Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Nov 1930, p. 4

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Naturally and Wisely we do all we nossibly can to prolong life, but a‘ long life is not necesarily the most‘ worth while. Length is not the only‘ dimension of life. It is possible to‘ live a long time and not accomplish‘ very much. Life is not to be meas-1 sured by the hands of the dial, the question is not so much, “How old are you?” as it is “How much have you seen, felt, loved, achieved, or done?” What of the quality of life? What of the other dimensions, the breadth, depth and heighth? Life should be symmetrical. The tragedy of human life is that it is so illâ€"balanced; no depth of conviction, no aspiration, no width of thought or sympathy. All too often it is like the darky lady at the fair who disliked the roundâ€"abouts because you got on, and rode, and got off without getting any place. It is not how long we live that matters so much, thi swas proved during the war. Abraham Lincoln’s career was not a long one, but few have influenced their fellows more than he. Mr. Gladstone formed a ministry three times after he was sixty years of age. I have also‘lread of a certain patriot who lived six hundred and sixty-nine years, beg-at sons and daughters, and then died. It is possible to live 'a long time with little breadth, depth, or heighth to life. {AGE FOUR EYES and EARS How broad is your life? How Wide DIMENSIONS OF LIFE m Wéééééégggéééééééé PHONE 174-W Ford Sales and Service RICHMOND HILL PRICES SLASHED LITTLE BROTHERS Emmfimww Makes Annual Visit to Richmond Hill Soon 1929 1929 1923 1928 1927 1926 1922 FORD TUDOR . . . . . . . FORD Standard Coupl F O R D T U D O R CHEVROLET SEDAN ESSEX COACH . . . . . . FORD COUPE . . . . . . . FORD COUPE . . . . . . . We 'will equip all Model “A” and give 30 Day Guarantee. BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL USED CARS Davies’ Dry Goods Store The Fall is the time to buy a Used Car and take Advantage of Low Prices DATE OF ARRIVAL WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK EVERYBODY HAS AN EQUAL CHANCE TO WIN ONE OF THE THREE HANDSOME PRIZES WE ARE GIVING AWAY THIS YEAR. THE PRIZES: A BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC FLOOR LAMP. AN ATTRACTIVE BRIDGE LAMP AND A BROCADED CUSHION ARE NOW SHOWN IN OUR WINDOWS. SANTA CLAUS OUR STORE AND WINDOWS NOW HAVE A CHRISTMASY EFFECT WITH A LARGE VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE AND FANCY ARTICLES SUIT- ABLE FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PRES- ENTS, AND WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR CO- OPERATION BY MAKING YOUR PURCHASES EAR- LY, WHICH WE WILL AS HERE-TO-FORE PACK FOR POSTAGE, OR LAY ASIDE UNTIL REQUIRED. Phone 119 (By Elsie Ess) Former Price FORD TUDOR . . . . . . . . . . $450.00 FORD Standard Coupe . . $450.00 FORD TUDOR â€" â€"â€" $350.00 CHEVROLET SEDAN $350.00 ESSEX COACH . . . . . . . . . $275.00 FORD COUPE . . . . . . . . . . $160.00 FORD COUPE . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Now $425.00 $410.00 $325.00 $325.00 $240.00 $140.00 $30.00 rill equip all Model “A” Fords with Heaters FORD Standard Coupe . F O R D T U D O R â€" â€"â€" CHEVROLET SEDAN ESSEX COACH . . . . . . . . FORD COUPE . . . . . . . . . FORD COUPE . . . . . . . . . ALL CARS RECONDITIONED TERMS are your contacts? This is an age of specialists, and specialist undoubtedly produce splendid work if not splendid ‘men. Charles Darwin, sharp and ‘bright in his own field, claimed to have lost his taste for good literature, so concentrated Were his energies. A narrowness of sympathy will starve one’s capacity for charity. Let your sympathy get the point of vieWS of others. To see things as they see them, is to reduce a hundred fold the difference of opinion that lead to strife and suffering. Some have no depth; altogether superficial, no principles of action. Sometimes we hear it said of one that when he was poor, he was kind and generous; now he is rich and prosper- ousâ€"he is still the same. One man lives with scoffers, but he does.not change a bit. These have a depth of conviction. The difference is like a tree and a post; the former has roots and draws nourishment from their en- Vironment; the latter is a dead thing, and instead of growing stronger, it becomes weaker and finally it rots. When it comes to heighth, the most important of all, we find there can be little heighth Without depth. Your heighth is determined by your desire and your aspiration. “Two men looked from their pri- son bars, . One saw the mud, and the other the stars.” Richmond HI“ THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HELL, QNTéRIQ So if you would so live as to derive much from life, and be able to con- tribute something to those other lives about you, see that you live symmet- ‘rically. That the dimensions of life are length, breadth, depth, and heighth, and so attain a certain measure of poise, proportion, elegance and beauty. EXPRESSES THANKS Mrs. J. H. Dunlop and family wish to thank the people of Richmond Hill for their splendid help on the night of the fire at their home, and also the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade for their valuable and efficient work. Motherâ€"“Well, Jimmy, do you think your teacher likes you?” Jimmyâ€"“I think so, mummy, be- cause she marks a big kiss on all my ’rithmetic.”â€"Scarboro Post. Used F ordson Tractor 1927 Model Excellent condition Little Brothers Phone 174W FOR SALE $350.00 Apple prices ranged from 25c to 60 a basket, according to varieties, which included Snow, King, Jonathan, scar- let pippin, Blenheim orange, russet, Baldwin, greening, Talman sweet and others; pears 40c basket. The regular meeting of the Presby- terian Y.P.S. was held on Monday evening. The roll call was respond- ed to by giving the name of a song. The program included, piano duetts, by Mrs. Ramsay and Miss Lucy Yerex number by a quartette Miss Ireland, Miss Heise, W. Wellman and G. Sims, solo by Mr. George Sims and a read- ing by Mrs. Snedden. Old favorite songs were thrown on the screen and everyone joined in the singing. Next Week the meeting will be in charge of the social committee. Hothouse tomatoes for the ever popular salad sell at 30 cents 3. lb. “Root vegetables are plentiful and some Kine firm heads of cabbage cost only 5 and 10 cents each. 1 Prices were as follows: ‘ Poultryâ€"Chicken, roasting 35c 1b., boiling- 32c, ducks 30c 1b., geese 25c.; ltrabbits 85c to $1.25 each, squabs 80c [pr. Eggs, ducks 90c doz., specials 70c, llextras 650, firsts 60c, pullets extras 1I55c, pullets 50c; butter 34c 1b.; Porlé lloin 35c 1b., leg 30c, butts 30c, side 220v jshoulder 22c, cream 40c pt. . Saturday’s market prices held steaâ€" dy at North Toronto on Tuesday night, variety and good quality marked the produce offered for sale. Egg specials are selling at 70 cents a doz., pullets are 50, and 55 cents for pullets extras. Potatoes 20c basket, beets\ar~.d carâ€" rots 25c, parsnips 30c, onions 35c. cab- bage 5 and 10c head, lettuce 5 and 10c, squash and pumpkin 10c and 15c, hot house tomatoes 30c 1b., Brussel sprouts '25c qt., turnips 50 each. Bread 12c and 150 loaf, nut and date bread 30c, whole wheat 15c, buns 30c doz. bran muffins 30c, lemon tarts 40c, pies and cakes 350 up; jams and jellies 25c. Mums $1.00 to $2.00 dozen; pom poms 50c, cyclamen 35c to 75c pot. Saturday, November 22â€"Aucti0n sale of 5 acres of mixed hardwood, to be offered for sale in quarter acre lots the property of C. H.’Jones, lot 28, rear con. 2, Vaughan. Sale at 2 p. m. Four months credit. J. T. Saigeon and Son, auctioneers. Wednesday, November 26thâ€"Credit auction sale of farm stock, impleâ€" ments, hay. grain, roots, etc., on lot 34, con. 6, Markham. Property of O. Walters. Sale at 1 p. m. County of York NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office, Richmond Hill on the 19th day of November 1930, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for members of Parlia- ment (or as the case may be at Mun- icipal elections) and that such list remains there for inspection. Thursday, November Nthâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, furn- iture, hay, grain, etc., lot 8, con. 2, North York, 1 1-4 miles east of York Mills, the property of Archie Silver. Sale at 1 o’clock sharp. Must vacate, ‘Termsâ€"Fowl, hay, grain and all sums ‘of $20.00 and under cash; over that amount 10 months’ credit on approved joint notes with interest at 5 per cent. Prentice and Prentice, Auctioneers. Saturday, November {ZSâ€"Extensive credit sale of farm stock, implements, furniture, grain, hay, roots, etc., one mile west of Brougham, on Highway Pickering Township, the property of Stephen Risebrough. Sale at 12 p. In. No reserve. 10 months’ credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have ’any errors or omissions corrected ac- bording to law, the last day for appeal 'being December 10th. DATED this 19th day of November. York County Junior Farmers judging team won the inter-coum ty live stock judging contest at the Royal Winter. Fair on Wed- nesday. The members of the team were, Douglas Gee, Mark- ham Township; George Boynton, Markham Township; Joe Levisom Temperanceville. Village of Richmond Hili CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING 0F Voters’ List 1930 SALE REGISTER PRESBYTERIAN Y. P. S. York Market YORK BOYS WIN Municipality of the Clerk of Richmond Hill A. J. HUME, 50 FOOT LOT on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, close to Yonge St., will sell cheap for cash. Apply W. G. Miller, 107 Roselawn Ave., Tor- onto, phone Hudson 2825-J. 100 ACRE FARM east half lot 28, con 3, Vaughan, bank barn, driving shed pig pen, frame house, land all work- able, good young orchard, good pono year round. Apply Wm. Clement, Mill Street, Richmond Hm. THREE HOLSTEIN COWS, due to RANGES and HEATERS, call and see our new line of ranges and heat- ers before buying. It will pay you. Our prices are right. We have the new all enamel ranges. J. A. Rose, Hardware, Maple, Ont. ROCK PULLETS, a pen of about for- ty, laying. Apply J. H. Bull, Op- posite Jefferson Post Ofl‘ice, Yonge Street. DUAL PURPOSE shorthom TEN SMALL PIGS. Apply Telephone Stouffville 63-15. YORKSHIRE BOAR, 2 years old. Apply to E. Bowes, Maple, phone 568. PLYMOUTH ROCK COCKERELS for PURE BRED sows and hog, Carscadâ€" den strain of Bradford, also young Durham bull. Apply T. W. Leath- erdale, R. R. 1 Maple. BARRED ROCK hens and pullets, (laying) also three pens breeding geese, two years old or over. Apply Shenfield, Langstaff, or Kenwood 2161 Toronto. BATTERIES, two Eveready, large? size, 5 tubes, used three weeks only. $6.00; Apply Villa Rita, Stop 22-A Yonge Street. COCKERELS, four April hatched barred Plymouth Rock C‘ockerels, from pedigreed stock, 33.00 each. Apply Mrs. L. Haworth, R. R. 1, Richmond Hill, Stop 24, Yonge St., phone Richmond Hill 137-r-3. also good horses. Apply J lot 27, con. 2, Vaughan. freshen. Apply Mortson Bros., Victoria Square, phone Stouffville 91-16. breeding $3.00. Apply James Rumbâ€" 1e, Mill Street, Richmond Hill, Ont. 8=0=°=O==O=O=OUO=IOE6 RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first ix sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. “THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGuMAKl’: THE MOST OF IT" ERNEST Haughton and Hilbert de Leeuw, 14 year old Kamloops lads, who recently outmatched all competitors in the annual Cana- dian Pacific Railway British Columbia Swine Club Contest held at golony Farm, Essondale, B.C. Seen in the picture from left to right, eorge Baillie, assistant superintendent British Columbia District, Canadian Pacific, who presented the trophy and medals to the lucky lads. Ernest and Hilbert, who in addition receive a free trip to the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto. We are equipped to give you prompt service, and you will find the quality and the price right. We solicit the order for your printing requirements. Telephone 9 Classified Advs. The Liberal Job Printing If you are planning to have an Auction Sale we would appreciate the job of printing your FOR SALE Auction Sale Biils THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1930 Winners cattle, Porril, of Trophy WINTER APPLES. spys and wagn- ers. Apply J. E. Hadwen, phone Maple 465. TO RENT HOLS’I‘EIN BULL, young, fit for serâ€" vice. Apply W. F. Kincaide, Un- ionville, Ont. BARRED ROCK HENS, twenty-four, HOUSE T0 RENT 6 Rooms, electric good garden. Apply 2 Elizabeth St. or L. B. Finch, 586 Ossington Ave., Toronto, phone Lombard 3127i. Vl‘O BUY, young Collie Dog. Apply' Box 94, Liberal Office. 100 ACRE FARM, lot 54 Yonge St, opposite Orphanage. Apply John Blain, Oak Ridges, Ont. Phone- King 305. YOUNG GEESE, fowl, young coex- erels, top market price paid. Rob- inson and Moyle, Rumble Avenue, ‘ Box 174, Phone 190. WORK ON FARM by young man 16 years old, experienced. Apply Telephone Stouffville 6345. CAPABLE HOUSEMAID, must be FIFTY Thoroughbred leghom pullets, must be laying. Mrs. W. Luesby, Thornhill, Ont., phone 58-r-11. DRESSMAKINGâ€"Ladies dresses and coats made to order; also children's clothing. Mrs. Morris, Rosevlaw Avenue, Richmond Hill. 'For your Supply of Coal 01' Wood Phone 10. The Liberal and any Toronto daily one year for $5.75. Take advantage of this attractive clubbing offer. Club- bing rates with all magazines and periodicals. one year old, price $1.25 each. Ap- ply Angus Valliere, Unionville, phone Stouffville 5245. fond of children, and thoroughly re- liable, good Wages, excellent posit- ion for girl well recommended. Ap~ ply Box 26 Liberal Oflice, Richmond Hill. MISCELLANEOUS CLUBBING RATES WANTED Richmond Hill, Ont o=o===o=9

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