Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Oct 1930, p. 4

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The above council met at Armâ€" strong’s Hotel, Saturday, September 27th for their regular meeting, all the members present, ReeveLegge inthe chair, the minutes of the last meet- ing read and approved, the communiâ€" cations were read and dealt with, the following bills and accounts were or- dered paidzâ€"General account $73.50. Road account, Voucher No. 29, $497â€" .26; Voucher No. 30. $1222.60; Vouch- ar No. 31, $1,092.00. Resolutions â€"- King Township Council; MacMurchy â€" Egan ~â€"- That this municipality hereby notifies the town- ship of West Gwillimbury that we Will not entertain any overdraft and interest charges there on the Holland Marsh drainage scheme, unless a sworn and detailed statement of ex- penditure up to date is in the hands of our clerk prior to October lst and that the seal of the corporation be at- tached to this resolution. Walkington â€" Jefferson â€"â€" That the treasurer be authorized to pay shgegclaim to jhe amou_r_xt of_$16‘.OQ. Jefferson â€" Egan â€" That the clerk be instructed to have printed on the tax slips that money for taxes will be accepted at the following- banks only. Montreal Bank. King; Imperial Bank. Schomberg and Kettleby, Royal Bank at Schomberg and Bank of Commerce at Aurora. An outstanding yield of blue grass is reported by one farmer in Haldi- mand County. His field was eight acres in size and from seven loads taken from the eight acres, 2900 lbs. of seed were obtained. This at the rate of 14c fa pound yielded better than $400, or more than $50 per acre. A pleasing feature of this is that the straw is still good as a high-grade hay. By-law No. 539â€"Appointing L. H. Hollingshead, collector for the Nor- thern Division and C. H. Ross for the Southern division received its several readings and pas_sed. u On “motion. Council adjourned to meet at Sutton’s Hotel, Schomberg', on Saturday the 25th day of October 1930. PHONE 188 THE JONES COAL CO. FOR COAL OR WOOD. It is estimated that 5000 people at- tended the road opening celebration at Stouffville last week. II 0 "Do you know =0=O=Ol PAGE FOUR I. D. Ramer & Son HAD A BUMPER YIELD That we do more than just sell coal? Do you know that we can help you on any home heating problem. We are always ready and willing to give you any advice or render any service that will help you to have a warmer home at less cost with the least amount of trouble. Give us a chance to help you. Our Service man will be here in three weeks time. Call us on the phone 10. PRICES SLASHED LITTLE BROTHERS You will find our heating counsel helpful PHONE 174-W 1929 1929 1927 1925 1926 1926 1927 1926 1926 1926 BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL USED CARS The Fall is the time to buy a Used Car and take Advantage of Low Prices All cars reconditioned â€" 30 Day Guarantee on Model “A” Fords Former Price FORD TUDOR . . . . . . . . . . $450.00 FORD Standard Coupe . . $450.00 ESSEX COACH . . . . . . . . . $275.00 DODGE COACH . . . . . . $250.00 CHEVROLET SEDAN .. . . $225.00 CHEVROLET COACH . . $175.00 FORD TUDOR. . . . . . . . . . . $175.00 FORD TUDOR . . . . . . . . . . $160.00 FORD TUDOR . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 FORD TOURING . . . . . . $75.00 Now $425.00 . $425.00 $240.00 $225.00 $200.00 $150.00 $160.00 $150.00 $140.00 $60.00 :ouox=:o=o=o=l6' l CHOI=0=050= 04 A fowl supper Will be served in the Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill on Wednesday, November 26th. Re- serve the daté} The Women’s Society of the Teston Church will hold a masquerade party at the home of Mrs. George Kerr on Monday evening, October 27. Prizes will be given for costumes. Ford Sales and Service A reduction of fifteen per cent. in the acreage planted of seed pota- toes in New Brunswick this year as compared with 1928 is noted in the official crop report issued reâ€" cently by the Soils and Crops Divi- sion, New Brunswick Department of Agriculture. Calgary building records went over the million dollar mark for the month of June when 216 permits were issued for a. total value of 81406365. In June, 1928, permits issued numbered 136 to a value of $688,205. Record crowds attended the Brandon Exhibition held early in July, and, according to official statements, receipts at the main gate were fifty per cent. greater than last year, while those at the grand stand were 300 per cent~ greater. The livestock entry was the best ever shown. according to many of the old-time visitors. Visiting Prince Edward Island for the first time, E. W. Beatty. chairman and president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, will in- clude Charlottetown in his tour of Inspection of the Maritime Pro- vinces scheduled for the middle of July. A hotel within a stone’s throw of the recently opened $16,000,000 Royal York Hotel in Toronto. which housed nothing but ho-boes. has been discovered by the Toronto po- lice and nearly thirty “guests” were charged with vagrancy later in the courts. receiving sentences from six months down. The hotel. which was on the European plan, the inmates providing their own meals. was fixed up in an old house on the waterfront with cook- houses, beds,0fire places. stoves, thirty pounds of coffee and every- thing but a telephone and a bath. FOWL SUPPER RICHMOND HILL g Vinol supplies the body important u mineral elements of iron, calcium with o cod liver peptone. This is just What thin, nervous children or adults need, and the QUICK results are surprising. The very FIRST bottle brings sound sleep and a BIG appetite. Vinol tast- 0 ll es delicious! G. H. GLENN, Druggist Richmond Hill â€" Ontario oil-- I Being hmexpectedly in 'Montreal lately I attended the unveiling of the statue of LaFontaine, before 10,000 people. I heard something there about North York and L'aFontaine that surprised and delighted the throng. Several electors of North York sent a message of goodwill, remind- ing the people that LaFontaine, twice co-premier of Canada, with Robert Baldwin, entered the first parliament of the United Province as member for North York, and made his first speech as that riding's representative, in French. This message was accomp- anied by one from Sir Allen Ayles- worth, who said he had been proud to represent in Parliament the same rid- .ing as had had for its member so [great and distinguished a statesman [as LaFontaine. i The two greatest newspapers of the city, The Star and LaPresse had edi- torials cordially welcoming the action ‘from North York. LaPresse also re- produced the messages in fac-simile, with signatures and translation. Mr. ,Lawrence Baldwin, nephew of Robert [Baldwin also sent a cordial letter of goodwill, and told of the affectionate relations between the two leaders of the first Responsible Government in .Canada. Editor Sirâ€"~; wu , I Wish through the columns of your valuable paper to draw attention to the lack of enforcement of the byâ€"law regarding closing of stores. There is a byâ€"law which says that grocery stores shall close on Monday evenings at seven, and on Wednesday at one o'clock. Now Mr. Editor my point is this, is it fair for one man to ob- serve the byâ€"law and another to abuse it at will? If we have the by-law it should in all fairness be enforced or withdrawn which would put all on an equal footing. There is also room for a check up on Sunday selling. Is it right for one merchant to observe the day and others keep Wide open. I ‘Would like to see our council take hold lof this matter and give it some at- ltention. Thanking_ you for the space in you} paper:1 n‘rn Editor Liberal; Sirâ€" 1 I saw and heard for myself how gladly the Montreal people received these messages of Canadians to Can- adians. The Royal Judging Competition at which the ten boys are selected from the County to receive the free trip to the Royal Winter Fair will be held in Newmarket district on Monday, Octoâ€" ber 27th. In order to qualify fOr this judging competition, boys between the ages of sixteen and twenty were asked to keep account of the cost of ‘producing some farm crop. Forty ‘boys will compete in the 1930 judging ; competition. Your readers, I am sure, will be glad to know from one who was there how highly their feélow-electors senti- ment was apprecia ed. . K‘N‘Ei‘éfié‘é‘fifibfi NORTH YORK HER CROSS LITTLE BOY WOULDN’T EAT 0R SLEEP “My little son had poor appetite, couldn’t sleep, and was cross. I gave him Vinol and it ended these troubles like magic.”â€"â€"Mrs. L. DuCrest. letters From The People WANTS BY-LAVV EN FORCED HISTORIC NORTH YORK Liberal, LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIQ FA'IR PLAY There’s beauty in the river, In the tiny gurgling brook. The songs of birds upon the wing, The cawjng of the foolf. There’s beauty in the little leaf, Changing from green to brown. Just for a season blooming, And then come tumbling down. There’s beauty in the wailing wind, The moaning of the trees. There’s music in the creaking boughs, Fanned by the Whistling breeze. There’s radiance in the lightning, ’Midst the thunders mighty blast, For all can see it’s beauty, Whate’er our creed or caste. There’s sunshine in a. baby’s smile, God’s love is in his eyes. The wonder of a baby; Gives a glimpse of paradise. There’s joy e'en in our SOI'I‘OWS, Tho the tears are in our eyes. For surely out of sadness, Saturday, October 25â€"Auction sale of 53 cattle and 125 breeding ewes, the property of E. J. Kaake, lot 3, con. 8, King, (Nobleton.) The cattle include 20 holstein and durham cows, 12 two year old heifers, 8 yearling heifers, 9 durham steers, 2 years old, 2 steers, one year old, 1 bull, 1 year old. 12 months credit. J. T. Saig- eon, Auctioneer. Saturday, October 25â€"Auction sale of house and three acres of land, hou- sehold effects, garden tools, etc., the property of E. Rowell, lot 24, con. 3, North York (2 1â€"2 miles east of Steelâ€" es Corners). Terms cash. Terms on property 10 per 'cent. down, balance made known day of sale. Sale at 2.30 p. m. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts Tuesday. October 28â€"Credit sale of choice dairy herd, fresh and for- ward springers; also brood sows and young pigs, also young cattle, belong- to R. R. Johnson, will be sold at his farm lot 33, con. 9, Markham. No reserve. Sale at one o’clock. F. W. Silversides, Auctioneer. Wednesday, October 29â€"Aucti0n sale of furniture, household goods, etc the property of Mrs. J. Richards, at her residence, Maple. .Sale to com- mence at 1 n. m. Terms Cash. No Reserve. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer Thursday, October 30 â€"-’ Auction sale of fine dairy herd, fresh cows and springers, the property of Russell Mortson, lot 27, con. 6, Markham, north of Cashel. Sale at 1 p. m. 10 months credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Thursday, November Gâ€"Extensive credit auction sale of 40 head of pure bred shorthom cattle, farm stock, imâ€" plements, hay, grain, furniture, etc. On lot 29, con. 1, Scarboro, Kennedy Highway, 1 mile south of Ellesmere. Property of A. H. Wagstaff. Sale to start at 10 a. m. 12 months’ credit. Thursday. November 6thâ€"Credit auction sale of farm stock, impleâ€" ments, furniture, grain, roots, etc, the property of Victor Orr. West half of lot 33, concession 6, Vaughan. 12 months credit. Sale at 1 p. m. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. Friday, November 7thâ€"Credit auc- tion sale of farm stock, implements, hay. grain, roots, etc., on lot 17, con. 3, Scarboro, (Brown’s Corners) the property of Jas. Cowan. Sale at 1 p. m. 12 months credit. Wednesday, November 26thâ€"Credit auction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, hay. grain, roots, etc.. on lot 34, con. 6, Markham. Property of O. Walters. Sale at 1 p. m. Remedy â€"â€"- Instal a DYNAMO TIMER, and note how much easier your tractor startS. No oil to gum commutator surface, hence you get a clean, stronger spark everytime. *- E N otic e A DYNAMO TIMER also makes a great difference in Ford Car perforâ€" mance. Instant starting, smooth running at all times, more power and pep, and freedom from commutator trouble, Hundreds used in York County, on both cars and tractors. A recom- mend from every user. GUARANTEED FOR 3 YEARS. Many of these timers have already outworn many commutators on Ford- sons in over four years of service. None better by test and for durability. Mailed C. O. D. on request. R. R. 2 Gormley at Victoria Square Phone Stouffville 4011 Ehé ~173217151 that pfiri‘fie_s ATTENTION. IS YOUR FORDSON HARD TO START? SALE REGISTER Any person found breaking glass or in any way dam- aging the Buildings in the Public Park will be prosecuted. By order of the Council J. LUNAU, Reeve Economically Priced at $2.75 BEAUTY E. KLINCK, 'TEN LINCOLN SHEEP and RAM Extensive Apply Mr. Moore, Roselawn Farms, ld of pure ‘ Stop 23 Yonge Street. c355" BARRED ROCK PULLETS, com- ;‘ Russell merited laying, geese, Angora rab- Jarfkham, blts (prlze stock) also hot water p, m. 10 heating, complete. Shenfield, Prentice.l Langstaff, Ont. CEDAR POLES Suitable for phone or light. T. Philpott, Richmond Hill P. O. Box 6. Phone 137 r-1-4. 50 FOOT LOT on Richmond Street. Richmond Hill, close to Yonge Sf... will sell cheap for cash. Apply W. G. Miller, 107 Roselawn Ave., Tor- onto, phone Hudson 2825â€"J. 100 ACRE FARM east half lot 28, con 3, Vaughan, bank barn, driving shed pig pen, frame house, land all work- able, good young orchard, good pona year round. Apply Wm. Clement, Mill Street, Richmond Hm. FORD TOURING good running con- dition, good tires and side curtains. Durant touring, good condition, side curtains and spare tires. Al- so 6 tube radio, single dial, com- plete, no reasonable offer refused. Apply_ Elizabeth Street, Rich- STABLE 20 x 30, good fra_me_bu_il_d- FIRST CLASS BRICK DWELLING2 WHITE SOW. due October 27th. Apply Walter Lloyd, phone 107-râ€"1 Maple. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE a num- ber of articles of household furnit- ure including dining room, kitchen and bed room furniture. Apply Mrs. Stein, Yonge Street, Richmond McLAUGHLIN TOURING CARtgoqd CIDER BARRELS, one large, oneI small, coal heater and laundry stove, baby carriage, storm Window sash! with glass. Fletcher, Spruce Ave, Stop 22â€"A Yonge Street. | TWO SIMONS Steel Bed Springs and mattresses; also oak dresser. 21 Benson Ave. KITCHEN RANGE, “Ideal Favorite" In first class condition. Apply Mrs, A. L. Phipps, 68 Richmond St. or phone 13-W. FARM FOR SALE or RENT consist- ‘ M “‘“”“"” ‘ ““"" "““ "“"““"-' ' , Winter is coming and your needs a- mg of 150 acres of good farm land‘ - - - _ being lot 19, con. 3' East York‘ 'long thls llne Will be heavy. Stock Willirent 100 or 50 acres separatelyIllirilimeayt thllsguysagfé gig 0::v%g:£l 1:31; each parcel complete with barn, ' and save. See the “ad” in this issue. house, orchard, garage, well, etc., and all under drained, four miles from City Limits, close to school. Farm in good state of cultivation. Apply Wellington Dunn. 35 Henri- etta Street. Toronto, Ont., Phone Lyndhurst 6089. RANGES and HEATERS. call? and TEAM of \VORK HORSES. with bar- 11 YEARS CONSTIPATION GLYCERIN MIX ENDS IT “For 11 years I tried to get rid of constipation," says Chas. E. Blair. “Then at last the simple mixture, Adlen'ka, magie mg regulars” The simple mixture of glycerin, buckthorn bark. saline, etc., (Adler- ika) acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel. relieving constipation in two hours! Brings out poisons you never thought were in your system. Let Adlerika give your stomach and bow- els a REAL cleaning and see how good y01_1_fe_el! * fl The Court will sit in the Council Chamber on the above date at 7.30 o’elock p. m., and all whom it may concern are requested to govern themselves accordingly. > mBhJ Hill, Ontario giggizfiso lot 40 'xV150. Apply No. IOUCentre Street West, Richmond Hi . The Court of Revision for the Villâ€" age of Richmond Hill, will hold its First Sitting for the current year on Monday, October 27th, 1930, for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals against the assessment of the said Village. PHONE 188 THE JONES COAL CO. FOR COAL 0R WOOD. All appeals must be filed with the undersigned on or before Monday, October 20th. A. J. HUME, Clerk Richmond Hill, October 7th, 1930 eight rooms. and bath, stable and garage, large grounds, at very low price. Keele Street, Maple; also for rent ten r00m house practically new wired, furnace and double gar- age. one acre, north end of Maple. C. H. Byam, Maple, Ont. Public Notice Court of Revnsmn Hill 'rfih’n’irig Vcondition. Apply Harold Reid’s Service, Elgin Mills, Ont. see our new line of ranges and heatâ€" ers before buying. It will pay you. Our prices are right. We have the new all enamel ranges. hill “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKI! THE MOST 0F 1'!“ RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first ir sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. ness, cheéfi, weight about 1350 lbs eaqh. Apply Louis Hicks, Thom- Richmond Hill VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Classified Advs. ,. fiése, Hardware, Maple, Ont. GLENN’S DRUG STORE FOR SALE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1930 Ontario SMALL FRAME HOUSE on Rich- mond Street, electric light, good well, $12.00 a month. Immediate possession. J. R. Herrington, Real Estate, phone 87, Richmond Hill. TWO HOUSES half mile north of \ Victoria Square, good gardens anti 1 orchards. Apply Box 45, Liberal I Office, Richmond Hill, Ont. 5 ROOMED COTTAGE, electric, goat! barn, about 1-4 acre of land. Ap- ply Harold Reid’s Service, Elgin Mills, Ont. 100 ACRE FARM. lot 54 Yonge St., opposite Orphanage. Apply John Blain, Oak Ridges, Ont. “FOR RENT, Furnished” a comedy in three acts, in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, Wednesday, Novemâ€" her 12th. HOUSE TO RENT 6 Rooms, electric good garden. Apply 2 Elizabeth St. or L. B. Finch, 586 Ossington ‘ Ave., Toronto, phone Lombard 3121. WORK by man and team, by day or hour, plowing done, reasonable rat- es. J. Jarvis, 58 Richmond Street \ West, Richmond Hill. ‘GRAIN, we will pay market prices for all kinds of grain. Apply Mr. Moore, E. T. Stephen’s Farms, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 1â€"r-3. FARM WAN I‘ED to rent, 100 to 125 acres with option to buy. State pal-- ticulars to Box 48, Liberal Office. RADIOâ€"I have sales agency for a number of the leading and most popular radio firms and solicit the patronage of the people of this dis- trict. Demonstration gladly ar- ranged at any time. See us before you buy. W. G. Baldock, Church Street, Richmond Hill, Telephone 90 WANTEDâ€"Young geese. fowl, young cockerels, top market price paid; A. G. Robinson, Rumble Ave., Box 174, Phone 190. DRESSMAKINGâ€"Ladies dresses anti coats made to order; also children’s clothing. Mrs. Morris, RoseWew Avenue, Richmond Hill. For your Supply of Coal or Wood Phone 10. Plan now to take advantage of the One Cent Sale at Glenn’s Drug Store next Thursday, Friday and Saturfiay. County of York Clérk’s notice of First Posting of Voters’ List. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers’ List Act and that I have postal up in my office at Maple, on the 29th day of September 1930, the List of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parlia- 1ment and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for in- _spgc_tion; Voters’ List 1930 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN That Part I of the said list contains the names of those persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assemb- lly'__ v That Part II of said list contains the names of those entitled to vote at Municripal Elgctions only. _ And that Part III of the said list contains the names of those entitled to vote at elections to the Legislative Assembly only. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or ommissions corrected according to law. Dated at Maple, September 29, 1930. MISCELLANEOUS Jones Coal Co. COAL COKE or WOOD TO RENT WANTED Clerk of Vaughan Township Phone 188 J. B. McLEAN, for

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