Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Sep 1930, p. 8

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Regular services have been resumed in the United Church and will be con- tinued as usual. Mr. J. T. Saigeon was pleased to re- ceive a call on Saturday from Miss Eliza Fisher, Mrs. G'. Stone, Miss F. Butt, Miss Addie Thompson and Miss ,Violet Irwin, former pupils while teacher in the King City Public school. M posed for their photos aflthe old school, and a very pleasant .hour was spent. A meeting was held on Tuesday night of last week at the home of Mr. J. T. Saigeon for the purpose of mak- ing arrangements for a three months course for the young people of the dis- trict. A large number have given their names and it is expected that the classes will begin about the first of December. Rev. A. S. Kerr and family return- ed last Week after a month’s vacation at Lake Papineau, Hastings County. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. T. McBride and Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Smith and son Fred all of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon ahd family. Mrs. J. Richards returned home on Monday after a "three weeks’ visit with friends in Aurora and Hamilton. Another large tank is being built on Richmond Street for fire protection. Mr. and Mrs. 1 es Ella and Jess Helen Jackson, r guests of Mr. an on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. W. Salem Caldwell, who have been visiting with friends in and about Ottawa, are expected home the end of this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. McBeth and daughter Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Filbert and daughter Pamela who have been Vlsiting Miss Margaret McBeth for the past week haw re- turned to their home in Saginaw. Mich. They made the tr?p by motor. Miss Marjorie Bowes has been grant- ed her certificate on an appeal to the Entrance board of examiners. Miss Jean French and Miss Rea Scott, of Buttonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Snider on Sunday. The firemen’s dance will be held in file Community Hall to-night. PAGE EIGHT MOTORISTS ATTENTION Sixes and Eights. Products of Chrysler PLYMOUTH and DESOTO Telephone 87 Yonge Street Richmond Hill -â€" Why take the risk of having your license and drivers permit cancelled, when you can obtain protection through an insurance policy. Rates and information on application to The Safety Responsibility Law Becomes Effective Sept. lst GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS Used Tami“ Used Truck Branch. 610 Crwege 5!.» Toronto TR. 7094 MAPLE Reo ll/z-Ton Truckâ€"Has a Stake body and is a splendid truck. In first-class condition, and a real bargain. $375 Dodge â€" A very sturdy truck, practically new. Has had very little use. Aspeedy and economical truck at only $850 (Truck and Coach 1. nvision) LIMITED Yonge St“ Richmond Hill. J. R. HERRINGTON Swallow and Miss- Swallow and Miss Toronto, were the Mrs. H. C. Bailey next Monday ‘lockjaw on ll/Ionday afternoon. Mr. MiSS Mabel Sanderson gave an in- Johnston had been‘ in» his usual health “resting address 0“ her trip through and active until Wednesday of last the British Isles in Sunday school on week, when he was stricken while at- Sunday, She 3150 t00k the Opportunity tending the exhibition. His case was to Present to the Sunday 5(3th a Very ‘pronounced incurable from the beginâ€"flh'fl'icafe ‘VOOd cal‘Ving Of “The Crud- ning‘ as the disease failed to respond’fiXiono" .ThiS beautifUI piece 0f work ‘to the most skilful treatment practicâ€"‘WaS executed by AlOiS Lang: WhO tak- ed by the medical fraternity The es the part of Christ in the famous late Albert Johnston was born of Irish “PaSSiOD PIaY-" ancestry, his forefathers having come M1‘- and Mrs. W- Stephenson and to Canada from Ireland acentury ago Miss Effie Gamble, of Oshawa, visited ‘to settle in Albrion Township. Peel at MT- R- 13- Sahderson’s 0“ SundaY- County, where Albert was born and Rev. PeaCOCk addressed the Y» lived until 17 years ago When he P. S. on Sunday night. His subject moved to Woodbridge, and entered the was “Drawing the line between right ‘bujlding trade. It was his plan to and wrong" build homes as he saw the need for AS has Often been the 0859 in the them. His parents the late George, past the names of Victoria Square and Mrs.’ Johnston predeceased him‘young people again appeared in the {by several years, and surviving are his ipl'ize 1iStS in the C-N~Ev J'Udging C0111- wife and two brothers, Howard John-'petitions. Congratulations to Messrs ;ston with the Masseyâ€"Harris firm and'GeOI'g‘e BOYh-ton and Douglas Gee, R. K. Johnston well known light- who obtained first and third respect- horse-breeder, Nashville. The fun-live1y in beef cattle, Mr. Fraser Gee eralwhich was strictly private took'who stood fourth in swine and Miss place on Wednesday afternoon Mtthargaret Valliere who tied for ninth interment in Hillcrest Cemetery. Iplace in the house furnishings class, Mrs. Timothy Ely and son Timothy of Manitoba, is here visiting friends. This is the first time Mrs. Ely has been east sincz- she left Woodbridge The Women’s Association of Christ Church will commence work for the season at a meeting to be held on Thursday in the primary class room at 2 p. m. (standard time.) ALBERTJOHNSTON DIES SUDDENLY Woodbridge and vicinity feels keen- ly the loss of Albert Johnston, who died suddenly from a violent attack of lockjaw on Monday afternoon. Mr. Johnston had been‘ in his usual health and active until Wednesday of last week, when he was stricken while at- tending the exhibition. His case was pronounced incurable from the begin- been east sincz- she left W00( more than ten years ago. Lloyd Clement, of Brampton lieving agent at the C.P.R. while Elmer Awrey, night oper on his vacation. James Hallett. manager of the Roy- al Bank at Roseneath, Ont, is spend- ing a vacation ‘Vith his sister Mrs. H N. Smith. ‘ Harry Allen formerly advertising agent~with the Charters Publishing Co Brampton, visitad Neil Burton last week. ‘ Mrs. J. Henderson of Guelph was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Longhouse recently. (Anglican) Richmond Hill 13th Sunday after Trinity, Sept. 14 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a. m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer 3 p. m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. U trucks for every re- quirement . . . we have them in light or heavy haulage units at rock- bottom prices. Every truck is re-painted and is in positively A-l con. dition. Buy if you like, on the convenient G M A c plan. EPENDABLE used ST. MARY’S CHURCH Woodbridge Ontario imothy Miss Laura Gee left on Saturday riends. for Springfield, Mass” to attend the ‘ly has annual 4-H. conference in connection lbridgeEWith the Eastern States Exposition. Each year one girl and one boy are . is re- selected from the Province of Ontario stationjas delegates. We feel proud that 'atorisithis honour has this year come to York County and especially to Victor- :e Royâ€" :ia Square. spendâ€" Messrs Cecil and Bert Nichols spent llrs. H. the week-end in New Lowell. Mr. Henry Ferris, Miss Bessie Ferrâ€" ertising is, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ferris and baby ling Co son called on Mrs. Wilmot Brumwell m last_on Sunday afternoon. The Trustee Board of our church were pleased to learn when the can- vassers reported on Friday night, that the amount asked to repair and re- |decorate the church in connection with the forthcoming golden jubilee, had been over subscribed by one .hundred dollars. Mr. Harry Barber had his flock of geese destroyed by a Wandering can- ine a few nights ago. Mr. Charles Hart’s also suffered damages on Monâ€" day night. In the past this commun- ity has been troubled with sheep kill- ing dogs and poultry thieves, but nev- er a goose killing dog. We hope this marauder will soon fall prey to some gun-shot. Miss Catharine Perry visited at Mrs H. F. Collard's on Saturday. Miss Irene Smith is spending her vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephenson and Miss Effie Gamble, of Oshawa, visited at Mr. R. E. Sanderson’s on Sunday. Rev. Peacock addressed the Y. P. S. on Sunday night. His subject was “Drawing the line between right and wrong.” As has often been the case in the past the names of Victoria Square young people again appeared in the prize lists in the C.N.E. judging com- petitions. Congratulations to Messrs George Boynton and Douglas Gee, who obtained first and third respect- ively in beef cattle, Mr. Fraser Gee who stood fourth in swine and Miss Margaret Valliere who tied for ninth place in the house furnishings class, in household science competition. “ Our public hall which has long been an eyesore to so fair a community has undergone a striking change during ithe last few weeks. Twenty feet Lhas been added to the length, and a cellar has been excavated under this. A splendid stage and dressing rooms have been built in, electric wiring done and floored with hardwood throughout. It will be redecorated inside and generally imoroved on the outside. We hope in a few weeks to have a splendid community hall. Rev. Peacock was the Sunday even- ing guest of Mrs. Robt. Gee. Mrs. Winifred Mortson, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mrs. R. E. Sanderson. Miss Lillian Mucklewee who has been on the sick list for the past few days is able to be at school again. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rolfe who have lived on Edgar Avenue for the vast twelve years wish them every success upon their remov- al to Toronto. up for trial there ' SENTENCE OF TWO YEARS r METED OUT TO CAR THIEF William Perry, aged 17, of Toronto, was sentenced to two years less one day in the Ontario Reformatory, on charges of stealing a car from Little Brothers garage and one year for the theft of $25 and sundry goods from the same place, by Magistrate Duncan in police court here last Thursday. Perry, who pleaded guilty on both counts, had a lengthy record of minor thefts in London and Hamilton. He was on suspended sentence from the latter’city, where he will be taken to face another charge. Perry was arrested by police at Port Credit, where he is alleged to have motored from Hamilton in the stolen car. His capture was the re- sult of the complaint. of a. woman whose purse was snatched from her hand while entering a Hamilton store. Two other youths, who were present with Perry in Hamilton, are coming Victoria Square Richvale THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIE . NEAL 'l‘hornhlll ‘ Teacher of Pianaforte . "â€" , , ' Harmony, Theory, History THORNHILL “OMENS counterpart. INSTITUTE , The Fall opening of the Women’s StUdlo at Langstaff Institute will be held at the home of Phone 16-r-23 Thornhill. Ont Mrs. F. Simpson on Thursday. Septem- ; ._________________ her 18th at 2.30 p. m. Rev. N.H. Noble will address the meeting. Roll 0 11__u“'1 t I ‘ d _t th l'll-t T b ca 121 enjoye moq e ex 1 1 bition." The Institute programme for l th jea ' which follows will be of inteâ€" . 1'e:t,\anld women are cordially invited‘ to attend any and all of the meetings. ‘ r Please notice change of time. meet- ings to be held at 2.30 p. m. m Programme for September 18th â€"1 :â€" Roll Call: “What I enjoyed most at 1 Th C the Exhibition.” Address by Rev. _ e ' ' ' N.H. Noble, subject selected. Octobâ€" f V h anC11 of me C" eel-listg. 2.30 p. m.-â€"Mrs. Wells. Roll 0 811803“ I‘lltfindzto CO a ; urrent events. Paper â€"Mrs. ment a rave oa F. R. Collins, General Wolfe. No.l from the easter] 1. ‘7?ny vember 20th 2.30 p. m.â€"Mrs. G, Goul- . . y m.“ so glng.k 1%)11 Eafilâ€"Mfir favoarfite hymn. limit of Lot 31, and lntenc pea er r. i ian angst f, Health - ‘ talk. December 11th 2.30 p. m.â€"â€" 0f the COSt upon the lqna M§S.A£Th01élpso;ll. Clioll Callâ€"White Work. g1 ts owar s t e ristmas re ief, ' Apron shower. January 15th 2.30 p. ,The esumafe cost of gâ€"kas. s. Wlillcocks. dRoll CCall; A Wthh $227.00 18 to be pa oo recenty enjoye . rystals ' from the convention, by Delegates: esumated C?St per fOOE February 19th 2.30 p. m.â€"Mrs. Wm. assessment 18 to be aid 11 Carson Roll Call Bright sayings f p ' __ 0 . . . Children. Speaker, Mrs. J. M. Arnâ€" 2' A peFltlon to the .Sald old, Institute \vork. Marcth 2:30 prevent ltS COI’lStIUCUOn, l p. m.â€"Mrs. J. Pearson. Roll Callâ€" Old fashioned simple remedies. Grand- mothers Day. Speaker, Rev. Dr. Sparling, House or Home? April 16. 2.30 p. m.â€"â€"Mrs. C. J. Smith. Roll Callâ€"My favorite flower. Speaker, Mrs. Mary Graves, District President, su ject selected. May 14th 2.30 p.m. M ss N. Mundey. Roll Call, Annual fee. Annual meetingâ€"Reports of officers and committees. Election of officers. gifts towards the Christmas relief. Apron shower. January 15th 2.30 p. m.â€"Mrs. S. \Villcocks. Roll Call; A Book I recently enjoyed. Crystals from the convention, by Delegates. r February 19th 2.30 p. m.â€"Mrs. Wm.i Carson. Roll Callâ€"Bright sayings ofl Children. Speaker, Mrs. J. M. Arn»; old, Institute work. March 19 2.30l p. m.â€"Mrs. J. Pearson. Roll Callâ€"l Old fashioned simple remedies. Grand- - mothers Day. Speaker, Rev. Dr. Sparling, House or Home? April 16. 2.30 p. m.â€"M1‘s. C. J. Smith. Roll‘ Callâ€"My favorite flower. Speaker“ Mrs. Mary Graves, District President. su ject selected. May 14th 2.30 p.m. ‘ M ss N. Mundey. Roll Call, Annual‘ fee. Annual meetingwReports of officers and committees. Election of officers. I SO .IAL and PERSONAL Miss azel Oke. of Toronto. spent Sunday with Miss Florence Clubine. 2. The estimate cost of the work is $1575.00. of which $227.00 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot frontage is 28c. The special assessment is to be paid in five annual instalments. 2. A petition to the said Council will not prevail to prevent its construction, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been undertaken, may be made pursuant to section 8 of The Local Im- provement Act, to the Railway and Municipal Board, ' by a majority of the owners representingE at least one half of the whole of the lots which are to be specially assessed therefor. 4. A By-law for undertaking the work will be con- sidered by the Council at a meeting thereof to be held on the 6th day of October. 1930, or at a regular or special meeting thereof to be held thereafter. Mrs. Thompson. of Toronto, visited Dated at Maple this 11th day Of September 1930. over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Scott. Mr. Percy Bone is to be congratulatâ€" ed on winning: first prize at the Can- adian National Exhibition for the fin- est basket of delphinium. Miss Greta Strangways of Toronto. spent the week-end with Miss Lilian Francis. MisC Norma Ground. of Toronto, visitedl on Sunday with Misses Ila and Lela Brillinger. PHONE l74-W J. B. McLEAN, Clerk of Vaughan RICHMOND BXLL A new cement walk is being laid in front of the “Parsonage” and Miss Rose Harris’s residence. Dr. and Mrs. J.J. Sparling are ex- pected home from their cottage at Port Severn, this week and Dr. Sparl- ing will take the service as usual in the United Church on Sunday mornâ€" mg. The young men's class of the Unit- ed Church will be held on Sunday at 2.30 p. In. with Mr. A. C. McDonald as teacher. ‘ Rev. J. J. Sparling. D. D. 10 a. m.~Young Men’s Class. Mr. A. C. McDonald, teacher. 11 a. m.â€"Rev. John Oke. 2.30 p. m.â€"Sunday School. Mr. A. W. Galbraith. Superintendent. No evening service during the Pastor's The choir of the United Church has been the recipient of a beautiful quartâ€" er-cut oak wardrobe, presented to them by Mrs. Nisbet for the purpose of keeping the gowns which she preâ€" sented to them last fall. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.‘Nash spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wharton. Tor- onto. A meeting of the teachers and offic- ers of the United Church Sunday School will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Luesby this.evening (Thurs- day) at 8 p. m. Mrs. J. Teeson has returned home after a very pleasant trip to the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Fee and familv have returned home after spending the summer at Bass Lake. The A.Y.P.A. will hold their open- ing meeting in the Parish Hall next Wednesday evening, September 17th, at 8 o’clock. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected. Miss Mona Woods has returned to the Western Hospital, where she is in training, after spending a few weeks with her parents here. The opening meeting of Trinity Church W.A. will be held in the Par- ish Hall on Wednesday afternoon, September 17th, at 2.30 p. m. Several accidents have occurred this summer owing to the dilapidated con- dition of the sidewalk on the west side of Yonge Street. It is hoped that the council will attend to this matter before something serious hap- pens which will prove expensive to them. Shenfields were successful in obtain- ing second prize this year at the Canadian National Exhibition with their noted White Rocks, against a very strong class from all parts of Ontario. GIFT TO CH0”? (2'? UNITED CHURCH The choir of the United Church has THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Farm Implements & Machinery Telephone Maple 1249 Charies Graham LANGSTAFF Thornhill AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Real Vaiues a? Low Prices TownsE‘lip of Vaughan Local Improvement Notice 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intends to construct as a local improveâ€" ment a Gravel Roadway on May AVenue, plan 1987, from the easterly limit of Yonge St. to the westerly limit of Lot 31, and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. ' . Painting This Fall ? Government Standard White Lead 1 Pure Turpentine and Linseed Oil Phone 18 Philco and VICTOR $500.00 $75.00 USED CARS $450.00 $250.00 Little Brothers $125.00 $80.00 $250.00 $225.00 NORAH TEW Let us supply your needs Efficial O. M. L. Station -choose from, in running condition Real bargains as we are clearing our stock of Model T cars. > Ford Coupes 1920-3 models, 4 to ’15 We carry two lines of quality paints Ford Saies and Service Lowe Bros. and Sherwin Williams . W. Brathwaite THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11th. 1930 for inside and outside use. Richmond Hill, Ontario 1927 CHEVROLET COACH 1930 FORD ROADSTERâ€"Rumble 1927 Whippet Six Coach 1926 FORD TOURING 1924 JEVVETT ROADSTER â€" over- hauled. 1929 FORD TUDOR 1926 FORD TUDOR. 1926 CHEVROLET SEDAN Seat, only 5000 miles, traded in on a closed car. Good Condition 30-Day Guarantee A. C- HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING THORNHILL. ONTARIO Hot Water Heating and General Repairs Radios Richmond Hill

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