If you will have laundry ready \leerdriver calls, you will assist us in giv- ing good service. If you only hav<_driver call when phoned for. Call up as early as convenient to insure prom-rt attention. 5H0] O=o=oum Shirts 11C. Thousands of hens are lost annually through contraction of 0 disease. One sick ,bird drinking at the water fountain can I] poison the entire flock before you discover the ailment. ‘0 Peerless Poultry Prescription used in the drinking water dai- ‘fl ly kills the germs and prevents the further spreading of dis- ease. i ELGIN MILLS PAGE SIX RICHMOND HILL is a remedy for the entire poultry family and will save you lots of dollars. Every bottle guaranteed. CASTROL OIL HAROLD REID’S Service Statian Roup, Coccidiois, Canker, Chicken-Pox, Cholera, White Diarrhea Phone Orders for Our Driver, Telephone 9, Richmond Hill We are exclusive representatives in this district for the Famous Castro] MOTOR OIL. It pays to use the Best. Call here for your next change of oil and be assured of good service and quality products. Sieberling Tires WIRE FENCING and CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Kills Germs - Makes Hens Pay For some time past we have had many requests from our customers to Fully Finish Shirts. We have in- stalled a shirt unit, the same as shown at the Toron- to Exhibition by our Assoz-iation and are prepared to give our customers a Fully Finished garment that will please the most fastidious. The Multiple Suds Method that gets clothes cleaner Without scrubbing or risk to dainty fabricsâ€"careful classification of all garments. Fresh rain soft wat- er in all washing and rinsingâ€"no scorching ironers-- these are but a few features of Our Services. You may have your Shirts Fully Finished in any serâ€" vice excepting the Damp and Dry Wash at a charge of 110 each in addition to the charge of the weight of the shirt which will be weighed in your bundle as received from you. Amazing advances in every Department of pur Laun- dry have glven women in this community a new con- ception of Washday Services. Please accept this invitation to try Our Way. You will find the Service perfectly suited to your needs and to your budget. ‘ Peerless Poultry Prescription DISTRIBUTOR Dealer in Flour and Feed, Poultry Supplies, Etc PEERLESS POULTRY PRESCRIPTION Supplied 011 Short Notice. STONE, GRA VEL SAND AND PEA GRAVEL WALTER BONE & SON J. F. BURR [0:0] GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE “E CALL IN RICHMOND DISTRICT TUESDAY and FRIDAYS Get it nowâ€"a 16 oz. bottle $1.00 SOLD BY Those Diseases are Contagious Phone Maple 864 LLoydbrook 2161 175 OSSENGTGV AVE. â€"In Liquid Form-â€" Motor Accessories IOUO. 0:0] Parcels may be left at Liberal Ofï¬ce RICHMOND HILL f0=0=0=0 ONTARIO g °=0=O=O Gas and Oil ONTARIO NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER Winter Feed Situation There will be many barns Without the usual supply of feed this coming Winter. In the drought areas the cows are on full winter rations. The amount of feed that Will be avail- able for winter feeding is being re- duced by just this much. One sug- gestion to meet the situation is that some herd culling will be in order. In most herds of ten or twelve cows there are two to four cows that are definitely known to be lower produc- ers than their stable mates. If these Were to be sold it would reduce the consumption of feed from 20 to 40 per cent. while the reduction in production would be only from 10 to 20 per cent. Another angle to the culling suggested is that the marketing of a lot of culls to the butcher would tend to reduce the surplus of dairy products that is exerting such a depressing effect on the market. ‘ Every hen house should be cleaned before putting in the pullet crop. A good thorough cleaning consists of re- moving the litter and all poultry houâ€" se fixtures, such as mash hoppers, drinking fountains and the like, then‘ flushing the walls, ceilings, dropping‘ boards and floor, scraping loose any ‘dirt that may have a tendency to stick. After the house has been tho- roughly cleaned it is ready for a coat of whitewash. This will improve the appearance of your hen house, make it much lighter for the birds and at the same time help to kill parasites and disease germs. A common prac- tice is to add a pint of disinfectant to a gallon of whitewash. Clean, com- fortable quarters for the pullets go a long way toward increased production during the winter months. I Will Buy Poultry on Grade As a result of a conference of lead- ‘ing wholesale buyers and represent- atives of the Federal and Provincial Governments, an agreement has been reached on the part of the buyers to recognize Government grades. Should Clean Out Cistern [ During the warmer months of the year cistern water has a tendency to become foul, disagreeable and unheal- thful. Various insects and the Wash- ings from roofs of houses, especially where birds are numerous, conspire to pollute cistern water. With the coming of the rainy season farmers will find it valuable to give the cistern a thorough cleansing in preparation for refilling with fall rains. Filters! also should be taken apart or recon-l structed, according to the type in use, The cistern should be closed in so that surface water, insects ‘and small ani- mals cannot get in. Purity of water in cisterns is a primary consideration. ..._~m-._â€". Reports from various sections of Ontario indicate that fl(id work is on- lly fairly Well advanced. Owing toi ‘the very dry weather in the east and the rather heavy frosts in the west. plowing has been retarded. Fall, wheat is entering the winter in good: condition, especially the fields that :received sufficient moisture to develop igood top.l There is a continued de-i imand fpr‘ good stocker cattle, small: pigs and sows, as farmers prefer to market their grain through live stocki rather than .put it on the market ati present prices. This Week marks the opening of the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto, and everything points to the most inte- resting exhibition of agi‘icultural proâ€" duce and live stock in the Fair’s his- tory, this in spite of conditions in many parts of Ontario which tended to retard a number of crops during the past season. Coming at this sea- son of the year, representative farm- ers in large numbers from all parts of the province are expected to attend. The visit of the “Royal 500†Party of farm boys and a similar party of farm girls will be a feature of the occasion. The fair continues from Nov. 19th to 27th ‘r Tribute to Women’s Institutes “No money expended is expended so wisely or does so much work as the money expended on the Women’s In- stitutes,†declared a guest-speaker at the recent 16th annual convention. Paying tribute to the work done by thej Institutes, he expressed the belief thati the government grant should be in-j creased. He added that he hoped] some money would be spent on beauti-V fying farm lands, emphasizing theimportant place taken by flowers, fruit trees and plain ordinary paint in making a farm into a home. He also expressed the wish that every‘i rural home might enjoy the privilege’ of hydro. 7' i Clean up the Hen House Weekly Crop Report Royal Fair Opens THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Feeding experts tells us" that it costs less to put the last pound on a mature market bird than it does to raise the bird to maturity. It costs from 7c to Sc per pound to raise the gbird to maturity, and from 3c to 6c per pound to crate feed and finish. R It is further stated that the aver- l' It is generally understood also that tthe well baby should be supervised by ithe doctor in order that the mother may be advised as to the care her ba- by requires, so that she may protect her infant from disease, keep him well and see to his proper development. Each year an increasing number of mothers take their Well babies to their (doctor for health supervision. They ;do this because they have learned that by following the advice they receive, their babies are kept well. In many places, well-baby conferences are held [for the purpose of giving health sup- erwsmn. The agreement marks one of the most important developments in the poultry industry in many years. Just |what this announcement means to the ‘farmers‘of Canada is indicated by the ifact that through the simple process 'of crateâ€"feeding and properly finish- :ing poultry for market, from 50 to 75 cents in market value may be added ‘to the individual bird. A minimum ldifferential of 3c per pound premium 'for all grades in the milk-fed class {over the corresponding grades in the class selected is guaranteed by the buyers, and supplementing this will be definite and substantial price diff- erentials between grades Within class- ï¬es, the differentials increasing sub- l‘stantially With each decrease in grade. 'age range bird may be expected With- out finishing to grade “Selected B†while by being crate-fed and finished, not only is it possible to increase weight approximately one pound, but what is more important, to raise the market grade to “Milk-fed B†or “Milk fed A.†At current prices this means an added value per bird of around 75c. v This whole situation means that a. As a result of this preventive work which has been done for infants and schoolâ€"children, there has been among them a great reduction in disease, and a marked improvement in their health. The results have been so satisfactory that such work is extending, and in some places, the health supervision which is being given reaches practic- ally every infant and school child. Until a short time ago, the young child, between infancy and school age, was thought not to require any par- ticular care. It is only recently that the toddler, or pre~school child, has been, as it were, discovered to require health supervision. The child, from one to six, is pass-l ing through years where growth and development are rapid. He requires proper care if he is to develop proper: 1y. He needs guidance if he is to form the habits of life which are so important to his physical and mental health. There are the years when ithe child requires the right kinds of food if he is to have a properly, deve- loped, sound body when he enters ischool. His diet should include cer- eals, meats and vegetables; particul- arly does he require milk each day, fruit at least once a day, and green leafy vegetables regularly. He should not have tea, coffee, fried foods, pie, pickles, or rich cakes and puddings. He should not be given food or candy between meals as this spoils the appeâ€" tite. A significant feature of the situa-‘ tion is that for the first time on a1 province-Wide basis the premium whi-, ch the consumer readily pays for qual- ity in poultry, is passed along to the original producer. fed A.†At current prices this means an added value per bird of around 75c. v This whole situation means that a premium will be paid for the better quality bird, and that there will be very little market demand for small,’ thin and poorly finished birds. There- fore it behooves the poultryâ€"raisers to make a special effort this year to crate feed, properly finish and pro- perly kill all birds for market. It is generally known that the school fects of the eyes and ears devebp child should receive regular healthiduring this period and they should be SUPGWI'SiOH in order that he may get'corrected without delay. There is 'the most out of his SChOOl Years, and no reason for putting off treatment, start out into adult With a sound and there are many reasons why treat. bOdY- Throughout the CiVfliZEd world: ment should not be delayed, as delay we find doctors; nurses and dentists causes the child to suffer and his de- WOl‘kjng in the SChOOlS ‘00 safeguard 'velopment to be interfered with. A- the health of the school children. gain, long-standing conditions are a1- It is generally underStOOd 3150 that ways more difficult to treat success- the well baby should be supervised by fully_ Well over half of all deaths from communicable diseases occur at this age. The child should be vaccinated against smallpox and immunized aâ€" gainst diphtheria. He should never be exposed to such diseases, and if they do occur, he should be carefully THE TODDLER DISCOVERED treated CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION HEALTH SERVICE OF THE I Adenoids, diseased tonsils, and de- ifects of the eyes and ears develop l Dr. Quackster (the cheerful cem- :forter in best bedside manner)â€"Par- don my bringing my bill with me, but you know how difficult it is to drag (money out of anyone’s heirs.â€â€"Opti- mist. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Prentice, of Torâ€" onto, visited the latter’s sister, Mrs. L. E. Clement one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Newsome, of Toronto, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bone. The formal opening of the Rich- mond Hill Young Men’s Social Club will take place toâ€"night (Thursday) evening. To mark the event a euchre will be held in the newly opened club rooms in the Palmer Block, Arnold St. Olive Bovair and Stuart Wark. Messrs Cyril Baker and Stuart Wark Misses Grace MacMillan and Sadie Middleton, Mrs. L. Clement are attend- ing the, school of music held each Thursday evening in St. Paul’s United Church, Toronto. Several of our citizens went to Toâ€" ronto on Saturday to see “Saint Nichâ€" olas†in his annual parade to Eaton’s. Mr. John Keffer, of Maple and Mr. Arthur Langstaff, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors at G. W. Keffers. RICHMOND HILL YOUNG MEN’S SOCIAL CLUB FORMAL OPENING Friday evening at eight o’clock the Young People’s Society will hold their Weekly meeting in the church. The program this week is in the hands of Olive Bovair and Stuart Wark. The Richvale W.A. will meet next Wednesday afternoon, weather and *roads permitting, at the home of Miss Mary Valliere, Mill Road. All ladies of the community are cordially invit- ed. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical AS- sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto will be answered personally by letter. WHICH TIME? 01d Saltâ€"J‘So you want me to spin a yarn, boys?†Boysâ€"“Yes, a true one." 01d Saltâ€"“Right, I’ll tell you about the time I was eaten by cannibals.â€â€" Exchange. The meeting of the Young People's Society this week will be Withdrawn, \and the address to be given by Rev.| ‘G. E. Coulter, of Richmond Hill, will ‘be given on December 11th. 0:0) You can have a modern heating plant and up to date plumb- ing installed in your home and pay in the same way as you do for electric light or automobile. Guard Your Health, Save Money and increase the value 02 0 your property by installing Modern Heating and Plumbing. E Estimates cheerfully given and without obligation on .1 your part. ouo===o=o===o=o==o=m PLUMBING â€" HEATING â€"â€" PUMPING SYSTEMS T. KNAPTON & SON 37 Franklin Avenue Lansing OH. YES INDEEDY HEADFORD THAT BETTER PENNSYLVANIA HARD COAL CARRVILLE Richvale DO YOU KNOW 1g . Willowdale 11 rouo==xo=o==o=o==o=o THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1930 moms YARD" C933? ' TRESIBEKEE , '0 :: WOOD: 85'J mméé; ,- emmamzm YOU'VE NEVER SEEN a cleaner, more carefully sized or more economi- cal hard coal than the Famous Reading Anthracite we are selling. Let it intro- duce you to greater heating happiness -'phone us your order TODAY. land Contracts lie-Financed PHONE CITY. HUDSï¬N 8527 RICHMOND HILL 30~J Enjoy Sharp Clear Vision and the appearance of youth with the new NOKROME Color free invisible F. E. Luke 55: Son OPTOMETRISTS 163-167 Yonge Street - Elgin 4820 Opposite S We solicit order for Cut Flowers for all occasions which will be promptly and cheerfully ï¬lled. Toronto Hamilton LOANS 0N AUTOMOBILES John A. Campbell & Ca. V Limited John Dunlop & Son SHAW 205-6 Bloor Building (Bloor at Bay) Kings. 5566-6020 Toronto, Ontario McIntosh Granite Co. 1823 Yonge Street Automobile Bankers Josephine Allard, Shaw Deer Park School, in the world’s No- vice Contest, September 1930, wrote 95 net words a minute with only 4 errors â€"â€" a World record in accuracy and speed. We prove our courses by the test of independent examin- ation. Catalogue free, descri- bing courses leading to recog- nized degree _or diploma. Write Shaw Schools Ltd., Bay and Charles Sts., Toronto, KI. 3165 .TRESIBEiEé ? :- es-J 1 Farm Stock, Household Furniture Real Estate, Etc. Lifetime Experience CARTAGE AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Toronto to Richmond Hill and Intermediate Points Every Day S. OLIVER D. RUMNEY MONUMENTS LICENSED AUCTIONEER RICHMOND HILL Phone HYland 2622 Reasonable Terms Phone 53 Thornhill, Ont. FLORISTS Limited Ottawa \g BEST BIFOCAL reet Toronto Opposite Simpsons TYPING RECORD Phone Windsor London Toronto 10:0