Dealer in Flour and Feed, Poultry Supplies, Etc RICHMOND HILL â€" ONTARIO o o=o=o=o:=-=:zc=xo==o=o==o=o DISTRIBUTOR [I 0 ll i=0] ll Thousands of hens are lost annually through contraction of 0 disease. One sick bird drinking at the water fountain can I] poison the entire flock before you discover the ailment. ° Peerless Poultry Prescription used in the drinking water dai- ly kills the germs and prevents the further spreading of dis- ease. 3 PEERLESS POULTRY PRESCRIPTION (W7m-%M%Em _; WAS LIE I23 PAGE SIX ELGIN MILLS is a remedy for the entire poultry family and will save you lots of dollars. Every bottle guaranteed. We are exclusive representatives in this district for the Famous Castro] MOTOR OIL. It pays to use the Best. Call here for your next change of oil and be assured of good service and quality products. HAROLD REID’S Service Slation CASTROL OIL Roup, Coccidiois, Canker, Chicken-Pox, Cholera, White Diarrhea Other Gilson Products One-Piece Welded Steel Furnaces Cast and Semi-Cast Furnaces Gilson Magic Oil Burners Gilson Magic Blowers Automatic Circulating Fans Automatic Drip Humidiï¬er. The Gilson “Hy-Lo†Washer in- corporates the new two-speed principle, giving a fast speed for washing ordinary goods, and a slow and gentle action for delicate silks, curtains, and other dainty things. The Gilson “Hy-Lo†is the only two-speed Washer made in Canada, and represents the latest develop- ment of the Industry. You cannot afford to have anything less than “Hy-Lo" serviceâ€" when you invest in a Washing Machine, you want the best. And the beauty of it is the Gilson “Hy-Lo†twoâ€"speed Washer costs no more. Built for a lifetime of service, with all mechanical parts permanently sealed, running in oilâ€"with Patented Self-Feeding Wringer, and big, soft rolls, the Gilson can! “Hy-Lo†is truly the Aristocrat of Washers. =%s=_\ .;‘\ ‘ \â€" THAT BETTER PENNSYLVANIA HARD COAL DON’T PUT IT OFF! Cold weather is just around the corner. Hen you'll want COMPLETE heating comfortâ€"comfort such as only Reading Anthracite can ‘ give. Don’t put it offâ€"call us today for this cleaner, more economical hard coal. GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE Sieberling Tires Motor Accessories G; Kills Germs - Makes Hens Pay Peerless Poultry Prescription J. F. BURR IOEIOI Get it nowâ€"a 16 oz. bottle $1.00 Those Diseases are Contagious PHONE YARD IO - '° :3:- 5“ 9Ae Web me 0119mm ‘GILSDN “l-IYoLO'f â€"In Liquid Formâ€" Gilson “Snow Bird†Ironer Does the last hard half of, the weekly wash in one-quarter the timeâ€"and better than it can be done by hand. Everything, from flat work to fancy dresses and shirts. Seated comfortably, ironing with the Gilson “Snow Bird†is just play. Low price, easy terms, free trial. Investigate today. ROBERT MICHAEL SOLD BY YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL GILSON MFG. co., Limit“! emu, our. IOUOI i-RESIDENCE I j‘" 85‘J 0:0) Gas and Oil ONTARIO 10:0 I A drunken brawl enlivened the Simcoe Street Dance on Monday night ‘with several other drunks about tom iâ€"The Ferguson Liquor Control Act and its suppression of bootleggers has but little effect in Beaverton.â€"â€"-Bea- :verton Express. 10=0= Mutton-eating dogs have been hard on the sheep in Uxbridge Township rthis year. The amount of dog tax collectible appréxiina'tes $558, where- ‘as damages have been paid to date of $557. l An effort is being made in Aurora to organize a Lion’s Club in that town. A service club is a real asset to £195 community and we wish Aurora the best of luck in the effort and hope that the desire for such action might spread to Richmond Hill. A new industry which is said will employ 25 or 30 men will shortly be established in Stouffville. It will be operated by the Gold Fish Supply 00., one of the largest of its kind in Canada 1 Chicken and grain thieves are busy in Halton County. George and Will- iam Lamb, farmers of Nelson Town- ship report the theft of 70 hens. Two farmers of Milton, and R. J. Graham, farmer, of Trafalgar, also report the theft of a number of bags of seed from their barns in Trafalgar Town- 'ship. ‘ Work is going hhead rapidly on Am: ora’s new hockey arena, and it will be rushed to completion before the sea- son starts. ‘ Collingwood town council has set the license fee for miniature golf courses at $100 and has prohibited Sunday playing of the game. In Kitchener they have decided that able-bodied men must pay for any reâ€" lief advanced in labor at 40c an hour. Groceries or fuel advanced must ue worked out in the city labor. No money will be paid out under the plan. All persons receiving relief must sur- render their liquor permits. Stouffville Board of Education have taken up the matter of teaching of music in the school there. It is pro- posed to engage a qualified instructor and take advantage of the govern- ment grant. The Earl Haig High School in Nor- th York township was oflicially opened last Friday. Sir William Mulock de- livered the address. Hon. G. S. Henry ofï¬ciated at the opening of the Agin- tourt Continuation School the same night. Raspberries were sold on Orillia's market on October 11 at 25 cents a box. Meaford high school has added a modernly equipped science room to its facilities. A number of sidewalks have been laid in Orillia with a view to rellev- 'ing' unemployment and improving the 'town. One councillor ventured the opinion that he thought that it would be good business for the householders not only to invite him in but to use him well when he got in. Just what he meant by “use him well†we don’t know. Rocklyn Farmers’ Club shipped $200,000 worth of live stock out ‘of Meaford this year. ‘ Hallowe’en gives no license to de- ‘stroy property and Richmond Hill does not want to have the unpleaSam- ness of court actions as‘ was the case last year. A word to the wise should be sufficient. Exa‘eeve T. H. Trench raised a de- batable question at the Court of Reâ€" vision on Monday evening, when he asked whether or not an assessor could demand acceSS to a home or building for assessment purposes. There was a difference of opinion on the question and the statutes did not seem very clear. Anyway Assessor Moodie said he had never encountered any difficulty along this line. ‘ Avoid any rash actions on Hallowe’- en which may lead to trouble the next day. er. The Golden Rule, “do unto oth- ers as you would have others do unto you†is a good one to follow. In other words don‘t do to others what you would not consider a perfectly good joke if it was done to you. Friday is Hallowe’en. Let all have plenty of fun but it is well to remem- ber that it is “poor fun†when gained at the expense or suffering of anoth- General News and Views THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO r No longer will a certain young Ur- lillian carry his pipe in his hip-pocket. lA cloud of smoke was the warning ‘as he rode on the running board of a friend’s car, when the wind fanned the pipe in his pocket to a flame that ignited his trousers, shirt and under- shirt. Wild yells brought the car to an abrupt standstill, that almost dit- ched a following car, and there en- sued in the ditch “such mad pursuit, such struggle to escape†as would have delighted the eye of a champion ‘contortionist. The return journey was made in the modest obscurity of a rumble seat. All pipe smokers take warning! n The eye, which is the most precious organ of the special senses, may suff- er from disease or injury in spite of lthe matural protection affonded it. The mechanism of sight also may be- lcome disordered. Abnormal condit- ‘ions of the eye usually occur during certain age periods; for example, cat- aract ordinarily develops in middle life or later. The lens of the eye is a crystal-like structure. The rays of light are lfocused by the lens on the retina. If the nutrition of the lens is interfered with, there is a. change in the tissues which make up the lens, which change results in the loss of some of the cry- stalline or transparent character of Ithe lens. ‘ The loss of transparency means the beginning of opacities, and this change usually begins at the margin of the ?lens. As long as the opacity is lim- ‘ited to the margin, it has little or no effect on the sight. As soon as it spreads into the line of direct sight, vision becomes less clear. Beginning cataract should suggest a most careful examination of the That municipal councils have no authority to alter the award set; by a sheep valuer, was the stand taken by Uxbrid‘4‘e Township Council last week when a member of the Scott Town- ship Council, Mr. Wesley Page of Quaker Hill, appeared to protest a- gainst the award made on his flock ravaged by dogs. Mr. Jack Kidd, valuer, set the claim at $63 for three sheep killed and six injured. Back in 1906 wheat was selling at 61 cents‘per bushel, but you could pur- chase underwear for 500., beef for 5 1-2 cents a pound, and a fine coonskin coat for $50. Teachers in those days were in receipt of $250 a. year. The farmer then according to prices was better off than he is to-dayâ€"Milver- ton Sun. The number of fatal accidents to children on the country roads is causâ€" ing a revival of the idea of providing footpaths along the King’s highways. â€"Newmarket Era. Beech nuts are scarce in the woods this seasonâ€"a sign of a hard Winter, if you believé in signs. Though W. J. Blair, of Midland, has been gathering mushrooms for sixty years, he never was fortunate enough to get one as large as ’he did one day last week when he picked up a Shaggy Main or Umbrella, which measured 12 inches. Its hood was seven and a half inches and it weighed 8 3-4 ounc- A tailor ninety-four years or age is still at work in England. The sur- vival of the fitter. ’3’ $111 CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION CATARACT HEALTH SERVICE OF THE The Vellore Euchre Club met on 'Monday evening, October 27th at Vell- ore Township Hall. There were forty lseven present. Prize winners were lfor the ladies, first Mrs. Jas. Brown- 'lee; second, Miss Mildred Monks; third Deborah Davidson; for the gentlemen first, A. L. McNeil; second, Sam Dav- idson; third, Gordon Foster. The 'consolation prizes went to Miss S. Fenwick and Robert McNeil. The next meeting will be held next Monday evening, November 3rd. {GLNN’S ONE CENT SALE THURS- ‘DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK. The Royal Judging Competition was held in Newmarket district on {Monday, October 27th, thirty-two boys took part in the competition. All contestants eligible for this must first 1submit a statement pertaining to the cost of producing some farm product; or performing some farm operation. ‘Boys also had to be between the ages of sixteen and twenty years of age. The party of Royal trip winners in- clude the ten high scoring boys and we are pleased to report that three Iare from the Vellore district, namely; Frank Robson, Jack Nattress, and Al- bert Rutherford, the latter was the ‘high boy of the competition and won the Canadian National Exhibition shield. Alex. McNeil won the gold medal for coaching the high novice rtownship team Which included Robert McNeil, Jack Nattress and Frank Robson. Misses Jean McKinnon and Laurena Rutherford being high girls in the county competition last May, are also privileged to attend as guests in the two hundred and fifty party, at the {Royal Winter Fair. PHONE 188 THE JONES COAL CO. FOR COAL OR WOOD. ' whole body in order to detect and cor- rect any abnormal condition. Prop- ier glasses should, of course, be used in order to avoid any strain which re- [sults from the wrong type of glaSses. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hutchinson at- tended the Dooley â€" Calhoun wedd- ing in High Park United Church on Saturday, October 25th. The Fairbank Dramatic Club pre« sented their play to a well pleased audience in Vellore Hall last week. Miss Anna Cameron, of Woodbriage visited her cousin Miss Jane McNeil over the weekâ€"end. Rev. McNamara took charge of the service at St. Paul’s, Vaughan on Sun. day in the absence of Rev. C. H. Bow- man. Rev. Cunningham, of Knox College, will conduct the services on Sunday, November 2nd. Prevention of cataract means the keeping of the body in good health, the prompt removal or treatment of focal infections, and the use of proper glasses. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto will be answered personally by letter. The cataract itself is a degenerative change; it means that the eye is grow- ing old, whether prematurely or other- wise. Once the condition is started, it will likely progress, but the rate of development may be checked by re- moving the underlying causes. Many persons with beginning cataract go on for many years without having their sight sufficiently interfered with to the extent of making an operation necessary. A spectacuular’ high line trail ride about 7,000 feet above sea level from Banff to Lake Louise has just been inspected and found feasible by J. Murray Gibbon and Jim Brewster. It is 27 miles west of Banff over timber line to a ride looking down on the little known glacier-fed Taylor Lake and fol- lowing the 'LOOO-feet contour to the Consolation Lake trail leading to Moraine Lake. It commands magnificent views of the glacial country north of the Canadian Pacific Railway west as far as the Bow Lakes and south to Mt. Assiâ€" niboine. It is 60 miles long and will probably be used for the an- nual official camping trip of the Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies next year. “I do not believe that the talk ing films will ever take the place of the legitimate stage. . . . People still appear to be building ordin- ary theatres," said Lady Diana Manners. famous English society beauty and equally famous as_ the heroine of "The Miracle" during its New York and Boston produc. tions, who arrived at the Windsor street station, Montreal. recently, on her ï¬rst visit ta Canada. (598) ere and There Vellore THURSDAY, ViOCTOBER 30. 1930 WILLIAM BUCK Teacher of Violin at the Toronto Conservatory of Music A limitel number of pupils will be accepted in Richmond Hill Mondays at 17 Centre St., Phone 113 Friday afternoon, Nov. 7th Electrical Repairs Estimates Given Gormley R. R. 2 Agincourt 21-r-21 Toronto Hamilton We solicit order for Cut Flowers for all occasions which will be promptly and cheerfully ï¬lled. Holiness Meeting" .......... 11 a. m. Salvation Meeting . . . . . . . . . . 7 p. m. John A. Campbell & Co. Limited Coming and Contracts Re-Financed SALVATION ARMY LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES John Dunlop & Son OPTOMETRISI‘ ‘ 163-167 YONGE STREET Toronto’s able Eyesight Specialist for Glasses may be consulted lSHAW LECUYER & Co. Ltd. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 205-6 Bloor Building (Bloor at Bay) Kings. 5566â€"6020 Toronto, Ontario There is a record crop of potatoes in Canada this year. It will total 66,500,000 bushels or 46 per cent. more than in 1929, according to the latest official estimate. Pota- toes ate grown in commercial quantities in all the provinces of Canada. According to a. statistical report, it all the wealth in the Dominion of Canada were equally divided it would provide $2,996 for each per- son. This does not include the value of Canada’s undeveloped na- tural resources. The national wealth is placed at $28.940,000.000. an increase of $1,272,000.62“) over the previous year. Marking the earliest opening of the apple shipping season from Halâ€" ifax to Europe, over a. week in ad- vance of last year, the first over- seas shipment of the fruit went September 2 in a cargo estimated at about 4.000 barrels of Nova Sco- tia. apples. McIntosh Granite Co. 1623 Yonge Street VIOLIN LESSONS F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. 'Josephine Allard, Shaw Deer Park School, in the World’s No- vice Contest, September 1930, wrote 95 net words a minute with only 4 errors â€"- a world record in accuracy and speed. We prove our courses by the test of independent examin- ation. Catalogue free, descri- bing courses leading to recog- nized degree or diploma. Write Shaw Schools Ltd., Bay and Charles Sts., Toronto, KI. 3165 Automobile Bankers at AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE RICHMOND HILL on Farm Stock, Household Furniture Real Estate, Etc. Lifetime Experience RICHMOND HILL CORPS S. OLIVER LICENSED AUCTIONEER MONUMENTS RICHMOND HILL Phone HYland 2622 Officers in Charge Reasonable Terms Phone 53 Thornhill, Ont. FLORISTS CAPT. LYNCH LIEU I‘. COOKE Sunday Services Limited Ottawa TYPING RECORD Windsor London Toronto