PAGE EIGHT Do You Ever Worry? IMPEEEW mm W mm to put your home in order for the winter months. F. Y. W. Brathwaite Phone 18 Sixes and Eights. Products of Chrysler PLYMOUTH and DeSOTO D. MOORE Auto Repairs Now Open For Business in Shop at what was formerly Baldock’s Garage. Elgin Mills â€"- Ontario lgent for Canadian National Railways, Express Money Orders and Telegraph To Any Part of the World Ofï¬ce opens-6.30 a. m. to 10.10 rp. In. Post Ofï¬ce Open Until 10 p. m. daily RICHMOND HILL HEAD OFFICE Start N 0w House cleaning needs of all kinds Stove Pipes, Elbows, Dampers. Etc. Repairs for your Stoves. MOORE & REESOR New lamps for those empty light sockets. Roofing necessities of all kinds. REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS BATTERY C H ARGI NG. ETC. 3 E. M. REESOR YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL ID HILL . - .I. A. GROSKURTH, Manager Branches at Nowmarkel. Aurora. Schornberg. Bolton Yonge St., Richmond Hill. We solicit your patronage GENERAL MERCHANT Don’t let the safety of your Securities and Papers of value worry you. Just gather them together in a Safety Box in our vault. We are glad to relieve you of this worry with less cost to you than the price of a daily paper. Iapifal and Reserve $15,000,000 WELDING Telephone 220 . ESPEY Richmond Hill TORONTO 393 Ontario The Harvest Festival is being held at Newtonbrook United Church next Sunday, October 5th. The morning service at 11 o’clock will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. A. H. Halbert and the service at 7 p. m. will be in char- lge of Rev. G. E. Coulter, of Richmond Hill. At both services the choir will render special-Harvest Home music and the church will be suitably decor- ated. Everybody welcome. Harvest Home Supper and Concert The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Uni- ted Church are having a Harvest Home hot supper and grand concert following on Thdrsday. October 9th. Supper will be served from 5.30 to 8 o’clock. The following artists will contrib’te to the programzâ€"Soprano, ‘Miss Jean McLean; Contralto, Mrs. Florence Bruce Reaney; Baritone, Mr. :Wm. Ferguson; Elocutionist, Miss Emma McLan; Violinist, Mr. Carson, L‘Jlll nu Lil-.“uA-y V.,_,_,,, , W. Martin; also the St. AgnesChuI-ch Quartette. Admission to both supper and entertainment, Adults 50c. and Children 25c. hCome early and proâ€" cure a good seals. ‘ 111 , _,,1 A ____:1: LHLC u 6 u v u e . v _ ~ . A meeting of the Woman’s Auxili- ary will be held Thursday, Oct. 2nd at 3 p. m. A full attendance is requested. __‘ v - v - y ‘ at A 11 1v..1 “.1 uuuuuuu Mrs. W. L. Wells, Mrs. A. H. Hal- bert and Mrs. Arnold Douglas attendâ€" ed the Presbyterial W.M.S. meeting at Richmond Hill. The Y.P.S. have arranged to hold a weiner roast next Monday evening. All new members will be very wel- come. The program committee will see that all will haye 2} happy time. The monthly meeting of the Sabâ€" bath school teachers and ofï¬cers of the United Church Sunday School will be held at the home of the Superinten- dent, Mr. J. R. Smith. 51 Drewry Ave. on Thursday evening. October 2nd at 8 o’clock. All interested in Sunday school work are invited to at- tend. ’ Successful Rally Day Services 1 Very successful Rally Day Services‘ were held last Sunday morning. A processional hymn was sung, as the Sunday School children filed in and occupied the centre seats, but these were soon filled and some of the side front seats were also used while the remaining side seats were occupied by the congregation. The superintendâ€" ent,\ Mr. J. R. Smith assisted the past- or with the Worship service in a very capable way. Two boy scouts Hicks Smith and Maurice Brett took up the offering. Miss Mary Shaw gave the picture «talk! Rev. A. H. Halbert gave the main address. He stressed the importance of “Reverenee†in the worship service. Mention was made of the great loss sustained in the death of the late Rev. Dr. Robertson for twenty-five years c leader in Sun- day School and Youngy People’s work. A moment of silence was paid in 10v- ing' tribute. The chrir sang a suit- able anthem. Much credit is due the teachers and sunerintendent; also Mr. Hill ahd Miss Good who rehearsed the Sunday School, thus making Rally Dav a real success. 'Rhere Wili be a m'ï¬motion service held dm‘ino: the Sunday School hour next Sunday. A very interesting exercise will be given by the tiny toi‘s under the supervision of Mrs. J. R. 1ï¬lgarxith, cradle roll sunerintendent and 1's. A. W. Galbraith. Heln swell the attendance at Sun- day School by ynur WTFSQI‘CQ. Parâ€" ents are cnrdially invited to come with the children. The bible class will welcome you. 10 o’clock is the Sunday School hour. MrIG. R. Goulding and Mr. Harry Smith returned last Saturday from a motor trip to Haileybury. The Polly Anna Club will meet at fhe home of Miss Eva Lockyer on 'I‘uesdav, October 7th at 8 p. m. A china shower will be held that evening for fhe bazaar. which will take place on November 4th. A song service was enjoyed last Sunday evening nrevious tn the wor- ship service. Would you hand your favourite hymn to the organist Mr. Harrv Hill. The next song service will beflSunday gvening‘. October 1A2th. favourlto hymn to the organlst Mr. - b Ran Han-v Hill. The next song service‘ sunday’ OCtOber 5th’ WI“ e y will be Sunday cveninzr. October 12th. Day in the Sunday SChOOl- The Dup- OY! Surldayv September ?15t, there dls will meet at 2.30 and all the par- Was ,3 Short (Prga'l‘ Tecléitalgï¬il‘ore {.129 ents and friends are invited to come PVPnlnE serv1ce )v r. 1 . e , - following comnositions were given:â€"â€" at 3 ° CIOCk for a Splendld programme March Militant (Dawre); Charalo, 6thlto be given by the children. Mrs. organ Sonata( Mendelsohn); The Resâ€"{Farrants and the Pastor Will address 23%;; St' Framers DArlse'1;his joint service of church and Sun- Mics Doris Gouldinq left last Tues-flay school~ . Miss Doris Gouldinq left last Tues-7 day for Ninette, Manitoba, where she, has secured a position as dietitian in the Manitoba Sanitarium. We are very sorry to lose her from our midst. But we wish her every success in her, work. ‘ Thp Mission Band met last Mondav! at 4.15 D. m. at the church with a very wood attendance. but room for more. The next meeting will be held on Monday. October 13th and will be a‘ work meeting. Harvest Home Services Held at Zion United Church Harvest Home Services were held at Zion United Church last Sundav, Sentember 28th, with a good attend- ance, several former members being- nreSent from a distance. Special music was given bv the Pike familv and was very much enjoyed at both services. The pastor. Rev. A. H. Hal- hert conducted the afternoon service. His theme was “Our resnonsibility in the building of the Christian Church." Before the sermon Mr. Halbert sang a solo “Building for Eternity.†The evening service was taken by Rev. W. 17.. Hassard (assistant pastor of E)!- linton Ave. United Church, Torontol His subject was “The Love of Christ.†Newtonbrook THE LIBERAL, RICHMQND HILL, ONTARIO The service was concluded by the hymn “0 Love that will not let me go,†by Dr. W. E. Matheson. On Monday evening there was an enter- tainment and a Very splendid program giyem _ _ . 11' -r~r (V,,Alj.‘. F. Summers and Mrs. H. Smith were delegates to the W.A. Rally held in Yonge Street United Church last Tuesda§ afternoon Young People’s Society will Hold First Meeting Monday Evening The opening meeting of the United Church Young People’s Society will hold their opening meeting on Monday I evening at eight o’clock. Rev. Dr.l Sparling will speak on the subject;’ “‘God’s plans a_nd pgrposes_ {9r ’go-day. L u Fun... _.__ This subject should especially interest young people and there will no doubt be valuable points explained for the older ones. Everyone welcome. Mus- ical selection are also being arranged for. . NEAL A meeting of the Suburban Yonge Ladies Softball league was held at the home of Ede Luesby last Friday evenâ€" ing to make arrangements for play- offs. but as no definite decisions were made a meeting is called for Tuesday, October 7th at 7.30, The executive from each club is requested to be pre- sent. p v“... ‘ Social and Personals ~Mrs. McCauley, of Toronto, visited goth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. NeSS on Sun- ay. Messrs Fred and Edgar Simpson have returned home to Timmins after ‘spendimz‘ their holidays with their ‘mother Mrs. F. Simnson. “u'fhe regula; meeting of the Women’s Missionary Societv will be held on Tuesday. Octoherj 7§h~in the élz‘ï¬â€˜dai? 52136617? the United Church, at 3 o’clock. The ladies of the con- gregation aye ipvith tqat‘ggn'q. “ Sunday. October 5th, the Rally Day service of the United Church Sunday School will be held at 3 p. m. Special music is being provided and Mr. Mc- Donrld, of A†‘ncourt, will be the smaller. Kifh‘dly keep the date in mind and com?) to this service. . The regular monthly meeting of the- Wowen’s Association- of the United Church will he held at the home of Mrs. J. Wells on Wednesday, October 8th at 3.30 p. m. The hostesses in char're are Mrs. J. Wells. Mrs. B. Hysâ€" lon. Mrs. C. Monroe and Mrs. W. Ness. The ladies of the congregation are cordially invited. The choir of the‘United Church have been invited to Elia to attend their Thankse‘ivimr. service on Sunday even- ing. Mr. Howard will preside at the .oreran here. ï¬fi‘ésuï¬grence Far; left last week for Haileybury. where she has takenla position _as‘ nurse.“ / Mrs. Jackson of London is visiting fhis week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davis. . - Mr. Aï¬iC. McDonald Resigns Mr. A. Mennnald, Principal of the Public School hos resigned from his position here to tench in Toronto. It is considered a great loss to the school and community to losn Mr. McDonald. but he is to be congrat- ulated on his promotion. He is mov- ing' to Toronto this week and will be m'eatlv missed here. Mr. Hunter. of Toronto, has been appointed Principal of ’rhe school. a~ï¬d Mrs. Alan L. Francis visitâ€" nd rm Saturday with Mr‘. and Mrs. J. E. Francis. Mdrley Hamilton are leaving; here this Week to take up residence in Willowdale. A bride-0 and enchre under the ausp- icm of ThnrnhiH Women’s Institute will be held on Tuesday evening. Oc- tober 2151:. Further announcement win he rriven at a later date. Th:l Trinity Church W.A. will hold a quilting: at the home of Mrs. Willi- am Robinsnn on Thursday. October 9, at 2 o’clock. The work for the baz- aar on November 20th is started and all members are asked to be “resent. Rev. J. J. Sparling, D. D. 11 a. m.â€"â€"Communion. 2.30_ p. m.â€"-Sundav School and Young; Men’s Bible Class. Rallv Day Service. 7 p. m.â€"The Pastor. Strangers Welcome. Will all who have donations of cloth- ing, etc, for the Rummage Sale on the 11th. Please leave articles at 11 Centre Street, West, Richmond Hill or telephone 1-r-15. Large congregations gathered 101‘ the Harvest Home services of Zion Lutheran Church last Sunday. A great variety of fruit, flowers and vegetables were artistically placed in the front of the church. The choir sang most acceptably. I The pastor had charge of both services. Are you the man who lecures on peace at any price?†“I lecture on peace, but my price is ten guineas a lecture." â€" Legion Weekly. 'Tï¬O'RNHILL UNITED CHURCH To Arrange Ladies Softball WE GIVE LEGAL STAMPS Thornhill Sherwood Richvale Play-offs iReal’VaEues at Law Prices PHONE 174-W Phone 116m Philco and VICTOR w: m which 1.; amafgamared [I‘m-IE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA S’PARTON RADIO MASTER QTQ N E 2:35 TONS, there is distance that deï¬es comparison, in addition to the {on - famous Sparton Voice. Only in Sparton can you find the two in such lorious combination. me in. Get a new con- ception of radio delight. HE Spartan TONE has been a tradition ofradio for years. In the new JUBILEE SPAR- DISTANQE BEYOND BELIEF » THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE USED CARS $450.00 $350.00 $140.00 $275.00 $250.00 $225.00 $75.00 Little Brothers $75.00 $40.00 Official 0. M. L. Statigg THURSDAY. OCTOBER GARFIELD YEREX . Ford Sales and Service "Radio’s Richest Voice†Canadian Bank of Commerce Safety Deposit Vaults IF YOU desire to place any of your valuable papers. jewellery, or other precious belongings in one of Our Safety Deposit Boxes, you will find our staff ready to render prOmpt and courteous service at all times during banking hours. The cost to you is only nominal and we are glad to be of any possible assistance when you wish access to your box. Richmond Hill, Ontario 1928 CHEVROLET COUPEâ€" NICE CONDITION 1929 FORD TUDOR 1927 ESSEX COACH 1925 DODGE COACH 1926 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1926 FORD TUDOR‘ 1925 CHEVROLET TOURING 1926 FORD TUDORS 1922 FORD COUPE Oven-hauled Two to Choose From 30-Day Guarantee RICHMOND HILL, a V The New JUBILu .- SPARTON Model 750 , COMPLETE WITH TUBES Radios 2nd‘ 1930 35198.00 RICHMOND HILL 0 (478-3