Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Oct 1930, p. 4

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Phone 16-r-23 PHONE THE JONES COAL CO., 188 FOR COAL OR WOOD. The Edgeley Women’s Institute vis- ited the Kleinburg Women’s Institute on Thursday, October 9th, and providâ€" ed the programme. Twenty-two memâ€" bers were present and a social hour enjoyed by all at the close of the meeting. Our Coal is sereened before delivery Phone 10. ANNUAL FOWL SUPPER WILL BE HELD ON OCTOBER 25th Anniversary services will be obserâ€" ved at Edgeley United Church on Sunday, October 19th, with special services afternoon and evening. In the afternoon the minister will have charge of the services and in the evenâ€" ing‘ Rev. Charles B. Jeffrey, of Fair- bank will be the special speaker. In the evening there will be music by the Emery United Church choir. On FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24th the annual FOWL SUPPER and entertainment will be held. Supper served from 5 to 8 o’clock and after the supper there will be a concert given by the Howard Park Church Orchestra. AdmiSSion adults 60 cents; children 30 cents. Teacher of Pianoforte and others will address the meeting‘ All Liberals are welcome, Ladies especially invited to attend A. D. BRUCE, ' W. C. GOHN, Tuesday, October 21, 1930 PAGE FOUR at 8 o’clock p. m. For the Purpose of Re-organization and the Transaction of General Business. A Meeting of the Markham Township Reform Association Will be held in the Wanted for Maple United Cemetery 1. Six hard miple trees With trunks not less than 'two (.2) inches in diameter, must be well shaped and healthy. 2. Ten lord; of go 0d loam suitable for flowers or shrubzry beds. 3. Six lmds 0f barn yard fertilizer. Yo i: own; to be submiued in writing, to inâ€"' clude delivery. MEETING NORAH TEW Markham Township Reform Association Theory and Harmony Studio at Langstaff Phone 1 16m Chairman Garfield Yerex Fdelity Edgeley Bosch Radio is a single control re- ceiver. Directly above the control is an illuminated tuning scale graduated in both kiloeycles and arbitrary num- bers. Across this scale is cast a line of light to show the exact setting for the station desired and to simplify tuning. 9 Tubes -â€" 5 Screen Grid USED RADIOS TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT EASY TERMS $229. and up AMAZING SIMPLICITY OF OPERATION TOWNSHIP HALL, UNIONVILLE Thornhill, Ont. W. P. MULOCK Maple United Cemetery Board Richmond Hill AII Veterans are eligible to attend and should communicate at once with the President or Secretary of the Vet- erans Association in their municipal- ity in order to secure tickets. A large gathering is expected and this one gala night of the year for the North York Veterans is expected ‘to be a bigger night than ever before. I The Veterans of the Federal Riding {of North York are holding their third ‘annual banquet at the Briar’s Golf :fand Country Club, Jackson’s Point, (Ontario, on October 17th, at 8 p. m. be shown to the Treasurer of the As- sociation, Captain W. H. Wallace, through whOSe unilagging efforts and with the assistance of other comrades, over a period of four years, hundreds; of veterans and their families in Nor-g th York who have felt the pinch of! want and distress circumstances have i received assistance. ‘ At the Banquet special honour will ‘ ’ WAR VETERANS’ BANQUET Secretary ' Trustee Edenu’l‘his used to be 9. mice room. It was a suitable place |for the Board meetings. There was some dignity about it then, but look at it now, he said, pointing to the table decorated profusely with official pap- ers_ and equipmpntpf the_ police court. Chairman Duncan cautioned the members not to be too hasty in any action which might work against the ,best interests of the town. “I know lcertain things which it is impossible Trustee Edenâ€"I did not like the way things have been going. On one oc- casion we had to retire to a back room while a case was dealt with, and then last meeting we had to go to an up- stairs room. Trustee Cookâ€"And sit around a pagk-ing box. Chairman Duncanâ€"What do you mean betterr judgment? Trustee Cboklâ€"I mean that there was no need for the court to interfere with School Board meeting the way it did. Trustee Cookâ€"One night we were unable to hold our meeting at all on account of court, There was no need to hold court at night especially if there was a board meeting. You don’t catch Magistrate Keith holding court at night. Chairman Duncanâ€"You get in trau- ble in Orillia, Barrie or a Score of other places you’ll find the magistrates thge quite obliging. Trustee Endean said his only reason for giving the town ‘use of the r00m was to save expense. We’re all rate- payers and if we charge the town rental its just taking money from one pqqket and pu_tting it in another. In making the motion trustee Cook stated that it was not his wish to make any more expense for the town, but if court was resumed here the council should approach the School Board and make a proper agreement. “As far as I am concerned" said trus- tee Cook, “I tried to have it straight- ened out long ago. If the town wants to use this room for a court room they should take over the building. If they can’t see their way clear to do that we could still come to an agreeâ€" ment, but it must be on a business basis, and conducted with better judgâ€" ment." Chairman ‘Dun‘vcanâ€"No, but the off- ice is used for court business practlc- ally every day. Trusteé Sahdersoanave We got a police _magis§rate ? ‘ Chairmajn Duncanâ€"You’d better ask the Attorney General. Trustee Sindersonâ€"I think the only way to get on a right basis is to pass the motion. Truétee Sandéranâ€"Is court held here now anyway? At the regular meeting, on Monday {last a motion by trustee Bert Cook! seconded by trustee C. H. Sanderson; and carried on a vote by seven to two ‘ rescinded the former motion. Offici- ally now the situation is as it was for the first two years of the police court here, in that there is nothing on the 1 books giving permission for the use‘ of the school as a court rooxn or magâ€" istrate’s office. Old High Scool No Longer Granted for Police Court Use School Attendance Officer Will Confine Duties To This Sectionâ€"No Raise ln Pay Just Now. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIQ An amendment to the motion by trustees J.E. Atkinson and J. A. Mon- kman that any action on removifig equipment, etc., be left over until the regular meeting in November, when there would be less uncertainty conâ€" cerning the court and the Board would know better how to act, was carried on a division of seven to two. Truant Officer Busy Chairman Duncan drew attention of the board to the increased activity of the department in regard the Adoles- cent School Act and pointed out that as a result the position of School At- tendance Officer was one of rapidly increasing duties. He said that in the future the official who is Chief S. A. Barraclough would have to have more remuneration for his work. Mr. Dunâ€" can said it was not unusual now for the officer to receive requests from the Toronto Board of Education to investi- gate children living in various parts of Vaughan and Markham Township as Well as Richmond Hill. In such cas- es he was duty bound to make investi- gation and_report. Chairmgan Duncan explained that the Toronto Board did not know in What section they lived and sent the card to Richmond Hill. Chairman Duncan again warned the members to go easy as he suggested that there Were some things which the Board could do and some things which the Board could not do. He mention- ed that there might be some difficulty with government papers and records now stored there. ' Trustee Tyfidallâ€"Not outside of our school section? Trustee Edenâ€"I don’t see as we have any right to look after children in other school sections. Markham and Vaughan have attendance officers of their own. Trustee Endeanâ€"We can’t split hairs. We’re here for the good of education, or supposed to be, if there’s a child at Steele’s corners not getting to school it should be our interest to see that that child has a chance. If We sent a' similar request to Toronto and' it was found that the child was now living a few streets from the City Limits they’d look themgup for us. Trustee Cookâ€"Put the motion. The motion was put and carried with seven supporters and two voting a- gainst it. “The yeas” Trustees Cook, Sanderson, Eden, Tyndall, J. E. Atâ€" kinson, F. Hopper, and J. Monkman; “ngys” Harry Bndean, J. F. Atkinson. A second {notion wés introduced b3} trustee Cook and seconded by trustee Sanderson that all court belongings be removed from the school by November lst. Trustee ' Monkmanâ€"I ‘very fimch doubt if they would or not. We look after our own qn_d that is on} dgty. It was moved by trustee Sanderson, seconded by trustee Monkman and car~ ried that the Schod Attendance Officer attend to the duties in his own section in future. The motion carried. Trustee Eden said that he thought it time enough to give an increase in saL ary when it was asked for. There was no such request from Constable Barraclough and Chairman Duncan said that he had not been approached on the matter, biit being familiar with the work he merely drew it to the at- tention of the board. The tender of the Jones Coal Co. for coal for the Public and High School was accepted at $7.20 per ton for the Vinton variety. A An account for $97.00 for the emptying and re the caustine system at school. The secretary was instructed to can- cel orders for the erection of partition and door to separate court room and office from class room hall way. Saturday, October 25â€"Aucti0n sale of house and three acres of land, hou- sehold effects, garden tools, etc., the property of E. Rowell, lot 24, con. 3, North York (2 1-2 miles east of Steel- es Corners). Terms cash. Terms on property 10 per cent. down, balance madeknown day of sale. Sale at 2.30 p. m. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts Saturday, October 18â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, household effects, hay, grain, etc., the property of ROBT. J. THOMSON, lot 35, con. 5, Markham, commencing at 1 o’clock. Terms, grain, hay, etc., and all sums. of $20. and under cash, over that a- mount 10 months credit on approved joint notes. 4 per cent. straight dis- count for cash. Tractor half cash. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Notice Any person found breaking glass or in any way dam- aging the Buildings in the Public Park will be prosecuted. SALE REGISTER By order of the Council J. LUNAU, Reeve was passed charging 9f the pubhc QUEBEC FIREPLACE, price when new $16.00, only used two mhthé, nearly new. Will sell for $4.00. Mrs. F. Sexton, Stop 24 Yonge St. on Yongehurst Road. CEDAR POLES Suitable for phone or light. T. Philpott, Richmond Hill P. O. Box 6. Phone 137 r-1-4. 50 FOOT LOT on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, close to Yonge St, will sell cheap for cash. Apply W. G. Miller, 107 Roselawn Ave., Tor- onto, phone Hudson 2825-J. 100 ACRE FARM east half lot 28, con 3, Vaughan, bank barn, driving shed pig pen, frame house, land all work- able, good young orchard, good pone year round. Apply Wm. Clement, Mill Street, Richmond Hm. BATTERY RADIO SETS, several to choose from $25. up; also phono~ graph with 80 records, price $15.00. Apply G. Yez‘ex, Richmond Hill. HORSE, weighing around 1700 lbs. or will exchange for pigs or poultry; also 18 ducks, full grown, will ex~ change for chickens. Apply Wm. Wells, Stop 23 Yonge Street, 2 mil~ es east. TEA, COFFEE and PRODUCE, direct to consuming public by W. M. Stew- art, 2 Benson Avenue, Langstaff. Quality and prices are sure to pleaâ€" se. Mr. Stewart is now on his rounds, and he respectfully solicits a trial. FIRST CLASS BRICK DWELLING, “UTILITY” CQO_K STOVE $6.; Que- RASPBERRY CANES, Cuthbert var- iety, $1.50 per 100, enquire for price on large quantities. Apply J. P. Sparkes, Spruce Ave., stop 22-A. GOOD HOUND DOG, 4 months old, a real good hunter Apply evenings to E. Chillman, Rumble and Lucas Streets, Richmond Hill“. McLAUGHLIN VT‘OURINVG QAR. good SIXTY LINCOLN SHEEP and RAM FORD TOURING in first class runn- ing condition, 3 spares, a real snap for someone $25.00; also Durant touring, good condition, best offer. Apply 4 Elizabeth St, Richmond PLAYER ATTACHMENT for piano FARM FOR SALE or RENT consist- ing of 150 acres of good farm land vbeing lot 19, con. 3, East York. Will rent 100 or 50 acres separately each parcel complete with barn, house, orchard, garage, well, etc., and all under drained, four miles from City Limits, close to school. Farm in good state of cultivation. Apply Wellington Dunn, 35 Henri- etta Street. Toronto, Ont, Phone Lyndhurst 6089. RANGES and HEATERS, call and see our new line of ranges and heat- ers before buying. It will pay you. Our prices are right. We have the new all enamel ranges. J. A. Rose, Hardware, Maple, Ont. TEAM of WORK HORSES, with har- The Court of Revision for the Vill- age of Richmond Hill, will hold its First Sitting for the current year on Monday, October 27th, 1930, for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals against the assessment of the saifl vill_age. The Court will sit in the Council Chamber on the above date at 7.30 o’clock p‘. m., and all whom it may concern are requested to govern themselves accordingly. M Public Notice Court of Rewsmn A11 appeals must‘b'e filed with the undersigned on or before Monday, October 20th. Richmond Hill, October 7th, 1930 eight rooms. and bath, stable and garage, large grounds, at very low price. Keele Street, Maple; also for rent ten room house practically new wired, furnace and double gar- age, one acre, north end of Maple. C. H. Byam, Maple, Ont. bec heater $10.; kitchen dresser (white enamelled) $15.; Chiffonier (Walnut finish) $12.; dresser (walâ€" nut finish) $15.; Congoleum $10.; Linoleum $6.; kitchen table $3.; 2 ton coke; 1 ton coal, cost $32.50, best offer; new Beatty washer with Ironing board and reading- lamp, cast $119.00 best offer, terms ar- ranged, rockei‘ 50c; chair 50c; elecâ€" tric fixtures $5.00; new Chesterfield suite $65.00: stove pipes 50. Ap- Dly W. M. Stewart, 2 Benson Av:., Langstaff. Apply Mr. Moore, Roselawn Farms, Stop 23 Yonge Street. running condition. Apply Ha'rold Reid’s Service, Elgin Mills, Ont. Hi1] For your Supply of Coal 01' Wood ’hone 19. with over 50 rolls, $15.00. Phone Richmond Hill 45-râ€"32. hill. ness, cheap, weight about 1350 Tbs gggh. Apply Louis Hicks, Thom- VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MAKE THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less. 25 cents for first ix sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 6 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. Classified Advs. FOR SALE A. J. HUME, Clerk THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1930 t5 ROOMED COTTAGE, electric, good barn, about 1-4 acre of land. Ap- ply Harold Reid's Service, Elg'in Mills, Ont. ' SMALL FRAME HOUSE on Rich- mond Street, electric light, good? well, $12.00 a month. Immediate possession. J. R. Herrington, Real Estate, phone 87, Richmond Hill. TWO HOUSES half mile north of Victoria Square, good gardens and' orchards. Apply Box 45, Liberal Office, Richmond Hill, Ont. HOUSE T0 RENT 6 Rooms, electric- good garden. Apply 2 Elizabeth St. or L. B. Finch, 586 Ossington Ave., Toronto, phone Lombard 3124. WORK VEGETABLES, APPLES. what have you got? Big or small quantities; also fresh eggs. E. Chfllman, Wholesale, Richmond Hill, P.O. GRAIN, We will pay market prices for all kinds of grain. Apply Mr. Moore, E. T. Stephen’s Farms, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 1-r-3. PLASTERING, Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersxgned for plast. erifig. Apply T. L. Woods, Elgin Mi s. FARM WAN I‘ED to rent, 100 to 125 acres with option to buy. State parâ€" ticulars tc Box 48, Liberal Office. RADIOâ€"I have sales agency for a number of the leading and most popular radio firms and solicit the patronage of the people of this disâ€" trict. Demonstration gladly ar~ ranged at any time. See us before you buy. W. G. Baldock, Church Street, Richmond Hill, Telephone 90 WANTEDâ€"Young geese, fowl, yoang cockevels, top market price paid. A. G. Robinson, Rumble Ave., Box 174, Phone 190. DRESSMAKINGâ€"Ladies dresses and) coats made to order; also children’s clothing. Mrs. Morris, Rosemew Avenue, Richmond Hill. SUM OF MONEY on Friday, October 10th. Finder please apply at The Liberal Office. BROOCH “Sunburst” set With-pearls, between Rumble Avenue and Rich- mond Hill. Finder please return to Liberal Office. County of York Clerk’s notice of First Posting of xVoters’ List. > Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers’ List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Maple, on the 29th day of September 1930, the List of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parlia- ment and at Municipal Elections, and 3that such list remains there for in- lspgetion; Voters’ List 1930 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN ‘ That Part I of the said list contains the names of those persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and {Elections to the Legislative Assembâ€" l y'_i ' That Part II of said list contains the names of those entitled to vote at Municqul Elgctions only. _ And that Part III of the said list contains the names of those entitled to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only. And Ivherefiy call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or ommissions corrected according to law. Dated at Maple, September 29. 1930. J. B. McLEAN, 'ORK by man and team, by day or- hour, plowing done, reasonable ratâ€" es. J. Jarvis, 58 Richmond Street West, Richmond Hill. MISCELLANEOUS Jones Coal Co. COAL COKE or WOOD TO RENT WANTED Clerk of Vaughan Township Phone 188 LOST for

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