Telephone 1535, All trucks Insured for Public Liabil- ity and property damaged. Residence 14-r-12 Phone Office 100 Express and Long Distance Moving Sand and Gravel Delivered Dump Trucks for Hire By ngr or Contract Bank of Commerce Building Thornhill, Ont. OFEICE HOURS: â€" 10 a. m., 12 a. m. 2 p. m., 5 p. m. “ “ 7 p. m., 9 p. m. Ofï¬ce hours: 9 to 11 a. m. 6 to 8 p. m., and by appointment. Oï¬ice: Centre and Church Streets, Richmond Hill Phone 24. North Yonge SE7†. Richmond Hill on. ROLPI! L ALAEGSTAEFâ€" 1 n.a -m Ofï¬ce MAPLE DR. CHARLES S. D_UNNING v... “V... -- _ M." n Ofllco hours: 8:10 3.11:. and 6:8 p.111 DB. LILLIAN O. LANGSTAFFâ€" (Diseases of woman and children; 051cc hours: 1: 3 p.111. A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING THORNHILL, ONTARIO Hot Water Heating and General Repairs J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at, reasonable rates. Patronage solicited .v. v...... We are prepared to condurt sales of every lucription Farms and (arm stock sales a npccialty. Farms bought and sold on commis- IIon. All sales attended to on shortest notice‘ cud coudurtm hv the most nuvroved methods, THORNHfLL VAND UNIONVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMERS New Limousine Ambulances Willowdale 69 Hudson 3679-W Stop 5, Yonge Street, Lansing Telephone From the Toronto Conservatory of Mulle‘ VH1 swap: 3 number of pupils in Piano‘ organ and Theory. Richmond Hill â€"â€" Tuesday & Friday Can-ville THE CARRVILLE CIDER MILL DR. W. SALEM CALDWELL GENERAL CARTAGE by Truck WM. MCDONALD, Telephone 62. Richï¬bâ€™ï¬ hm Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Ofï¬ces at “ WILSON’S CARTAGE CIDER omcé' flanâ€"517330; 2â€"5; 7.30-9 Piano Tuner 85 Years' Practical Experience 378 Beresford Ave.. West Toronto Lyndhurst 2821 alephone Glenn’s Drug Store, Rich- mond Hill, for appointment PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Ballio] SL, K. G. Prentice, Millike Toronto. Hudi 13‘ _ . I $1.50 PER YEAR The Liberal is recognized as one o! the Newsiest Home Papers in the Province of Ontario. Eight to twelve pages, all home print, it carries all the news of the entire district and our circulation is increasing every weekâ€"Subscribe to-day. Dr. L. R. Marwood Poyntz Ave., Lansing Willowdale 140. Ofï¬ce hours: 12-1.15; 6-7.15 Capitol Bldg., Yonge St. End. 1133; Rand: g121. Vaughan Coroner) Hours: 8â€"10 a.m. 12-2 & 6.8 p.m and by appointment JOHN R. CAMPBELL IS NOW OPERATING VOL. LIII. WRIGHT & TAYLOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE JOHN T. ANDERSON ADELMO MELECCI DR. J. P. WILSON From Maple Gravel Pit CIDER FOR SALE R. J. BOWES, DRS. LANGSTAFF BERT HUM'PHRE‘Y Veterinary Surgeon I THORNHILL SAND â€" GRAVEL Professional And Business Directory BUSINESS MUSICAL MEDICAL MAPLE 11 -â€" Tuesday & Friday MRS. MYLKS Phone 100 Thornhill, PHONE 3. Ontario Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Officeâ€"711 Dominion Bank Building southwest corner of King and xonge Streets, Toronto. W. B. Milliken, K. C. Herb. A. Clark Henry E. Redman W. P. Mulock All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand Yonge Street Manning Arcade, formerly of Wm Cook. Cook & Delany Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 1207 Northern Building 330 Bay Street - 1 Telephone â€" Adelai: Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. Rooms 503 Northern Ontario Bldg., cor. Adelaide and Bay Sts., Toronto. William Douglas, K.C, Donald Douglas Wilson N. Robinson Money to loan. lAD. 0177 T. C. NEWMAN BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON Office:â€"A. Mills Showrooms, East side of Yonge Street, Immediately south of Hill’s Gagage Phone Richmond Hill 125 Money to loan at current rates Toronto Office, 18 Toronto Street, Phone, ELGIN 1887 I MCGUIRE. Kin. \Vhitchurch Gwi limbury. Walxer S. Jenkins JA Harry Naugl MAPLE Dentist Oflice: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 am. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 CAMPBELL LINE Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. RICHMOND HILL Office over Davies Dry Good Store Maple Every Saturday. MAPLE HOTEL 100“ MULOCK, MILLIKEN, CLARK & REDMAN Papal-hanger and Decorator. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WORK DONE. Barristm‘s. Solicitors, Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 Uï¬icos: H5 Richmond St. ‘stt, 'l‘n'nr‘to Naughtou Block. Aurora Sullicimrs for' Aurora. Richmond __‘ll. n2. \Vhitchurch. Markham and Noflb A. Cameron Macnaughton BARRISTER 1711 Star Building, 80 King Street, West, Toronto Phone: Elgin 4879. Toronto Ofï¬ce: 316 Federal Building. 5:} Richmond St. West luchumnri Hill “Rice (Liberal Ofï¬ce) over} ..rm::._\ Inn-Hunt. Mame Thursday after on. Woodbridgn, Suluraay ahernoou. Mounv to loan 11' Current Rate FRIDAY, 1.30 P.M. TO 8 P.M Telephoneâ€"Mame 3 Telephone 80 Workmanship Guaranteed. Estimates Free. This Year‘s Books On Hand Stop 24 Yonge Street. PHONE 4 DOUGLAS, DOUGLAS & ROBINSON NAUGHTON & JENKINS WILLIAM COOK & COOK BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 2135 Yonge Street Toronto. HYLAND 1898 and 1900 MAPLEâ€"EVERY TUESDAY Barristere. Sulirflnrs, Etc. Hon. W.H. McGuire, Vincent C. MacDonald L.S.B. James A. Boles, B.A. Adelaide and Virtoria Ste. 0177 Toronto AD ( V THORNHILL Bank of Commerce Building THOMAS DELANY Boot and Shoe Repaxrer Signdard Bank Building. HAROLD J. KIRBY "Win; Cook, K. G. Gordon Cook, B. A., W. J. REID Barristers. Sq]1ri§grs._Etc Dr. M. J. QUIGLEY DENTIST DR. L. R. BELL Dr. W. Finlay DENTIST GEG. KIDD -nkins Res. Phone Hill. 5048 Naughlon, Res. Ehin Mills. Res. Phone 127.2 MACDONALD & BOLES Ofï¬ce Hnurs _ "V v Reeve Lunauâ€"We must not be with- Toronto out protection: Adelaide 4140I Councfllor Simsâ€"We don’t need to â€"â€"â€"-â€"j‘ be. One man is surely not all the N, CLARK protection in the world. I don’t be- .‘1 .lieve in throwing money away. We 11's. Etc- 'have said to night we have not money gank Bunding for this thing and that, so why pay it lg and Konge out needlessly? I don’t think the {council has had much jurisdiction over [erb- A- Clarkjthe constable of late, and I think it’s W- 1" Mulock'itime we did. hoe Repairing Ratepayerâ€"Whose fault is that? 9 Mr. Simsâ€"I suppose it’s ours. We ompt service. fell down. And why? Because the 01d Stand ratepayers stepped in and upset the ’t works. If I had been a ratepayer I D would have left’this thing to the coun- *Pa‘re" ‘cil to settle fairly and square]!!- ONTARIO LL.B. AD 0178 5 Voice in Audienceâ€"I think so too. ( Councillor Middleton moved that the ‘plerk advise the constable that in fut- rure he would be engaged at the rate 50f fifty cents an hour, the constable hito use his own judgment as to the hours he was needed. but that the Councillor Davisâ€"We left this over till after the appeal. It’s not finish- '\ed yet. I think we’re wasting time sitting here. y F‘. J. Mansbridg'eâ€"I fail to under- stand the argument of the councu. The people expect to foot the bill for a constable. It is a mistaken idea that. We want fines to meet the expen- ses of a constable. {2 Councillor Middletonâ€"Have we got gny returns of fines from the County. I: Reeve Lunauâ€"No. f' Councillor Middletonâ€"If we are getting no revenue at all, I for one (don’t think we can afford as a village to pay the high salary we have been paying for-a constable. ‘ Mr. Simsâ€"We are all at sea to night We have the constable’s bill for wag- es for September for $131.00, but we have no account from him for October and we have no returns of fines and 'no definite report of what cases there are or what we may expect. Richmond Hill’s police force has; Ree'been the chief item of discussion inl Com 'municipal affairs for some months and to get is probably the subject of discussion man s; which draws the large attendance and sit has ' is responsible for the apparent quick- Com ening interest in affairs of the mun- give ju ‘icipality. Although there were a few devote interruptions from ratepayers on Mon- Reev day there was no evidence of heated 31531919 discussion and much better order preâ€" _ Cour vailed than on the two previous ocâ€" leaned. casions when the subject was up forhtection discussion. No action however was;[go and taken on the question and the matter? Reev stands exactlyrwhere it was beforelpounty the meeting. S. A. Barraclough car- plan he ries on but under no definite agree- [in reu- ment. It was apparently the opinion “them. ‘of the council that no definite action Mr. should be taken until there is some- ‘men ex 'thing more definite regarding Rich- Reev ‘mond Hill Police Court. Reeve Lunau \(rhey 5 suggested that the matter be left as were h ‘it is, pending the outcome of the ap- didn’t; peal _of W. Reid after which the Reeve Mr, said he thought there would be some game ; definite action taken which would bet- stables “ter enable the council to deal with it. at all, The question was introduced on Monday night by councillor Middleton who asked whether or not the village had a magistrate. Reeve Lunauâ€"Not as far as I know. Councillor Chapmanâ€"Have there been any cases taken to the County Court from here. ' Councillor Simsâ€"Are they village gases? If they are they’ve been wait- ing for a long time. Reeve Lunauâ€"Yes, six or seven, but they haven’t been dealt with yet. They’re to come up Wednesday, I think. l 4 . ' Town council meetings which in the lpast appeared to hold little interest ‘for the ratepayers have during the re- ‘cent months become very popular at- tractions and the attendance of rate- payers has increased from the usual one or two who usually graced the council chamber during regular ses- sions to crowds which tax the seating ‘capacity of the limited quarters. Mon- day night’s meeting Was held in the (clerk’s office and the crowd was such that many were unable to find seats. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1930 Town Constabulary Appointment Stilt Ramos Municipal Fathers Another Meeting Devoted To Police Matters Adjourns Without Definite Action â€" F. J. Mansbridge Urges Construction of Sidewalk in South Yonge Streetâ€" Burden of cost shouid not be borne by Churches he says was needed, but that the With it i Reeve Lunauâ€"We agreed to leave llit over until after the appeal. Councillor MiddletOnâ€"There are Some people can pay their taxes what- ever they are, but there also are peop- .le who, find it hard enough to pay 'them now, without making them more. I’m speaking for them. i Councillor Simsâ€"If we hire a man )like Mr. Trench has suggested who is :always in the village we will have a :good deal more protection than we ;have now. Councillor Simsâ€"Yes We did. It "will be heard on Nov. 7 and then we ,can have a special meeting to deal Councillor Simsâ€"â€"If we keep post- poning it when are we going to get anywhere? l‘xtection. But if he’s called he must Jg‘o and we are Without it. ; Reeve Lunauâ€"If he’s away the Ipounty men are at our call.‘ ' Our pnan helps them and then they help us lin return and we don’t have to pay Il‘chem. \ Reeve Lunauâ€"I think we should lay this thing over. Reeve Lunauâ€"There is a mistaken idea that we must have fines. That shouldn’t enter into it at all. I’m willing to pay my share of $130.. $140. or $150. a month or whatever a conâ€" stable costs us. ‘ Councillor Davisâ€"We don’t just know where we’re at. As far as I can see even if we have no court we will have no loss. We’re not in the hole yet. I move we carry on as we have for a month, and by that time we will have some returns and be in a better position to do something. ll This motion received no seconder. ' Ex-Reeve T. .H. Trench asked per- [mission to speak. “I see the council |is unable to come to a decision†he said. “The matter of fines has been mentioned. In my opinion ï¬nes have nothing to do with the constable. “If we need him, we need him regardâ€" less of any fines we may or may not receive.‘ The question is what can this municipality afford to pay a con- i‘stable. We don’t want him for the express purpose of going out to bring in fines. As I see it we need a con- stable, but we do not need a constable who will devote all his time to that duties of constable alone. What is needed is a-re-organization of the work and some appointee to take on the duties of constable who will devote necessary time to it, but fill in the \other time doing other work for the town and thus have his time fully oc- cupied. l | i l Councillor Simsâ€"Mr. Trench has expressed my views exactly. Mr. Chapmanâ€"When were County 'rmen ever called here to help us. Reeve Lunauâ€"Certainly not, if we didn’t have a man that would help them. L Mr. Simsâ€"I think we would. l; Reeve Lunauâ€"Order gentlemen. I Councillor Middleton’s motion failed to get a seconder. Councillor Chap- man said it would be just the same as lit has been in the past. Reeve Lunauâ€"If he’s a county conâ€" stable he’s supposed to go when called. Councillor Simsâ€"Yes he goes when (called. Yet we can’t be without pro- Reeve Lunauâ€"I don’t just know. ‘They are often through here. They Were here on the 24th of May and it ï¬lidn’t cost us anything. Mr. Simsâ€"Wouldn’t we have the same service from the County Con- stables even if we had no policeman at all. Councillor Simsâ€"Can an officer give justice to his duties here and still devote so much time to the County. time be limited to 6 hours per day. Councillor Middleton in support of his imotion said that he felt that in this Way the council would be at least lim- iting the expense. “I agree councillor Sims if the people hadn’t stirred this thing up it would have been settled long ago†he said. Voiceâ€"The people didn’t stop you. ( Councillor Middletonâ€"Mr. Reeve this is a council meeting and I think anyone who has anything to say should address the chair. with I l F. J. Mansbridge addressed the council regarding the construction of‘ a new sidewalk in front of the Angli- can and Presbyterian churches and the repair of the driveway at the cemâ€" etery. “Some time ago†said Mr. 'Mansbridge “a deputation waited on you to see what could be done about the sidewalk, to make the driveway to the cemetery safer and to beautify the banks in front of the churches. We were assured at that time that you would take it up but we have heard inothing since. No other motions being presente< Reeve Lunau called for any other bus iness and the meeting proceeded to z consideration of other matters. On motion of councillors Sims and Davis it was decided to advertise for tenders for the canteen privileges at lthe arena this season. / Mr. Mansbridgeâ€"We are well aware that we could demand the work by a petition and paying the regular share of the cost, but that would be too great a burden, and we felt it was a burden of which you might Well relieve these two bodies. The burden on the Pres- byterian church would be "especially heavy. It was agreed on motion of councill- ors Davis and Middleton to purchase 100 yards of gravel for patching holes on town streets. Reeve Lunauâ€"We looked over the situation but we decided that we did mot have money available to go ahead with it this year. Reeve Lunauâ€"Maybe We should, but I just forgot that I had never told you. Councillor Middletonâ€"We agreed that we would Wait for a petition. { Mr. Middletonâ€"It would be an ex- pensive job, to tear up the old walk, lower it and construct a new one, and build a retaining wall. Mr. Mansbridgeâ€"As a matter of good business we might have at least ihave been notified of that. Mr. Mansbridgeâ€"I would like to ask if you even went to the trouble to ascertain the cost. l Mr. Middletonâ€"We. reckoned the Icost of the jag would be in the neigh- bourhood of seven or eight hundred dollars. Reeve Lunauâ€"I admit something \should have been done about it. Mr. Mansbridgeâ€"The approach to the cemetery is very dangerous. Hr. Middletonâ€"Mr. Reeve you a- greed with the rest of us that we should wait for a petition. There may have been a misunderstanding but that is what we were told. I under- Stand the church is not willing to as- sume the regular share of the cost and Don’t risk wet feet! Let us ï¬t you with a pair of Miners now; and while you are about it bring in the wife and kiddies. We sell rubber footwear for the whole family, and you can rely on the quality being gobd. FOR SALE BY 80-2 W. H. ESPEY EEP your feet dry and warm in Miner Rubbers and you’ll keep yourself free from colds and other winter ailments. Miner Rubbers keep out the wet . . . keep in the warmth and they ï¬t so naturally you ca'n work all day- in comfort. MHNER RUBBER§ are fï¬e cï¬eapesi [lea/M insurance you can buy Elgin Mills â€" Ontario Agent for Canadian National Railways, Express Money Orders and Telegraph To Any Part of the World Ofï¬ce opens 6.30 a. m. to 10.10 p. In. Post Ofï¬ce Open Until 10 p. m. daily GENERAL MERCHANT 'An unexcelled printing service ii available to this district at The Liber- al Job Printing Department. 0111‘ plant is equipped to take care of your every requirements in the line of printed matter. “If it’s printing we go it.â€, We assure you that you will find the quality, service and price right. / ' ’you want the village to the work. ‘ Mr. Mansbridgeâ€"That is What we tried to make clear when We waited or you. The lowering of the roadwa3 ‘contributed to the present condition and we feel the burden on these people Would be too much. 1 Mr. Middletonâ€"But there are othe“ ‘churches in town, perhaps just thl It was moved by councillor Middlc‘ ton seconded by councillor Davis an‘ carried that a concrete approach b) constructed at the entrance to the ce metery and that the driveway be fixe; temporarily. Mr. Middleton said ié' this was done it would retain the cir lders in the roadway. The big diffi- xcultv in the past was that the wate‘ wasw all material away. The con crete slab would hold that materisfl and would be an improvement for the present. The motion carried. same. 1' Councillor Simsâ€"I believe that som time ago the town had the chance 1; secure a right of way to the cemeter; from Arnold Street and Vaughan Roac‘ If such is still aVailable I believe it i a better solution than lowering th walk. There should be a paralle street to Yonge Street on the Wes side anyway. Councillor Middleton, chairman o" ‘the Arena will make enquiries regard ‘ing a band for the skating season and report at the next meeting. An illustrated travel talk on th< Maritime Provinces will be given or Thursday, November 13th in the Uni ted Church Sunday School at 3p. m Keep this date open. Mr. Mansbridgeâ€"You might spen more on the road than would complet ely remedythe existing condition. Phone 188 Jones Coal Co COAL COKE or WOOD PRINTING SER VICE COMING for No. o ahead wit