LATE CHARLES BALBONE The funeral of the late Charles (Shorty) Balbone, of Carrville Road, who died suddenly in Richmond 11111, on Tuesday, September 16th, was held from his late home on Saturday after- noon. A veteran of the World War with. a very creditable record for the duration of the hostilities he was Widely known and his death was a. great shock to the community. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. A.E. Lunau of the Richvale church and was attended by large numbers of friends and military associates. A wealth of floral tributes testified to the esteem in which he was held and included wreaths from the Amputatâ€" ion Association of Toronto; Veterans organizations, fellow employees at the Arena, the church and associate friends of Richmond Hill. Interment took place at the Rich- mond Hill cemetery with six comrad- es of the deceased acting as pall-bear- ers. The Liberal joins with the com- munity in expressing sincere sym- pathy to the bereaved family which includes his Widow and a niece Miss Florence Karas. the auspices of the Fifth Line Euchre Club. Floyd Henderson's Orchestra in attendance. Dick Harrison, Floor Manager. Admission gents 95 cents and tax; Ladies free. Lunch provid- ed. Everybody welcome. Commit- tee E. Lowery, H. Usher and C. Monks THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, _under Saturday, Sept 27â€"Auction sale of mixed hardwood, fence posts, tele- phone poIes, em, valuable house and garden property, on 5th concession King township, 1 and 3 quarter mifes south of Kettleby, the property of John Donald. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms for poles, and wood cash. Proâ€" perty 10 per cent. on day of sale and balance in thirty days. J.T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. An Olde Tyme Dance will be held in the Community Hall, Maple on Our Fyrewell Pea. Coal is large size and is very economical for stoves and ranges at $11.50 per ton this month At the Elevator. Tuesday, September 30â€"Credit auc- tion sale of DAIRY COWS and HEIFERS the property of JOHN W. FARQUHARSON, lot 29, con. 3, Markham 9%; of amile north of Victoria Square, commencing at 1 o’clock. The cows are all good milkers and the heifers are rising three years old. NO RESERVE as Mr. Farquharson has leased his farm Watch for posters of sale of other farm stock and imple- ments at a. later date. Terms' calves cash, COWS 12 months credit on ap- proved joint notes. 5 per cent. dis- count for cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Saturday, October 4â€"Auction sale of furniture, etc., the property of E. Llwelly'n, John Street, Thomhill, com- mencing at 2 p. m. Terms cash. No reserve, giving up housekeeping. Sam Oliver, auctioneer Saturday, October 18â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, household effects, hay, grain,‘ etc., the property of ROBT. J. THOMSON, lot 35, con. 5, Markham, commencing at 1 o’clock. Terms, grain, hay, etc., and all sums of $20. and under cash, over that a- mount 10 months credit on approved joint notes. 4 per cent. straight dis- count for cash. Tractor half cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. PHONE CITY, HUDSnN 8527 RICHMOND HILL 30-J 575 Yonge Street E. G. HURLEY Automobile Radiators, Fenders, Bodies Authorized United Motors Radiator Service AUTO ACCESSORY REPAIR CO. KIngsdale 3836 ALBERTA COAL Jones Coavl Co. SALE REGISTER CARTAGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hill and Intermediate Points Every Day D. RUM'NEY OLD TYME DANCE OBITUARY We have it at the RAGE FOUR Phone 188 the ideal UEL OR AL Toronto The Vellore baseball team and the Vellore Old Boys have erected a monâ€" ument to the memory of George M. D. McIntosh, late of Aberdeen, Scotland, in the cemetery of St. Paul’s Vaughan. George was a very ï¬ne type of Scotchâ€" Vman, who came out to Canada to make 4good, but was stricken with append~ icitis, which proved fatal. The fine stone that is erected goes to show the esteem and respect of our boys to one of manly type who lies far from home and kindred. Misses Ada Cober, Marion Heise and Adeline Reaman spent Sgnday [with the Henderson sisters. We notice carpenters busy in this locality as Mr. C. E. Heise is building- an addition to his. garage, also Mr. J 05 Cohen is erecting a veranda on his house. Ml‘. and MrsO. Sherrick, of Rich- mond Hill, visitea Mrs. Martha Wood- ard on Saturday last. ‘ Mr. Walter Stackley, of Richmond Hill, callea on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Steekley on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Reesor and fam- ily, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with relatives here. Miss Ruth Hoover, also Miss Vera Hilts left this week for Buffalo, N.Y., to spend the Winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Rogerson, of Everritt, moved into the house which was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Offer! and family, who recently moved to Maple. Mr. Joshua Homer and Miss Clara Teal, of Richmond Hill, visited at the home of Mr. Landou Steckley’s on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Byer and family, of Toronto, spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jonâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams, also Mr. Elmore Adams, of Toronto, visitâ€" ed relatives here this Week. Rally Day service Will be observed in St. Paul’s, Church Vaughan, on Sunday; September 28th, at 2.30 Rev. Bowman will have charge of the serv- ice. A Mission Band Pageant will be giv- en in Knox Church, Vaughan, on Satâ€" urday evening, September 27th, undei" the leadership of Miss Elder who is‘ the author of the pageant. _ A com and weiner roast was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutchison to the young people of the Woodbridge United Church, home of the young people of Vellore were pre- sent and all reporha g00d time. Vellore School Prominent at Fair Vaughan Township School Fair was held in Vellore on Tuesday, September 23rd, with the largest attendance of any fair in the county, this year and also the largest entries. All classes were largely contested. Vellore school won the largest number of points by a large ,margin. Sara Mc- Neil won the Eaton trophy, donated to the pupils winning the highest num- ber of points. Cameron McNeil sec- ond and Delborah Davison third, all of Vellore school. These pupils won books, also donated by T. Eaton Cd. Vellor school second in Strathcona ex- ercises and fourth for singing, so we extend congratulations to our teacher Miss Alma Farr, of Woodbridgef iEuchre and Dance On fair night a dance was held in the Township Hall with Henderson’s Orchestra in attendance and Alex Bishop floor\manager. ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) Richmond Hill Sept. 28th. 15th Sunday after Trinity 8 a. m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a. m.â€"Morning Prayer and Ded- « ication of Memorial, Bishop Hamil- ton, D. D. 3 p. m.â€"Sunday School. 7 p.m.-â€"Evening Prayer. Harvest Thanksgiving Services Thursday, October 2nd, at 8 p. m. The Bishop of the Yukon will] preach. \ Everybody is Cordially Welcome Also Dancing every Wednesday night Old Time and Modern Music Starting 9 o’clock sharp. Good Prizes will be given. Admission 35c, (including :unch) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th Farm Stock, Household Furniture Real Estate, Etc. Lifetime Experience Reasonable Terms Phone 53 Thornhill, Ont. ELGIN MILLS PAVILION S. OLIVER LICENSED AUCTIONEER GORMLEY Vellore The children are reminded that next Sunday is Rally Day and all the boys 'and girls are invited to be present at :the Rally Day Session of the Sunday School at the Parish Hall 10 a. m. and the service at 3 p. m. The parents \are asked to help make Rally Day a success. Bring the children. It is expected that the hall Will be filled to overflowing. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ‘ CONCLUDED The Jubilee services of the Rich mond Hill Presbyterian Church con~ cluded last Sunday. Rev. David Marâ€" shall, the minister had charge of both services. In the morning communion was observed and in the evening there was [a special service of song led by the choir assisted by other artists. {On Monday a social evening was enjoyed when a delightful pro- gram was carried out. Refresh~ ments were served and a pleasant hour of social re-union enjoyed. ‘ Mrs. H. C. Bailey has gone to Port ISevern and is spending the week with tfriends there. Mr. ,Jackman, of Toronto, will be ‘the speaker at the Rally Day Service in the United Church next Sunday. Miss Marguerite Bailey who is tak- ing a year’s course in a hospital in Flint, Mich., has paSSed successfully the supplemental examinations in Medicine and Surgery. Mr. and Mrs. J. Keffer returned last week after spending a month with friends in Forrest. Mrs. Keffer’s :sister Mrs. Mason came with them and is making a visit here, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Michael, of Clift- on, N.J., spent last Thursday with their niece, Mrs. Geo. W. Bailey, Mrs. Gbrdon Ross, of Hawkesbury,. and Mr. Charlie Currie, of Sault Ste, Mar- ‘ie‘, have also been visiting with Mrs. ‘CBailey. The C.G.I.T. have purchased a' quantity of useful and ornamental tableware, to be ysed at public func- tions in connection with the church. ‘ Mrs. J.' T. Saigeon and Mrs. S. D. ‘Roberts are spending the week with “friends in Hamilton. V ‘ Miss M. Morr1son spent last week ‘Iat Nashville and was a guest at the ‘twedding of Misses Ethel and May fCard. Mrs. H. Jackson is away on a visit to friends in Stratford. One of the annual events, in which much interest is shown, is the Har- vest Home Sunday, observed by Zion Lutheran Church. The services have become so popular that the church is usually filled. By the interest al- ready manifested, indications are that {these services will be as attractive and beneficial as ever. The choir is preparing to sing appropriate an- fthems. :The pastor, Rev. E, Heimâ€" rriéh, will preach special sermons for the occasion. The morning service will be held at 11 a. m. and the even- ing service at ’i p. m. We are ‘con- fident that these services will be help- \ful to you, and for that reason, ex- tend to all a most hearty invitation. Miss Mary Churchill of Emery, vis- ited Mrs. W. Lloyd last week. Mr, and Mrs. E. Wade and Lawrenâ€" |ce, of Maple, accompanied by Mrs. R. Gray, Neil and Ellen, spent‘Sunday {with Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald, of IKleinburg. Mrs. M. Moody, of Weston, spent Tuesday with her sister Miss E. Mc- Laughlin and attended\ the school fau- held at Vellore. \ Rally Day service will be held in the ‘United Church next Sunday morning. Mrs. T. Kerr, of Weston, spent Wednesday with Mrs. G. Kerr. Mrs. McCluskey and Alma; motored to Hamilton on Monday. Mr. J. Walker and Annie visited re- atives in Thronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker, Kinghorn, Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker, Mrs. Arm- strong and Billie of Toronto, were vis- ljtors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (Roy Wilson on rBuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bateman and daught- er, of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. McCluskey on Tuesday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Piercey were Mr. and 'Mrs. Taylor, of Nashville, Mrs. (x. Cousins, Toronto. Quite a. large number from vicinity attended the school fair’ at Vellore on Tuesday afternoon; *the dance in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kyle and family spent the week-end visiting relatives at Flesherton and Ceylon. Phone THE JONES COAL CO., 188 for coal or wood. SCHOMBERG JUNCTION SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTICES THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND Sherwood MAPLE TESTON our held 211% ian Church, assisted by Rev. '8. T. J. 'Fortner, of Kleinburg United Church, Were the officiating clergymen. The happy couples left on a trip to Montâ€" real and points east. Mrs. David Shannon presided at the meeting of the United Church Wo- men’s Missionary Society held on Wed- nesday last in the Church Sunday School room. The feature of the af- ternoon's proceedings was a. talk on Home MiSSion work and her experien- ces in the field by Mrs. W. J. Aberâ€" hethy, of Weston, fourth vice-presi- dent of the Toronto West Presbyterial. Refreshments were served and a social time at the close of the meeting. While the ground is as dry as tind- er farmers are busy plowmg, some with three horses, some with four, and a large percentage With tractors. ‘ An interesting event took place in the Presbyterian Church, Nashville, «on Wednesday, September 17th, in the :form of a double wedding, when Miss- ‘es Ethel Irene Card and Annie May Card, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. ‘L. Card were united in marriage, the former to Mr. Alvin Robb, of Wood- ibridge, and the latter to Mr. Jasen lShaw, Brampton. Rev. David Robâ€" iertson, Pastor of Nashville Presbyter- Woodbridge softball team became champions of the local league when ‘they defeated Humber Summit by sev- eral goals. The league Includes (Woodbridge, Pine Grove, Humber 'Summit and Hospital for Sick Childâ€" Miss Ethel Wray and Mrs. Jonathan ‘Ellerby spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harlin Smith at Mackville. Woodbridge Women’s Institute held the September meeting at the home of Mrs. A. W. Farr. The attendance was a good average. Mrs. Arthur ‘éHollingshead, the president, presided, ‘and the usual Institute pfrogram was nearried out. ren A choral class of 60 members was (recehtly organized at Knox, Elders (Mills with Mr. H. M. Fletcher, Toron- rto, as instructor. The committee in .charge is Miss Kate Elder, Miss Ag- ‘tnes Nattress, Sam McClure, Herb Nat- ]tress, Mrs. Leo Watson, Bert Wright ‘and Stanley Phillips. While other industrial centres are grumbling Pine Grove is enjoying a small sized boom, some building, and mo unemployment. The F.W. Hicks flour mill is running at full capacity 24 hours daily, and will do so until leune of 1931 in order to keep up with lbusiness. The death of James Hutchison oc- curred on Sunday, September let at 679 Annette Street, West; Toronto. The late Mr. Hutchison was born at Heathcote near Collingwood, 65 years lago. His Ancestors came from York- shire, England, and were among the loriginal settlers in Vaughan and the Gore. Mr. Hutchison was but a lad ,when he moved to Vaughan, where he Continued to live until a few years agé when he took up residence in Toronto. Surviving are his widow, two sons, Edgar and Chester, and one daughter Mrs. Dobson, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendrie and family, have returned after a ten day motor trip in Northern Ontario, visit- ing in Englehart, Charlton and other centres. Fyrewell Pea Coal for Hot Water heaters; also small ranges. Sate â€" Economical. Phone 10, at the Ele- vator. Phone 16-r-23 WILLIAM BUCK Teacher of Violin at the Toronto Conservaiory of Music A limitel. number of pupils will be accepted in Richmond Hill Mondays at 17 Centre St., Phone 113 l0 To N ORAH TEW Teacher of Pianoforte om =°=ou James Fraser, late of the Township 0 of King, in the County of York, Gentleman, deceased. Be C h 00 SBY NOTICE is hereby given that credit- ors and others having claims against AND. CHEWSEY the Estate of the said deceased are ABOLT EATING required to send full narticulars of For Indigestion and Ulcer of E‘such cfims, dull)! verified. to NAUGH- St .h TON " JENK NS, Federal Building, Bribe“ EE‘SB,StIgTOMAC{{IC 6 Toronto, Solicitors for the Administ~ '_ 1 c _ I ’ raton, on or before the 10th day of With Rules for Digestion and October, 1930, after which date the Diet. Administrator will proceed to distri- bute t e assets of the said Estate. havâ€" Guamnteed at ing regard only to the claims of which Guaranteed at oï¬notice shall have been received. AUSTIN’S Drug Store E DATED at Toronto, this 17th day of September, 1930. ====o=o===omo J. L. JENKINS, Administrator omenomw: McIntosh Granite Co. 1623 Yonge Shth VIOLIN LESSONS For Indigestion and Ulcer of the Stomach try { DR. McLEOD’S STOMAC {1C with Rules for Digestion and Diet. W'oodbridge MONUMENTS Theory and Harmony Studio at Langstaff Phone HYland 2622 Limited Thornhill, Ont. resbyterial. SIXTY LINCOLN SHEEP AND andasocial Ram, also 9 Yorkshire Sows and :etmg. Hog. Apply Mr. Moore, Roselawn [rv as ï¬nd. Farms, Stop 23 Yonge Street. Toronto 50 FOOT LOT on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, close to Yonge St, will sell cheap for cash. Apply W. 5 ROOMED COTTAGE, electric, good barn, about 1-4‘ acre of land. Ap- ply Harold Reid’s Service, Elgin Mills, Ont. ONE CHICKEN COOP 12 ft. by 18 ft., 1 hot air incubator, 1 coal brood- er, and 11 yearlings. Cheap for quick sale. Mr. Davenport, Lang- staff. DARWIN TULIP BULBS in mixed colours; Norway Maples and Laurel Leaved. Willows for fall planting. Will plant them. _N. J. Smellie, Thornhill, Ont, phone 42-J. FOR SALEâ€"1 Bay mare, 7 years, Splendid worker; 1 Bay horse, 7 years, strong and willing; 1 Clydes- dale mare, excellent breeder; 1 grade J erseyâ€"Holstein cow, due Nov. 9th. Above horses are all good farm workers and will be sold cheap or would exchangeâ€"What have you to offer? Fred Brusone, Newton- brook, Ontario, phone Willowdale 78 FORD TOURING CAR 1923, in good HORSE weighing around sixteen hun- dred, good worker. Apply James Penny, McNab Place, Yonge Street. ONE SECOND HAND HAY BALER‘.WORK in good order; 1 M.â€"H. corn binder; 01' h' in good order; 1 heavy draft mare,! J- Ja sound. Easy terms. Apply Geo.‘ A. Prentice, Millikan, Ont. :- “mm WORK HORSE, general purpose hol- sbein bull, fit for service, one corn binder, one riding plow, a number of good horse collars. Above all in first Class condition. Apply Robt. Wetherill, 3rd line Markham, lot 23, I Gormley R.R. 2. v THIRTY WHITE LEGHORN PUL- LETS over four months old. N. J. ORGAN in piano case, mahogany, in good cqndition. Apply Box 86 Liberal Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. 100 ACRE FARM east half lot 28, con 3, Vaughan, bank barn, driving shed ’ pig pen, frame house, land all work- able, good young orchard, good porn year round. Apply Wm. Clement, Mill Street, Richmond 1:11. 1 TWO HOLSTEIN COW“, due “:0 IN THE MATTER OF “The Estate of John H. Sanderson, late of the Vill- age of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, Veterinary Surgeon, de- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to the Statutes in that behalf, that all creditors and others havingi ‘claims against the Estate of the abovei named John H. Sanderson, who died on or about the third day of July, 1930, are required to send by post prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned, on or before the 18th day of October, 1930, their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims duly veri- fied and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, and after the 18th day of October, 1930, the Execut- ors will proceed to distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice G. Miller, 107 Roselawn Ave., Tor- onto, phone Hudson 2825â€"J. 85 Richmond Street, West, Toronto 2 Solicitors for the Executors Elizabeth H. Sanderson and Hattie L. Gamble ' DATED†Richmond Hill, Ontario, the 15th day of September 1930. running order. Price $25.00. W. Howell, Garden Ave., Langstaff, Ontario. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNI‘Y OI‘7 YORK IN THE MATTER OF “The Estate of Smellie, Thornhill, Ont, phone 42-J. freshen now. Apply H.R. Mort- son, Gol‘mley, 01113., phone Stouff- ville 6113. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for ï¬rst it sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors Classified Ad???' NAUGHTON & JENKINS FOR SALE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 THREE ACRES OF STANDING ‘ CORN, Crompton’s Early, over 6 1â€"2 feet in height and well cobbed. l Would cut for purchaser. Apply | Smith, Mill Road, Richmond Hill FIVE ACRES CHOICE SOIL. four FRAME HOUSE 30 x 30, five rooms, lot 33, con. 1, Markham, in good condition. Also gasoline engine, 3 horse power, Bearing-McCormick. S. Wilcocks, Thornhjll, Ont. FARM FOR RENTâ€"176 1-2 acres fine grain land; 70 acres of hay; rent reasonable, immediate posses- sion. Stop 14â€"A Yonge Street for further particulars. Misses B. & L. Chapman, Thornhil], Ont. , HOUSE T0 RENT 6 Rooms, electric good‘ garden. Apply 2 Elizabeth St. or L. B. Finch, 586 Ossington V Ave., Toronto, phone Lombard 3121. TO RENT Four roomed house with acre of land on Garden Avenue, Langstaff. Apply Mrs. T. Orr, \ Garden Avenue./Langstaff. EITHER SEX S75 WEEKLY EASY selling Palco Products. Sometmng different. Fast sellers, good re- peaters. Exclusive territories . Free Samples. P. A. Lefebvre & Company, Ltd., Box 2, Alexandra, Ontario. , GRAIN, we will pay market prices for all kinds of grain. Apply Mr. Moore, E. T. Stephen’s Farms, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 1â€"r-3. WANTED young girl to help with houseWOrk. Apply 27 Yonge St, phone 30-J Richmond Hill. WANTED AT ONCE~Agent to hand- FARM WAN [‘ED to rent, 100 to 125 acres with option to buy. State par. ticulars to Box 48, Liberal Ofï¬ce. WANTEDâ€"Young geese, fowl, young cockerels, top market price paid. A. G. Robinson, Rumble Ave., Box 174-. Phone 190.’ / DRESSMAKINGâ€"Ladies dresses and coats made to order; also children’s clothing. Mrs. Morris, RoseVIeW Avenue, Richmond Hill. roamed frame house, well located. Bargain for quick sale. Apply J E. Francis, Thomhill, Ont. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES ASHPHALT ROOFING, GYPROC. Phone 27 LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES and Contracts Re-Financed or hour, reasonable rates. Apply J. Jarvis, 58 Richmond Street. Toronto Hamilton John A. Campbell & Co. 1e Harmony Electric Magnetic Heal- th Appliance well advertised. broad~ casted, guaranteed, wonderful opâ€" portunity especially in Winter. Write for full particulars. Harmony, 3: Dundas St. East, Toronto, Ont. We solicit order for Cut Flowers for all occasions which will ,be promptly and cheerfully ï¬lled. SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. John Dunlop & Son FLORISTS 205-6 Bloor Building (Bloor at Bay) Kings. 5566â€"6020 Toronto, Ontario MISCELLANEOUS Automobile Bankers SAND â€"â€" GRAVEL _ From Maple Gravel Pit GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, ( BY MAN AND TEAM, by day Farm Implements & Machinery Telephone Maple 1249 TO RENT Charles Graham AGENT MASSEY HARRIS WANTED RICHMOND HILL Dealers in Ottawa Limited Richmond Hill Thornhill, Windsor London