Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Oct 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR _â€" EYES and EAR (By Elsie Ess) “Devil’s Sunday," and an old Scotch llegend tells of the frightful orgin of Old superstitions die hard and it‘this particular night when the devil is Will be a long time before the customlsupposed to have charge Of thmgs' “9 Vf celebrating Halloweven goes out 01- assembled all the witches together_beâ€" fashion. Just whv we celebrate Hal- fore gml‘g on the” revels' 93,6“ Wltm )weyen_a pagan festival is an inte_ was‘anomted With-a preparation niade jesting quest-10m The average am of fat of unbaptised infants. en wer would be “Because our fathers she flew up .the chimney and rode lid.” During} recent veam the in_ through the air on the backs of black .reasing commercialization of all ’cats‘ At the feast they ate 9° bread kinds of festivals has had something zgdsighcggaglscfi’utto %:cl1:01'se§.hesliflf‘1§i 0 do Wlth Its poPumnW' The 0p“supplied the music by playing on the Elgrgggégyul; Zifirgjtéfi £13033: ysglggiti skull of a hen with the tail ofua black l» ‘ ‘ . ‘cat. The Scott are sai sti to be- f mlscmef’ bUffooner‘ll and make be- 'lieve that black cats look tired and ief, Wlll insure the celebration of Hal- worn out on the day after Halloweyem Towe’en for many a 'ear to come. - Halloweyen is‘theyevenmg of the Another legend tells how the (IQ’VIl (lay which precedes what is known as made his head round on Hallowe en .\11 Saints Day in the Christian Calenâ€" and appeared 313’“ th? gouses and}? Alar, but its customs seem to have littâ€" the fo‘ileSts Whele he 2.1g twig even" , - - .- - one w 0 came near im. owever, .e in common With a Christian festix if he saw his image he fled. This ;;l, for Halloween was celebrated by legend is said to have been the f0un_ -he Druids. - . .- .. f h Long before the Christian fai dation fm the CUIIOUS custom o to rdopted among the untutored people Child”? Of to'd‘l-V carrymg lmmplfm of Ancient Britain October thirw- dQVIlS on.Ha'1”ween mgllt‘ It first was the harvest season and the takes a devfl to Catch a devu W5 the strange priests of the stilllstranger 01d adage' The “"1de 9f tlns 33“ Druidic religion built bonfires on the 'wmlld net (ionsuler an evenmgs Sport hill tops in Britain. Ireland. and Fran. Complete WlthOUt‘ one 0 1 1 Se, in honour of the Sun God_ The affairs somewhere about tie iouse. Druids gathered, clad in snow white robes, at the altar of stones on a hill. 0 , 0n the altar was an emhiem of the on. Halloween and from these secrets divinity they worshipped together of the future might be learned, and With the sacred fire which had been his accounts for some of the rather t kept alive during the past, yeah At curious customs that persist to this a given signal the white robed figuresllaY- 0f COUI‘SG hOhOdY leg “I the grouped themselves around it andll’l‘esent age has the slightest faith in quenched the fire. Then a new firelall these Signs; .Vet 0“ the night 0f was kindled on the hill, and the asâ€" LEGENDS OF HALLOW E’EN th was 1' supernatural beings roamed about Hallowe’en thousands of folks throu- sembled multitude raised a mighty .ghout the lmOWH World {1‘0 thl‘OUEll a «.hout and fl-Om every eminence for {number of silly antics in order to learn miles around other fires blazed into~50mGthlhg 0f the lOOkS imd (hsposlt- view, The same night the fire wasflons of their future husbands or Wivâ€" out out in every cabin and farmhouse .95- only to be rekindled with embers from , 0 . ‘he sacred fire of the priests which live, and each generation enters was believed to protect the homestead and enjoys the regime of mischief and Irom peril so long as it remained burâ€" makeâ€"belief for one night in the year. llll’ifi‘. Thelpeople believed in fairies, â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"»â€"- 20 ins. am witches, and it was on , , this night that the spell of the Witch W- C- T- U- MEETING was potent, and to guard against the The l‘eg'Ulal‘ meetmg 0f the “7-0: T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. 1- Id ideas die hard, they linger and in mischievous pranks of the elves, peo- iile followed closely every rule laid A E Plewman on Tuesdav Novel, down by the Druid priests. . As the Druidic faith faded before her 4th at 3 p- in. Mrs. 0- L. Wright will give a report of the Provincial the advance of Cliristianty the pagan festival lost much of it's pomp and former significance and assumed a . - differmt mode of celebration. So on ,All ladies of the community are cord- the night of October thirty-first the ially invited to be present. simple country folks of Ireland and Scotland added new superstitions to the day. and all sorts of curious storâ€" ies are told of the weird happenings of this night. As it falls on the eve of All Saints Day many believed that h0me_made baking in the basement the spirits were allowed to roam on, this particular night and mingle with IOf the church on saturda‘v’ November Choice those of the living. l8th from 2.30 to 5 p. in. In Scotland. England, or Germany lbaking Will be for sale. GLENN’ the vigil of All Saints Day is no longâ€" or a religious observance. With the ,DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY 0 THIS WEEK. BAKING SALE The ladies auxiliary of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church will hold a sale of l Latin races it is merely a religious S ONE CENT SALE THURS" vigil. and around it’s Observances cling few, if any, of those wild legends or superstitions that are so plentiful in Scandanavia, parts of Scotland and 'â€" 11-?”3, h lPHONE 188 THE JONES COAL CO. n e sixt century Hallowe‘en was' v' lmown as “Witches’ Night” or the FOR COAL 0R WOOD. l °=0=°=O=0=0=0=0=0=0 DO YOU KNOW ° Youcan have'a modern heating plant and up to date plumb- ing installed in your home and pay in the same way as you do for electric light or automobile. Guard Your Health, Save Money and increase the value 02 your property by installing Modern Heating and Plumbing. Estimates cheerfully given and without obligation on your part. PLUMBING â€" HEATING â€"- PLUMBING SYSTEMS T. KNAPTON & SON 37 Franklin Avenue Phone Lansing Willowdale 11 o =0=0=0=o=0==0=0=10=0 e / =0=Ol=0= i PHONE 174-W holding evening of this week. in the schooli house, contests, pumpkin pie and other goodies for re- freshments is the order of the even- ‘ed w ing. lady's; THE LIB CARRVILLE The Young People's Society have withdrawn their meeting this week, in called ( favor of the W.A. social. Association purpose social Friday The Women's :1 Hallowe'en A good program of games. nlusic and readings. with Prizes will be given for best best gent’.s best boy's and best girl's Hallowe’en costumes. Bowen visited on Sunday with theirl Mr. Norman Bowen and Miss Ruth grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pleasance of Langstaff. 6 Mrs. Adkins and baby daughter. of Toronto. are visiting her parents, Mr. ‘and Mrs. James Vanderburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Hcisc, Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnson, all of Gornilcy, were I l f these hideouslily, Sunday visitors at G. W. chfer’s. Mr. Stuart Wark and Miss Olive Bovair spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jennings in Maple. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker and fainâ€" of Grand Valley, visited on Sunâ€" day at Geo. Baker's and Archie Pattâ€" It was also claimed that all soi‘tslel.sonis_ Misses Margaret and Mary Bowcs spent the weekâ€"end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clement and sons spent Sunday in Grand Valley. Mr. Clarence Vandcrburgh, of Sudâ€" liury, visited on Saturday with his l parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vanderâ€". burgh. Miss Laura Dcllirocco. of Toronto, Spent Sunday at her home here. ANNOUNCEMENT Sparton Radio, watch for announce- ment re new Junior Model price $105. complete. I l lConvention held in Belleville recently l l G. Ycrex. agent, Richmond Hill. FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO THE ONE CENT SALE AT GLENN'S DRUI STORE THIS “'EEK. CLIYBBING RATES The Liberal and any Toronto daily one year for $5.73. Take advantage of this attractive clubbing offer. Club- bing rates with all magazines 'and periodicals. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 a. m.â€"â€"Morning Worship 2.45 p. 1n.â€"Sunday School 7 p. innâ€"Hymn lecture Subjectâ€"“O love that will not let me i F go.”â€"â€"Matheson. Soloistâ€"Miss E. Barker. Monday 8 p. m.â€"Y,P.S. FOR SALE Used Fordson Tractor 1927 Model Excellent condition $350.00 ' Little Brothers Phone 174w #â€" " RICHMOND HILL RICES SLASHED BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL USED CARS The Fall is the time to buy a Used Car andtake Advantage of Low Prices Former Price 1929 FORD TUDOR . . . . . . . . . . $450.00 1929 FORD Standard Coupe . . $450.00 1929 FORD ROADSTER Rumble Seat, only 5000 miles $400.00 1927 ESSEX COACH . . . . . . . . . $275.00 1926 CHEVROLET SEDAN .. . . $225.00 1926 CHEVROLET COACH .. $175.00 1926 FORD COUPE . . . . . . ' . . . . $160.00 1922 FORD COUPE . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Now $425.00 $425.00 $370.00 $240.00 $200.00 $150.00 $140.00 $30.00 We will equip all Model “A” Fords with Heaters and give 30 Day Guarantee. ALL CARS RECONDITIONED TERMS LITTLE BROTHERS Ford Sales and Service l TESTON 3 Mr. and Mrs. H. Rogers. of Toronto, in friends in town on Thursdayl Mr. and Mrs. J. Ball. of Sherwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Kerr. A good many of our townspeople‘ attended the 60th anniversary of the‘ Hope United Church on Sunday. Mr. Dawson Hart, of Oshawa, visitâ€"i ith his grandparents, Mr. and, Mrs. J. Picrcey over the week-end. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Detroit. were. .week-end visitors at the home of the fornier's sister Mrs. W. Clarkson. Owing to the rainy night the attcnâ€" 1 dance at the Hallowc’en Party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kerr was not as large as hed been antici- pated. Costumes were very effect- ive, Mrs. E. Bowen won first prize for ladies. Brides costume; Miss H. Deisâ€" man. first prize for gent's, Hunt- icr’s costume. Mr, R. M. Hadwen returned home Saturday from a two months vacation spent in Powassan, North Bay and New Liskeard. l Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray, sixth line, ‘spcnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. lladwen. Miss Jean Hadwcn is confined to the house with tonsilitis. The many friends of Miss Ida Mal- loy will be glad to know that she is able to return home after spending several weeks in the hoSpital. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smilic. Dr. Smilie 1and wife, of Toronto. called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Taggart on Sunday. l l GORMLEY l Mr. Manuel Ileisc, of Niagara Falls spent the weekâ€"end at, the home of his brother, Mr. Henry Heise. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. B. Recsor. of Altona, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cherry spent, Sunday with relatives in Toronto. 1 Miss Vera Hilts of Buffalo, spent the week-end with her parents here. Mr. Thos. Moorby, of Sunderland. OAK HAT RACK $5.00; THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1930 Classified Advs. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-MARI". THE MOST OF IT" RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first ii sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. FOR SALE TO RENT StOVe Wltl‘ SMALL FRAME HOUSE on Richâ€" or without hot water connection. in mond Street. electric light. good first class condition $10.00; Oak weu' $1100 a month- Immedlate . . __ . pOSsession. J. R. Herrington, Real kitchen cabinet 86.00; wne flowei Estate. phone 87, Richmond Hill. stand $2 . 50; iron beds, cheap; clothes horse. extra large. $1.00; re- 5 ROOMED COTTAGE- GlGCtl‘lC- EOOd frigerator $10.00. Apply Lang- barn. about 1â€"4 acre of land Ap- Staff Post 0mce_ ply Harold Reid’s Service, Elgin Mg Mills, Ont. 50 FOOT LOT on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, close to Yonge St., FOR RENT, I‘m'mShed 2‘ comedy in . three acts, in the Masonic Hall, \vlll sell cheap for cash. Apply W. Richmond Hi“v Wednesday, Novenm G. Miller, 107 Roselawn Ave., Tor- ber 12th. onto, phone Hudson 2825-J. / 100 ACRE FARM east half lot 28, con 3. Vaughan, bank barn. driving shed pig pen, frame house, land all work- able, good young orchard, good pono year round. Apply Wm. Clement, Mill Street, Richmond Hm. _____d__,_____._.â€"â€"’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ STABLE 20 x 30. good frame build- ing; also lot 40 x 150. Apply No. 10 Centre Street West, Richmond Hill. __’,/â€"â€" PURE BRED SOWS and HOG. Car- scadden Strain of Bradford; also ________________ v o'D‘l iii. Ail rw. ;:‘;’t‘gm,(,‘;‘lom"‘R“}, NO ‘1‘) yMaple WASHING DONE AT HOME, clean. I c ( ’ ' . ' ’ ’ reliable work. Mrs. Patterson, 17 (mt Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill, Ont. FORD TOURING, good condition 515. Reason for selling no place to store it for winter. Apply 4 Elizabeth Street. Richmond Hill. ' __’___,_____,__â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€" McLAITGHIJN TOURING CAR. good running condition. Apply Harold Reid’s Service, Elgin Mills, Ont. ____________'__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" HOUSE T0 RENT 6 Rooms, electric good garden. Apply 2 Elizabeth St. or L. B. Finch, 586 Ossington Ave., Toronto. phone Lombard 3124. WANTED WORK by man and team, by day or hour, plowing done. reasonable rat- es. J. Jarvis, 58 Richmond Street West, Richmond Hill. \VASHING done at home. Apply 24 Benson Avenue, Richmond Hill. YOUNG GEESE, fowl, young COCKâ€" erels, top market price paid. Rob- inson and Moyle, Rumble Avenue, Box 174, Phone 190. M GRAIN, we will pay market prices for all kinds of grain. Apply Mr. Moore, E. T. Stephen’s Farms, Rich- mond Hill, telephone 1â€"r-3. ‘___’___â€"___.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- FARM WAN I‘ED to rent, 100 to 125 acres with option to buy. State par- ticulars tc Box 48, Liberal Office. RANGES and HEATERS. see our new line of ranges and heatâ€" crs before buying. It will pay you. Our prices are right. We have the new all enamel ranges. J. A. Rose, Hardware. Maple. Ont. WM TEAM of WORK non SES. with har- spent a few days last week at the home of her son Herbert Moorby. l On Wednesday last Gormley Wo- ‘men’s Institute met at the home of ‘Mrs. George Collard, Stouffville, with a good attendance. l Mr. and Mrs. D. Law, of Ringwood. ,were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ‘John Sider. ‘ Miss Ethel Snider of Strathford, spent several days last week at the ho‘me of Mr. George French. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. B. Boston and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Thos. Lyons on Sunday last. The Revival Services at Gormley Mennonite Church began on Friday evening, October 24th, with a very good attendance. Rev. C. N. Good, of Kitchener, is the Evangelist. The death occurred on Friday morn- ing of Mrs. Ben Climanhagie at her home here, after a few months illness. The funeral held on Monday was lar- gely attended. Service being con- ducted by Bishop Alvin Winger assis- ted by Rev. D. W. Heise. Mrs. Sarah Steckley is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Swalm of Druntroom. / I l l l AN OPPORTUNITY l» The one cent sale now in progress at Glenn’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill is attracting thrifty shoppers from all sections of the district. The “ad” ;which appeared in our last issue offer- .ed many remarkable opportunities to purchase your varied requirements at market savings. Whether it be Christmas presents or just a stock up ;for your ordinary needs you will find 5the sale offers a real opportunity. The sale is Thursday, Friday and Satur- ,day of this week. If you are unable ‘in our last issue and telephone your ,order which will be kept for you until convenient to call for it. Municipality of the ‘TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM County of York Clerk’s notice of First Posting of Voters’ Lists. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Unionville on the 20 day of October, 1930, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parlia- ment and at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or ommissions corrected according to law. The last day for filing appeals is the 10th day of November, 1930. Dated at Unionville, this 10th day of l to call. at the store consult the “ad” iTHIS WEEK_ RADIOâ€"I have sales agency for a ness, cheap, weight about 1350 lbs each. Apply Louis Hicks, Thorn- number 0f the leading and mOSt hill. ' popular radio firms and solicit the (M â€" patronage of the people of this dis- BABY CARRIAGE in good condition, inst-e 1 agemntfimmg €18;ng f2; , _ . . a c a . ime. ee u e Kalso babys bassmette With springs. yougbuy_ W‘ G_ Baldock' Church Apply Mrs. J. C. Edwards, 18 Ben- son Ave., Richmond Hill . f,â€" ABOUT 75 BARRED ROCK roosters and pullets; also a few hens. N. J. Smellie, Thornhill, Ont., phone 42â€"J Mfrâ€"’4â€" BARRED ROCK PULLETS; also 8 young pigs. 8 weeks old. George Kozak, Richmond Hill. _____’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"“â€"‘â€"â€"â€". FOR EXCHANGE DESIRABLE 100 ACRES Equipped Farm in Woodstock area, for a small comfortable home north of Toronto, with half acre or acre lots. For particulars apply to H. H. Morâ€" ris, Newtonbrook, Ont. Street, Richmond Hill. Telephone 90 WORK by man with team. ploughing or any kind of work, by hour or contract. George Palmer, John Street, Thornhill. Evenings phone Thornhill ’71. MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKINGâ€"Ladies dresses and coats made to order; also children's clothing. Mrs. Morris, Rosev1ew Avenue, Richmond Hill. For your Supply of Coal or Wood Phone 10. - LOST and FOUNDW ON MONDAY MORNING on Yonge Street, opposite Swanson’s Garage, a bunch of keys in leather case. Owner may have same by calling at Liberal Office and paying for this Advertisement. SALE REGISTER Thursday, November 6â€"Extensive credit auction sale of 40 head of pure bred shorthorn cattle, farm stock, imâ€" plements, hay, grain, furniture, etc. On lot 29, con. 1, Scarboro, Kennedy Highway, 1 mile‘ south of Ellesmere. Property of A. H. Wagstaff. Sale to start at 10 a. m. 12 months’ credit. Thursday, November (Rhâ€"Credit a b ' - auction sale of farm stock imple- 5 me y paymg eXpenses and takmg ments, furniture, grain, roots, ’etc, the away. T. S. McConnell, lot 28, property of Victor Orr, West half of Con. 2. Vaughan, phone 149 Maple. lot 33, Concession 6, Vaughan. 12 Mmonths credit. Sale at 1 p. m. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. 2 Commercial fruit production last Friday, November 7thâ€"Credit auc- year in Canada, had a value of $19,- _ 1 f f t k , 1 t 501,240, of which Ontario accounted 1511:; Sgaiéino 1.02:: eicfmo’n 112%) 53:19:03: f°r$8i656i097- 3, Scarboro, (Brown’s Corners) the â€"â€" property of Jas. Cowan. Sale at 1. GLENN’S ONE CENT SALE THURS- 1" m' 12 months "ed‘t' DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY or Wednesday, Nfiovem-ber 26thâ€"Credit _â€"__â€"__â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€" STRAYED on premises on or about September 15th. heifer rising 2 yrs. apparently, the owner may have auction sale of farm stock, impleâ€" ments, hay, grain, roots, etc., on lot 34, con. 6, Markham. Property of 0. v h T h. Walters. Sale at 1 p. m. The Regular November Meeting of TELEPHONE the Vaughan Township Council _ , will be held in the Township RIChmONd Hill 44-r-22 â€"FORâ€" HALL VELLORE at 11 a. m. Monday, Nov. 3rd 2 For the Transaction of General Business. J. B. McLEAN, Clerk of Vaughan Reliable RadioRepairs O. L. GRAINGER Maple, Ont. _ ,. October 30, 1930 -. -- ~' ' ,. ______________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- HOLLSTEIN BULL CALF Six Weeks old. Dam is a large producer and a high tester. Sire and Dam both accredited. Registered Papers transâ€" ferred to the first buyer. 3 S. C. WHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS Guaranteed clear of TB. and Worms. Generations of large egg ancestry behind them. Would suit a man who has DUI- lett flock that he wishes to mate. These are large birds, October, 1930. G. A. M. DAVISON, Clerk of Markham Township full of pep, and whose progeny are now in full lay. The above for sale by G. W. CANE. & SONS MAPLE R. R. No. 2 â€" ONTARIO â€"- _______________.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"

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