Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Nov 1930, p. 4

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Impressive sermons were preached in the United Church on Sunday wnen Rev. Solomon Cleaver spoke in the as a public school teacher has also the more qualified you to teach the higher and profound truths which are only to be found in Holy Writ, that Book of all Books which we never tire of. We trust that in the days which are yet to come you will look back with pleasure to the pleasant hours you have spent in Maple Sunday School and we know it will give much joy to think you had some share in the building of characters and in moulding the lives and shaping the future desâ€" tinies of the boys and girls who have come under your care, during those precious years that you have spent with them, and it is only Eternity a- lone can tell what good may have been accomplished during that time. We trust that the good work which has begun. in Maple will be continued in the Community to which you are goâ€" ing and that they will enjoy the same kindly service as we have received during your sojourn with us. We are now going to ask you to accept this Bible as a token of the high esteem in which you are held by us. We want you to take it not for its in~ trinsic value, but for the spirit of love and good-will which prompted the gift, and when you peruse its con tents and the blessed truths therein contained you will be the better en- abled to perform your alotted task while yet it is day, and to render that service to your fellow creatures, that when called to that grand Sunday School above you will enjoy that eter- nal rest. Signed on behalf of the Teachers, Officers and Members of Maple Unit- ed Church Sunday School. Miss Nellie Downey was also honor- ed with a presentation from members of her crass, the presentation bemg made by Miss Beatrice Mathewson. The Rector and the W'ardens of St. Stephen’s Church appreciate the lar- ge attendance of the members and villagers at the Bazaar in the Parish Hall last Saturday evening. Almost $90. was realized from the sale of articles in the different booths and from the tea that was served by the ladies. We are met here to-night in this social gathering to pay our tribute to one of our number Who has been a faithful and ardent scholar and team- er in our Sunday School for a number of years in the person of Miss Iva. Dovéney, and language fails us to ex- press our regret in losing such a splendid type of a teacher as Iva has been. By your sweet disposition and cheerful manner you have scattered sunshine Wherever you went and have endeared yourself not only to those scholars who have come under your care from time to time, but also to the entire Sunday School. Your vocatIon er in the school and who leaves short- 1y for her new home in Brampton. Miss Downey was ,presented with a handsomely bound bible and the foll- owing address was read: Dear Friends:â€" A number of members and friends of the Maple United Church Sunday‘ School met last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Keffer to honor and express appreciation for‘ the services of Miss Iva Downey wno‘ has been a faithful and devoted teach: (AGE FOUR Presentation To Miss I. Downey By Maple United Sunday Sense] PHONE l74-W Ford Sales and Service RICHMOND HILL PRICES SLASHED LITTLE BROTHERS GRIST OF NEWSY ITEMS FROM MAPLE 1929 TOWN SEDAN . . 1929 FORD TUDOR . . . . . . . 1929 FORD Standard Coup‘ 1928 FORD TUDOR â€" 1927 ESSEX COACH . . . . . . 1926 FORD COUPE . . . . . . . 1922 FORD COUPE . . . . . . . We will equip all Model “A” and give 30 Day Guarantee. BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL USED CARS The Fall is the time to buy a Used Car and take Advantage of Low Prices Former Price TOWN SEDAN $550.00 FORD TUDOR $450.00 FORD Standard Coupe .. $450.00 FORD TUDOR â€" â€" $350.00 ESSEX COACH . . . . . . . . . $275.00 FORD COUPE . . . . . . . . . . $160.00 FORD COUPE . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Now $525.00 $425.00 $410.00 $300.00 $240.00 $140.00 $30.00 FORD Standard Coupe . . $450.00 FORD TUDOR â€" â€" $350.00 ESSEX COACH . . . . . . . . . $275.00 FORD COUPE . . . . . . . . . . $160.00 FORD COUPE . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 ALL CARS RECONDITIONED TERMS It is hoped that there will be a lar- Ige attendance at the fowl supper and the entertainment in connection with §the United Church on Friday evening. Quite a number of young people are in attendance at the Winter classes In the Masonic and the Parish Halls. The iclasses started on Tuesday morning. The fire brigade was called out to help to fight a fire in J. Murray’s bush on Monflay afternoon. They arrived in time to quell the flames which were making considerable headway. Mr. H. C. Bailey’s store Window is ‘full of Christmas toys and nove'mes remind‘mg‘ us that the festive season is drawing near. Rev. A. S. Kerr preached in the Nor- th Paikdale United Church last Sun- day evening. The weekly meeting of the Y.P.S. will be held in the church, Friday evening. Misses Ruth Bowen and Beatrice Hillier have charge of the program. The annual Christmas Tree and concert in connection With Carrville Sunday School is planned to take place Wednesday, December 17th. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar‘ Bowen and Mrs. Diceman, of Teston, were Sun- day visitors with Miss Annie Bowen and attended service here. Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Keffer, Mr. Stuart Wark and Miss Olive Bovair attended anniversary services at Mapâ€" Ie on Sunday. Mrs. J. Clement and Mrs. Geo. Wood visited one day last week with Mrs. Thompson in Toronto. Next Sunday evening Rev. F. N. Bowes, of Richmond, Hill will occupy the pulpit. Service at 7 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. D. Middleton motored to Orillia last Friday to attend the funeral of their cousin Mrs. James Middleton. We are very sorry to learn Mrs. A1- bert Middleton is very ill with ery- sipelas, and hope for a speedy 1' - covery. Miss Mary Johnson is attending the ’conven‘t‘ron of the Women’s Institute in Toronto as a. delegate from the 10- cal sodie‘cy. Miss Oliver of Athlone, is visiting this week with Miss Sadie Middleton. Mr. Geo. Bradfield and three daughters, of Lansing, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Delbrocco. We are glad to report Mrs. Geo. Baker able. to be up again, after sev- eral weeks intense suffering from pleurisy. morning- and Rev. J. F. Reycraft UC- cupied the pulpit in the evening. The choir rendered special music and was aided by members of Hope choir and by\Miss Ruth Robinson and Mr. Stan- Iey Pipher, of Markham, Miss Robin- son sang a beautiful solo at each ser- vice. ‘ Services at St. Stephen's Angllcan Church are being conducted by the Rector at the following hours, 15’s and 3rd Sunéays of the month at 7 p. m., 2nd and 4th Sundays at 3 p. m., 5th Sunday at 3 p. m. The members of King A. Y. P. A. are putting on a. humorous play of four acts, entitled, “The Young Coun- try Schoolm’am,” in the Community Hall on Wednesday, December 3rd at '8 p. m. Miss Marjory Scott‘, of Tor- onto will give an exhibition of fancy toe dancing. CARRVILLE Fords with Heaters d You and‘ Mrs. Woods have become -e by your genial dispositions, endeared to the whole community. Coming to our midst as a total stranger, ushered to the pastorate of these various char- ges without their consent, you have 3_ made good. As a pastor you were Y fearless, never failing to uphold the d truth as you interpreted it, and giving Le leadership to a worthy cause. ‘ It is with a great deal of pleasure I. that we look back to the past three yland one~half years while you have lbeen pastor. Our growth has been 1d,phenornenal as a church and Sabbath le’School. The various organizations, ie most of which you and your good Wife originated, are now in a flourishing m condition. To one and all there comes 1_ a parting. Weare pleased to say it ,n is not of our choosing. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIQ Presentation at Brown’s Corners H To Rev. 5. Woods Mr. Woods replied, fittingly ‘and ythanked the people for their express- Among those who spoke Were:â€" Mr. Fred Coakwell, Mr. Wm. RodicK, Mr. Wm. Brooke, Mr. James French, Mr. George B. Padget, Mr. R. L. SUV- er, Mr. Ira Reesor, Mrs. Sadie Brooke Mrs. R. L. Stiver, Mrs. Ira Reesor, Mr. Norman Reid, Mr. Ernest Walton Mr. Gordon, Mr. James Thomson, and Mr. Douglas Hood. Mr. George B. Padget read an ad- dress to Rev. and Mrs. Woods and Mr. Reesor presented them with a well filled purse as a token of the esteem of the people and in appreciation of their services. The address which was read is as follows; It is painfully evident to these van- ous congregations that a separation between us is to take Place. ‘had been very inspiring and Mrs. fWoods had been a faithful and devoty ed worker In all organizations ‘and‘ especially in the Women’s Missionary Society where she will be greatly‘ missed. Reeve W. C. Gohn ably. acted as chairman and called on a. number of speakers who referred in glowing terms of the high regard held by members of the two churches for Rev. and Mrs. Woods and expressed regret at their departure. The splendid leadership which Rev. Woods had givâ€" en, not only in the church but in tin: Sabbath School and other departmems Dear Mr. and Mrs. Woods We are sure your sterling worth, your keen conception of duty, and your genial disposition will ever keep you in the foreground of your friends. Box Grove, Ira S. Reesor, Chairman Board of Stewards; Fred Coakwell, Superintendent of Sunday School: Harold Coakwell, President of Y.P.S. Mrs. Ira, Reesor, President of W.M.S. We ask you in behalf of these two congregations to accept this purse as a token of our kindly feelings toward you and yours. ' Wishing you all the good things that the future has in store for you. A fareWell banquet and presentatâ€" ion was tendered to Rev. Stuart Woods and Mrs. Woods, pastor of Brown’s Corners and Box Grove con- gregations. The farewell gathermg was held in Brown’s Corners Church on Wednesday evening, November 19, and both congregations were well re- presented. ., Gormley, Nov. 19; 1930 The regular meeting of the Young People’s Society of the United Church was held on Monday evening at 8 o’clock. The speaker of the evening was Mr. Huyck, who gave a very in- spiring' and helpful address entitled, “My Pocket Library.” We were a1- so favoured by a duett by Misses Isa- Ibel Coulter and Jean Middleton. The meeting next Monday will be in char- ge of the Missionary Department and Mr. Melville Boyd, of Emmanuel Col- Ilege, Toronto, will be the speaker. A cordial invitation is extended to everyâ€" bne to attend this meeting. Wednesday, December lOâ€"Credit auction sale of 30 head of cattle mâ€" cluding 10 springers, about due to calve, the property of Roy Barker, lot 16, con. 7, Vaughan township. Mr. Barker is selling his entire herd of cattle and they are one of the chotce herd of Vaughan Township. Sale at 1 p. m. J. T. Saigeon, Auctioneex. ‘ The Young People’s Society of the Presbyterian Church held their reguâ€" ‘lar meeting on Monday evening. A good crowd attended. The Roll call lwas answered by giving the name of isomething' to eat. After the usual business, games were played and a ‘contest which was won by MiSS Maud Buchanan. Refreshments were serv- ed and a good sing song brought an ‘enjoyable evening to a close. Next ;{Monday the meeting is in charge of the Literary committee. Everybody ‘welcome. Wednesday, December 3rdâ€"C1‘edit auction sale of farm stock, imple- iments, hay, grain, fowl, etu, the pru- tperty of William Robinson, rear of lot 33, con. 5, Vaughan, commencing at 1 o’clock sharp. Hay, grain, fowl ‘and all sums of $20. and under cash, lover that,amount 11 months credit. 5 per cent. off face of note for can. 0'. T. Saigeon, Auctioneer. m. No reserve. 10 months’ credit. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. ion of esteem which was greatly ap- preciated not only for its material value but as a token of loge which the people had given from the bottom of their hearts. He was very sorry that it had become necessary for mm to sever his connections with these congregations, but nothing in his reâ€" lationship with the people had caused this step. He only entertained feel- ings of warmth and love for the peo- ple of these congregations. Saturday, November 29â€"Extensive credit sale of farm stock, implements, furniture, grain, hay, roots, etc.,vone mile west of Brougham, on Highway Pickering Township, the preperty of Stephen Risebrough. Sale at 12 p. For sore throat, quinsy, cough, colds, bronchitis, croup, Laryngitis, and ton- sil sufferers. Use Sybilla Spahr’s Remedy, good quick results. Try it. _ H. F. AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE The fowl supper served by the W0â€" men’s Association of the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening was well attended. _Over three hundred sat down to supper and enjoyed a plentiful repast. Orchestra music was enjoyed during the supper hours. His work had been very successful but he was not vain enough to thlnx that it had been through his efforts alone. Worthy pastors had preceded him and he was only carrying on with .the work they had begunbbringing to fruition the seed they had sown, and {sowing new seed. He held a bright outlook to the future and trusted that God would take care of these church- les and himSelf. Mrs. Woods thanked the 'people for their kindness and the meeting closed with God Save the King. For 30 years doctors have prescrib- ed VinoI because it contains important mineral elements of iron, calcium and cod liver peptone. The very FIRST bottle brings sound sleep and a BIG appetite. Nervous. wornout peeple are surprised how QUICK Vino] gives new life and pep! Tastes delicious. ' GLENN’S DRUG STORE Richmond Hill r\ntal'io FOWL SUPPER WELL ATTENDED LUTHERAN CHURCH E. Heimrich, Pastor Unionvilleâ€"IO a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m.â€"Divine Service‘ Sherwoodâ€"10 a. m.â€"~Sunday School 2.30 p. m.â€"Divine Service. MAN CAN’T SLEEP, GETS NERVOUS, HATES PEOPLE “I could not sleep and got so nervâ€" ous I hated everybody. Since taking Vinol, I can sleep 10 hours and feel full of pep all day,”â€"â€"Julius Bender. Richmond Hill Very Good News Young People’s Society 11 a. m.â€"Morning Worship 2.45 p. m.â€"Sunday School 7 p. 1n.â€"Evening‘ Service Monday 8 p. m.â€"Y. P. S. SALE REGISTER RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN YOUNG PEOPLE’S SOCIETY Ontario RANGES and HEATERS. call and see our new line of ranges and heatâ€" ers before buying. It will pay you. Our prices are right. We have the new all enamel ranges. J. A. Rose, Hardware, Maple, Ont. 50 FOOT LOT on Richmond Street. Richmond Hill, close to Yonge St., will sell cheap for cash. Apply W. SKATING BOOTS, girls, lightning hitch, with nickle tube skates, size five, new last Christmas. Apply Muriel Clark, 15 Centre Street East Richmond Hill. WHITE LEGHORN rooster, pureâ€"bred also young black Spitz dog. Apply R. C. Moon, R.R. 2, Maple, or m care of Harry Charles, Patterson. PLYMOUTH ROCK COCKERELS for 100 ACRE FARM east half lot 28, con 3, Vaughan, bank barn, driving shed pig pen, frame house, land all work- able, good young orchard, good pona year round. Apply Wm. Clement, Mill Street, Richmond Hm. McLAUGHLIN BUICK, Coupe, origi- nal paint, good upholstery, motor in A~1 condition. Will sell cheap. Terms if required. Apply Mr. Warskett, Elgin Mills. YORKSHIRE BOAR, 2 years old. Apply to E. Bowes, Maple, phone 568. CORN IN THE WINTER APPLES. spys and Wagn- ers. Apply J. E. Hadwen, phone Maple 465. TWO WORK HORSES; also parlor heater, Western Oak, self feeder. W. Wyatt, stop 21 Yonge St. DRESSMAKINGâ€"Ladies dresses and coats made to order; also children's clothing. Mrs. Morris, Roseview Avenue, Richmond Hill. HOUSE TO RENT 6 Rooms, electric good garden. Apply 2 Elizabeth St. or L. B. Finch, 586 Ossing'ton Ave., Toronto, phone Lombard 31211. Maple, Ont. Cl Navember 27th, 1930 McCORMACKâ€"DEERING, stiff t'ooth cultivator, 2 and a half and 10 inch points, good as new. Apply Phone Stouffville 91-08. ' GEESE, Delucias, and Mammoth Pek. in Ducks, will sell or exchange for good battery radio; also wants to buy two carloads of apples for ship- ping. Apply E. Chillman, Rumble Avenue and Lucas Streets, Rich- mondv Hill. TEN SMALL PIGS and four chunks Apply Walter Lloyd, Maple 1071. SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL care glv- CHRISTMAS CAKES made to ordei‘. Phone your order to Telephone Richmond Hill 177, Mrs. R. Petch. SPY APPLES, hand picked, $1.25 a bushel. Apply G. Price, 110 Rich- mond St., phone 105-J. SMALL AUTOMATIC water system, suitable for house. Villa tha, Stop 22-A Yonge Street, R. R. No. 1, Richmond Hill, Ont. CHRISTMAS FOWL for best satls- fabtion place your orders early for your Christmas poultry. Apply A. G. Robinson, Rumble Avenue, phone 190. Vaughan Township Monday, Dec. lst The Regular December meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township G. Miller, 107 Roselawn Ave., Tor- onto, phone Hudson 2825-J. breeding $3.00. 1e, Mill Street, en to maternity cases. Nurse Cardwell, 2 Centre Street West, Richmond Hill. 50 bushels of turnips Smith, Mill Road. MISCELLANEOUS HALL VELLORE at 11 a. m. For the Transaction of General Business. RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 Cents for first i! sertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. "THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING--MAKE THE MOST OF I'I" Classified Advs. FOR SALE TO RENT SHOCK; also about Apply James Rumbâ€" Richmond Hill, Ont. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 Qlerk of Vaughan J. B. McLEAR, Apply J YOUNG GEESE, fowl, young coexâ€" erels, top market price paid. Rob- inson and Moyle, Rumble Avenue, ITO BUY, young Collie Dog. Apply Box 94, Liberal Office. GIRL for general housework, small family, good Wages. Apply Teleâ€" phone 28â€"F, Richmond Hill. POSITION AS COOK general or housekeeper by experienced woman. Apply Mrs. Redford, clo Mrs. Sam Marinoff, R. R. 2, Gormley, Ont. HOUSEKEEPER wants position, re- fined, no encumbrances, is good cook and nurse, thoroughly experienced. Would consider looking after elder- ly couple or lady. Apply Box 28 Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. FIFTY Thoroughbred leghorn pullets, must be laying. Mrs. W. Luesby, Thornhill, Ont, phone 58â€"r-11. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL as mother’s help, weekâ€"ends and occasional evenings. Every convenience. Mrs. Ivan Marks, Richmond Hill, phone 198. TO BOARD two high school girls, who will share one room, home pr!- vileges. Box 85 Liberal Office. WORK by young man living in Rich- mond Hill, will cut wood or do any odd jobs. Box 62 Liberal Oflice. GIRL to help in dining room and with upstairs Work. Apply at Office, Richmond Hotel, Richmond Hill. NOTE BOOK, leather bound, at Rich- mond Hill High Scliool on evening- of October 29th, name M. L. Hanâ€" cock, inside. Please return to High School, Reward. For your Supply of Coal or Wood Phone 10. A SMALL PIG near St. Joseph’s con- vent, Yonge Street. L. H. Clement Richmond Hill, Ont. ship of Evelyn Delzotti, infant child of Eva Delzotti, late of the city of Toronto, in the County of York, mar- ried woman, deceased, and Michele Delzotti, of the City of Modugno, Ita- ly. 7 Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of twenty days from the first publication of this notice, application will be made to the Surro- gate Court of the County bf York £0 a grant of letters of Guardianship o; the person of the above named infant, Evelyn Delzotti, to Amalia Farber, of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, widow, grandmother of the said infant. / County of York ‘NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with ‘section 9 of the Vaters’ List Act and that I have posted up at :my office, Richmond Hill on the 19th 1day of November 1980, the list of all ‘rpersons entitled te vote in the said unicipality for members of Parlia~ ‘ment (or as the case may be at Mun- iicipal elections) and that such list {remains there for inspection. |\ And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have hny errors or omissions corrected ac- .bording to law, the last day for appeal being December 10th. ‘ DATED this 19th day of November. Notice IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF YORK IN THE MATTER of Guardian- DATED at Toronto this 215‘; day of November 1930. Box 174, Phone 190 Village of Richmond Hili CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF Voters’ List 1930 LOST and FOUND 816 Federal Building, Toronto. Solicitors for the Applicant. R. R. No. 1 â€"â€" Richmond Hill PLASTERING Chimneys Built and Repaired WILLIAM COOK & COOK, Municipality of the WANTED General Repairs A. J. HUME. Clerk of Rkhmoud Hill P. FARR,

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