Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Sep 1930, p. 2

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men. COUNCIL AND CONSTABLE The main topic of general conversation around town this week is the action of the council at the last meeting in asking for the resignation of the local constable. Much has been said which emphasizes the old saying “a policeman’s lot is not a happy one” and also convinces even the casual observer that a seat on the municipal council is not a “bed of roses.” The whole affair “which has been magnified beyond all relative importance by glaring headlines in the daily press and by the continual round of talk and gossip is not so seri- ous after all and we see no reason at this stage of the. pro- ceedings for any wholesale denunciation of either the coun- cil or the police. It appears that it is all a matter of a mis- understanding between the council and a public servant for which both may or may not be to blame. It is a situation which calls for cool deliberative action with always only one aim in View, and that the welfare of the community. In Constable S.A. Barraclough, Richmond Hill has been fortunate in having a police officer of the first order. We believe him to be a capable officer, zealous in the carrying out of his duties and with a keen sense of the responsibilitâ€" ies of his office and a devotion to duty which is most com- mendable. If his services should be lost to this municipal- ity it would be regrettable. ~ By the next regular meeting the council should definit- ely define their “police policy.” They should say just what they expect and require of a constable and whatuhis duties shall be and how much they are willing to pay. Constable Barraclough is guilty of no misdemeanor and his record is clear and clean. If he is willing to acc'ept the position of constable in Richmond Hill as outlined by the council he should have the first chance of accepting it. If such is the outcome of what has aptly been called a “tempest in a tea pot” we believe it would meet with the wishes of the majorâ€" ity of citizens in Richmond Hill. MOTORISTS CHANGE STATUS OF TOWN CONSTABLE I pray Almighty God that the words I write in this house may be pure and honestâ€"that they be dictated by no personal spite, un- worthy motive or unjust greed for gain; that they may tell the truth as far as I know itâ€" and tend to promote love and peaceâ€" amongst We also believe that the members of council were actuâ€" ated by nothing but the best motives in taking the action which theydid at the last meeting. All are men of hones- ty and integrity and in serving on the council have no axe to grind and make the sacrifices which the office demands in the belief that by so doing they may render a service to the community in which they live. Motorists have been responsible for many changes in the methods of living and the customs of the past but perâ€" haps it has never occurred to us that the motoring public have had a very important part in changing the duties and the standing of the constable in the numberless small vill- ages and towns in Canada. A comparatively few years ago Richmond Hill’s need of a constabulary was very slight and the demands on the incumbent of the then more or less honory position were indeed very light. In 1930 the need is not ‘only for an all time police officer but there is actually a need for a watchman or police during the long hours of the night. ‘. The action of the council in dismissing constable Barra- clough seemed drastic, possibly too drastic. The constable and the council it would appear are at variance only on the matter of policy and it would seem that they should have been able to have sat down together and ironed out their difference. In their aim to have a suitable agreement with the constable for the policing of the town in a way satisfacâ€" tory to them the councillors are wholly justified and if we may be inclined to criticise them for their methods we should at least be tolerant when we are perhaps not too famâ€" iliar with all the circumstances. The whole misunderstanding which has existed for several months is based on the association of the town con- stable with the county police which makes considerable de- mands on his time. Although the action of the council may have come like a bolt from the blue to many citizens it has been discussed at many council meetings this year. There has been a feeling in the council, and it ,was heard on the street as well, that the constable was spending too much of his time in County work when he should have been in Richmond Hill. This is the only serious criticism which we have heard concerning constable Barraclough during his tenure of office which is indeed a tribute to him. It must be remembered that the council is elected by the ‘people and among their responsibilities is the provision of adequate police protection. The measure of police pro- tection to be given the people, in a word the “police policy” is a matter for the council and the execution of the actual duties is a matter for the constable hired by the council. The Durham Chronicle says that: towns like Durham need no constable in the daylight hours, but do need them at night. “In these days of motor cars “and twentyâ€"rour-hour travel, a town that goes “to bed and leaves it’s streets un- protected, isâ€"“asking for trouble.” Night prowlers become aware of these facts and act accordingly. During the mot- oring season, especially, a town constable should be on duty when the rest of the populace is sleeping. It is about as cheap a fire insurance or burglary policy as a municipality can have.” The comments were aroused by the resignation of the town constable of the town of Hanover, who seems to have been expected to work both night and day. The Han-- over Post thinks that the town would not be willing to en- gage two men. and suggests that if there is to be only one, he come on duty in the late afternoon and remain until the early hours of the morning, acting as fire warden as well as constable. Thus the dignity of the town constable is inâ€" creasing. PAGE TWO J. Eacbem Smith. Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspapez Association Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District. Advertising Rates on- Application. TELYPHONE 9. Established 1878 AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY RT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 THE LIBERAL Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Perkins Receive Congratulations of Many Friends on Twentieth Wedding Anniversary THORNHILL ORCHESTRA AND STOUFFVILLE BAND TAKE PART IN PROGRAM AND MAKE PRESENTATIONS The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Perkins, Victoria Square was the scene of a very pleasant event on Saturday, September 6th, when relat- ives and friends to the number of over one hundred gathered to join with them in the celebration of their twentieth wedding anniversary. Guests were present from New Lowell, Green bank, Toronto, Mount Albert, Oshawa, Stouffville, Richmond Hill, Gomley and other centres. The lawn was brilliantly illumin- ated and the tables, laden with an a- bundange of good fhings, were taste- fully and artistically decorated. Rev. P. M. Peacock, ably filled the role of master of ceremonies and his. ready wit and timely humor added much to the pleasure of the evening. Short speeches were made by Mr. Edward Britnell, of Toronto, Revee Lunau, of Richmond Hill, Mr. Lorne Perkins, of Toronto; Mr. Clare Sanderson and Mr. L. L. Nichols, of Victoria Square. The friends addresses were interspersed with tending choice selections by Miss Sadie and wishes. l The young people of the community numbering about fifty, gathered in 'Mr. L. L. Nichols’ flats for a corn ;roast on Saturday evening. After a ilively time spent in games, corn and Imarshmallows were enjoyed by all. All the members and friends of the Y.P.S. are invited to a weiner roast ion Saturday evening, September 20th, lat this same spot, which is agreed by all to be' ideal for this purpose. gPlan now on attending. Mr. Fraser Gee is in various ventres in the county this week assisting Mr. R. E. White with school fairs. ‘ Miss Mabel Sanderson was the Sun- day evening guest of Miss Marie Dennie. ' Mr. and Mrs E. Britnell, Misses Irene and Blanche and Mr. Roger Brit- nell of Toronto, Were Sunday visitors at Mr. L. L. Nichols. Mr. Alex. McDonald 'now speeds merrily along the highway with a Chevrolet coach Mr. Gordon Mortson and Miss Reva Nichols motored to the Niagara dist- rict on Monday, bringing home sever- 'al baskets of the now seasonable fruit, the peach. Miss Vera Nichols attended the Brown’s Corners Y.P.S. corn read: last Thursday evening. Mr.~ Gerald Lyons narrowly escaped what might have resulted in serious injury when he caught his hand in a belt of Mr. E. Steckley’s threshing machine last week. He suffered slight cuts and bruises on his hand. Mission Band will meet on Saturday September 20th in the Sunday School room. Several contracts have already been let for the various improvements to our church. It is expected by the trustees to have everything in readi- ness for the Golden Jubilee services to be held in late October. Word received from Miss Laura Gee reports a safe arrival and that she is enjoying immensely her stay in the country to the south. Mr. Floyd Perkins leaves this Week to attend O.A.C., Guelph, Where he intends taking a degree course. We wish him the best of success in his new venture. Phone: WAverly 3513 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARI We Buy and Sell Used SALVATION ARMY .I5l4-16 Queen Street East PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS ALSO USED TIRES Sunday Services Guaranteed at E Holiness Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 11 a. m. AUSTIN’S Drug Store I mmu 1'. Uuunm Salvation Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 'l p. m.‘, o==o=o==xo=o NATIONAL AUTO WRECKERS Cars and Trucks Victoria Square RICHMOND HILL CORPS Officers in Charge CAPT. LYNCH LIEU l‘. COOKE F. LE’BLANC Proprietor .Ml'.' The Liberal Joins with the many The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Perkins in ex- With tending congratulations and best Mr. Ben Silvert'm, of Toronto, on the violin and accordion. The Thornhill Orchestra rendered several pleasing selection and the Stouffville Band contributed to the musical program. A pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Perkins of a handsome China Tea Set by the Thornhill Orchestra. Mr. P. T. Drake in a pleasing style made the presentation on behalf of the members of the orchestra. The bride and groom of twenty years ago were al- so the recipients of a substantial gift cheque from the members of the Stouffville Band. In addition there were many other useful and beautiful gifts accompanied by the sincere best wishes of scores of friends who wish- ed Mr. and Mrs. Perkins a generous imeasure of the good things of life and a long succession of wedding anniver- lsaries. Another unique feature was the christening of Mr. and Mrs. Perkin’s youngest daughter, Coral Isabelle, with Rev. Peacock officiating at the ceremony. The Junior Women’s Institute will meet Saturday, September 20th at the home of Miss Drew Kelly. Mr. Fred Leaf, President of Unionville Horti- cultural Society will show slides on; Horticulture. Prizes are to be given for the best arranged dining-room and living room bouquets. Miss Ruth Walker a popular young girl of Buttonville, was quietly marri- ed last: Wednesday to Mr. Harry Boad- way of Unionville. We extend to them our best wishes. Mrs. Burr, Miss Drew Kelly and Mrs. Geo. Kelly called on Mrs. Woods of Markham last Saturday evening. The Sunday school classes of Messrs Gifford Summers and Will Smith held a corn roast last Friday evening. The boys report a very fine time. A meeting of the Home and School club Will be held on Thursday evening, September 25th. The teaching staff of the Newton- brook Public School presented Miss Soden with a silk parasol last Friday afternoon. Miss Soden is finishing her Normal course in Toronto. The Polly.Anna Club met at the Parsonage last Thursday evening with a splendid attendance. Mrs. Harry Hill gave a very inspiring and in- structive address on “Hymnody.” It was arranged that the club hold a sale of Christmas gifts on Tuesday, November 4th. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Eva Lodger. The Women’s Association intend having a Harvest Home .supper and concert on Thursday evening, October 9th. Preparations are being made for the Sunday School Rally on Sunday Sept. 28th, which will be held in the United Church at the regular service hour. The attendance at Sunday School is steadily increasing after the holiday season. 117 being present last Sun- day, but room for more. The adults are invited to attend the Bible class. The Harvest Home Services of the United Church will be held on Sunday, October 2nd. Zion Harvest Home Services will be held on Sunday, September 28th and a. concert on Monday, September 29th. Rev. W. E. Hassard will be the special preacher on Sunday evening and the pastor will conduct the afternoon ser- ivice. Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Halbert left this week to attend General Council in London. Magistrateâ€""And you were having Words with your wife?” Defendantâ€"“Not with ’er, your honor, from ’er.” '3 Why be troubled I] WITH YOUR STOMACH? BUTTONVILLE Dr. McLEOD’S STOMACHIC has given relief to hundreds Newtonbrook of othnrs. Get a. bottle toâ€" day. You will be delighted ARZO ‘°=0=O=‘ Mrs. Wm. Philip, of Welland, is vis- iting at the home of Mr. Ben Climan- hag-a. Mr. Louis Schell has returned after spending several months in Vancouv- Miss Helen Henderson accompani- ed by Mr. Louis Climanhaga, of Rid- geway, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Walter Henderson. Quite a number from here motor- ed to Wainfleet to attend the Sunday School convention held Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Baker and family spent the week-end With re- latives in Vineland. Mr. Eli Shirk, of Michigan, U.S.A. also Mr. Peter Shirk, of Claremont, visited friends here last week. Mr. Allan Smith, also Mrs. Memo Smith and Miss Hazel Smith, of Ed- geley, had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jones and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Wilson on Sunday evening. Mr. Abram Baker spent Sunday in Toronto, visitirg relatives. ‘ The Ladies Auxiliary held at the home of Mrs. Jns. Cherry on Wednesâ€" day last was well attended. ‘ Miss Doris Perkins, of Victoria Square, spent 2 few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Wilson. TAKE NOTICE THAT :â€" 1. The Council ofthe Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intends to construct as a local improve~ ment a Gravel Roadway on May AVenue, plan 1987, from the easterly limit of Yonge St. to the westerly limit of Lot 31, and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 2. The estimate cost of the work is $1575.00. of which $227.00 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot frontage is 28c. The special assessment is to be paid in five annual instalments. 2. A petition to the said Council will not prevail to prevent its construction, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been undertaken, may be made pursuant to section 8 of The Local Im- provement Act, to the Railway and Municipal Board, by a majority of the owners representing at least one half of the whole of the lots which are to be specially assessed therefor. - 4. A By-law for undertaking the work will be con- sidered by the Council at a meeting thereof to be held on the 6th day of October, 1930, or at a regular or special meeting thereof to be held thereafter. Dated at Maple this 11th day of September 1930. J. B. McLEAN, Clerk of Vaughan Dairy Cows and Heifers 1 Black cow, twin calves by side 1 Black and white cow, calf by side 1 Roan cow, calf by side 1 Red and white cow, calf by side TUESDAY, SEPT. 30th, at l p.m. 1 Holstein cow, calf by side 1 Holstein cow, half by side 1 Roan cow, calf by side 1 Black heifer, calf by side 1 Brindle heifer. calf by side 1 Holstein cow, in full flow 1 Bin 1 Blu 1 B12 1 B11 1 B1; The above lot of cows are Good Milkers and Heifers are all rising three years old. NO RESERVE As Mr. Farquharson has leased his farm. Watch for posters of sale of othu‘ farm stock, implements, etc., at a later date. TERMS:â€"Calves, cash; com; 12 months credit on approved ‘joint notes with 5 per cent. discount for cash. Township of Vaughan Local improvement Notice JOHN W. FARQUHARSON Lot 29, Con. 3, Markham 3/4 of mile north of Victoria Square Supplied on Short Notice. WIRE FENCING and CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION- GORMLEY CREDIT AUCTION SALE OF PRENTICE & PRENTICE, Auctioneers. STONE, GRA VEL SAND AND PEA GRAVEL WALTER BONE & SON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 THE PROPERTY OF Phone Maple 864 Electrical Repairs Estimates Given Gormley R. R. 2 Agincourt 21-1521 LECUYER & Co. Ltd. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING THORNHILL, ONTARIO Hot Water Heating and General Repairs 1 Red cow, supposed to freshen Mar 10 1 Holstein cow in full flow 1 Holstein cow, milking 1 Red cow, supposed to freshen Oct. 27 1 Blue cow supposed to freshen Sept 30 1 Blue heifer, due March 18th 1 Black heifer, due April lst PAINTER & DECORATOR H. FORSTER 1 Blue heifer, due March 18th 1 Black and white heifer, bred in June Telephone Stouffvifle 6116 Wall Paper Sunplied if Desired Painting, Paperhanging and Decorating WORK GUARANTEED Estimétes Free ‘A Taxpayer of The District, Church St. Richmond Hill P. 0. Box 32 Hudson Decorators B. R. WOLFREY, Prop. are from a fine Dairy Herd. The VICTORIA SQUARE

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