Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Oct 1930, p. 4

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her late residence, ISLaHu uumlue Luuaucu Juana auu pun” Mill Road, Richmond Hill, on Wed- "1 Steam to cure the bright leaf ne§day, OCtOber .Bth, Elizabeth Many have been seen at work during Tumble, beloved w1fe of James Va111~ the past month doing just this thing ere, in her 74th year. . . . Funeral from above address on Fri; and provmg concluswely that there 1: day, October _10th, at 2.30. Intermentalways some way to use even the most Rmhm‘md H111 cemetery“ apparently outworn agricultural im- plement. HOWELL â€"â€" At Garden Avenue, Langstaff, ,Wednesday, October 8th, Jessie Howell, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Howell, in her 33131 year: Funeral from Wright & Taylor’s Funeral Parlors,, Richmond Hill, on Saturday, October 11th, at 3 o’clock. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. " British American Service Station PAGE FOUR I Make Your Auto Spic and Spam Service for the Motorist W. D. MERCER North Yonge St. Ric British American Station now complete with newest and most modern equipment procurable Phone 116m New Enclosed Greasing Racks Pressure Greasing Service 2%; RADiO Complete lubrication by newest and most effective methods. Garfieid Yerex New Automatic Free Air Stands in Spacious ;Yard. As truthful in reproduCtion as the famous finger print, Bosch Radio brings to you every quality of sound that makes for rhythm and harmony. True to every tone that is sounded before the microphone, Bosch fidelity reaches a new degree of accuracy. The tonal qualities of the Bosch are best illustrated in nctual test . . . See and hear the new Bosch Radio at LET US CLEAN IT FOR YOU REFRESHMENT STAND Gas, Oil, Accessories. Auto wash $1.00 ingef-Print Fidelity DIED Richmond Hill Those Old Engines Did you ever wonder What becomes of all the old steam traction engines when they die? If they’re good, they go to Norfolk County and there they stand outside tobacco kilns and pump in steam to cure the bright leaf. Many have been seen at work during the past month doing just this thing and proving conclusively that there is RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 a. m.â€"Ra11y Day, Children servâ€" ice. Preacher, Dr. Kannawin. 7 p. m.â€"Evening Service. Richmond Hill Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hutchinson left on Tuesday for a motor trip to Petrolia and Detroit, where they will visit the lattér’s sister. The Kleinburg‘ Women’s Institute visited Vellore Branch on Tuesday. October 7th. in the Township Hall and provided the programme consist- ing of choruses by ladies of their branch. papers by Miss Hambly. Mrs. F. Hollingshead, Miss Olive Devins, Mrs. H. Wardlaw and Mrs. Stewart, Readings by Miss McVicar, guitar selections by Mrs. Jason Shaw, solo Miss Gertrude Hillard, and piano se- lection by Miss Herb. Farr. All numbers were well and much apprec- iated. A contest on “What our Grandmothers didn’t have” proved a good mixer. The visiting ladies dis- played a wonderful collection of need- lework. The Vellore ladies served a dainty luncheon. M‘irss Laurence Rutherford attended Streetsville Fair on Wednesday last. The Junior Farm Girls of the Home Garden and Canning club are showing their canned products at Woodbridge fair on Saturday, October 11th. and liberal prizes are given. The prizes are awarded on bases of, garden score 80 per cent. and the canned vegetables 20 per cent. First and second prizes are two weeks short course at Mc- Donald Hall, Guelph, third prize Eckhardt silverware prize, fourth prize silverware donated by Wood- bridge Horticultural Society; fifth prize $5.00 in cash or books, sixth prize $3. in cash or books and seventh prize $2.00 cash or books. Mi5s Dunâ€" can of the Institute Branch will be the judge on the canned exhibits and Mr. Graeme Kirstine, Representative of Halton County, formerly assistant representative of York County judged the gardens. The Choral Class held a social eve» ning in the Township Hall, Vellorr last Tuesday night. After tw0 hour,c training, the class indulged in games and stunts under the supervision of Mr. Fletcher, Mrs. Cook and Miss Graham, Vaughan School nurse, tied ,for first place in the ladies stunts while Mr. J. B. McLe 1 was choser first in the men’s class A prograir followed, consisting of duets by Rutherford Brothers. solo by Mrs. A Robinson, Maple, reading by Miss Grace Stone, King and solos by Mrs W. E. Hutchinson Which were all much enjoyed. The altos and tenors provided and served lunch to abOut one hundred and twenty-five people. members and friends of the choral class. The Women’s Missionary Society of St. Paul’s, Vaughan, are invfited to hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. S. R. Robinson. Markham on Tuesday. October 14th. The late Rev. S. R. Robinson was former past- or of St. Paul’s. ' On Sunday evening, October 12th. the Women’s Missionary Society are holding their annual evening service in St. Paul’s Church, Vaughan. Rev. Robertson of Bolton, is to take charge of the service and as Rev. Robertson laboured in Western Can- ada, until a year ago he will have a very interesting and instructive mess- age. The choir is providing special music. Mrs. A. L. McNeil, Mrs. J. A. McNeil attended a shower given by Mrs. Quin of Toronto, in honour of Miss Agnes Nattress brideâ€"to-be. I Services Helcl At St. Mary’s Church The Right Reverend O. I. Stringer, D.D., BishOp of the Yukon, preached an excellent sermon at the Harvest Festival Service held last Thursday at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill. The church was lovely with its harvest decorations of fruit, grain and fIOWers. The Thanksglving hymns, together with the visiting clergy of other de- nOminations, as well as church of England, added to the service as one of general Thanksgiving. The Richmond Hill clergy Were Rev. D. Marshall, of the Presbyterian Church; Rev. G. E. Coulter, of the United Church; Rev. N. Wellwood, of the United Church and Rev. Young, r former missionary to the Yukon; also Captain Lynch and Lieutenant Cooke of the Salvation Army were present. The Anglican clergy wereâ€"the Rt. Reverend O. I. Stringer, D.D., Bishop of the Yukon; Rural Dean Noble, of Thornhill; Rev. Soans, City Chap- lain, Toronto, formerly of Oak Ridges Rev. McCallum, of York Mills; Rev. A number of the district Markham Fair on Saturday all ireportra_ good fair._ Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Rutherford tended Bolton Fair on Saturday and report a larger exhibit in classes and a greater crowd than some years. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Farm Stock, Household Furniture Real Estate, Etc. Lifetime Experience Reasonable Terms Phone 53 Thornhill, Ont. S. OLIVER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Vellore att‘pnded last and at- last all for ft: The Right Reverend 0. I. Stringer, ier D.D., Bishop of the Yukon, preached an: an excellent sermon at the Harvest A Festival Service held last Thursday iSF at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Rich- “ mond Hill. The church was lovely ll . - . . is with Its harvest decoratlons of fruit, )ut grain and fIOWers. ' That Part II of said list contains the names of those entitled to vote at Municjpal Elgctions only. 7 And that Part III of the said list contains the names. of those entitled to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only. A‘nd I hereby call upon all voters to take immadiate proceedings to have any errors or ommissions corrected according to law. Dated at Maple, Sepbember 29. 1930. Jul}. McLEAN, That Part I of the said list contains the names of those persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assemb- IyLM Later at Herschel Island, a small school was established where the Eskiâ€" mos were taught to read and write. Toâ€"day, they have books in their own language and some can read and WTite in English as well as in their own language. Notice is hereby‘given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers’ List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Maple, on the 29th day of September 1930, the List of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parlia- ment and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for in- spection1 Richmond Hill County of York Clerk’s notice of First Posting of Voters’ List. Adlerika relieves the stomach gas in TEN minutes! Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing old poiâ€" sonous waste you never knew was there. Don’t fool with medicine which cleans only PART of bowels, but let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and get rid of all gas! ' G._HL_§LENN, Druggisg “Overcome by stomach gas in the dead of night, I scared my husband badly. He got Adlen'ka and it ended the gas."â€"â€"M}‘s. M. Owen. Regarding this time of Thanks- giving, the Bishop said, “We must cultivate the spirit of appreciation and thankfulness. This is the time to think of the blessings that we en- joy. So we should give thanks to God, the giver of all good things. So often we take things for granted and so often We do not acknowledge the benefits we receive. This season of harvest and Harvest-Thanksgiving comes around once more and we find we have many reasons for gratitude. Thirty-eight years ago the Bisnop was called to begin work among the Eskimos of the Yukon. Conditions then were bad; the Hudson Bay tradâ€" ers said it would be of no use to go among the Eskimos for they were a- low, degraded race with no morals. The work was very discouraging for r‘nany years. The evil influence of the Whalers upon the Eskimos made the work very slow and hard, but at the end of 17 years, nine were ready for baptism. WIFE, GAS, SCARE MAN IN DEAD 01" NIGHT Voters’ List 1930 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN The Bishop’s sermon was taken from Ephesians 5:20. “Giving thanks a1- lways for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” In conclusion, the Bishop gave a brief but very interesting account of his work in the Yukon. In his address of welcome to the congregation and in introducing his Lordship the Bishop of Yukon, Rev. L. C. Secrett spoke very fittingly, “We are fortunate indeed to have with us to-night one of the great heroes of the church, the Right Reverend O. .I. Stringer, Bishop of Yukon, who has spent thirty-eight years in the Yukon district.” The Anglican clergy wereâ€"the Rt. Reverend O. I. Stringer, D.D., Bishop of the Yukon; Rural Dean Noble, of Thornhill; Rev. Scans, City Chap- lain, Toronto, formerly of Oak Ridges Rev. McCallum, of York Mills; Rev. R. S. Mason, of Richmond Hill and the (Rector, Rev. L.C. ~Secrett. iHarvest Festival 7 Services Held At St. Mary’s Churchi The Richmond Hill clergy Were Rev. D. Marshall, of the Presbyterian Church; Rev. G. E. Coulter, of the United Church; Rev. N. Wellwood, of the United Church and Rev. Young, former missionary to the Yukon; also Captain Lynch and Lieutenant Cooke of the Salvation Army were present. Clerk of Vaughan Township Ontario i _New Interest in Sheep Raising Marked success is attending the Department’s effort to stimulate a greater interest in sheep-raising by the establishment of Sheep Clubs throughout the province. A member- ship of ten is required before appli- cation can be made to start a Sheep Club. The members must be under ‘thirty years of age and reside on farms where sheep are not now kept ‘and where the accommodation for successfully raising sheep is satisfac- tory. Each member will be supplied with five eWe lambs by the Depart- ment and with a purebred ram for a period of two years. The first year one lamb must be returned to the Onâ€" tario Livestock Branch and during each of the next succeeding three years two lambs until a total of seven lambs have been returned. Each member must care for his flock in ac- cordance with regulations laid down by the Livestock Branch and must dipl his flock for external parasites at least once a year. A considerable number of clubs are already in oper- ation and other applications are being received from time to time. (Anglican) Richmond Hill 17th Sunday after Trinity, Oct. 12th; 8 a. m.â€"Holy Communion. 11 a. m.â€"Moming Prayer 3 p. m.â€"Sunday School. TEAM of WORK HORSES. with har- GOOD JERSEY COW, fresh; also Hampshire rams and ewes. R. Stonehouse, Lot 8, Con. 5, Mark- ham. a RANGES and HEATERS. call and see our new line of ranges and heat- ers before buying. It will pay you. Our prices are right. We have the new all enamel ranges. J. A. Rose, Hardware, Maple, Ont. TEA, COFFEE and PRODUCE, direct to consuming public by W. M. Stew- art, 2 Benson Avenue, Langstaff. Quality and prices are sure to plea- se. Mr. Stewart is now on his rounds, and he respectfully solicits a trial. HOLSTEIN COW, 6 years old, milk- ing. due Anril 22. will sell cheap. Apply S. Belgrade, Rumble Ave., Richmond Hill. McLAUGI-ILINHTVOURING CAR. good ON_E Rumor; COO_IV{VSTOVE, Vlarge SIXTY LINCOLN S EEP and RAM. Apply Mr. Moore, oselawn Farms, Stop 23 Yonge Street. DURANT SPORT TOURING CAR. Apply Reg. Rands, Mill Street, Richmond Hill, this car must be sold before Satuzdav, terms if desired HORSE, weighing around 1700 lbs. or will exchange for pigs or poultry; also 18 ducks, full grown, will ex- change for chickens. Apply Wm. Wells, Stop 23 Yonge Street, 2 mil- es east. FARM of 100 acres in Markham Township, good building's. For particulars apply Box 50 Liberal Oflice, Richmond Hill. 100 ACRE FARM on Provincial High- way close to Village, one bank barn, one frame barn, good six roomed stucco house, power by gate, 5 acres of good bush, 3 acres good orchard. Price $5500.00 for quick sale to close estate. Will exchange for small acreage. G. Yerex, 116-M, Richmond Hill, Ontario. PURE-BRED HOLSTEIN COW, due FIFTY BUSHEL of Swede turnips or Will exchange for wheat. George Taylor, No. ’74 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. WINCHESTER RIFLE 38 x 55, good as new, 325.00. E. H. Sharpless, Stop 24 Yonge Street. 1 GANDE 100 ACRE FARM east half lot 28, con 3, Vaughan, bank barn, driving shed pig pen, frame house, land all work- able, good young orchard, good pone year round. Apply Wm. Clement, Mill Street, Richmond Hz: . 50 FOOT LOT on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, close to Yonge St., will sell cheap for cash. Apply W. G. Miller, 107 Roselawn Ave., Tor- onto, phone Hudson 2825-J. ’ CEDAR POLES Suitable for phone or light. T. Philpott, Richmond Hill P. O. Box 6. Phone 137 r-1-4. NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE FARMER hill ness, cheap, weight about 1350 Tbs gaggh. Apply Louis Hicks, Thorn- to freshen about October 15th, young and in good condition, a bar- gain if sold at once. W. Richard- son, Newtonbrook, 2 miles east. size, in good condition. Ap'ply VF E. Sims. Grocer, Yonge St., Rich. mond Hill. running condition. A‘pply Havrold Reid’s Service, Elgin Mills, Ont. GANDER, 2 GEESE. Mrs. Nisbet Thornhill, Ontario. 7 p. .â€"Evening Prayer. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first ix sertion and 15 cents â€"for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Classified Advs . ST. MARY’S CHURCH FOR SALE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1930 ‘ Saturday, October ISâ€"Credit sale of ‘farm stock, implements, householti effects, hay, grain, etc., the property of ROBT. J. THOMSON, lot 35, con. 5, “Markham, commencing at 1 o’clock. \Terms, grain, hay, etc., and all sums ’of $20. and under cash, over that a- mount 10 months credit on approved ijoint notes. 4 per cent. straight dis- }count for cash. Tractor half cashfi iPrentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. CARTAGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hill and Intermediate Points Every Day PHONE CITY, HUDSON 8527 \ RICHMOND HILL 30-1 GRAIN, we will pay market prices for all kinds of I grain. Apply Mr. Moore, E. T. Stephen’s Farms, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 1-r-3.- § Saturday, October nthâ€"Auction isale of farm stock, implements, etc., the property of P. Cooney, lot ’71, Yonge Street, near DeLaSalle College No Reserve. Sale at 1 o’clock. F. M. Smith, Auctioneer. RADIOâ€"I have sales agency for a number of the leading and most popular radio firms and solicit the patronage of the people of this dis- trict. Demonstration gladly ar- ranged at any time. See us before you buy. W. G. Baldock, Church Street, Richmond Hill, Telephone 90 WANTEDâ€"Young geese, fowl, young cockerels, top market price paid. A. G. Robinson, Rumble Ave., Box 174, Phone 190. Phone 16-r-23 Teacher of Violin at the Toronto Conservatory of Music A limitel number of pupils will be I accepted in Richmond Hill Mondays at 17 Centre St., Phone 113 TWO HOUSES half mile north of Victoria Square, good gardens and orchards. Apply Box 45, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill, Ont. WORK by man and team, by day or hour, plowing done, reasonable rat- es. J. Jarvis, 58 Richmond Street West, Richmond Hill. F RM WAN FED to rent, 100 to 125 a res with option to buy. State par~ ticulars tc Box 48, Liberal Office. DRESSMAKINGâ€"Ladies dresses and coats made to order; also children's clothing. Mrs. Morris, Rosevflew Avenue, Richmond Hill. ’5 ROOMED COTTAGE, electric, good barn, about 1-4 acre of land, Ap- ply Harold Reid’s Service, Elg'ln Mills, Ont. HOUSE TO RENT 6 Rooms, electric good garden. Apply 2 Elizabeth St. or L. B. Finch, 586 Ossing'ton Ave., Toronto, phone Lombard 3122!. GIRL for general housework. Apply box 26, Liberal Oflice. WANTED to rent five or six room house with acreage, must; have lar- ge chicken coop, rent reasonable. Apply box 53, Liberal Office. SMALL FRAME HOUSE on Rich- Teacher of Pianoforte mond Street, electric light, good well, $12.00 a month. Immediate possession. J. R. Herrington, Real Estate, phone 87, Richmond Hill. Jones Coal Co. VIOLIN LESSONS MISCELLANEOUS COAL COKE or WOOD SALE REGISTER NORAH TEW D. RUMNEY Theory Emd Harmony Studio at Langstaff WILLIAM BUCK TO RENT WANTED Phone 188 for Thornhill, Ont.

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