Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Nov 1930, p. 6

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[0:1 is a remedy for the entire poultry family and will save you lots of dollars. Every bottle guaranteed. NO RESERVE as the Proprietor is Giving up the Milk Business TERMS:â€"fi Months’ credit on approved joint notes, 5 per cent. Off face of note for cash. , DISTRIBUTOR Dealer in Flour and Feed, Poultry Supplies, Etc RICHMOND HILL â€"â€" ON'] euo===quo==aox=omo=o== THURSDAY. NOV. 20th, 1 p.111 Q=o===onon=ouo Holstein cow, due November 25th 1 Holstein cow, milking, due in Feb. Holstein cow due December 15th 1 H°1Stein COW: milking, dUe in Feb. h ened Sept 15th 1 Jersey COW, freshened August 5tu Holstein cow, fresh 1 Holstein cow, milking, due in Feb- Ayrshire cow, fresh, calf at foot 1 Roan COW, milking, due March lst Durham heifer, freshened Sept. 15 1 Jersey cow, milking, bred Aug. 7th Ayrshire cow, freshened October 3 1 Holstein heifer rising, 2 yrs old bred Durham heifer, freshened Sept. 15 1 Part Holstein and Jersey bull, 8 Holstein cow, milking, due in Feb. months old. Thousands of hens are lostannually through contraction of disease. One sick bird drinking at the water fountain can poison the entire flock before you discover the ailment. Peerless Poultry Prescription used in the drinking water dai- ly kills the germs and prevents the further spreading of dis- ease. RAGE SIX ELGIN MILLS CREDIT AUCTION SALE OF Fresh Milk Cows and Forward Springers THE PROPERTY OF J. T. SAIGEON & SON, Auctioneers IQ THE SUNNY SOUTH CASTROL OIL HAROLD REID’S Service Slation Roup, Coccidiois, Canker, Chicken-Pox, Cholera, White Diarrhea Liberal Print. Richmond Hill We are exclusive representatives in this district for the Famous Castro! MOTOR OIL. It pays to use the Best. Call here for your next change of oil and be assured of good service and quality products. GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE Sieberling Tires Motor Accessories G; STONE, (JRAVEL SAND AND PEA GRAVEL Supplied on Short Notice. WIRE FENCING and CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION At Lot 26, Con. 8, Vaughan Kills Germs - Makes Hens Pay Three-quarters of a Mile East of Kleinburg Peerless Poultry Prescriptian‘ PEERLESS POULTRY PRESCRIPTION JOHNSTON EGAN WALTER BONE & SON Will be sold by public auction J. F. BURR Get it nowâ€"a 16 oz. bottle $1.00 Those Diseases are Contagious Phone Maple 864 â€"In Liquid Formâ€" SOLD BY MAPLE, ONTARIO ONTARIO g I0=O$O=O OEOgOHO Gas and Oil ONTARIO Increased Potato Crop Notwithstanding dry weather con- ditions throughout most of the po- tato producing districts of Canada, and the development of late blight in certain sections, the final estimate in. dicates a total yield of over 47 million cwt., or an increase of ten per cent. over last year’s crop. Ontario's share will be 11,250,000 cwt. A Timely Address Addressing the St. Thomas Kiwanis Club, W. R. Reek, superintendent of the Ridgetown Experimental Farm, predicted that when the present per- iod of depression and reduced prices Three Years Show Progress Can good patatoes be grown in Onâ€" tario? The Central Ontario Potato Growers are showing that this prov- ince can prodiace potatoes which need not take second place to those from any other province. The association is demanding a premium for their “Tee-Pee” brand over New Bruns- wicks, and is securing aiready market that seems extremely pleased with the quality offered. The situation today stands out in decided contrast iwith the conditions of three years ago when eastern carload shihpments m- variably sold above locally grown Istocks. nu; yuxv u; nu, sun: ~v-u.\.xn-.u uuu enable them to return home and in-l “ eekly crop Report lThelr fnends are l°°kmg “ward to troduce improvements and methods} According to the weekly I'Fports 0f 1 a taste Of venison' Which will add to the efficiency and the agricultural representatives. fall Miss Isobel Scott is spending a few ’comfort of the farm home_ The De_ work is well advanced in many parts ’days with Mrs_ D. Hood_ partment is providing. railway fare’cf the province. In a few counties; About twenty-five members of the lodging accommodation and meals. gf‘l'om 7'5 to 80 DIeI‘ Zenth 10f the thfall iButtonville Junior Women’s Institute _ :DOWing is compete W ie in 0 91‘s took advantage of the class held in Raised 2.000 Turkeys inOt OVel‘ 50 WT eent- has been done- ineedlework last Week. Miss LeGrand i In its-effort to promote the proâ€" In Eastern Ontario there appears to be ‘who gave the instructions said that ‘fitable raising of turkeys, a turkey an increased interest in drainage. In ‘the work done by this class was well farm has been established in the several counties. it is I‘epnl'ted, that Iabove the average. MiSS Edith Craig County of Norfolk. The object was many farmel's are taking advantagegtook first place for fancy stitches to show that birds of this variety can .Of ideal weather Conditions t0 Clean IWith 100 per cent.; Miss Janet Brown be raised with profit. The expérilont and Open UP satiSfaetOI‘y ditehea- was head in Raffia work, and Miss ment has proven quite succeszul. The report deals f0? the greater‘Jessie Thomson had the best sample This year more than 2000 turkeys part With the diffiwlty experienced of smacking. were hatched and raised on the farm. by farmers in DIOWing, on account Of‘ Mrs. H. Patterson is visiting with A short time ago one thousand of the (11‘)! Weather- Bruce County had her sister Mrs. L. Hood. them were sold at 30 cents per pound. a Snow 3 Short time ago WhiCh left Mr. Russell Burr again showed his What is possible on the Norfolk farm the ground in good condition but the ability as a young ploughman when is equally so on other farms in the dryness has been a serious handicav. he carried off second place in his province. Turkeys can be raised and In Dundas the milk supply tOOk a 30(class, in a largely contested competit- sold profitably at a much loxver price pel‘ Cent- drop in one week. A yield | ion at Scarboro ploughing match. than that demanded about Thanks- of 8 1-2 tons per acre of sugar beets I Many from this neighbourhood at- giving- and Christmas_ iis reported from Essex, while Lamb- tended the opening by Reeve Gohn of . 1ton states that the crop is above the the new Community Hall at Victoria ‘ A Timely Address average of the past three years. Square. We congratulate the citiz- 1 AddreSSing the St- Thomas Kiwanisi . ens of that liveâ€"wire community on Chlb, W- R- Reek, superintendent 0f the completion of such a splendid and the RidgetOWn Experimental Farm, suitable building for their social and predicted that when the present per- PHONE 188 THE JONES COAL CO. community activities Royal Party For Girls As in the case of the Royal 500 Party for farm boys in previous years the chief object of the Royal Fair trip sponsored by the Department for representative girls from each county this year is to provide opportunities and privileges which would otherwise not be available. They will visit all sections of the Fair and Witness inteâ€" resting portions of ring programs. In addition, visits will be made to edu- cational institutions, manufacturing plants and retail centres which will be of particular interest and value to rural girls. The department hopes that the trip will establish ideals on the part of the girls concerned and enable them to return home and in- troduce improvements and methods which will add to the efficiency ,and comfort of the farm home. The De- partment is providing railway fare, lodging accommodation and meals. NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER CANADIAN NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO I Turkey growers are now beginning 'to finish or fatten their birds for the QChristmas holidays. It is customary :to begin the process of preparing the luscious turkeys for the nation’s fest- ive dinner tables by feeding them, small amounts of grain which gradu- ally are increased until the birds are Ion full feed. Due to the large supp- ‘ly of wheat available, this grain should Ibe used to advantage in the fattening iration. Wheat has nearly the same: 'fattening qualities as corn, but does ;not produce the rich yellow color of .flesh that yellow corn does. It is imâ€" iportant, however, that all grains be lfree from moldiness and they should be fed in hoppers to counteract cert- ain diseases that cause heavy loss. Do not confine turkeys for fattening esâ€" Ipecially if they have been run on a range. for range birds cannot stand i, confinement. for farm products had passed, about ten per cent. of those in the agricult- ural industry whom he described as “fair weather farmers” would be out of business, while the farmers who weather the storm would be thinking more seriously than they have in the past. He declared that it takes perâ€" iods of depression to make farmers realize the importance of culling the unprofitable cows from their herds and the boarder hens from their flocks He criticized the doctrine of reduced farm production, at the same time ad- vising that the farmer should endeav- or to produce just as much grain on a smaller acreage and devote the other land to production of roughage and pasture. PHONE 188 THE JONES COAL CO. FOR COAL 0R WOOD. Preparing Turkeys J The hunters from this neighbor- Lhood are expected home this week. |Their friends are looking forward to “Nothing doing,” exclaimed Ald. P. J. Moran, of Barrie, when asked if he would come out for another year. “I have had four years of municipal life and have come to one conclusiOnâ€" that the present system of municipal government is a joke!” Questioned further as to what he would replace it with Alderman Moran said: “I am strongly in favor of the ratepayers voting on a bylaw to have a. town management commission to handle the work of the council, board of education, board of health, and Lne various other civic boards and com- missions which now exist in the Such a body looking after the af- fairs of the town, under the direction of a “town manager" who would re- ceive adequate remuneration. similar to the system used in several Ontario towns, was the only solution, he said. “The days of the council are over," he said, “and I can’t see under present conditions how the heavy burden of taxes will be reduced. They have been going up year after year and will continue to go up. The only way to stop it is to have proper town man- agement by a permanent commission.” About twentyâ€"five members of the Buttonville Junior Women’s Institute took advantage of the class held in needlework last week. Miss LeGrand who gave the instructions said that the work done by this class was well above the average. MiSS Edith Craig took first place for fancy stitches with 100 per cent; Miss Janet Brown was head in Raffia work, and Miss Jessie Thomson had the best sample of smacking. Miss Wilkie, a former teacher in Buttonville school, spent the week- end with Miss Della Stephenson. hula Ill vuuuvul Remedy __ Instal a DYNAMO TIMER, and note SAYS PRESENT SYSTEM OF how much easier your tractor starts. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT No oil to gum commutator surface, 15 A JOKE hence you get a clean, stronger spark everytime. ' Fed Up ” After Four Years In Council-5 BUTTONVILLE THURSDA}; 7 NOVEMBER 13, 1930 A DYNAMO TIMER also makes a great difference in Ford Car perfor~ mance. Hundreds used in York County, on both cars and tractors. A recom. mend from every user. Instant starting, smooth running at all times, more power and pep, and freedom from commutator trouble, GUARANTEED FOR 3 YEARS. Many of these timers have already outwom many commutators on Ford- sons in over four years of service. None better by test and for durability. Economically Priced at $2.75 E. KLINCK, Mailed C. 0. D. on request. R. R. 2 Gormley at Victoria Square Phone Stoufl'ville 4011 PHONE CITY, HUDSON 8527 RICHMOND HILL 30-1 Richmond Hill GAL NINE ‘u'e are the authorized dispensers of Orthogon Lenses. You get clear vision to the edge of your glass- es. Call or Phone for an appointment for an examin- ation. OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street Elgin 4820 Opposite S Toronto Hamilton We solicit order for Cut Flowers for all occasions which will be promptly and cheerfully filled. LOANS 0N AUTOMOBILES John A. Campbell & Co. and Contracts Re-Financed John Dunlap & Son FLORISTS Fire ISHAW 205-6 Bloor Building (Bloor at Bay) Kings. 556645020 Toronto, Ontario ATTENTION. IS YOUR FORDSON HARD TO START? REG PETGH McIntosh Granite Co. 1623 Yonge Street Automobile Bankers ORTHGGON W. E. LUKE, R. O. Josephine Allard, Shaw' Deer Park School, in the world’s Noâ€" vice Contest, September 1930, wrote 95 net words a minute with only 4 errors â€"- a world record in accuracy and speed. We prove our courses by the test of independent examin- ation. Catalogue free, descri- bing courses leading to recog- nized degree or diploma. Write Shaw Schools Ltd., Bay and Charles Sts., Toronto, KI. 3165 LICENSED AUCTIONEER Farm Stock, Household Furniture Real Estate, Etc. Lifetime Experience Reasonable Terms Phone 53 Thornhill, Ont. CARTAGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hill and Intermediate Points Every Day S. OLIVER D. RUMNEY â€" Automobile ~â€" Dependable Companies Officeâ€"Radial Station MONUMENTS RICHMOND HILL Phone HYland 2622 INSURANCE â€"ANDâ€"â€" Limited Ottawa Limited reet Toronto Opposite Simpsons TYPING RECORD Windsor London Toronto Ontario Life

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