Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Nov 1930, p. 1

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Miss Laura Brown and Mrs. Kelly, Jr., attended the annual Convention of the Women’s Institutes held in the Royal York Hotel this week. The fegular meeting of Buttonville Junior Institute was held Saturday, November 15th at the home of Mrs. Ed. Fierheller. About forty members were present and answered the roll call wit “what they were thankful for.” A very interesting address was given by Mrs. Stuart Woods; of Markham. The members greatly en- joyed the vocal numbers given by MiSS Edna Wiltshire of Thornhill, and the instrumental numbers by Miss Doro- thy Brown. Refreshments were serâ€" The W. M. S. of Brown’s Corners United Church held their annual Thank-Offering last Sunday evening. The speaker, Miss McTyre, of Toronto clearly explained the work that is be- ing done among the new Canadians. Two delightful duetts sung by Miss Isobel Scott and Miss Olive Harring- ton were a. pleasant addition to the service. Wednesday, Thursday Friday DEC. 3, 4.5 COMEDY O/ze Deer/ex English Acton Gleam/In! :rr Honk Your Horn =0=Ol o=0=0=0l=0=0=0=0l= “:36 ] MllgIKZjll 23;; ‘ Matinee Wednesdayg I] (Approved __ .at 2.30 p. m. o ouc:==o=ogogo==o=o==o=o We offer you a very wide range of materials from which to choose. We have the latest styles and you are assured of the best of workmanship. Our prices are moderate. Come in and let us show you samples, or just telephone and we will call on you. Order Your Winter Overcoat Now VOL. LIII. 9WII£IJ£ Emfiigfi CAPITOLâ€"TEXE MONTE CARLO ., <3 4% \N“ U Q 950‘ §.4- BUTTONVILLE Continuous Saturday 1.30 to 11.30 p. “YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST NEWSPAPER” - 2nd Episodg of Rin-Tin-Tin THE LONE .DIEZFENDER CLEANING AND PRESSING A SPECIALTY Furs Remodelled and Repaired GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED SATURDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Phone 5-J Richmond Tailors NOV. COMEDY â€" PARLEY VOUS (Approved â€"â€" U) Barn Yard Concert MICKIE MOUSE â€"â€" NEWS -â€" 29 DEC. lst and 2nd 9 J. A. Greene, Residence 49w 35A GRAND ROMANCE OF A GEN- TLEMAN OF THE OLD SCHOOL. 7WHO TAUGHT THE YOUNGER E GENERATION A FEW TRICKS. ved by the hostesses, Misses Irene Wright, Alice Hill, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Fierheller. A number of young people from Buttonville enjoyed the opening dance held in Victoria Square Community Hall last Friday evening. MYSTERIOUS FIRE DESTROYS BARN Fire of unknown origin Tuesday night destroyed the barn, implements, hay‘and a quantity of grain on the farm of Lawson Wilson on the third concession of. Vaughan township. Damage, is roughly estimated at $3, 000. About midnight Frank Graham noticed the blaze in his neighbor's barn. The Maple fire department was immediately notifiedrand a prom- pt response to the call, however, fail- ed to save the barn. Complete my stery surrounds the origin of the fire, as the barn is not wired. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham are spending a few days in Toronto this Week to visit the Royal Winter Faith, Miss Elizabeth French of Wexford, spent Sunday at her home here. NEWS THEATRE “In Essentials, Unity; Inwlyon-essmtials. Liberty: RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 MEETING WELL ATTENDED AND SPLENDID PROGRAM ENJOYED The regular meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Home and School Club was held on Tuesday evening in the Public School. There were about seventy present. Home and School Club Heard Health Talk From Nurse The meeting opened with an inspirâ€" ing talk by the new President, Mrs. J. lP. Wilson, who briefly outlined the aims and plans for the year. The feature of the evening was a splendid address given by Miss Graham, the Public Health Nurse. Miss Grahams topic was “The Healthy Child” and many aspects of child life that would be helpful to mothers were discussed. A vocal solo by Mrs. D. M. Cham- ney, a piano duet by Rev. and Mrs. Bowes and a reading by Miss Eleanor Drury, added greatly to the program. Before the meeting adjourned a prize was awarded to the room having the most mothers in attendance. Thls prize was won by room 4 (Mrs. Ung- er’s room) there being sixteen moth- ers present for that room. The club which includes in its mem- bership teachers of Vaughan Towri- ship and Richmond Hill has for its officers the following: President, L. R. Short, principal of Langstaff School. Vice-President, Miss D. ‘Ramsay, of Concord; Secretary, Miss iM. Graham, member of executive, lMisS Tait, Elders’ Mills. Public School Inspector Gillies who has recently taken over his duties as Inspector in York County gave an in- teresting talk on Northern Ontario. Musical numbers were given by Miss Olive and Mr. Roy Miller, of the Harâ€" mony Choir, Toronto, accompanied on the piano by Miss Laurena Ruther- ford. Miss Gray and Miss Coulter contributed an instrumental duett and Miss L. Rutherford a piano soio. A meeting of the recently organiz- ed Vaughan Teachers’ Health and So- cial club was held in the Township Hall, Vellore on Thursday, November Public Health Education for Ontarlo was the speaker of the evening, spoxe on the subject of Health Education as related to the work in the schools and showed many interesting exhibits which were both interesting and in- structive. The next meeting of the club will be held in the Vellore Hall, Thursday, January 15th. Vaughan Teachers Social Club Held Interesting Meeting York County Plowmen and York ‘County Stock Judging team who won honor for the county at the Provincial Plowing Match and at the Royal Winter Fair will be tendered a com- plimentary banquet at Aurora on Fri- day, December 12th. The Aurora Agricultural Society took the lead in the matter and has the co-operation of other Agricultural Societies and Plowmen’s Associations of the Coun- ty. Mr. Fairburn, deputy minister of Agriculture Will be the speaker of the evening. Tickets are now on sale and may be secured from the secretary of the Agricultural Society or Plow- men’s Association in your district. COMPLIMENTARY BANQUET TO YORK COUNTY CHAMPIONS The December meeting of the W.C. T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. W. W. Trench on Tuesday, December 2nd, at 3 p. m. This meeting, which is in charge of the Citizenship De- partment will be addressed by Mrs. Reddick, of Toronto. Mrs. Reddick is an excellent speaker, and it is hop- ed a. large number of ladies will be out to hear her. ‘ W. C. T. U. MEETING % 313.1 a G WMWL ’ Sing $1.51 ._â€"â€"â€"â€" Wants Gas Tax To Relieve Burden of Municipalities REEVE J. LUNAU Of Richmond Hill who at the Counâ€" ty Council session this week moved a resolution asking the Provincial Gov- ernment to return to York County two of the five cents gas tax collected in this County and that the same be‘ applied to the cost of construction ofi :roads. Interviewed by The Liberal on the subject Reeve Lunau said that toâ€"day the burden of taxation had be- come so serious that something must be done. He cited the case of Coun- ty taxation which is continually on the increase and said that some farm- ers on one hundred acres of land were paying as high as $100 County tax. Reeve Lunau’s resolution will) be dealt with later in the session and Reeve Lunau’s resolution will) be dealt with later in the session and whatever action the council may take it is sure to create a lot of discussion not only in York County but through? out the province as there is a growing feeling that the provincial government with so many avenues of revenue should bear more of the financial burdens for roads, old age pensions, etc, which are shouldered on the mun- icipalities. Reeve Lunau to The Liberal said it was not his idea to make an additional two cent gas tax in York County as reported in some papers, but that the government should return to the Coun- ty two cents of the tax on every gallon sold in the County. William Wellman, of Markham township, suffered the 105s of about thirty choice fowl on Tuesday night. The midnight visitors were tracked for some short distance from the buildings. Constable Walke; of Markham township is investigating. The Innisfail, Alberta curling club staged a “Hardtimes” bonspiel on Dodd’s lake on Monday, November 24 A charge of $2.00 per rink was made and suitable prizes were awarded. One of the rules of the bonspiel was, “that there must be no practismg on the lake on Sunday. For sweeping prac- tise any players were permitted to help friend wife around the house anytiine prior to the start of the gam- es. â€"â€" nâ€" N.â€" BOYS PARLIAMENT VOTING ON SATURDAY The local poll in connection with the Tenth Ontario Older Boy’s Parliamem, will be open from five to seven Satur- day evening in the United Church School Room. The three candidates ‘in the constituency of North York are Mr. Charles Dawson, of Aurora; Mr. iRoy Plewman, of Richmond Hill and ‘Mr. Alfred Smith, of Newmarket. The boys eligible to vote are asked to take ‘note of the above polling hours and ‘endeavour to use their right to vote. The annu/al meeting of the United Church WMs will be held in the Sunday School on Thursday p. m., De- cember 4th at 3 o’clock. Officers and secretaries are kindly asked to bring reports of their departments; also Will those who have Sunshine Bags please bring them to this meeting. There will be a speaker and special musical numbers, after which the election of officers will take place. All members are urged to be present. Remember the euchre and dance which will be held in Elgin. Pavilion Elwin Mills on Friday evening, Nov. 28th under the auspices of the Vaugh- an Veteran’s Association. UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. ANNUAL MEETING EUCHRE AND DANCE CURLING OUT \VEST CHICKENS STOLEN In All Things, Charity.” SCHOOL CONCERT The annual concert of the Richmond Hill Public School will be presented in the Masonic Hall on Friday and Saturday evenings, December 5th and 6th. An excellent program has been arranged and the children are busy practicing in preparation for the an- nual event. Tickets are now on sale, reserved seats 35 cents, rush seats 25 cents. Plan of Hall at Glenn's Drug Store. won the Robert Graham Memori trophy awarded to the contestai under twenty-six years of a; who makes the highest marks judging heavy and light hOI‘SE Clarence Graham who has in tl past won many laurels for Yo County against eleven competi ors won out with a score of 1 out of a possible 200. The Liber extends hearty congratulations. I**&l=********l=*** ‘X- * * * *-X-*%*% *‘X‘fl- g. 'X' -)E-)(-***% CLARENCE GRAHAM WON COVETED TROPHY AT ROYAL WINTER FAIR A unique honor was brought to York County and to Vaughan township when Clarence raham won the Robert Graham emorial trophy awarded to the contestant under twenty-six years of age who makes the highest marks in judging heavy and light horses. Clarence Graham who has in the past won many laurels for York County against eleven competitâ€" ors won out with a score of 171 out of a possible 200. The Liberal extends hearty congratulations. u THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT- YONGE AND GLEN FOREST SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.30 P.M. EVENINGS 7 AND 9 P. Under a Texas Moon TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2, 3 Ruth Chatterto'n and Clive Brook Silk or Calico Roselawn Farms Dairy Limited PHONE 54 RICHMOND HILL SATURDAY, MONDAY, NOV. COMEDY MOVIETONE NEWS BEDFORD THEATRE THE HOME OF HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT Richmond Hill 100 per cent Natural Colorâ€"Talkingâ€"Singing Outdoor Picture ANIMAL CRACKERS COMEDY MOVIETONE NEWS The Marx Brothers Anybody’s Woman FRANK FAY 5% BUTTERFAT OR 3% ACCREDITED OR OTHERWISE What kind of milk are you getting? Are you fair to your Children? The Best is always the Cheapest. ‘ CERTIFIED and PASTUERIZED THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, JERSEY ’ or ORDINARY Ten Times as Funny as the Cocoanuts Mickie Mouse WITH COMEDY IN Single Copy 5c $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The Y.P.S. withdrew their regular service on Sunday evening and many attended the anniversary service of the Maple United Church. Mr. and Mrs. F. Carver, King City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J Piercey. Mrs. E. Diceman, Sixth,Line, spent several days last week visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Glass, Sherwood. A large box containing fruit, cloth- ing, etc., was packed by the Ladies Association on Tuesday afternoon to “be sent to Toronto for distribution 'among the needy. Mr. and Mrs. E. Kyle and family called on Mr. and Mrs. L. Hadwen on Sunday. Quite a number of our young peo ple are attending the three month: course of training, being given a Maple. Miss Dorothy Kerr, Misses Marion and Muriel Kyle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Diceman. The Y.P.S. met on Monday even ing. After the usual service a. ver: enjoyable social evening was spent. NOAH BERRY 29, DEC. lst TESTON DEC. 4, 5 No. Ontario

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