Telephone 1535. All trucks Insured for Public Liabil- ity and property damaged. A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING THORNHILL, ONTARIO Hot Water Heating and General Repairs Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By H911}- or Contract Residence 14-r-12 Phone Ofï¬ce 100 OFFICE HOURS: â€" 10 a. m., 12 a. m. 2 p. m., 5 p. m. Can-ville DR. CHARLES’ S. DUNNING THE CARRVILLE CIDER MILL North Yonge St. - Richmond Hill DB. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFFâ€" DR. J. P. WILSON Ofï¬ce hours: 9 to 11 2L m. 6 to 8 p. m., and by appointment. Oï¬ce: Centre and Church Streets., Richmond Hill Phone 24. Telephone 62. 7708c. hours: 8:10 am. and 6:8 p.m. D3. LILLIAN o. LANGSTAM: GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, (M.0.H. Vaughan Coroner) Ofï¬ce Hours: 8â€"10 am. 12-2 & 6.8 p.111 and by appointment MAPLE W0 are preyarod to conduct Isles of every uncriplion Farms and (arm Mock halos a toochlcy. flu-ms bought and sold on commis- olon. All uleï¬ Handed to on shortest notice, gnd conduneu by the most unmoved methods J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage snlicited CIDER BR. w. SALEM CALDWELL m (ï¬agï¬eé of! 67011347!) and 'childun; on“ hours: 1:3 pm. FUNERAL MRECTOR AND EMBALMERS New Limousine Ambulances 'Willowdale 69 BUdson 3679-W Stop 5, Yonge Street, Lansing Oflice hours: 8.30; 2-5; 7.30-9 THORNHILL AN D UNIONVILLE Piano Tuner 35 Years' Practical Experience 378 Beresford Ave" West Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 Telephone Glenn’s Drug Store, Rich- mond Hill, for appointment from the Toronto Conservatory 01 Mania. '1“ unent n number of pupils in Piano. mrgan and Theory . Richmond Hill â€"â€" Tuesday 8; Friday was. MYLXS Dr. L. R. Marwood Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Ofï¬ces at Poyntz Ave†Lansing Willowdale 140. Ofï¬ce hours: 12-115; 6-7.15 Capitol Bldg., Yonge St. Bud. 1133; Rand. 2121. PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St... K. G. Prentice, Milliken. Toronto. Hnd. 134W. WILSON’S CARTAGE Bank of Commerce Building Thornhill, Ont. IS NOW OPERATING Frem Maple Gravel Pit CIDER FOR SALE $1.50 PER YEAR The Liberal is recognized as one a! the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelvt pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every weekâ€"Subacribe to-day. JOHN R. CAMPBELL SAND â€" GRAVEL DRS. LANGSTAFF WRIGHT & TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE VOL. LIII. R. J. BOWES, JOHN ‘T. ANDERSON ADELMO MELECCI BERT HUMPHREY Veterinary Surgeon THORNHILL MEDICAL BUSINESS Professional 21nd Businessti7ect0ry MAPLE MUSICAL Phone 100 7 p. m., 9p. m. Thornhill, Ontario PHONE 3. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s 01d Stand Yonge §tr§et Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Ofï¬ceâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building; southwest corner of King and long-e Streets, Toronto. , W. B. Milliken, K. C. Herb. A. Clark; Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock [ 1207 Northern Building 330 Bay Street â€"â€" '1 Telephone â€" Adelait 3 Manning Arcade. formerly of Wm Cook, Cook & Delany Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public Wilson N. Robinson Money to loan. RoBINSON Mr. Moodieâ€"You‘re assessed at the Barristers, Solicuurs, Etc. Tate 0f 53-75 1761‘ foot for the land. Rooms 503 Northern Ontario Bldg" Councillor Davis~That seems high cor. Adelaide and Bay Sts., Toronto. for back there- ‘ William Douglas. K.C, Donald Douglas MT. Greeneâ€"Can you tell me where BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC MULOCK, MILLIKEN, CLARK & REDMAN Office:â€"-A. Mills Showrooms, East side of Yonge Street, Immediately south of Hill’s Garage Phone Richmond Hill 125 Money to loan at current rates Toronto Office, 18 Toronto Street, Phone, ELGIN 1887 Paper-hanger and Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR RD. 0177 MCGUIRE. Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every Saturday. WORK DONE. Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year‘s Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 4 Solicitors fur: Aurnrn. Richmond ._JL King. Whitchnrch. Markham and North Gwilhml‘ury. Walter S. Jenkins. Res. Phone Bill. 6048 J Hurry Naughton, Res. E‘hzin Hills. Res. Phone 127.2 noon. Woodbridga, Sunni-day aflernoim Monev :0 loan H" Current Rate 2135 Yonge Street Toronto. HYLAND 1898 and 1900 MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY Standard Bank Building. MAPLE A. Cameron Macnaughton BARRISTER 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West, Toronto Phone: Elgin 4879. DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS & ROBINSON DR. L. R. BELL Dentist Oï¬ice: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 Barristnrs, Soncltors. Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 Ufï¬us: its Richmond St. West ’l‘n'nï¬to Naughton Block. Agrora THURSDAY AFTERNOON Wm. Cook, K. C. _ F. Gordon Cook, B. A., LL.B. Toronto Ofï¬ce: 616 Federal Building. 8.1 Richuund St. West luchmuml Hill (mice (Liberal Ofï¬ce) ovary “away mrcnqnn, \lnple Thursday after- Boot and Shoe Repaxrer CAMPBELL LINE Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. RICHMOND HILL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Barristorï¬. Soliciturs. Etc. Hon. W.H. McGuire, Vincent C. MacDonald L.S.B. James A. Boles, B.A. Adelaide and Victoria Sta. 0177 Toronto AD. ( FRIDAY, 1.30 P.M. T0 8 P.M. Telephone 80 THOMAS DELANY NAUGHTON & JENKINS WILLIAM COOK & COOK Bank of Commerce Building W. J. REID HAROLD J. KIRBY Rich'moxggi Hill Every T. C. NEWMAN MAPLE HOTEL GEG. KIDD Barristers. Solkltors. Etc‘ Dr. M. J. QUIGLEY DENTIST Dr. W. Finlay DENTIST Telephone-Mafle M A CDONALD & BOLES THORNHILL Oï¬ce Hours Toronto Adelaide 4140 AD. 0178 ONTARIO G. Gostling whose property is on Lucas Street and occupied by Mr. Binns said that he OWned the place for the past eight years. The assess- fment was increased and as he could not get town water and there were no other improvements he thought it was unjustified. The total assessment now is $1075. Mr. Gostling valued his place at $2500. however, so the membu ers felt he was not over-assessed at - ried. This meant a reduction from {$1100 to $725 on the land. 4 Councillor Simsâ€"We’ve got to get an equalization some way. 7;! Reeve Lunauâ€"That’s what they’ve ltried to do since before you were burn land I guess We always will. f Mrs. Rickard appealed against the .assessment of her Richmond Street Eproperty. This is the house occupied ;by Mr. Clark and known as the luc- LCag'ue property. The assessment this year is $3100 as compared LU $2675. last year. The assessment was confirmed on motion of councill- ors Middleton and Chapman. I move Mr. Greene’s land be assessed at $2.50 per foot. The motion was seconded by councillor Davis and car- Councillor Middletoanr. Greene says he is willing to sell that land at $5.00 per foot and as the assessor says the basis is 50 per cent. of value Councillor Davisâ€"Comparing Yonge Street land and Mr. Greene’s there is no comparison and he is too high. Mr. Moodieâ€"Yes. One lot not far from him is $5.00 per foot. I Councillor Simsâ€"Is Mr. Greene’s the general assessment for land in that district. ‘else land is assessed at or value. On Yonge Street which they ask $75 per foot ed at $25 per foot. land. -It vvascraised $50. this year. i I Assessor G. Moodie stated that the Mr. Gould said that the house was In assessment was around 50 per cent. of the value. ' Very poor shape and that it was not a Councillor Middletonâ€"In all cases. vamable property. He would be ‘ Mr. Moodieâ€"Yes. glad to sell it for very close to the as- Councillor Simsâ€"All our ratepay- ers want is a fair Shake- They want On motion of councillors Middleton to pay their Share but not m01‘e- and Chapman the assessment of the There are too many complaints and‘house was reduced to $500., a reductâ€" fthere is just cause for them. I move ‘Qn of $275. ' sessed value. Ml‘. FriSbY’S assessment be reduced ‘Mrs. Gilson appealed on behalf of by 3300- The motion was seconded the Claffey estate on two properties. by councillor Middleton and carried. )Their property on Wright Street was J. A. Greene’s Reduced by $375. assessed $1150. for land and $450. on J. A. Greene appealed against the he house. On motion the house was assessment of his property on Wright reduced $50. to $400. The Yonge St. Street. He stated he bought the land [property on the east of the street just for 533750, One third 0f it had been north of Bedford Park is assessed for sold and what he still had was assess~ $1700. This was thought to be fair ed HOW for $1100- It was increased and equitable and on motion of counâ€" thiS Year and increased last year. He cillor Chapman and councillor Davis Pdid not consider land had increasedlwas sustained. 400 per cent. His total assessment Mrs. John Woods said that in 1909 KENS year for land and buildings is their land was assessed for $250. and $3675 an increase of $300 over last ‘now it was $650, The buildings are year. lasqpssnfl ai- mlmn wnb;v\n .. bani A: Councillor Middleton asked the as- sessor What was the basis used for as- sessment purposes. \ Mr. Simsâ€"~I object to that question. Our assessor was told that the valuat- or’s figures were not to be used. Reeve Lunauâ€"What did the valuat- or value the house? The first appeal considered was that of W. H. Frisby, Baker Avenue. IThe assessment was 32300. In support of his appeal Mr. Frisby pointed out that compared to other houses the in- crease of $850. this year was not just- ‘ified. He referred to the house of ‘Mr. H. Cook assessed at $2400., and‘ Mr. J. Kirkland's assessed at $2250. both more valuable houses than his own. Richmond Hill council met on Mon- day evening as a Court of Revision to hear appeals against the 1930 assess- ment. Reeve Lunau presided and all the members were present. Thirteen appeals were entered and in five cases reductions were made and in eight cases the assessment was sustained. RICHMOND HILL, 0NTARIO,THURSDAY. oéToTaER 30. 1930 Court of Revision Hears Thirteen Appeals Against The 1930 Assessment W. H. Frisby, J.A. Greene, David’Gould, Claffey Estate and A. Scatter Get Reductions - Councillor Sims Pro- tests Against increase When Assessors Own Property Next Door ls Lowered. near full land for is assess- Councillor Sims Appeals Councillor F. E. Sims appealed a- gainst the assessment of his Yonge Mr. Baggsâ€"I know that but I’m complaining of conditions. There are holes there you could loose a load of ‘ig'ravel in. The’Reeve once promised 'to have the bush up there cut, but it’s still there. Reeve Lunauâ€"What bush? ’ Mr. Baggsâ€"On the road. Reeve Lunauâ€"Oh, those bushes. Mr. Baggsâ€"Yes if you lived near [them you’d think it was a bush. v-.. I Reeve Lunauâ€"It wouldn’t take long to cut them. ' Mr. Baggsâ€"I’ll lend you in axe. You numbered the houses but we have no name on our street. I could tell you lots of improvements we need. Reeve Lunauâ€"We all could. On motion of councillors Davis and Chapman the assessment was sustain- ed. Councillor Middletonâ€"You’re asses- sed on your property not on the road. ‘(This is a court of revision. | W. E. Baggs wanted to know why his assessment had been raised every year for three years. “It’s not be- cause we’re getting so many improve- ments up there" he said, “the road is a disgrace.†Mr. Baggs assessment is $2225 on the land and $450 on the house a total of $2625. Mrs. John Woods said that in 1909 their land was assessed for $250. and now it was $650. The buildings are ;assessed at $1400. making a total of 32050, which is an increase of $150. {over last year. They have four and la. quarter acres of land. Mrs. Woods 'stated that there had been no improve- ‘ments or alterations and no increase in value and thought there should be [no increase in assessment. i Mrs. Catherine Grady appealed aâ€" gainst an assessment of $2025. on her Church Street property. On motion of councillors Davis and Middleton the assessment was sustained. l The members felt that the assessâ€" ‘ment was fair, and just and on motion ‘of councillors Middleton and Chapman was confirmed. Mrs. Gilson appealed on behalf of the Claffey estate on two properties. >Their property on Wright Street was {assessed $1150. for land and $450. on Lgthe house. On motion the house was ireduced $50. to $400. The Yonge St. lproperty on the east of the street just north of Bedford Park is assessed for $1700. This was thought to be fair and equitable and on motion of coun- cillor Chapman and councillor Davis was sustained. David Gould complained that the «assessment of his property on North Yonge Street was too high. It is the property formerly occupied by E. Leno. H‘he total asseSSment is $2025., $775 «'on the buildings and $1250. on the \land. -It was raised $50. this year. Mr. Gould said that the house was in wery poor shape and that it was not a ‘valuable property. He would be glad to sell it for very close to the as~ sessed value. Mrs. Mason, Yonge Street, appealed against an assessment of $4,825. on her Yonge Street property. This is an increase of $450 over last year. It was moved by councillor Davis, seconded by councillor Middleton that the assessment be sustained. An (amendment was moved by councillor Sims that there be a reduction of $250 ion the buildings. The amendment lwas not seconded and the motion car- ried. Mr. Gostling' also appeared on be- half of Mrs. Vidler. Her property is assessed for $1025, the house for $650. and the land for $375. On motion councillor Middleton and councillor Sims the assessment was confirmed. [all. On motion councillors Chapman and Davis the assessment was con- firmed. Mr. Seater, Trench Street appealed against his assessment which is, build- ings $1000., land $675., total $1675. Mr. Seater said that the house 'was old and was assessed far too high. “The valuator who came around said it was too high†said Mr. Seater. It was moved by councillor Middle~ ton, seconded by councillor Chapman that the building be reduced by $200. An amendment was moved by council- Mr. Simsâ€"Yes that’s exactly What ‘I want in the town and that’s wuut the ratepayers want. I’m not grumb- ling about any taxes I have to pay, but compare my place with some of the best houses and compare the as» sessments. On motion of councillors Middleton and Davis the assessment was sustaim Reeve Lunauâ€"J’m assessed as much as you I guess. Mr. Simsâ€"0h no you’re not. Reeve Lunauâ€"I am assessed for bus- ‘iness tax too. Mr. Simsâ€"~Yes $100. Mine is $250. Reeve Lunauâ€"The main thing is to get equalization. Don’t risk wet feet! Let us ï¬t you with a pair of Miners now; and while you are about it bring in the wife and kiddies. We sell rubber footwear for the whole family, and you can rely on the quality being good. FOR SALE BY 80~2 W. H. ESPEY and they ï¬t so naturally you can work all day in comfort. Miner Rubbers keep out the wet EEP your feet dry and wax and you’ll keep yourself free winter ailments. Mr. Simsâ€"I appeal my assessment because I felt that there are inequal- ities in the assessment of the town. Old properties like mine are high com- pared to what fine new residences are assessed. Take one like your own Mr, Reeve. ‘ Mr. Moodieâ€"Yes. The land from Lorne Avenue to Centre Street was practically all lowered. Councillor Middletonâ€"Why? Mr. Moodieâ€"â€"For equalization. The land from the City Service Garage to Centre Street is at the same rate now. Mr. Simsâ€"Your total assessment is lower. Mr. MoodiemThe land was lowered and the buildings are the same. MINER RUBBERS are fï¬e cï¬Ã©apesi [lea/1% insurance you can buy Mr. Simsâ€"Was your own total as- sessment raised or lowered this year Mr. Moodie? Mr. Moodieâ€"This was for equaliz- ation. Your land and mine and all along there are asseSSed the same. Street property which totals $2825. This year the land was lowered by $100. and the buildings increased by $300. "Compare my store which is fifty years old with the assessment of some of the new houses and see if it is fair. If the council thinks so I’m satisfied.†Reeve Lunau~You must remember you’re on Yonge Street. Mr. Simsâ€"Yes and I pay for it. Take the property right north of mine the land was lowered and the buildings were not raised. Why fhis lowering of the land? Elgin» Mills â€"â€" Ontario Agent for Canadian National Railways, Express Money Orders and Telegraph To Any Part of the World Ofl‘ice opeï¬s 6.30 d. ï¬iâ€"Zo‘lwdjtf Post Ofï¬ce Open Until 10 p. m. daily GENERAL MERCHANT PRINTING SERVICE ‘9 1n unexcelled printing service it available to this district at The Liber- al Job Printing Department. Our plant is equipped to take care of your every requirements in the line of printed matter. “If it's printing we do it." We assure you that you will find the quality, service and price right. warm in Miner Rubbers ’ree from colds and other of The Nova Scotia apple crop from the Annapolis Valley is now valued at $3,000,000 and the significance of this figure will be realized when it Is recalled that the return from last year’s cron was approximately 81.000.000. Growers affirm there never was a better year in the his- tory of the industry than the pres- ent. lor Sims seconded by councillor Davi that the land be reduced by $175. Th vote was a tie and Reeve Lunau vote. for the reduction in the land. “There should be a reduction on th house†said Mr. Seater. On motion of councillors Middleton and Davis the assessment rolls for thn. year 1930 were confirmed with th ‘ changes as above. . . . keep in the warmth Jones Coal Co ,__-â€"-‘w in Canada may now bring forward their Families, Relatives and Friends on BRITISH RE-UNION ASSOCIATION 75 % Di“- Supt. Gigantic, PM“ “511'â€. Tomb full apply; L I)f CAMERON Phone 188 BRITISHERS for ’5 of TOTAL No.