Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Sep 1930, p. 4

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The dictionary definitions of the word ‘laugh’ do not suggest that laugh er is something of which other animals than man are incapable. One dict- ionary consulted defines ‘laugh’ as an intransitive verb meaning to express mirth or joy by an explosive inarticu- late sound of the voice and peculiar facial distortion.” A dog undoubtedly ic capable of that. The other dict- ionary said ‘laugh’â€"â€"to express feelâ€" ingly a series of inarticulate explosive sounds due to the characteristic vibr- ations into which the vocal cords are thrown by the jerky spasmodic char- acter of the expirations.” Surely that is no better description of a hu- man laugh than a donkey’s bray. In fact, all that description of the act of laughter that I have met with have seemed equally applicable to the snarl- ing of a wild beast, and to the merri- ment of human beings at a corn roast. Please write something to make us laughâ€"not too much serious stuff, life is serious enough, anything to make us laugh. It is a tall order. To be '1 comedian or a clown, and to resort to buffoonery is a difficult task, for most of us, for it is'not everybody that is consciously funny. We have been repeatedly told that the ability to laugh ,is one of the chief things that distinguish man from the animals. The record that “the little dog laughed to see such sport” when the cow jumped over the moon is gen- erally regarded as legendry. Yet I am confident that folks who say that animals never laugh are wrpngâ€"the sounds that animals make are slightly different from those used by men in expressing pleasure; and possibly they are pleased with different things -â€"yet we say of a laughing human being that he ‘bellows’ or ‘roars’ or ‘cackles’ or ‘crows’. We say that a man ‘laughs like a hyena,’ and of a- nother that he has a ‘horse laugh.’ Even if he silently smiles, we often describe him as ‘g'rinning like an ape’ or ‘like a Cheshire cat.’ ’ Let those, who are given \to boasting; ‘2 ofi their sense of humour, as though it were one of thejiighest achieve- ments of which humanity is capable,l look, as I did at one time, at a “slow motion” picture of a laugh, and rea- lize that all their sense of humour can do for them is to enable them, likel any other animal, to make spasmodic l expirative movements through a part- I ially closed passage from the tracheal to the pharynx. ; Perhans, it was the realization of the animal naature of laughter that led so many phi10sophers, saints, and be- haviourists to condemn it. I fancy the saints of all religions have been the same in this respect, one does imagine John Knox as the patron saint of laughter; and I am sure that the Presbyterian elder who rebuked some- one for whistling on Sunday in the sentence “Mon, this is no day for Whutlin’,” would‘have equally rebuked anyone whom he had heard laughing on the sacred day. When We leave the saints and come to more Worldly authorities on behavi- our we find the same thingâ€"Lord Chesterfield in his “Letters to his Son” declares emphatically in more than one passage that a man who wishes to be regarded as a gentleman must a- void laughter above all things Every- one knows the passage in which he warns his son “loud laughter is the mirth of the mob, who are only pleas- ed with silly things; for true wit or good sense never excited a laugh Man of parts and fashion is, therefore, only seen to smile, but never to laugh.” Eâ€"MES and EARS (By Elsie Ess) LAUGHTER Please write something to make us aughâ€"not too much serious stuff, life 3 Serious enough, anything to make is laugh. It is a tall order. To be t comedian or a clown, and to resort :0 buffoonery is a difficult task, for nost of us, for it is not everybody :hat is consciously funny. We have been repeatedly told that the ability to laugh (is one of the chief :hings that distinguish man from the animals. The record that “the little dog laughed to see such sport” when the cow jumped over the moon is gen- erally regarded as legendry. animals never laugh are wrpngâ€"the sounds that animals make are slightly different from those used by men in expressing pleasure; and possibly they are pleased with different things â€"yet we say of a laughing human being that he ‘bellows’ or ‘roars’ or ‘cackles’ or ‘crows’. We say that a man ‘laughs like a hyena,’ and of a- nother -p 1,, _£1-_L1._ â€"â€"A:‘t\n “n. n-N-n-n Yet I | am confident that folks who say that ing' is abnormal, and can only play_ ‘sentence sent the audience into fits !of uncontrollable laughter. Many people would be unable to sit out more than the first act; others would :retire at the end of the second act; ‘and a few who had [enough staying power to last tlll the. fall of the cur tain would not have strength left to ‘call the actors before it for the final [round of applause. You will often notice at a farce that however much .laughter there is in the course of the performance there is far less applau- se at the end of it than at the end of a tragedy or melodrama. Laughter like sneezing and cough- ‘a small part in an ordinary man’s life. llt’s very essence is surprise, and a break in the monotonous continuity of iour thoughts or our experiences. Such as the spectacle of a man falling sud- denly on ice, or sitting down on the floor instead of a chair. Laughter :is a confession of the sin and silliness iof the world; it is also agenial acqu- that he has a ‘horse laugh-’ iiescence in this sin and silliness. And _ ‘1-..~LL,‘_ .3. n... nnnnn]n+;l\n “wirrn nui‘Ynn WOMEN’S INSTITUTE A very interesting meeting of th Women’s Institute was held la: Thursday at the home of Mrs. V Sayers. Miss Guest, of Toronto, we the speaker taking as her subjec- “Helping Boys and Girls to find thei right life work." Our great task i what to do with our children she sail lithe speaker deaith with the though ‘type and action type of childrer 1We should watch the child at schoo‘ and see what subjects they are mos interested in, and encourage them t look at the occupation of others Thes are six steps to success. 1. He must discover his own interest and abilities (whether thought 0‘ action type.) 2. He must study the world of co cupation. 3. He must make a choice of a va- cation. 4. He must prepare for his chosen calling. 5. He must make a successful begin- ning in his chosen occupation. 6. He must make such re-adjust- ment and secure such promotions as shall establish him on a worthy level of Canadian citizenship. Mrs. 0. L, Wright favored the meet- ing with a piano solo. Consider the most widely read liter- 1 atures of the past two generations. Is it not a fact that among the most popular novels are those by writers who never try to make us laughâ€"20 years ago the “best selling English novelists were Miss Marie Corielli and Sir Hall Caine. To-day, three of four of our best sellers are by writers who | do not depend for their effect scarcelyf at all upon humour of character or situationâ€"of course, Dickens, the per- manent best seller, was a humorist as well as a tragic sentimentalist. But1 taking a general view of popular liter- ' ature we are safe in affirming that it is easier to become a best seller with a book that, as the reviewers say; has a laugh on every page. Laughter is one of the abnormal, rather than one of the normal activ- ities of a human being, the ordinary person, if he went on laughing conâ€" tinuously or even three hours, would become exhausfed. If you could imagine a comedy sofunny that every PHONE CITY, HUDSflN 8527 RICHMOND HILL 30-J PAGE FOUR CARTAGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hi“ and Intermediate Points Every Day D. RUMNEY Petty thieves or perhaps mischievi- ous boys, broke into the summer cot- tage of Mr. Mitchell on the town line llast Week. Nothing of any value was ltaken but Mr. Mitchell had the plea- .sure of buying new locks. laughter there is in the course of the performance there is far less applau- se at the end of it than at the end of a tragedy or melodrama. Laughter like sneezing and cough- ing is abnormal, and can only play‘ a small part in an ordinary man’s life. It’s very essence is surprise, and a break in the monotonous continuity of our thoughts or our experiences. Such as the spectacle of a man falling sud- denly on ice, or sitting down on the floor instead of a chair. Laughter is a confession of the sin and silliness of the world; it is also a genial acqu- iescence in this sin and silliness. And laughter is the consolation prize given to a race excluded frOm Utopian spheres. Finally, we must judge laughter, like other things, by its results. It is not men with aromic sense who are the greatest law breakers. Murd- erers and thieves are not noted, as a rule, for their hilarity. They are for the most part serious men, who might have remained law-abiding citizens if only they had a greater capacity for laughing. The worst thing that can be said against laughter is that by putting us into good humour it enables us to tolerate ourselves. The best thing that can be said for it is, that for the same reason, it enables us to tolerate each other. Miss Sarah Gorman was operated on during the Week and is progress- ing as well as can be expected and is now out of danger. Miss Mildred Neill visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dibb during the week-end. \ We are sorry to hear Clarence Sum- merfeldt has had a relapse and is con- fined to his bed again. Mr. B. Gunn has been serving on jury in Toronto for the last two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. Stacy, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Robb, at the Post Office on Sunday last. Miss Alma McCIuskey spent sever- al days in Toronto this week. The Ladies Association of the Unit- ed Church held their monthly meet- ing at the home of Mrs. J. Piercey on Tuesday afternoon. Several of our young people are at- tending the singing classes conducted by Mr. Fletcher every Wednesday evening in the township hall, Vellore. On Tuesday evening the Ladies As- sociation held a corn roast at the home of Mrs. R. Gray. There was quite a. huge attendance and a real good time. Miss Dorothy Kerr spent a very pleasant vacation visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hadwen and family visited at Mount Albert on Sunday. DRESSMAKINGâ€"Ladies dresses and coats made to order; also children’s clothing. Mrs. Morris, Rosev1ew Avenue, Richmond Hill. Automobile Radiators, Fenders, Bodies Authorized United Motors Radiator Service 575 Yonge Street AUTO . ACCESSORY REPAIR CO. KIngsdale 3836 ALBERTA COAL We have it at the Jones Coal Co. JEFFERSON TESTON E. G. HURLEY Phone 188 the ideal UEL OR ALL Toronto Phone 16-r-23 CHILDREN ALMOST HATE CROSS, NERVOUS MOTHER “My children almost hated me, I was so cross. Thanks to Vinol. my nervousness is all gone and we are happy again.”‘â€"Mrs. T. Johnstnne. WILLIAM BUCK Teacher of Violin at the Toronto Conservatory \Jf Music A limitel number of‘pupils will be accepted in Richmond Hill Mondays at 17 Centre St., Phone 113 .._.l.r_, “a ,,,,,, For 30 years doctors have prescribâ€" ed Vinol because it contains-important mineral elements of Iron. calcium and cod liver peptone. The very FIRST bottle brings sound sleep and a BIG appetite. Nervous, wornout people are surprised how QUICK Vino] gives new life and pep. Tastes delicious. G. H, GLENN, Druggist Richmond Hill â€"- C Sat'urday, September 20â€"Auction sale of 80 head of fresh milk cows, forward and backward springers, also young cattle, will be sold by public auction at lot 2, con. 11, King, the property of Colin Sheardown. Terms, 12 months credit. Salekat 1 p. m. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Saturday, Sept. 27â€"Auction sale of mixed hardwood, fence posts, teleâ€" phone poles, etc, valuable house and garden property, on 5th concession King township, 1 and 3 quarter miles south of Kettleby, the property of John Donald. Saie at 1 o’clock. Terms for poles, and Wood cash. Pro- perty 10 per cent. on day of sale and balance in thirty days. J.T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Markham % of a mile north of Victoria Square, commencing at 1 o’clock. The cows are all good milkers and the heifers are rising three years old. NO RESERVE as Mr. Farquharson has leased his farm Watch for posters of sale of other farm stock and imple- ments at a. later date. TermS' calves cash, cows 12 months credit on apâ€" proved joint notes. 5 per cent. dis- count for cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. FARQUHARSON, lot 29, con Tuesday, September 30â€"Credit auc- tion sale of DAIRY COWS and HEIFERS the property of JOHN W. Saturday, October lSâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, household effects, hay, grain, etc., the property of ROBT. J. THOMSON, lot 35, con. 5, Markham, commencing at 1 o’clock. Terms, grain, hay, etc., and all sums ,of $20. and. under cash, over that aâ€" mount 10 months credit on approved joint notes. 4 per cent. straight dis- count for cash. Tractor half cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, Requires no attention, and will out. wear six or seven ordinary commu- tators. is the best, most economical timer on the market. DYNAMO TIMERS E. KLINCK, Mailed C. O. D. on request. R. R. 2 Gormley at Victoria Square Phone Stoufi'ville 4011 NORAH TEW The DYNAMO gives your engine more power and pep, smoother oper- 2tion at all speeds, and ends your com- mutator troubles forever. Fully guaranteed for 3 years. Recommended and in daily use by hundreds of Ford owners. When you need a timer try a DYNAMO. Price $2.75 Teacher of Pianoforte Theory and Harmony Studio at Langstaff VIOLIN LESSONS SALE REGISTER FORDS and FORDSONS Thornhill, Ont. Ontario DISTRICT MEETING UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. The annual conference of the Nor- thern section of the Cenge Presbyter- ial of the United Church was held in the Richmond Hill United Church on Wednesday afternoon and was largely attended. Reports from all depart- ments were presented and reflected much progress in missionary work. ‘he address by Mrs. McGillivray, Pres- ident of the Dominion Board of the W.M.S. was an outstanding feature of the program. In speaking of work in the Orient where she has spent some time Mrs. McGillivray gave an account of the missionary endeavour there and emphasized the great need for more zeal on the part of the home church. Mrs. D. M, Chamney contrib- uted a vocal solo which was much ap- preciated. Mrs. White and Mrs Mann presided. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shaw and Mer- le Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haw- man went on a, motor trip to Trenton on Saturday last. Mr. Sam Hilliard, Mr. Jim White and Mr. Herbert Hilliard motored to Midland on Sunday. Miss Hazel Coward; of Toronto spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. The Kleinburg‘ and Nashville Wo- men’s Institutes on Thursday last pre- sented the Misses May and Ethel Cagd with two Wickér femeries. IN THE MAT'I ER OF “The Estate of John H. Sanderson, late of the Vill- age of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Veterinary Surgeon, de- ceased. VUM»_ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to the Statutes in that behalf, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the above named John H. Sanderson, who died on or about the third day of July, 1930, are required to send by post prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned, on or before the 18th day of October, 1930, their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims duly veri- fied and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, and after the 18th day of October, 1930, the Execut- ‘ors will proceed to distribute the assets ‘having‘ regard only to the claims of ;which they shall then have notice 85 Richmond Street, West, Toronto 2 Solicitors for the Executors Elizabeth H. Sanderson and Hattie L. Gamble Richmond Hill, Ontario, the 15th day of September 1930. .NAUGHTON & JENKINS IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF YORK. IN THE MATTER OF “The Estate of James Fraser, late of the Township of King, in the County of York, Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that credit- ors and others having claims against the Estate of the said deceased are required to send full particulars of such claims, duly verified, to NAUGH- TON & JENKINS, Federal Building, Toronto, Solicitors for the Administ- rator, on or before the 10th day of October, 1930, after which date the Administrator will proceed to distri- ‘bute the assets of the'said Estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received. DATED at Toronto. this 17th day of September, 1930. J. L. JENKINS, Administrath WON PRIZE IN LARGE COMPETITION Albert E. Glass and George Gee of the Richmond Hill Bowling Club participated in the Loblaw Doubles Tournament in Toronto last Saturday. Three hundred and six players took part and the Richmond Hill rink was successful in winning all four games played and the third prize for the compe- tition. The individual prizes were solid walnut Windsor arm chairs. We congratulate the winners on their splendid show- ing in such a large tournament. Stenographic, Commercial, Com- iplete Ofl‘lce Training, and Secretar- ial Courses. Twelve Schools. In- dividual instruction. Rapid ad- vancement. Employment Bureau service for graduates. Catalogue free. Shaw Schools Limited, Bav & Charles Sts., Toronto, Ki. 3165. by NAUGHTpN '_& JENKINS. his Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors McIntosh Granite Co. Limitéd 1623 Yonge Sheet Night Schoolâ€"September 15th. SHAW Day Schoolâ€"August 25th. KLEINBURG MONUMENTS Phone HYland 2622 Solicitors FALL TERM Toronto VERY LO‘V PRICE FOR CASH, two SIXTY LINCOLN SHEEP AND 50 FOOT LOT on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, close to Yonge $13., will sell cheap for cash. Apply W. 12 WHITE PEKIN DUCKS, 3 drakes, 85 egg size incubator, some barn timbers. F. Horton, stop 24 Yonge Street. ‘ DARWIN TULIP BULBS in mixed colours; Norway Maples and Laurel Leaved. Willows for fall planting. Will piant them. N. J. Smellie, Thornhill, Ont., phone 42-J. FOR SALEâ€"1 B'ay mare, ’7 years, splendid worker; 1 Bay horse, 7 years, strong and willing; 1 Clydes- dale mare, excellent breeder; 1 grade Jersey-Holstein cow, due Nov. 9th. Above horses are all good farm workers and will be sold cheap or would exchangeâ€"What have you to offer? Fred Brusone, Newton- brook, Ontario, phone Willowdale 78 QUEBEC HEATER with oven and water front attached. Used only six months. Phone 28â€"F. HORSE weighing around sixteen hun- dred, good worker. Apply James Penny, McNab Place, Yonge Street. TWO YOUNG BULLS, one blue and ONE SECOND HAND HAY BALER BABY CARRIAGE, kitchen cupboard and dresser, windows and door frames and sagh; slicker and leather lined raincoat. Ford ton truck. Fletcher, Spruce Ave., Stop 22-A Yonge Street. WORK HORSE, general purpose hol- stein bull, fit for service, one corn binder, one riding plow, a number of good horse collars. Above all in first class condition. Apply Robt. Wetherill, 3rd line Markham, lot 23, Gormley R.R. 2. DISINFECTANT, the wellknown coal tar, by the gallon, or l1alf gallon, excellent for poultry or live stock. Apply H. G. Mecredy, Yonge Street Poultry Farm, phone King 16-26. LOSTâ€"On Wednesday afternoon on Garden Avenue, Man’s Gold Watch, valued as keepsake. Reward. Find- er please leave in care of Salvation Army Officer, Church Street. six roomed houses and fifty foot lot 2 minutes Walk from Yonge Street, in Richmond Hill, deep lot, fruit trees, hard and soft water, electric light, cellar, both now rented, a real investment. Apply to owner L. B. Finch, 586 Ossington Ave., Toronto, Telephone Lombard 3124 or at Th Liberal Office. I Ram, also 9 Yorkshire Sows and Hog. Apply Mr. Moore, Roselawn Farms, Stop 23 Yonge Street. ROOMED COTTAGE, electric, good barn, about 1-4 acre of land. Ap- ply Harold Reid’s Service, Elgin Mills, Ont. G. Miller, 107 Roselawn Ave., Tor- onto, phone Hudson 2825-J. white, six months old, one black and white holstein five months old. Ap- ply Robt. Harbinson, R. R. No. 2, Gormley, phone Richmond Hill 48â€"03 in good order; 1 M.-H. corn binder in good order; 1 heavy draft ‘marb, sound. Easy terms. Apply Geé). A. Prentice, Milliken, Ont. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first it sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. AI). Gorrie & C0. Classified AdVYfI Bargains in High Grade 2424 YON GE STREET FOR SALE USED CARS Always a Large Stock to Chose From If you are in the Market for a Car, pay us a visit can save you dollars. Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Dealers Show Rooms open until 11 p. m. Daily RALHP C. GILLIES, Manager THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 Telephone HUdson 3443 Confidential Terms if desired FARM FOR RENTâ€"176 1-2 CONSTABLE WANTEDâ€"Applicat- GRAIN, we will pay market prices for all kinds of grain. Apply Mr. Moore, E. T. Stephen’s Farms} Rich- mond Hi1], telephone 1-râ€"3. ONE FOLDING SCREEN. Apply Box 55, Liberal Office. WANTEDâ€"Democrat in good 'con- dition. Apply H. W. McMahon, R. R. No. 1, Richmond Hill, phone 46- r-23. ‘ CAPABLE GIRL to help with house- work a few hours daily. Mrs. Y. B. Tracy, C. N. R. Station. SEED RYE. Apply Telephone 28-69 Maple, Ontario. POSITION by capable girl. Apply Phone 190 Richmond Hill. WANTED AT ONCEâ€"Agent to hand- ‘ 1e Harmony Electric Magnetic Heal- ‘ th Appliance well advertised. broad- \ casted, guaranteed, wonderful op- portunity especially in winter. Write g for full particulars. Harmony, 3 fl Dundas St. East, Toronto, Ont. POSITION AS COOK-GENERAL or iWANTED to buy 1000 rails. Apply I box 262 Richmond Hill Post Office. HOUSEWORK wanted by Miss Mary Offen, R. R. No. 2, Maple, Ont. WANTEDâ€"Young geese. fowl, young cockerels, top market price paid. A. G. Robinson, Rumble Ave.,’ Box 174, Phone 190. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES ASHPHALT ROOFING, GYPROC. Phone 27 Toronto Hamilton ARM FOR RENTâ€"176 1-2 acres fine grain land; 70 acres of hay; rent reasonable, immediate posses- sion. Stop 14â€"A Yonge Street for further particulars. Misses B. & L. Chapman, Thornhill, Ont.‘ LOANS 0N AUTOMOBILES and Contracts Re-Financed John A. Campbell & Co. ions for the position of Village constable will be received at; the vill. age Clerk’s Office up to October 9, 1930. State qualifications and sal- ary expected. Richmond Hill, Sep- tember 18th, 1930. A. J. Hume, Clerk. 205-6 Bloor Building (Bloor at Bay) Kings. 5566-6020 Toronto, Ontario SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. housekeeper by experienced woman. Mrs. Redford, clo Mrs. Sam Marin- off, R. R. No. 2, Gormley. Automobile Bankers NORTH TORONTO TO RENT WANTED Dealers in Ottawa Limited Richmond Hill Windsor London

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