PAGE EIGHT PHONE l74-W ETPLYMOUTH and DeSOTO Real Values at Law Prices IMPERIAL BANK OI‘__(_A_I_IADA Sixes and Eights. Products of Chryslte D. MOORE We wish to announce the open- ing on Monday, September 22nd of an up-to-date Auto Repair Shop at what was formerly Baldock’s Garage. RICHMOND HILL $40.00 MOORE & REESOR $450.00 $350.00 $250.00 $225.00 $75.00 $275.00 USED CARS .‘k $125.00 HEAD OFFICE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS BATTERY CHARGING, ETC. RE E. M. REESOR YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL ittle Brothers Blanch-s a! Nowmarkei, Aurora. Schomberg, Bolton Yonge St.., Richmond Hill. Ford Sales and Service We solicit your patronage This Bank is ready to conâ€" sider your ï¬nancial re, quirements and to make loans, when warranted, in anticipation of repayment from the sale of crops and livestock. The Manager of the Bank will give careful advice and painstaking service. an: F arme'rs Richmond Hill, Ontario 1925 CHEVROLET TOURING 1928 CHI- VROLET COUPEâ€" NICII CONDITION 1922 FORD COUPE TORONTO iial and Reserve $15,000,000 I 1926 FORD TUDOR 1926 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1929 FOIZ‘) TUDOR 30-Day Guarantee 1925 DODGE COACH 1927 ESSEX COACH .I. A. GROSKURTH, Manager RICHMOND HILL 403 } Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porter and daugh- ter, Nora. visited with Mrs. Porter’s mother, Mrs. Harrison, of Malton, Ontario. ; Messrs Fred and Edgar Simpson, of iTimmins and Dr. R. Nelson Simpson iof Fort Francis, are home spending a few weeks with their mother Mrs. F. ‘Simpson. 1 A pleasant time was spent at the ‘home of Mrs. J. Teeson, 'Monday even- SOCIAL and PERSONAL Mrs. J. Grice and Mrs. Robert Mc- Intosh returned home on Monday aft- er spending the summer in Vancouver, visiting Mrs. Grice’s daughter Mrs. (Dr.) Murray Blair. Mrs. Howells moved into her new home on Centre Street this week. Miss Annie Cooper, of Toronto visit ed on Saturday with her sister Miss Agnes Cooper. Miss Lillian Francis spent Sunday in Beeton the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Strangeways. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Puckering‘, Ken- more, N.Y., are visiting this week with Mrs. F. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ness enjoyed a. motor trip on TuesdaÂ¥ to St Cath- arines. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Luesby have returned after a motor trip to North Bay, Timagami and Haileybury. ing, when a number of her friends gathered to welcome her home after an extended tour to Vancouver, San Francisco, Stockton, Detroit and other places. During the evening all en- joyed progressive euchre, Miss Flor- ence Clubine winning first prize A social hour followed while Mrs. Tee- son told of many interesting events during her journey. BIRTH JAMIESONâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jamieson, Wednflsday, September 17th a son Miss Trask, of Allandale, and Miss. Chappell. of Meaford, were visiting at the Misses Blain this week. Enjoyable Corn .Roast The com boil and concert held at, the home of Mrs. Lownes was a great} success. A very good programme; was rendered. The mixed quartetteJ Miss Elsie Smith, Miss Veda Wilton,i Mr. Percy Forrester and Mr. Herbert. were at theil"best in, “Come where‘ my heart lies dreaming†and “Oh. come where the lillies bloom so fair." Oak Ridges Sunday School girls gave a very good pl“y, “Alice inl Wonderlandâ€, MiSS Marion Bramei'1 favored the audience with a numberl of charming songs, including; “The‘ little jaller dog", “The second Minuetâ€: and “The world is waiting for Sun-i rise.†,Miss Molly Cave excelled at the piano in; “Blue Heaven†and “In‘ the shadows.†j An exceedingly clever young elo- cutionist is MiSs Marjorie Clubine, who kept the audience entertained, with; “Aunt Tabitha,†“A song ofl spring;†“What she was like†and “A woman’s rights,†Miss Olive Carlisle gave two mouth organ solos, accomp-‘ anied by her sister Marjorie on the pianp, which did them both credit.‘ There was lots of corn for everybody and excellent ~mfreshments. There} were two guessing competitions One: the Weight of a very appetizing cake,1 which was won by Mrs. Fred Leggej Miss Dorothy Hodgins, (the two wm- ners divided the cake.) The second competition; guessing the number of beans in a jar was won by Frank Gardner who received a beautiful basâ€" ket of peaches for the prize. Many' Attend School Fair Wednesday, September 10th. saw the largest school fair for sometime, held at Oak Ridges school. Mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers from all parts were present, and cars were parked in every available space. There was a splendid exhibit in the school house. The Mayor of Aurora presented Master John Irving with a medal for bravery in rescuing a boy frOm drowning sometime ago. Sonie ‘few people who did not appreciate “pop†as a thirst quencher were hard put to find any water to drink as the school well decided to go dry in the middle of the fair, and all the other wells were also nearly dry owing to the continued dry Weather. Mrs. Seaman from Portland, Oregon paid a short visit to Miss J. Blain this week. A few scattered showers is about all the moisture that this vicinity .seems able to get. For some people the water question is quite a problem. 188 for coal or wood. Phone THE JONES COAL C0., Oak Ridges Thornhill THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, Don’t forget Vaughan Township School Fair which is being held in Vellore on Tuesday, September 23rd. The Vellore Women’s Institute visit- ed the Elia branch on Tuesday last, and all reported a good time. The visitors gave the programme consist- ing of papers given by Mrs. A. Camer- on and Mrs. J. Brownlee, an instru- ‘mental by Miss Laurena Rutherford, [solos by Mrs. M. Hutchison, report of the Junior Farm boys and girls activâ€" ities in the district by Miss Mary Constable, and a contest conducted by Miss Jean McKinnon on a Country Girls wardrobe. Tea was served by the Elia Ladies and a very sociable time was spent. .NEAL Mr. Arthur McNeil left last week to 'resume his studies at the Agricultural College, Guelph. He is an outstand- ing player on the College Rugby team. {Messrs Peter Cl‘aib and Wilmer Keefer motored to Lake Simcoe, on Sunday and enjoyed a boat ride on the lake which no doubt brought back memorâ€" 1ies of a bigger boat ride when_they ‘crossed the Atlantic a few years ago. . Mrs. H. Rutherford, George and Phyl- ‘is, of Schombcrg, and Miss Cora Rutherford, R. N., of Romeo, Mich, Visited at Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ruther- ford on Sundav. Miss Margaret Black, R. N., of Deâ€" troit, Mich., visited her sister Mrs. C. H. Rutherford this Week. Mr. and Mrs. John Constable are spending a week with friends at Londâ€" on, Ontario. i The Richvale Community Sunday ‘School anniversary services were held ‘ :on Sunday, September 14th, under the gleadership of Rev. Lunau, Sunday iSchool Superintendent. There was a‘ {fairly good attendance of friends to‘ 1!listen to the cantata, entitled “The, ‘story of Jesus." This was written and arranged by Mrs. Farrants. late, iof Toronto, now of Spruce Avenue,‘ lRichvale. Every scholar took his ‘ or her part in a very creditable man- ‘ ner. The singing of the scholars was * excellent, with Miss Thora Allen pre- [siding at the piano. Worthy of spe- ‘ icial mention was the trio of small‘ :children, namely Dorothy Sparks, May ‘ Macklem and Gordon Macklem. Little Ellen Stokes, aged 4 years, sang very sweetly and distinctly “Jesus Loves Me.†We are indebted to Mrs. Jenson ‘ of Toronto, who sang a beautiful con- tralto solo, as the people were gather- ‘ ing; also Mr. John Oliver, of Toronto, -'for his two solos, especially the last !one, “There’s a beautiful land on highâ€, , as it made a very fitting finish to the : afternoon seSSion. Altogether the an- _'niversary was a great success in every ' way. In the evening at 7.30, Rev. Wellwood, of Richmond Hill, prea- 5 ched a very appropriate sermon. tak- ing his text from 2 Thissalonians chap. 2â€"and part of verse 16, “A Good , hope, through Grace." Mr Well- : wood handled his subject in a very I able manner, making all feel that al- 5 though Mr. VVellwond may be past 'ihis 80th birthday he is still in his ‘ best days and filled with this good hope through grace. We were very pleased to have with us at this service the choir from the Headford United church who gave a real trea in music. The beautiful plants supplied by Mrs. i Booth helped to make the church look ) cheerful on this special occasion. , Y The Choral Class with Mr. Fletcher of Toronto, as instructor, started on Wednesday night with. about seventy present. There were fifty-nine fully paid up membezs and we hope to reach the hundred mark. Members were ‘present from Maple and the surround- iing district. All 01d and young are icordially invited to join the clasï¬. The lterm is of fifteen weeks duration. The Women’s Association will meet on the last Wednesday of this month, at the home of Mrs. Booth, Spruce Ave; September 24th at 2.30 p. m. Do not forget our rumage sale early in October, and sale of home-made baking. Township Where Held Date Stouï¬villeâ€"Stouï¬ville, Sept. 19. Markhamâ€"Unionville, Sept. 22. Vaughanâ€"Vellore, Sept. 23. Georginaâ€"Shiloh, Sept. 24. North Gwillimburyâ€"Belhagen AGENT MASSEY HARRIS Farm Implements & Machinéry Telephone Maple 1249 Sept. 25 East Gwillimburyâ€"Sharon, Oct. 1. Charles Graham Vellore ' SCHOOL FAIRS Richvale ONTARIO 1. The Council of ~The Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intends to construct as a local improvement a gravel roadway on Brookside, Plan 1642, from a point 190’ west of the west limit of Lot Number 10 to the Westerly 1im-‘ it, and intends to speCially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. Local Improvement Notice TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN TAKE NOTICE THAT 2. The estimated cost of the work is $470.00, of which $185.00 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot frontage is 28c. The special assessment is to be paid in five annual instalments. ' 3. A petition to the said Council will not avail topre- vent its construction. but a Petition against the work or the manner in Which it has been undertaken, may be made pgr- u.Luu.u... suant to seetion The Local Improvemeiit Act, to the Railway and Municipal Board, by a majority 'of the owners representing at least oneâ€"half of the value of the lots which are to be specially assessed therefor. 4. A By-law for undertaking the work will be consider- ed by the Council at a meeting thereof to be held on the 6th day of October, 1930, or at a regular or special meeting there of to be held thereafter. Dated at Maple, this 11th, day of September 1930. J. B. McLEAN, Clerk of Vaughan MOTORISTS ATTENTION Quebec Heaters and Circulators Don’t put up Phone 18 that old kitchen range again. Buy a new Findlay Oval Quebec Why take the risk of having your license and drivers permit cancelled. when you can obtain protection through an insurance policy. Rates and information on application to Richmond Hill I Philco and VICTOR The Safety Responsibility Law Becomes Effective Sept. lst THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Official O. M. L. Station A modern and up-lo-date cooking stove 1n every way. Come and see them and have one delivered promptly to your home. J. R. HERRINGTON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 ‘elephone 87 Yonge Street Banking Service and Prosperity PROSPERITY on the farm is largely dependent on factors beyond the realm be a good market demand for farm products and the production cost must be kept in proper relation with market returns. Our Branch Manager is thoroughly familiar with the busineSS of farming and is ready to assist in carrying your farm program to a suc- cessful conclusion. of the until which is amalgamated nex! Monday farmers’ control. There must . Brathwaite Richmond Hill Ontario