Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Sep 1930, p. 1

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The W.M.S. of the United Church was held on Monday in the school room. Favorite hymns were read and explained by the members. Dainâ€" ty refreshments were served at the close. The monthly meeting of the W0â€" men’s Institute was held last Thursday at the home, of Mrs. W. Johnson. The usual programme was carried out and refreshments served. A baptismal service was held in Hope United Church last Sunday morning when the infants of Mr; and Mrs. G. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thomas were baptized. The Maple Women’s Institute are holding a social evening at the home of Mrs. F. P. Rumble on Wednesday evening, September 24th. Each member is asked to contribute a yard (36 inches) of coppers. All members and ‘eheir gentlemen friends are re- quested to attend and bring baskets. Mr. Arthur Gale, who received in- juries to his head at Concord some- time ago is in the hospital in Toronto and is in a serious condition. Mrs. Geo. Coulter, of Midland, is spending a few days with Mrs. T. Cousins. ' WEI Mr. J. A. Rose and Mr. E. Bowen attended anniversary services in Cen- tral Church, Nashville, last, Sunday. They Were entertained during the day at the home of Mr. Geo. Kellam. CAPITOL Mrs. Bert Jackson is in Port Elgin, in attendance on her sister Mrs. Chap- man who is seriously ill. Rally Day services Will be held in the Sabbath Schools on Sunday. Sept. 28th. A large crowd attended the Fire- men’s dance in the Community Hall last Thursday evening. ‘Mr. H. C. Bailey accompanied his daughter Miss Marguerite Bailey on her return to Flint, Mich., on Satur- day of last week. Wild Company. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopper, Mr. R. ,G. Tyndall, Mr. and Mrs. Gostling, ” Miss M. Gale, Miss E. Jefferson, Mr. land Mrs. E. Fisher, Mrs. Wm. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. H. Forrester, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. John E 0 “ Falconer, Mrs. John Brydon, Dr. and ii Vin the : H R E : _ Mrs. S. Hawkins (nee Mina Jenkins), Paul Hawkins. Jane Hawkins. Mary Hawkins, Mr. W. B. Storms, Mr. E. ‘ B. Sisle , Dr. 0. Sisle , Mr. C. G. . Savage, Ber. F.G. Savagye, Mrs A.E. =0=0=0=0=°=0=0=0P 0 ‘Mason’ ML W_E_ Wiley, Mn J. Clay- II n 0 l H O °=0=OI=O Saturday, Monday, Tuesday SEPT. 20, 22, 23 VOL. LIII. QUEEN, JACK and TWO JOKERS IN THIS PACK OF LUSCIOUS LAUGHS A REAL COMEDY Q-U-E-E-N H-I-G-H News COMEDY A PEEP IN THE DEEP NOW PLAYING SEPT. 17, 18, 19 “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER" Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 3 (Approvedâ€"U) 1?:1”:“"'\VHJ mg, 9 {k L M: prLIAM “ 3151 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, SEPT. 24, 25, 26 MAPLE SCHWAB and MAN DEL Kandy Kabaret CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 2 to 11.30 'COMEDYâ€"THE CHUMPS JAZZ FOOL . MICKIE MOUSE TO=°=°=°=O=9 Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stephens Mrs. N. J. Glass and Mr. A. E. Glass made up a Richmond Hill rink which compe- ' ed in thé‘ Markham mixed tournament ast Monday evening. They were not uccessful in winning a prize but re- rort a very successful tournament. ' A successful mixed tournament was held here on Monday. Seventeen rinks took part and many excellent games were enjoyed. The prize winners were, lst skip E. T. Stephens, Rich- mond Hill, 2nd skip J. McMullen, Oak- wood Club, 3rd skip Dempster Oak- wood club, 4th skip J. Warman, Kew Beach, 5th skip G. Moodie, Richmond Hill. The personnel of the Richmond Hill rinks was: Miss McLean, A. G. Savage, Mrs. E. T. Stephens, E. T. Stephens skip; Mr. and Mrs. Kerswill, Miss Moodie, G. Moodie, skip. The Harvest Home Festival of the Zion Lutheran Church, Sherwood, will be held on Sunday, September 28th at both morning and evening services. Further notice next week. The weekly Euchre Parties started this week and will be held in the Ma- sonic Hall every Wednesday night during the season. The W. M. S. of St. Andrew’s churâ€" ch, met on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. J. B. McLean for packing the annual Missionary bale by \the ladies for distribution A bale valued at $115.35 was sent to Knox Church Tor- onto, and one by the Mission Band which was valued at $17.00. .Miss Grace Johnson is to be con- gratulated on having won the scholarâ€" ship offered by Mr. T. Sisman to the student taking the highest marks in the fifth form senior matriculation in the Aurora High school. Miss John- son purposes entering the University 'of Commerce and Finance in October. 88 for coal or wood Phone THE JONES COAL C0. .flOn rEFENSE" Bowling Notes EVENING SHOWS at 7 and 9 p. m. SATURDAY continuous from 2 to 11.30 p. m. EVENING SHOW 6.30 MATINEE WED. 2.30 YONGE AT CASTLEFIELD "In Essentials, Unity; In Nonâ€"essentials, Liberty: In All Things, Charity.” RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 Decoration services at the Richmond Hill Cemetery were observed last Sun- day afternoon. The historic “cemâ€" etery which dates back to the early days of this community presented a Well kept appearance and the graves of the departed were decorated with a wealth of flowers by friends and re- latives. A crowd of several hundred was in attendance visitors being present from many distant places. The members of the Loyal Orange Lodge and of the Boy Scout troupe marched to the cemetery headed by the local Salvat- ion Army band. Rev. David Marshall of the Presbyterian Church presided at the services and the speakers Were Rev. G. S. Coultor of the United Chur- ‘ch; Rev. L. C. Secrett, of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, and Capt. Lynch of ‘the Salvation Army. Rev. N. Wellwood ilead in prayer. Suitable hymns were la part of the program. All the |speakers paid tribute to the contributâ€" lion of those whose lives had been spent ‘in this community and who had found a last resting place in this the “God’s ’Acre" of the' district. It was fitting [they said that we should pause to [honor their memory. F We have displayed in our window this week a fine largo peach grown by Mr. John; Rumble, Arnold Street. It compares favorably with any from Niagara. If you can beat it, bring your sample along. Decoration Day Services Held At Local Cemetery ; Visitors from nearwand far heartilly ‘commended the idea of an annual De- coration service and it is hoped that it will be continued in the years that are to come. The arrangements for the service were in the hands of the trustees of the cemetery. Among those from outside points who attended were: ' In a horseshoe pitching contest held at Milliken this Week Garfield Yerex with his partner R. Daniels, of Toron- to, won the championship gold medal. J. S. McNair and G. Fitcht also of Richmond Hill, were the runners-up in the contest. About forty competed in the tournament. On Sunday n-orning, September 28, at 11 a. m. the R‘. Rev. Heber J. Ham- ilton, D.D., Bishop in Midâ€"Japan will unveil and dedicate a mural .tablet erected to the memory of the late Miss Cristina Campbell the first or- ganist of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, and who for twenty-five years gave her services to praise and glory of God. The late Miss Campbell was born in 1838 at Collingwood and died in 1925. Bishop Hamilton who will officiate at the unveiling is a nephew of the late Miss Campbell. On the march ‘to‘ the cemetery the members of the Boy Scouts paused to decorate the memorial to those who gave their lives in the Great War. The flowers for this decoration were very kindly donated by Mr. George Caldwell of the village. ton, Mr. J.J. Cosgrove. Mr. John Mc- Caffrey, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. God- frey, Miss Jean Godfrey, Mrs. S. Humâ€" berstone, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ough and son, Mr. W. J. Ough, Mrs. Robt. An- nalle, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hinson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hughes, Mr. W. M. Van- derburgh, ‘Mr. R. J. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grainger, Mr. H. H. Hopper, all of Toronto. Mr. H. P. Smith, Midland, Ont; Mr. Grant Innes Whit- by, Ont; Mrs. James Baker, Grand Valley, Ont; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. F. Sims, Weston, Ont.; Miss Alice A. Ferguson, King, 0nt.; Mrs. A. Hall, Hamilton, Ont.; Mr. R. B. Teetzel, Highgate, 0nt.; Mr. George Cowie, Acton, Ont; Mr. B. J. O’Brien. Agin- court; Mr. Arthur Scott, Barrie, Ont. TO UNVEIL MEMORIAL AT ST. MARY’S CHURCH \VON HORSESHOE PRIZES ~\ PEACH! MMWL The community was shocked on Tuesday evening by the news of the death of John H. Dunlop, founder of the floral business which bears his name, and a dearly loved and highly respected citizen of Richmond Hill. Although he had been suffering from a heart attack since last Friday his death came as a great surprise to his [host of friends here and thrOughout Canada. / Community Mourns Sudden Death of John H. Dunlop An outstanding member of the Ma- sonic Order, his parent lodge was of St. Andrew’s. He was connected with several other lodges by affiliation, in- cluding Richmond Hill. He was a Senior Past Potentate of Rameses Temple of the Mystic Shriners, Toron- to; a Past Preceptor of Cyrene Precep- tory, Knights Templar, and a District Deputy of the (,rand Lodge of Canada in Ontario. In the Scottish Rite he had attained the Thirty-third Degree. ‘ The late Mr. Dunlop was widely known in the florist business and at- tained an international reputation as a rose grower and particularly for the development of new varieties. He was born in New York City in 1855, spent his boyhood days in Toronto. As a youth he served'as a telegraph operator and manager of the news- stand at the old Queen’s Hotel. Surviving are his widow, one] son, ‘Frank M. Dunlop of Toronto, who was associated with his father’s business, and seven daughters, Mrs. E. W. iGoulding, Mrs. H. D. Graham, Mrs. F. L. Riggs, and Mrs. Irving S. Fairty, in Toronto; Mrs. A. K. Butchart of De- troit; Mrs. G. S. Billerman, of Thom- rhili, and Mrs. L. E. Atkinson, of Rich- .mond Hill. A natural lover of flowers, his as- sociation with the sale of flowers at his newsstand led him to commence growing in a small way for himself, and from this beginning there grew one of the largest floral establishments in Canada. In 1914 he came to Richmond Hill and since that time has taken an ac- tive part in the life of the community. Always Willing to lend his support to any good cause he will be missed in many organizatmns Where his counsel and guidance were always sought. The funeral was held this (Thurs- ;day) afternoon from the Richmond Hill United Church of which the late Mr. Dunlop was a devoted and active member. The services which were conducted by Rev. G. E. Coulter assist. ed by Dr. A. MacGillivray. of Toronto, were very largely attended. A weal- th of floral tributes testified to the Widespread regret and mourning oc- casioned by the passing of one so universally loved and respected in the business and social world. The fun- eral Was under Masonic auspices, the members of St. Andrew’s Lodge hav- ing charge of the service at Mount Pleasant Cemetery where interment took place. On Monday evening, September 22nd a supper will be served in the church hall commencing at 6 o’clock. Next Sundav the services will be continued In the mornihg there will be Communion Service and in the evening there will be a special service of song. Rev. David Marshall, minister of the congregation vill have charge nan, B.A., M.D.. I).D., ex-moder- ator of the churcMn Canada. He is a veteran missionary having served in India for many years and will return there shortly to resume his work. Speclal music featured both services. Anniversary services were ob- served at the Richmond Hill Prus- byterian church on Sunday iast. The services marked the fiftieth anniversary of the building of the present chm-2h and the one hun- dred and thirteenth anniversary of the congregation. Large congregations featured both services many coming long distances to attend. In the morn- ing: Rev. A. S Grant, D.D., delivâ€" ered an impressive and inspir- ational sermon and in the evening the speaker was Rev. J. Buchan- PRESBYTERIAN .\NNIVER- SARY SERVICES CON- TINUE NEXT SUNDAY "THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT“ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. M. The standards of safety consist in the use of every known means to exclude from the milk pathogenic micro-0r- ganisms, a medical guarantee that every employee handling the milk is free from disease and is not a disease carrier; and a veterinary guarantee that the cattle are in perfect health and cannot transmit through the milk any bovine affection. The standards of purity for the milk consist of the en- tire absence of particles of foreign matter, of the lowest posâ€" sible bacterial and dust dropping content cOnsistent with the highest possible practice of dairy hygiene, provided that the numerical bacterial contamination is at all times below an average weekly count of 10,000 per cubic centimeter. The methods and regulations for the production of Certified milk are based upon the most advanced clinical re- quirements, prophylactic science and dairy husbandry and are changed as the action of the Commission modifies its technique for the attainment of its standards. Certified Milk is sold in every City of importance in Canada and the United States, and approved by the Medical Health Officers of all these cities. ‘ The standards of quality consist of fresh, whole milk, unchanged by heat or cold, less than twenty-four hours old when sold, held between the temperatures of 48 and 50 de- grees Fahrenheit, with not less than 12 per cent. of total solids, with fat content between 3.5 and 5.5 per cent. and without the addition of any other substance, material, chem- ical or preservative. Dr. C. J. Hastings for many years M.H.O. for Toronto, per- sonally supervised, recommended, and approved, the produc- tion and sale of millions of gallons of Certified Milk in the City of Toronto. The certificate of the Commission constitutes its auth- orization for the use of the term “Certified.” The certifi- cation is based upon the fulfillment of prescribed medical requirements for the milk and is the guarantee that it con- forms to definite standards and to fixed methods and regu- lations for its production. The following is an article onâ€" Founder of the Medical Milk Commission CERTIFIED MILK is a product of dairies operated und- er the direction of a Medical Milk Commission, which body is appointed for voluntary service by a medical society. The milk is designed to fulfill standards of quality, purity and safety to insure its adaptability for clinical purposes and the feeding of infants. Roselawn Farms Dairy Limited ‘ PHONE 54 RICHMOND HILL “THE ARIZONA KID’ What Is Certified Milk .7 COMEDY “ COCK EYED ” UNIVERSAL MOVIETONE NEWS KING of JAZZ Richmond Hill TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23, 24 A Romance Drama of Modern American Life BTEDFORD THEATRE rm HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT The Devil’s Holiday ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS SATURDAY, MONDAY, SEPT. 20. 22 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, SEPT. 25, 26 WARNER BAXTER MONA MARIS A Great Out-Door Picture. Comedy “ Sixteen Sweeties ” NANCY CARROLL A Universal All Technicolor Picture PAUL WHITMAN AND HIS BAND Certified Milk in this. district is sold by COMEDY “ PICK ’EM YOUNG Voice of Hollywood No. II MOVIETONE NEWS DR. HENRY L. COIT As Defined by WITH WITH Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 11 Ontario

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