses. Twelve Schools. In- ‘dividual instruction. Rapid ad- vancement. Employment Bureau service for graduates. Catalogue free. Shaw Schools Limited, Bav & Charles Sts., Toronto, Ki. 3165. Night Schoolâ€"September 15th. From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, Telephone 62. SHAW LETTERS CANNOT BE RETURNED TO \VRITERS Day Schoolâ€"August 25th. NORTH TORONTO SAND \-â€" GRAVEL 10=O=°=O FALL TERM ONTARIO ll Thornhill,