Fire -â€" Automobile â€" Dependable Companies Officeâ€"Radial Station Richmond Hill â€" GAL NINE TUESDAY and FRIDAYS If you will have laundry ready when driver calls, you will assist us in giv- ing good service. If you only have driver call when phoned for. Call up as early as convenient to insure prom- pt attention. Phone Orders for Our Driver, Parcels may be left at Liberal Ofï¬ce Telephone 9, Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL IVE CALL IN RICHMOND DISTRICT “He was here last night. He brought you home,†Bim said patient- ly. “He wants you to lunch with him. He is waiting on the ’phone.†Regularity of service Julie was half asleep still; her head was splitting, and there was a queer dread in her heart. “Julie will be delighted. Will you call for her‘at half-past one?†“I shall 'be delighted also.†So that was that! Schofield felt a boy as he turned away from the telephone. Nearly fifty! Nonsense! he was a youngman and in love for the first time. Martin’s Barber Shop He might have been less elated 'had he heard Julie’s comment when his message was conveyed to her. “Schofield! who on earth know' the man.†“Oh . . . we‘llâ€"if you will-wait a moment. May I give her a message?†“I want her ’to lunch with me if she will.†‘ “I win‘ten ‘her?’ It seemed an eternity till Bim re- turned. ' Then he discovers that this 'girl is not the same Julie Farrow who ruined Rodney, but 'her cousin of the same name. She ‘scorns him when he con- fesses his IOVe and his inability to marry her. 'They meet‘later'in Lon- don, where she is going the pause that kills. Another man, Lawrence fSchoâ€" ï¬ield, Wants to marry her, in spite of her wild life. NOW GO ON ‘WITH THE STORY In the morning he rang her up. Bim Lennox answered: “Julie? Oh, ‘I’m sorryâ€"she’s. not up yet. V Who is'it?†. “Lawrence Sc‘hofield. She told me I might ring.‘" “0h . ‘. . we‘llâ€"if vou will wvnif. a REG PETCH WHAT HAS’GONE BEFORE Giles Chitten'ham swears to avenge the death of Ihisyoung halfâ€"brother Rodney, driven Zto suicide by the not- orious Julie Farrow who had spurned his love. He twill make Julie‘love him, then fluxow her aside as she threw Rodney. He meets her in Switzerland, goeswith her to the hoâ€" tel on the St. 'Bernard Pass, anid suc- ceeds in winning her love. To his‘ amazement, he‘discovers that he has. fallen overwhelmingly in love with“ her himself! ‘And he is married, to an American girl with whOm ‘he has nothing: in common. Miami-EM Have Your Tonsorial Require- ments attended to while waiting for your car. LLoydbrook 2161 175 OSSINGTOV AVE. THURSDAY, WOBER hit 1930 Right at The City Limits North Toronto. High quality work may be en- tirely forgotten by our custom- ers if pick-ups and deliveries be irregular, so we have de- veloped a sense of responsibil- ity in our drivers to see that this very important phase of our work be carefully carried out. We have five different kinds of family wash service, all moderately priced and all done separately im soft water without any marking or star- ching. Phone to-day, or stop any one of our courteous drivâ€" er-salesmen. 1 SIXTH lNST’ALLM ENT Iii Sb RANCE a boy as he turned télephone. Nearly he was a youngIman Ontavio Life don’t “Are there any such men?†she asked cynically. I “There is one here,†Schofield said. She turned her head slowly and looked at him in blank amazement. “I beg yonr nardon,†she said at last. Schofield’s honest eyes met hers un- falteringly. “I said there was one here,†he re- peated. “I suppose you are surpris- ed. I have not forgotten that we met last night for the first time, but di- “Why do you say that?†She flushed and looked away “Why? Oh, I don’t know. i fer independence, I supposef’ “But if you met some mar; who . . . who thought the world of youâ€"some man who would be kind and . . . and devoted." } She drummed her slim fingers on the table, conscious of Schofield’s eyes upon them. “Good Lord no!†Julie laughed. “No, thank you,†she said again loud- 1y. “Noâ€"my wife died xago.†“Of course you did,†she said hur-‘ riedly, and racked her brains to re- member what else he had told her. They lunched at Claridge’s. \ “It was perfect waste,†so Julie told Bim afterwards. “Sinful waste takâ€" ing me to such a place. I had no ap- petiteâ€"the sight of the food almost lunnerved me. However, I managed to make some sort of a show, but I’m afraid he was disappointed.†‘ But in spite of no appetite and a iheadache, Julie quite enjoyed herself. iThere was something about Schofield ‘which it was impossible not to like.‘ ;He was so anxious to please, so at-‘ tentive and kind. “Are you a married man?†Julie ‘asked impulsively, and he flushed and shook his head. “You . he asked last night except those little cameos of pain in whlch Giles Chittenham had featured. “I am only staying in an haste] at !the moment,†Schoï¬eld answered, and then added: “I think I told you last night.†‘ ‘ “It’s awful good of you to ask me,†IJulie said. She looked at 'him and was touched by the genuine pieaSuxe in his eyes. ed grumbleci. ' Bim turned round with a faint smile , “I don’t drink too muéh for one thing,†she said ’lightly. Schofield came for Julie 'in a big car “It’s awfully good of you ‘to come,†he said nervously. “The very devil.†Julie followed Bim to the floor with envious eyes. “How on earthdo you manage to look so fresh at this ungodly ‘lmur?’ she 'bad ‘2" Bim went away without answering and when she returned Julie yas still ‘sitting up in bed, her hands clasped round her knees, a little frown of pain between her eyes. « “What did you say?†“I said you ‘would be delighted to lunch with him, and he is calling for you at halfâ€"past one.†‘ Julie scaneH. v “I tolrd you to} sen'd‘him away.†I “You didn’t. You told me to say what I liked, so I said you would be‘ delighted. I like that man.â€- ‘ I “Go with 'him yourself then.†1 “I wvuld have done if he 'had askedl Giles found himself unable to keep his eyes off the “other Julie†when they met at dinner that night. “Ohâ€"wen, say What you likeâ€"any- thing.†Julie had forgotten everything about Julie Gay back on her pilhï¬vs. “Where’s t'he tea?†“Just: coming. Is your head very ‘Are you living in town?†she ask you are not married?†not long pre- “It would give me great happiness if I had the right to spoil you.†‘ She laughed rather sadly. i “It’s such early days. Soonâ€"perâ€" haps quite,soonâ€"you will know me better, and then‘ you will wonder why you ever thought me nice at all. I’ve got all sorts of Vices.†‘ “I don’t believe you.†They spoke of the others who had been at the Faun. ' “I tell you who I did like,†Scho- field said. “That tall fellowâ€"what. was his nameâ€"Chit’tenham?" Julie caught her breath. “Oh, yesâ€"I forgot that you met him.†“I liked him,†Schofield said again meditatively. “I Believe I’ve met him before somewhere, but I can’t quite remember. If I were a woman, he is the kind of man who would attract me.†“I think you deserve that it should†Julie said. You are the kind of man who would spoil a woman terribly,†Julie said. > fl “Where have you been hiding all these years?†she asked impulsively. ‘ ‘ He told} her quite_frank1y. l “I’ve lived in a country townâ€"I’ve just been a nobody, a junior partner in a highly respectable firm of solici- tors. My wife diedâ€"she was never very strong, and then a distant relat- ion died too and left me some money â€"quite a lot of moneyâ€"" “Lucky you!†Julie said. “Yes,†he answered. “I think I was very lucky,†and his eyes were on her face. “I hope my luck will continue to hold,†he added. Iv He was so simple and sincere. He iwas like a breath from her old peace- ‘ful life. Lately she had seen so lit- tle of simple honesty and sincerity. Sometimes she thought she had left all those things behind her on the snow-capped mountain tops. Y “,I am being kind to myseTf." 1 She looked away, winking the tears from her lashes. to me " “I don’t ‘want you to say anything now,†he was telling her. “If you Will just let me see you â€" often! and be your friend.†l She felt her eyes wet with sudden tears. I “Are you . . . just . . . joking?†she asked. ‘ “No-y! ‘ She looked at him for a long mo- ment in silence; she felt as if she saw ‘him now for the first time. He Was not young, as'he had told her, and he was not goodâ€"looking, but there was something in his faceâ€"a steadfastness and sincerity which was like balm poured into her aching heart. ‘ “I know you are the woman with Whom 'I could be perfectly happy.†w She laughed deris'ive‘ly. - L “Tth is a bold statement. If I werefto'tell you. . . .†He just touched her hand with his. “Nothing would make any differ- ence. “But you know nofh‘mg' about meâ€" moth'mg‘!†“He detests all women.†“Nonsense! a man like thatâ€"†Julie gasped. “You’re not . . me to marry you “Some day I want to ask you if you will.†Julie felt as if she Were dreaming. She hrdke out desperately: rectly I saw everything was chan’ ged for me. I have neverâ€"never felt for any woman What I felt for you last night. I daresay you think it presumption on my part to have said as much as I have done, but some day if there is no other 'man you care 101' “I don’t know Why you are so kind erE LIBERiALLRICflMOND HILL; ONTARIO 9n you’re not asking Only the night before Lombard had called in at the 'hotel Where he was Giles wondered as he hung up the receiver, what his mother would have said had he told her that his engage- ment was to meet the other Julie Far- row whom his brother had loved. The invitation had come about in quite a casual way. “I suppose not. though I understood Miss Farrow to say that she never in- tended to marry.†Doris laughed. It was the next day his mother telephoned him. He could not go with her. her." “So people say. He’s years too old for her, of course, but he seems abso- lutely devoted, and she says it’s only his money she wants, and as it’s what r “Oh, Julie! I think I’ve shown her at last that her room is preferable to ‘her company. She’s really too impos- ;sible. You know who she is running about with now?†“No.†' “Lawrence Schofield.†“I don’t know him.†“You do. You were introduced at the Faun one night. He’s a harm- less sort of man with heaps of money, but his wife has only been dead about a month, and it‘s a bit soon, don’t you think?†“Soon for what?†“To get married again.†There was a little silence, then Chit- tenham asked quietly: “Is he to marry Miss Farrow, then?†Once when he had mentioned name to Doris. she had frowned. Since ‘his introduction to Dcu‘is at ‘the Faun, Giles saw a good deal more of her than he wished to see. At first he had accepted her invitations in the hope that perhaps Julie might also be included, ’but he had always been dis- appointed. “I don'rt dislike hi'm," she said, “I’m just quite indifferent.†Julie shrugged her shouhiers. There was a. Titfle hard look in 'her pretty eyes. & “It sounds rather as if you dislike him.†Schofiéld ‘Iooked surprised at her vehemence. “Conceit, 1 should think!†Julie said flippantly. "He imagines that all wo- men are running after him.†Julie broke in excitedly: “I 12311 you he doesâ€"ask any 'one who knows him! he’s a woman baker.†“Then there must be a good reason for it.†all want, I suppose you can’t blame $154m> Philadelphia 7 or St. Louis 0 Less Tubes MADE IN CANADA Get Every Thrill of the World Series Through her V All Features SCREEN GRID, TONE CONTROL SUPER DYNAMIC SPEAKER FINEST DE LUXE CABINETS Phone 27 And the laziest guy in the world IS ‘the fellow who hires a caddy on mini- ature courses.â€"Judges. It was quite true. Giles found himâ€" self unable to keep his eyes off the “other Julie†when they met at dinner that night. " LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES \SHPHALT ROOFING, GYPROC. man “There’s one point I can’t get quite clear,†he said. “This Julie â€" the fa- mous oneâ€"isn’t she a married W0- SHEPPARD &_ GILL LUMBER C0. There Was a little silence which Chittenham broké. “Will you come along and have some dinner with me this evening? Quite a small party," he had said. “Ladies?†“Twoâ€"one of them Julie Farrowâ€" the real Julie this time,†he added rather maliciously. Giles frowned. “Did you tell her I was coming?" “I said I should ask you if I could find you." . “And she made -no objection?†“None. I thihk she was entertained at the thought of meeting you." staying “She was. There was a divorce.†€71, ELGIN MILLS, (Continued Next Week) Mohawk Rad: Harold Reid’s Service ohawk Radio Limited, Toronto Licensed by Canadian Radio Patents Ltd. Dealers in Richmond Hill ACCIDENTSâ€" AND YET MORE ACCIDENTS Supposing something happened to YOU. What provision have you made for weeks and perhaps months of medical attention with nothing coming in? Accident Insurance re- lieves financial and physical sufl’ering Iichmond Hill McClarey’s ELECTRIC RANGES Office in the Post Office Block TEL. 118 Richmond Hill PHONE lOZ-W Phone-â€"Willowdale 96W POYNTZ AVENUE LANSING, ONT. in Canada may now bring forward t b e i :- Families, Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. F01 full details applyâ€"A J. D. CAMERON 75 % BRITISH RE-UNION ASSOCIATION W. N. Mabbett ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Dish Sum. Colonization ' Paciï¬c Railway, Tog-mm FORKS and RAKES HOES, RAKES, SPADES DIGGING FORKS ' 3 F A R E S to CANADA ADVANCED A. G. SAVAGE C. N. COOPER AND RANGETTES PAGE SEVEN B R] TISHERS Hardware 70 of TOTAL .mtario