ELET USINB’E GAY Y.P.S. on Thursday night, Mr. Ral- ph James is in charge of the meeting. Keep in mind the Hallow’een Masquer- ade next Thursday night, Qct, 30th. 0!: =O=OI Some of our young people attended the Sellers â€" Rodick wedding in Brown’s Corners United Church last: Wednesday: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parker and daughter, Alice Ann of Caledonia, vis- ited with Mr. Freeman Barker and other relatives over the week-end. _ Mr. and Mg. Méï¬es, of Hamilâ€" ton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wellman. vMéi‘SrEvaean, of Thornhill, spent; Sunday with Miss Mary H'enâ€" l‘icks and Mrs. N. Brodie. Miss Rhoti; Barker has returned home after a two months trip through the Western Prpvinces. Mrs. c. T. Br’odie is spending a few" days with her daughter Mrs. Geo.| Quantz of Aurora. v Miss L. Savage was the guest of, Mr. and Mrs. C. Boynton, Dollar, last Wednesday night. _ _ _ : VMI‘VSJBfMuHIford and children have returned home to Toronto. ' 'Mr. and Mrs.IH. Smith, Miss Gwen visited with friends in Toronto on Sunday. VOL. LIII. Keaton‘s Funniest Talkie! Wat/ch Out for ‘hls Attack of rLaughinz Norma Shearer and Marie Dressler Roselawn Farms Dairy Limited PHONE 54 RICHMOND HILL Silk 0r Calico DUSTER COMEDY Neighborly Neighbors NEWS Monday, Tuesday OCT. 25, 27. 28 CAPITOL Richmond Hill “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER†HEADFORD CERTIFIED and PASTUERIZED 5% BUTTERFAT OR 3% ACCREDITED OR OTHERWISE Saturday, What kind of milk are you getting? JERSEY or ORDINARY NOW PLAYING Are you fair to your Children? The Best is always the Cheapest. ¢3=o=7«'a=¢u:=--'._’=ca=¢;1 Miss Marie Castator spent the week end in Toronto. Rev. D. Davis had an' exchange of vpulpits with her pastor of Birch Cliff iUnited Church or) ngday, Qgtobeg‘ 19. Mr. and Mrs. A. Grey, of King Horn, spent several days last week with their grandâ€"daughter Mrs. R. Wilson. Mr. Bateman, of Toronto, was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McCluskey and gave a very instructive address “A Vision†at the Y.P.S. on Sunday night, which was enjoyed very much by all present. He also contributed a solo which was well received. Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson and Robert Seventh Line, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hadwen. Mr. B. Lunn had the misfortune while ploughing to lireal: a pill. Mr. .and'Mrs‘. G. Kerr and Dorothy visited on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. D. Julians, Vellore. Mrs. Cornell. Goldwater, Mrs. Gree~ nlaw, Mrs. C. Crooks, Mrs. Home, Miss E. Leece, of Toronto. and Mrs. E. Kyle, Maple, called on Mr. and Mrs J. Kyle, oniThursday. _ ME. L. Gunn visi'ted over the week« end in Toronto. lb‘ TESTON OCT. 22, 23, 24:] Yonge at Castlefield Ontario “In Essentials, Unity; lanqn-esstntials, Liberty: In All Things, Charity.†RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1930 To many people in North York and other parts it will be of interest to know that on Sunday, November 2nd, special services will be held in All Saint’s Anglican Church, King City, to mark the seventyâ€"third annivers- ary of the opening of the church. The special preachers of the day Will be the Right Rev. J. R. Lucas, D.D., former Bishop of the [Diocese of MacKenzie River; and at present Warden of the Canadian Church Army and the Reverend W. E. Taylor, M.A., Ph. D., Professor at ,Wycliffe College, Toronto. The work of the Anglican Church in King City had its inception about the year 1855 when the Rev. Dr. Be- van held services in an upper room of the hotel belonging to Isaac Dennis The first step towards erecting a church was the donation of a plot of land by Mr. Puiford. A subscription list was started, and in the year 1857 a building erected made of clean lumb- er cut from the bush nearby. In 1860 the Rev. H. W. Stewart was appointed to the Parish of King, Aur- ora and Oak Ridges. In July 1861 Rev. J. McCollum followed, and was instrumental in building the Rectory at Aurora, towards which the congre- gation at King contributed $700. Ten years later Rev. C. J. Fidler, father of Canon Fidler present Rector of St. Clement’s Church, Eglinton, suc- ceeded to the parish. In 1877 he re- signed to go to Whitby, the church having been brick clad during his ‘ministry. King was separated from ‘Aurora and for a year was connected ‘with Lloydtown, Rev. C. B. Dundas being the Incumbent. This arrange- ment proved unsatisfactory and later King was joined with Woodbridge, of which Rev. O.P. Ford was the Incumâ€" bent. The Rev. C. H. Short succeed- ed him in 1884. In 1891 King was joined with the congregation at Maple and became a mission under the Rev. F.C.C. Heathcote now Archdeacon at Vancouver. Successive Clergymen :W‘no followed were Rev. C. S. Good- man, 1896, Rev. E. G. Dymond 1897, Rev. Ian MacDonald, 1901; Rev. Wm. Burns, 1903: Rev. F.M. Dean 1905. In 1908 Rev. Canon Morley, of Bradford took the services. In June 1909 Rev. E. J. McKittrick now Rector of Calv- ary Church, Toronto, was appointed Incumbent, and through his efforts the present Rectory at King was pur- chased. In 1915 the Rev. P. W. Rich- ardson was appointed and served the parish during the war years. In 19- 18 King was joined with Richmond Hill, and in 1921 King and Maple were made a parish with Rev. P.W. A. Roberts in charge. The present Rector. Rev. Wm. F. Wrixon was ap- pointed to King and Maple, February 1st, 1928, and on the first of May this year was appointed Rector of the Par- ish of All Saint’s Church, King, St. John's Church, Oak Ridges and St. Stephen’s Church, Maple. n. ALL SAINTS CHURCH, KING T0 CELEBRATE 73rd ANNIVERSARY wavy-u“. v v..,._-._ It is interesting to note that in the year 1892 the Church Wardens report showed total receipts to be $409.35. whereas last vear’s report showed $1711.98 in addition to reports of or- ganizations. - .un..,r The Institute meeting held at Miss Edith Craig’s last Saturday was well attended. Miss Eadie, of Toronto, gave an instructive address on the “hour H’s, the Head, the Heart, the Health and the Hand.†Miss Marie Denne, of Victoria Square, also gave two delightful piano selections. Miss Edith Craig moved a vote of thanks to Miss Eadie and to Miss Denne for such a fine programme. Mrs. Ada Hood, Miss M. Summer- ville and Miss Mary Ann Kelly spent last Saturday at the home of Dr. Kelly, sr., it being the occasion of his birthday: _ A .u, y. .h...‘-_. Ward, others ghéï¬sgattéred over the country, and a faithful band continues in the work at A11 Saint’s Church, Messrs Will Rodick, Will Brooke, John Brown and Henry Harper re- turned Sunday evening from Detroit. They reported quite a fall of snow in that city. _ . ‘1' Mrstlendenning, of Weston, and Miss Kate Craig, of Zion were Satur- day visitorg at Craig’s.“ “Tutsi Burr has been sï¬ending a few days in Toronto, the guest of her sister. suDuring-l’zhese long years All Saint’s Church has had a loyal membership. The orig'nals have gone t9 their zeâ€" King. "Miss Della Stephenson, Miss Drew Kelly and Mrs. Geo. Kelly spent Tues- day evening with Mrs. Nelson Boyingâ€" ton. An interesting event at the Junior Women’s Institute meeting last Sat.â€" urday, was a presentation to Mrs. Harry Boadway. On behalf of the members of the Institute Miss Janet French presented her with a clock, and on behalf of the charivari com- mittee Miss J. Brown presented her with a lovely rose coloured wool blan- ket. Miss Jessie Thomson read the addresses. Mrs. Boadway thanked lthose present for their_15ind_ness to her. “rMiss Kate Craig. of Buffalo, spent Sunday with her parents her-e. We are sorry that Mr. Jack Thom- son is suffering from a very sure hand. We hope that it will soon show signs of improving. BUTTONVILLE REV. WILLIAM F. WRIXON, L. Tn. Rector of All Saint’s Church King “Dinty Moore’s†the popular club house of the local curling fraternity will be treated to a general overhaul- ing this fall. The interior Will be redecorated and among the improve- ments will be a new ventilator. This was decided at the annual meeting of the curling club held on Monday even- ing. The work of redecoration and repair will commence at once and everything will be in first class shape for the opening_of the season. The main business on Monday even- ing was the election of officers which resulted as follows: President Frank E. Sims; Vice-President, W. Frisby; secretary, J. Scott McNair; treasurer F. Hoover; General committee, 'B. Bennett, F. J. Mansbridge, Walter Benson. J. S. McNair was appoint- ed as representative of the club to at- tend the annual meeting of the Onâ€" tario Curling Association. Dinty Moore’s To Be Redecorated F. E. SIMS NEW PRESIDENT OF \ CURLING CLUB Markham Liberals Annual Meeting Unionville, October 22â€"The annual meeting of the Markham Township‘ Reform Association was held in the‘ township hall, here on Tuesday night. There was a large attendance repre- sentative of all parts of the munici- pality. President, A. D. Bruce oc- cupied the chair. Reorganization and plans for the coming provincial liberal convention occupied the atten- tion of the meeting. W.P. Mulock ‘was present and delivered an address. ‘The election of ofï¬cers resulted as fol- lows: President, Ewart Stiver, Union- ville; Vice-President, John McDonald, Thornhill; 2nd Vice-President, M. Reesor, Markham; 3rd Vice-President James Muirhead, Unionville; Secre- tary-Treasurer. J. W. Perkins, Union- ville; advisory committee, A. D. Bruce Harry Lapp, Albert Wideman, J. R. Campbell, H. J. Smith. Mr. Risebrough W. D. Clubine, F. K. Reesor, Jonathan .Gould. Large congregations attended the Harvest Home Festival in St. Steph- en’s Church on Sunday. Impressive sermons were preached by Rev. W. F. Wrixon and good music was rendered by the choir of All Saint’s Church, King City. The church was beauti- fullJ'y decorated with flowers, fruit and vegetables. These were donat- ed to the Orange Orphanage on Yonge Street. Rev. Heimrich of Sherwood, assisted in the evening service. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Jackson, of Harrietsville and Mrs. Brooks, and Mr. Morris Brooks, of Springfield, visited from Saturday till Monday with Mrs. Watson and Mr. C. Jackson. The 60th anniversary of Hope Unitâ€" ed Church will be celebrated next Sunday, October 26th, when Rev. G. E. Coulter. of Richmond Hill will preach at 2.30 and 7 p. m. A male choir will lead the service of praise. There was a good attendance at the shower last Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Taylor. Many useful articles were received, which will be The Owassia Group of C.G.I.T. will hold a sale of home baking in the Sabbath School hall of the United Church on Saturday, October 25th at 3 p. m. The proceeds will be in aid of the building fund of the Women’s Association. on sale at the bazaar of the W.A. of St. Stephen’s Church. After open- ing the parcels and playing a number of games. refreshments were served by the ladies. Mr. E. Parsons has purchased a farm of thirty acres in York Town- ship from Mr. R. D. McNaughton and with his family will shortly be mov- ing theLe. A“ ‘.- , 1 W11.“ “15 Luuiuy “In auuxuy uc Allvv’ ing there. A Hallowe’en Box social and euchre Mr. Thos. Oliver and his sons and party will be held next Wednesday daughter attended the funeral of his evening, October 29th, in the Masonic brother-in-law, W. Buckle in Oakville Hall. A special prize will be given on Saturday. The interment took for the best decorated box. MAPLE By far the greatest success in its history was achieved at the 1930 In- ternational Plowing Match staged last week off Highway No. 7, near the city of Stratford. Two new rec- ords were set on the second day of the match, when an estimated total of 40,090 people passed through the gates and when the entry list num- bered 153, surpassing by 44 the list for a single day in any previous year. The final two days of the match were equally successful, and the directors have every reason to feel proud of their achievement. Competitors came from every part of Ontario to take part in the various plowing contests. Competitors from York County Were prominent among the list of winners. A departure this year was a competition for wo- men, who made a remarkably fine ‘showing. The site of the match was a picture, with hundreds of horses and tractors pulling keen-edged plows fibrough perfect soil to reveal row up- lon row of furrows, straight and true {and crowned to perfection. place at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. J. Manning with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fierheller, of Aurora. motored to Guelph on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. H0â€" ward Manning.†. waru lVl'dIHlUlg. The.Girls’ Cluï¬ of St. Andrew’s Church are holding their annual baz- aar on Saturday, November 15th. Record Crowds at Provincial Match D THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT‘ YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. ALL SAINT’S CHURCH, KING CITY Where .the Seveï¬ty-Third Anniversary Service will be Celebrated on Sunda:j November 2nd. A Man From Wyoming BOX SOCIAL AND EUCHRE AN ALL TECHNICOLOR AND AL‘L TALLING PRODUCTION _ WITH â€" JEAN HERSHOLT and ELEANOR BOARDMAN A Whiteman's Love Fighting in Africa. THRILLING ALL TALKING WESTERN You will be thrilled as you have never been before Comedy ‘Hol Air Merchant." On TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28, 29 GARY COOPER in Comedy “Beauty Spot†Movietone News )n the Screen Vaudeville “Shooting Gallery†LONE RIDER- THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT OUR GANG COMEDYâ€"PUPS IS PUPS On the Screen Vaudeville â€" Bandmaster VOICE OF HOLLYWOOD She seeks thethrill of her life and gets‘it. “MA MBA†3ATITRDAY, MONDAY, OCT. 25. 27 BUCK JONES in the Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE I Ofï¬cers for the coming year were elected 'as follows: , ‘ President, Fred C. Cook, Bradford; '{Viceâ€"President, Dr. Pinketon, King; Secretary-Treasurer, Rev. T.J. Dew. vBradford; Supt. Font Roll, Miss Mary lWallace, Woodbridge; Supt. Tea'cher ‘Training‘, Rev. G. O. Ixightbourne, Aurora: Supt. Home Dep_., Rev; N. The opening meeting of the Home and School Club will be held in the lPublic School on Tuesday, October 28 ‘at eight o’clock. Mrs. Reesor, or- iganizer of Home School Clubs for 2York County, will be the speaker of the evening. A good attendance is lrequested. Everyone welcome. The sixteenth annual convention of the Sunday School Assogation of the iDeanery of West York was held at the Lawrence. Memorial Hall, Thomâ€" hill on Tuesday, October let. Deleâ€" gates were present from the various parishes of the deanery and among the clergy in attendance were, Rev. Rural Dean Noble, of' Trinity Church, Thornhill; Rev. L. C. Secrett, of St. Mary’s, Richmond Hill; Rev. R. S. Mason, .Rev. F. Ellis, Rev. T.J. Dew, Rev. J.H. Kidd, Rev. T.B. Butler, Rev. G.B. Rogers, Rev. B. Atkinson, Rev. A.J. Patstone. Excellent addresses were delivered b‘TRev. N.H. Noble, Mr. A. H. Cuttle of Toronto; Rev. D.B. Rogers, of To- ronto; Rev. B. Atkinson, of Cooks- town and Rev. R.S. Mason, of Rich- mond Hill. Luncheon was served at noon: by the Trinity Church W.A. H. Noble, R.D S. S. ASSOCIATION WEST YORK DEANERY HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB Movietone News HELD MEETING OCT. 30, 31 ThornHill No. 16