Cecil Elliott, of Torâ€" onto, were Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Elliott, Buttonville. Rally Day Sunday, September 28th. The Rally day services of Central United Sunday school will be held in the chur- ch auditorium at 2.30 p.m. Rev Mea- dows, Newmarket, will be the special speaker and a six piece orchestra will supply special music. Kindly keep the date in mind and come to this fine service. Young People Enjoy Corn Roast One hundred and fifty young people of St. Columba Y.P.S., of Toronto. and Brown’s Corners Y.P.S. assemb- led in Walton’s flats last Thursday evening for the annual corn roast. The fine program contributed by the Tor- onto young folk. The old.time bon- fire, the good fellowship feeling and last but not by no means least, the ever appreciated lunch of hot dogs. pie, and coffee. All had a part in this .most enjoyable event. Brown’s Corners Anniversary next Sunday The annual Anniversary services of Brown’s Corners United Church will be held next Sunday, when Rev. Mc- Donald, of Knox United Church, Agin- court, will bring the message to both the morning and evening services. Special music will be given at the morning service by Misses Olive Harr- ington and Isabell Scott, of Cedar Grove United Church, and at the eve- ning service by the Quartette from Knox United Church, Agincourt. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and enjoy these fine services. Sunday, September 28th, at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. 'm. Owing to a slight misunderstanding regarding the supply of Minister on account of the absent of Rev. Eaton for the morning service at Central United Church last Sabbath morning a song service was contributed and everybody happy. The Sunday school session will long be remembered. Mrs. (Rev.) Archibald and her 10 year old son, Herbert, told in an interesting and impressive way the story of the Mission Work in India. The youth- ful orator being dressed in native In- dian costume. The future of all missions would be assured if the boys and girls could pass on the message as efficiently as this young mission- ary. Library Tea The annual library tea will be held in the Library room on October 11th, commencing at 4 p, m. New members subscribing now will be granted memâ€" bership up until January 1931 for only Take advantage of this liberal 0 er. Twenty rinks representing Agin- court, Richmond Hill, Stouffville. Markham and Unionville, participated in a twilight tournament on the local green last Friday night. Two games 12 ends each were keenly contested, with results as follows:â€"1st prize, Richmond Hill, E. T. Stephens skip; 2nd prize, Unionville, Robert Smith, skip; 3rd prize, Unionville, Larry Kemp, skip. The consolation also go- ing to Unionville, A. Empringham, skip. The fine coffee and sandwich- es served by the ladies added to the We solicit order for Cut Flowers for all occasions which will be promptly and cheerfully ï¬lled. John Dunlop & Son “ï¬gs. Richard Springs and son Rich- ard, of New York. are guests of Mrs. Spring’s mother, Mrs, Armitage Miss Mary Gibson, of Toronto, visit- ed her aunt Mrs. Jas. Gibson on Sat- urday last. Thou ;â€" â€" â€" We; __ - .._ __ They; â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" Small words. but mighty, In their span. Are bound the life and hopes of man For, first, his thoughts of his own self are full, Until another comes his heart to rule For them, life’s best is centered round . theii' love; T111 younger lives come to prove. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1930 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT SAND â€" GRAVEL Frem Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, Telephone 62. THE LITTLE POEM 0F Bowling Tournament RICHMOND HILL FLORISTS â€"John Oxenham ThornhiH, all their love I LIIFE evening's enjoyment and with the green in perfect condition, it was altogeth- er a. most enjoyable event. Mr. and Mrs. John\Goode, of Toronâ€" to, visited Mrs. Hemingway last Sun- day. Miss Cora Luriau spent the week end at her home here. The many friends of Mr. C. E. Stiv- er, will be glad to learn that he is progressing nicely following a serious eye _operation a._t Welle_sley Hospital. We regret to report Mrs. E. Harper seriously ill this week. Late John E. Dukes The death of Mr. John Emerson Dukes which occurred at his home here, Main Street on Wednesday, September 10th. removed another old time resident of this village. Born in Yorkshire, England in 1855, he came to Canada when 21 years of age and since that time has resided almost continuously here. In 1885 he mar- ried Emaline Rush, who survives him. Although a man of retiring disposition he made many friends. was a member of the Anglican Church and a staunch conservative. He is survived by the widow, and 8 children, six spns, George James, Victor, Hiram, Robert and Thomas, and two daughters, Mrs. W. Hawkins, and Mrs. Penstone. The funeral services were held at the home on Main Street on Friday afternoon. Rev. J. J. Robbins officiating. Inter- ment followed in St. Philip’s Anglican Cemetery. _ Miss Lillian Parkinson spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Jas. Boa, Montreal, Visited his ï¬ncle Mr. A. H. Canning on Sunday last. I Miss M. Sommerville, Rural’Vice- President of Section 5, Toronto Pres- byterial W.M;S. visited the W.M.S. Auxiliary of Knox Presbyterian Chur- ch, Agincoui't, on Wednesday afterâ€" noon last. Mrs. A. G. Gormley was a Toronto visitor on Tuesday last. Miss Ila Weighill was a Toronto visâ€" itor on Wednesday. VTheâ€" Misses Ashy, of rI‘oronté, were guests of Mrs. Geo. Harrington on Suggfay. The regular monthly meeting of the Buttonville Junior Institue will be held at the home of Miss Drew Kelly on Saturday next, Sept. 27th, when Mr. Fred Leaf will give an interesting talk on Horticulture. Prizes will also be given for the best Dining room table and living room bouquet displayed by members of the society. Participat- ion of all members in this event is re- quested.‘ Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. m.â€"God Still Works. 2 p. m.â€"Church School. 7 p. m.â€"Why Jesus Came. Monday 8 p. m.â€"Y.P.S. Hagerman United Sunday School 1.30 EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH Misses Mary and Margaret Arm- strong, Mr. Robert Armstrong and Mr. Jas. Lennox, Sr. visited at the home of Mr. J. L. B. Stiver last Saturday. Miss Marjorie Taylor has returned to Albany after spending holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor. Mrs. Ross Bowes has returned to her home in Montreal after spending the summer with Mrs. W. W. Boying- ton. 10 a" m.â€"Sunday School '11 aâ€" m.â€"Anniversary S Rev. McDonald, Knox United Agincourt. 7.30 p. m.â€"Rev. McDonald. Rev. E. Heimrich 10 a. m.â€"Sunday School 11 a. m.â€"Annua1 Harvest Home Service. 7.30 p. m.â€"Harvest Home Service ST. PHILIPS ANGLICAN Rev. J. J. Robbins 10 a. m.â€"Chu.rch School 11 a. m.â€"Moming Prayer. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gourdie and family, and Mr. Rex, Toronto, were guests of Mgs: Casglyi on ASufndaEYWIast. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner and Miss Gladys Bush spent a few days in Tor- onto last Week. We are pleased to report Mrs. W. A. Noble making favorable convales- ence following a serious illness in the Western Hospital, returning to her home here on Monday lgstu Mr. and Mrs. Robért Duffield were Toronto visitors on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Giles, of Toronto, were guests of Deputy-Reeve and Mrs. R. L. Stiver OILSiunday. _ Enjoyable Outing i A fine motor drive, an invitation to‘ visit the beautiful gardens of Mrs. Dunlap, Donalda Farms, and a picnic supper in a spacious summer house on the estate, on Saturday afternoon last Will be an event long remembered by the members of the Juvenile Horticul- tural Society. \This is but one of the advantages that comes to the members of this organization which under the leadership of Mrs. N. Ogden, with, Gladys Dyke, President, and Allison Hood, Secretary-Treasurer promises to be a good one. Let all boys and girls take advantage of the opportunity in helping to _rr_1ake it a real success. “Miss Ada HutEhison has returned after an extended visit with her sistel Mrs. (Dr.) F. Rundle at; Port Whitby. Mnind Mrs. W. B. Wallen and Mas- ter Victor Wallen, of Toronto, spent Sugday with Mr._and Mrs. Len Wallen: Rev. E. Heimrich, of Sherwood, filled on friends in town on Tuesday st. Miss Effie Stiver ‘ end at her home here Miss Harriet Thompson left on Mon- day to visit friends and attend the Dominion Council of the W.M.S. of the United Church in session in Lond- on this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and Master Donald Wilson, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs W. Elliott. But- tonville on Sunday. Rev. H. H. Eaton 1.30 p. m.â€"Church School. 2.30 p. m.â€"The Scattered Nest. 7.30 pm.â€"Y.P.S. BROWN’S CORNERS UNITED CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Woods 2" m.â€"â€"Sunday School aâ€" m.â€"â€"Anniversary Servicesâ€" McDonald, Knox United Church, BETHESDA LUTHERAN spent the week THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ON’IA $.33- 1 Rev. and Mrs. Levi Atkinson and daughter Thelma of Mindemoya. visitâ€" led Mr. and Mrs Frank Atkinson this Week enroute to London, Ont, Where 1Rev. Atkinson is attending General ‘Council. Mr. and Mrs. Vv’m. Weliman, of Headford, spent Sunday with their sis- ter Miss Emma Barker and also Mrs. M. 'Elson, Roseview Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mann and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Murray, of Acton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moffat, Yonge Street. Miss Selina. Atkinson, of Bethesaa, is Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkin- son. Mrs. M. McCarter, of Chicago, form- ‘erly of Richmond Hill, is visiting Mrs. J. Stallibrass and other friends in the village. ‘ The Canadian Girls in Training and ‘Leaders of Glebe United Church were ientertained at a corn roast last Sat- ‘urday by Miss Lillian Plewman at her 1home Yonge Street. The main fea- tures of the afternoon was a Treasurer Hunt and Baseball game. In the evening a bonfire was lit and the members of the C.G.I.T. sang their own and popular songs. Miss K. Lun- dy one of the leaders who with a party travelled through the Maritime Pro- vinces and other points this summer gave a brief synopsis of their trip. Two of the other leaders sang a coupâ€" le of songs composed by one of them. Miss N. Mann and Miss C. Walpole of Peekskill, New York, visited Mrs. Ralph Paris this Week. Mrs. H. Thombson, of been visiting Reeve and the past week; also Mr. Cleland, of Toronto. 1 Last Saturday evening, September 13th, about thirty gathered at the home of Mrs. L. B. Tectzel, Arnold Street, where a miscellaneous shower was tendered Miss Mary Batty a bride of next Week. The house was pret- tin decorated throughout in pink and White and autumn flowers. Many beautiful and useful gifts and best \wishes were received by the popular bride-to-be after which a dainty lunch lwas served by the hostess. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson last Week, Rev. W. P. Lane, BA. and Mrs. Lane, of ISeaforth; Mr. James L. Jenkins and 'Miss Alice A. Ferguson, of King; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gordon and Miss Ruth \Gordon, of McKillop. Mr. Wm. Buck, Violin teacher, of Toronto, has started a class here with his studio at the home of Mr. Wm. Sayers, Centre Street West, where he will be on Monday of each week. Mrs. C. H. Rowe returned to Ottawa on Saturday after spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Y. B. Tracy. V A Presbyterian W. M. S. Rally will be held in High Park Presbyterian Church on Thursday, September 25th. Mr. Geo. Cow1e,‘of Acton, attended {the Decoration Service held in the cemetery here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cruickshank spent a few days the past week holidaying ï¬n Muskoka. Mrs. Elson, of Thornhill, spent Sun- lday with Mrs. Elson, Rosview Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coombs, of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Tyndall. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton, Downshire Lodge, Langstaff, entertained Mrs. Cardwell, of Richmond Hill at dinner on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Linstead, of Stouffville, spent Sunday with Mrs. ‘Linstead, Mill Street. Mrs. W. Sanders and s< Stouffville spent Sunday and Mrs. A. Pattenden. Mrs. M. Lynett, Mis: Marjorie Mur- phy, Messrs Jack Lynett and William Cotton motored to Midland on Sunday and spent the day there. Social and Personal L Fred of with Mr. on. The business sessions were inte- resting and instructive and dealt with the problems of the “fourth estate†as represented by the weekly newspapers of the Dominlon. ’l‘he convention visitors were royally entertained in the eastern city. A civic welcome by the Mayor was followed by an excurâ€" sion to the Evangeline Country throu- gh the courtesy of the Atlantic Rail- way. An auto trip as guests of the Kentville Rotary Club to Blomidon and the Look-off was a revelation of the great beauty of the province down by the sea. A band concert in the famous Halifax Public Gardens feat- ured Monday evening and on Tuesday afternoon a tour of the Harbour as guests of the Harbour Commisison imâ€" pressed on the delegates the ‘great possibilities of the development of this Canadian Port by the more generous patronage of Canadian shipping. Wednesday at noon the Government of Nova chtia tendered a complimen- tary banquet and at five o’clock the same day the Lieutenant Governor, Hon. J. C. Tory received the visiting press at a Garden Party at Govern- ment House. At the close of the con- vention Wednesday night the Canadi- an National Railways acted as host at the fine C.N.R. Hotel, the Nova Scotian, which was convention head- quarters. J. E. Smith, Editm If-f : returned on Saturday aftei the annual convention of th Weekly Newspapers Ass Halifax. 'hvo hundred an itors from all parts of Cans attendance, representatives sent from as far distant a 0=0=0=0=0=0 =O=OT (Anglican) Richmond Hill St. Matthew’s Day, Sept. 21 11 a. m.â€"Holv Communion 3 p. m.-â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.-â€"Evening Prayer. ST. MARY’S CHURCH Dr. C. J. Hatsings, well known former M. O. H. for Toronto in speaking of Pasteurization said: “Even Certified Milk should be pasteurized to make it safe at all times. Our population in Toronto has doubled and we have had no ser- ous epidemic sinc 19- 10.†His experiences backed by thousands of authorities. Pasteurized Milk Ehé Safest and Best Associat‘on at ed and fifty edâ€" Canada were in after attending the Canadian being pre ‘ the Yuk were inte dealt wit} beral. I IO=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=§0 PHILCdâ€"‘TONE CONTROLE Leave your Radio here for repairs We repair any make. Satisfaction guaranteed LOW B o y $165.00 4 distinct tone values, Brilliantâ€"‘ Opens a world of new delight. the tone quality YOU like, at a front of the set. "vu- '- Philco’s latest Screen Grid Lowboy has the world-famous Philco toneâ€"clear, rich, undistorted; new, exclusive circuit which reduces static and interference noisesâ€"and radio's newest marvelâ€"Philco Tone Controlâ€"at no greater cast than that of an ordinary radio. The 7-tube Screen Grid Lowboy shown above is a beauty! American black walnut, ï¬gured buttand Oriental wood, designed by leading furniture stylists. We Will Put One oFTlaese Wonderful Philco Radios in Your Home Freeâ€"for Trialâ€"Limited Offerâ€"Come in Nowl HERE! 7-tube Screen Grit] PHILCO SCREEN GRID RADIOS WILLlAM NEAL (Less Tubes) with Radio’s Newest Miracle OI=O zâ€"Brightâ€"Mellowâ€"Deep. It. Produce music now, with ‘t a turn of this knob on the Dr. Rosneau an out- standing Health Anth- ority says: “Pasteuriz- ation is a good form of sickness insurance 101' the consumer. Pasteur- ization saves lives and prevents sickness." His opinion is held by thousands of authorit- ies. PAGE FIVE ‘°=0=0=0=