Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Nov 1930, p. 5

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With the scent of the Christmas season in the air, we look for the us- ual events leading to the holiday seaâ€" son. Oii Saturday, December 6th, afternoon and evening the ladies of St. Philip’s Anglican Church are he”- ing the annual bazaar and serving a fine supper as well. The good repuâ€" tation achieved by former events, make this one pleasantly anticipated. Kindly reserve the date. Arrangeâ€" ments are also being made for the annual White Gift service held in con- nection with the Sunday School of Central United Church. This inteâ€" resting service Will be held on DeCem- her 14th at 2 p. m. in the church, when Rev. W. E. Wilson, past chair- man.of East Presbytery and actively connected with the King St. East Mission, will present the needs of this splendid worthwhile work.- t. is an- ticipated that many will avail them- selves of the opportunity this service presents to contribute liberally to this mission. Food, clothing and money will be thankfully received. A cord- ial invitation is extended by the Sun- day School executive for all to come and participate in this worth while service. f‘Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my Brethren, ye hav_e done it r-nto me.” Mr. and Mrs. Barrington. one time residents of Unionville, now living in Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. Harrington last Week. Miss Grace Harrington spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. A. Camplin, and Mrs La’Rose were Toronto Visitors on Tun- sday. Mr. Wm. A. Noble, while in Toron- to last week called to see hlS comin, Mr. A. H. Badgerow, who was 31 years old on August .20th last. Wata‘lnféi {he announcement of the date of the annual oyster supper to be held at Brown’s Corners United Churâ€" ch. énd Mrs. Thompson and daugh~ ter and Mr. Wm. Miller, of Barrie, spggt ngdax with .M_1_‘s.‘H. ‘Miuer. . Misses Phyllis Farley, Margaret Lawrie, Annie and Margaret Patter- son, Alma Maynard, Aileen Hood, Mildred Payne and Clara Wales, of Markham, were entertained at tne home of their Sunday School teacher, Miss M. Sommerville on Tuesday eve- ning last. _ _._ .â€". v n.2,,,. 4...] Tu“ WMViv'ssniVâ€"[arsyMirllen of Toronto, call- ed on Mrs. M. Sommerville on Monâ€" day last. ‘“M1:ér.iAndrew Grant, Jr., of Wexford called on friends in town lastiwieekt TIVIESIH. Hood visited relatives in Toronto last week-end. Mré. Robert Rodick has retumed from a. visit to Grand Valley and Bo]- Ralph and Barbara Miller, of Tor- onto, are spending a few weeks with their grandmother, Mrs. H. Miller. Y. P. S. INTERESTING MEETING A happy and profitable time was enjoyedAby the membgrs ‘of the Y.P, : “@7583 Mrs. F. L. Stiver and Mr and Mrs. John Snowball were Toron- to visitors last Week. uv vuuvv;u “.uy .. Miss Laura Brown has returned home after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. Ash of Sharon. Reeve Gohn and Deputy Reeves R. L. Stiver and G. Padget are attending County Council this week. Mr. A. H. Canning spent Thursday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. P. Dixon attended the Royal Winter Fair on Monday last. 0 m,_-_;4 Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Urmy, of Torâ€" onto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yeo, Little Britten, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Noble on Sunday: fiev. aidâ€"liltisiBobbers, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bennet on Tuesday. A “"Miss Elizabeth French, of Wexi‘urxl, spegt the; week-gyd atnhrgr home. 11 S. of Central United Church, when they assembled at the parsonage last; Monday for their monthly social even- ing. rI'he interesting program in- cluded, The Devotional Topic led by Mr. Eaton Miss Doris Johnson, the Literary Convener, read a paper giv- ing éome of the fine points of the Bible as a book worth reading, and the spicy November edition of the Oniontown Gazette interpreted by the V The W. M. S. of Brown’s Cornch will hold their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. R. L. Stiver on Tuesday December 2nd. 7 _ . ‘ “Cybnnnvv- .0... Miss Nancy Spears has returned from the hospital and we hope for a spggdy {wager}: _ 1L... A ....A:+...-_A WW“, -- -._,,, Mrs. R. L. Stiver, Mrs. Armitage and Mrs. A. E. Milner attended the Women’s Institute Convention held this week at the Royal York Hotel. Mrs. J. L. Chant and Mrs. C. H. Sti- ver were Toronto visitors last week end. Editor, Bert Dyke. Pictures were Jas. Gibson is spenc week in Toronto, the guest niece, Miss Mary Gibson. meow, “no; ;;;;; J, v ,,,,,,, Mr. and Mrs. G. Whaley, were ’lorâ€" onto visitors last Wednesday. Mrs. N. Smith and daughter, of T0- ronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bennett. The regular monthly meeting of the local Branch W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. A. C. Kennedy, Main St. on Thursday next, December 4th as 2.30 p. In. An address by Mrs. R. L. Stiver, reading by Mrs. Sabiston. The Roll Call answered by last minute Christmas suggestions, suggests an interesting program. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all interested. Mrs. Jas. Gibson is spending the ' best, A hero we seldom me‘t grave, O’er hung with the cloud of defeat, This, this is the test of a hero, the To a see] To fight ....°-_-, With never a note of applause; To stand like a Brave in the fate of a the right, When it’s surely steadily winning; To nobly stand with a gallant band, While plaudits loud are dinning For nothing inspires and fans the fires Of our noblest best endeavour, Like knowing success will crown our best And glory be ours for ever. But to stand with a few a! true . To a seemmgly losingAcausg; Oh, its ea THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 WEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM THE UNIONVILLE DISTRICT might %‘6?'"tfié"}i§ht with all our sy to fight in the cause of a few and yet be of her The annual Thank-Offering meet- -°T‘ ing of the W.M.S. auxiliary of Brown’s Corners United Church was To‘ held last Sunday evening in the chur- Mr- ,ch, when Mrs. McIntyre, of the Stran- [ger’s Department of the W.M.S. gave l-JI'S a very interesting address on “The the New Canadians,” Misses Isabell Scott day and Olive Harrington, of Cedar Grove were present and sang to the delight “Bd of all present. A substantial Thank. 1' a Offering was received. PHONE 188 THE JONES COAL C0. FOR COAL OR WOOD. Mrs. A. McKinnon and Miss Vera Weighill attended the Royal Winter Fair on Tuesday. FAREWELL T0 REV. WOODS On Wednesday evening, Box Grove and Brown’s Corners United Church joined in a fareWell party to their pas. tor, Rev. Stuart Woods, Mrs. Woods and family. Rev. Woods recently rc- signing from this charge. Tea was served following which Reeve Gohn as chairman of the evening, called on a number of the guests for two minute speeches, who responded, each voicing the appreciation of the congregation for their former pastor and his wife, who have always taken an active in- terest in this field. Later in the even- ing Deputy-Reeve Geo. Padget read an address and Mr. Reesor presented Rev. Woods with a well filled purse to which he feeling replied. With the singing of God Save the King this nliemorable occasion Was brought to a c ose. Mrs. Northcote, of Toronto, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. Raney last Friday. "The local council of the A.Y.P.A. of the Deanery of” East York met in St. Philip’s Anglican Church on Fri- day evening last. Mr. A. M. H111 presiding. Representatives from Pickering, Oshawa, Scarboro Junction Whitby and Port Whitby were pre- sent. -Mr. Moles, of Toronto, gave a concise and instructive address on the good work of the A.Y.P.A. At the conclusion of the program refresh- ments were served to the guests by th local A.Y.P.A. We congratulate the local organization for the acLive part it is taking in worth while things and wish them every success in future undertakings. Congraiulations to Master Davay MacKay and Miss LeNora MacKav for the successful prize winning at the Royal Winter Fair. ‘Mrstirk and Mrs. Cochrane, Pon- tepool are spending this week with their sister Mrs. E. Rainey. Rev. H. H. Eaton 10.30 a. nLâ€"Rev. Kenneth J. Beat- on, B.A., Associate Secretary, Board of Home Missions. 2 p. m. â€"-Church School. 7 p. m.â€"Rev. A. E. AI‘DIStl‘Unu M.A., D. D.,'Secretary of BOard of Foreign Missions. Monday Y.P.S. withdrawn on accoun' of Y.P.S. rally in Eaton Memorial Church, Toronto. Wednesday at 8 p. m.â€"Mid-week Ser- vice. Sunday, Dec. 7â€"Anniversary Services of jhe United Congregations. Full announcements next week. Hagerman United Sunday School 1.30 Rev. H. H. Eaton 1.30 p. m.-â€"Church School. 2.30 p. m.â€"Rev. A. E. Armstrong, M.A., D.'D., Secretary Board of For- n egi Missions.__ 7 Mr. fiae Miller, of Toronto, was the guest of his mother Mrs. H. Miller on Sunday. Rev. J. J. Robbins 10 a. m.â€"Sun'day School 11 a. m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer. Dec. Gâ€"Annual Bazaar and Supperâ€" 5p.m.t08p.m. COL. DEACON’S FAMOUS SHORT- HORNS WIN AT THE ROYAL The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Aid of Bethesda Lutheran Church was held at the home of Mrs. C. H. Stiver on Wednesday last, a pro- fitable meeting is reported and fine supper served by the hostess, Mrs. Stiver. ‘ / Rev. and Mrs. Benthem spent a few days with Mr. Robert Rodick and family, previous to leaving for Sud- bury where they have recently been stationed. Championship ribbons, despite op- position from the entire Dominion of Canada, and many entries from the United States, in many cases at the Royal Winter Fair went to Markham Township. With his Edellyn Favor- ite Col. Deacon took the ribbon for senior champion bull; with Glenburn Field Marshal. that for junior cham- pion bull, and with Glenburn Field Marshal and Edelly‘n Favorite respectâ€" ively, the grand championship and re- serve, all in the Shorthorn classes. With his Tam O’Glenburn Mr. Deacon also here off the grand champion steer honors in market cattle. Mrs. Hughes, Mr. R. McLean, Miss McLean, Churchill; Mr. and Mrs. W. Giles and family, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Muirhead on 7Sunday last. also shown, the group joining in a sing song of familiar songs and hymns. Light refreshments were served at the close and an expression of appreciation given the host and hostess, Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Eaton. The meeting of the Y.P.S. on next Monday evening, December lst, will be withdrawn to give the young peopâ€" le an opportunity to attend'the Y.P. S. Rally of the three Toronto Presby- teries that will be held in Eaton Mem- orial Church, Toronto. The moder- ator, Rev. E. H. Oliver, M.A., Ph.D., and Rev. Jas. Endicott, D.D., Secre- tary for foreign missions will address this interesting meeting. We trust many of our young people will plan to attend and bring home inspiration for a bigger and better local Y.P.S. 7.30 p. m.â€"Y. P. S. EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH ST. PHILIP’S ANGLICAN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur .Emmerson and family of Stouffville, VISIted Mr. and Mrs. D. McMillan over the Week- end. Mrs. Emmerson stayed and nursed Miss Lillian Relf who suddenly took an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. W. E. Dickenson, stop 22, Ed- gar Avenue, has returned home from the hospital in Toronto and is making splendid progress towards recovery. Mrs. R. S. Duncan, of Toronto, vis- ited here during the week with Mrs. Wilfred Jones, hurch Street. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Little returned on Tuesday after spending a few days with friends in Buffalo. E There are many timely suggestions for Christmas gifts in the “ad” of Austin’s Drug Store on this page. The many friends of Mrs. D. Mc- Millan, Yonge Street, will be pleased to know that she is making rapid pro- g'ress after being confined to bed for the past eight weeks. Mrs. I. D. Ramer and Mrs. J. A. Groskurth are attending the Women’s Institute Convention held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, this Week. There is still time to order your personal Christmas Greeting Cards at The Liberal Office. Mr. and Mrs. E. Downing who have lived here for the past two years, Mr. Downing being manager of the local branch of the Dominion Stores Limit- ed, left last week for their new home in Dundas, where Mr. Downing has full charge of the branch store there. Mrs. A. Barnard, of Brampton, spent a few days the past week with her sister, Mrs. P. LeGue, Arnold St. MiSS Mar Dawson, of Parkhill and Mr. Alex. gaWson of the Customs Staff, Windsor, visited their sister, Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt over the week-end. A subscription to the Home Paper makes an acceptable Christmas gift. Cyprian Cardwell who has been ser- iously ill for the past few weeks, havâ€" ing undergone an operation on his arni and leg, is improving again and able to sit up in a wheel chair. Mr. and Mrs. John Woods spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Elson, of Guelph and Mrs. R. Gallagher, of Cookstown, were guests of Mrs. M. Elson, Rose- view Avenue, on Saturday last. Visitors at the McMillan Home on Sunday Were, Mrs. J. Rose and daughâ€" ter of Maple, Mr. and Mrs. D. Camerâ€" on, Aurora; Mr. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McMillan, of Markham. Paris, réturned to her home in Peterâ€" borough on Wednésday of this week. Tickets are now on sale for the Board of Trade banquet on Wednes- day, December 10th. Mrs. Schofield Battersby who has been spending the past couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Miss Elizabeth Moffat visited over the Week-end with friends in Acton. VETERANS PARADE T0 ST. MARY’S CHURCH The Vaughan Township branch of the Veterans of North York will par- ade to St. Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill on Sunday evening next at 7 o’clock, when Comrade, Rev. L. C. Secrett will address the returned men. Santa Claus will visit Davies’ Dry Goods Store on Saturday afternoon, December 13th. Watch next week’s paper for time of arrival. A radio is an ideal Christmas gift for every member of the family. See the “ads” in this issue. Mrs. Grace Boynton, of Victoria Square, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Sanderson, Roseview Avenue. Social and Personal In the Assembly' Rooms of the Church Tues., Dec. 2nd in Evening by Dr. Harvey Robb and Choir of 50 Voices of the Royal York Hotel Admission to Supper and Concert 50c THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTASEC‘ The Ladies Aid of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church CONCERT CHICKEN SUPPER MARKHAM BAZAAR Sacred Annual and i Following the evening service on 1Sunday, November 16th, the congre- gation of St. Mary’s Church adjourn- ed to the crypt of the church where the Rector on behalf of the congreg- iation presented beautiful leather bound copies of the Hymnal suitably‘ inscribed in gold, to Misses Grace and ‘ Elsie Paris. Mr. F. J. Mansbridgefi People’s Warden. expressed the re- gret of the people on losing two such Lfaithful workers and vouched for the good wishes of the congregation in_ the days that are to come. The Miss- 'es Paris left Richmond Hill on Wed- nesday, November 19th to join their lfather at their home in Calgary, Al- ‘ fberta. - About thirty young people gathered at the station to see them ‘ off and wish them God speed as they commenced their journey to their new home in'Western Canada. An afternoon tea, under the ausp- ices of the older group of the Junior Young People’s Society of the United \Church, will be held at the home of Mrs. Albert Hill, Church Street on Saturday afternoon from three to six o’clock. The members have been busy preparing Christmas gifts for children in the hospitals and these will be displayed that the mothers and others interested may have an oppor- tunity of seeing them. There will be an offering in aid of The Junior Young People‘s Missionary Fund. G. YEREX IN HORSESHOE SEMI-FINALS Garfield Yerex, of Richmond Hill, who is competing in the Horseshoe Tournament at the Royal Winter Fair is to day playing in the semi-finals in the singles tournament. Last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. .A. G. Robinson, Rumble Avenue, en- tertained a. number of young people, the occasion being their son Arthur’s twenty-first birthday. Games and guessing contests were enjoyed, after [which a dainty buffet luncheon was served. Among the guests were, Miss Lillian Hillier, Miss Audrey Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson, and son Billy, of Toronto, and Mr. John Vanderburgh, of Langstaff. Misses Grace and Elsie Paris left last week for Calgary, Alberta, to join their father, who has been there for some time. Mrs. Paris and Master Geoffrey will remain here until some time next year. ' BAZAAR AND SUPPER A Bazaar and Supper under the auspices of the Women’s Associatmn will be held in the United Chuz‘cr School Room, Thursday (this) eve»- ing. Supper served from 5.30 p. m. The annual school concert of the Richmond Hill Public School will be held in the Masonic Hall on Friday and Saturday, November 5th and 6th. Certificates will be presented to pupils who passed their entrance examin- ations this year, and those students are asked to be present on Friday evening. Remember the date of the concert, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 5th and 6th. C. B. Boynton, of Markham TOWn- lship was a prominent exhibitor at the Royal Winter Fair and captured seveâ€" l‘al of the coveted awards in the Tam- onrth Hog classes. HENDRYâ€"In loving memory of our dear son and brother Robert Bruce Hendry, who passed away Dec. lst, 1925. December brings sad memories Of a loved one laid to rest; He ‘Will always be remembered By those who loved him best. His loving snliles and kindly ways, Are pleasant to recall; {He always had a cheerful word, And was dearly loved by all. Sadly missed by Mother, Father, / Sisters and Brothers. DIED BRILLINGERâ€"At the residence of her sister, Mrs‘ Robert Thompson, of Langstaff, on Sunday, November 23, after a lingering illness, Hattie Brillâ€" finger, youngest daughter of the late Benjamin Brilling'er. Funeral was held from above adâ€" dress on Tuesday, at 3 o’clock. Inter- rment followed at Heise Hill Cemetery. DONERâ€"At the residence of her nephew, J. H. Heise, Gormley, on Satâ€" urday, November 22, Catharine Steck- ‘ley, widow of the late Sylvanus Don- er, in her seventy-fifth year. The funeral was held from above address on Tuesday, at 1.30 p. In. Service was held in Dixon’s Hill chur- ch. Overcomes Ulcerated Stomach, Indi- gestion and Rheumatism. BEASLEY‘S BITTERS Generzii " Wfifiilder. Mailed gygwhete by 58 Linsmore Crmcent, WON WITH HOGS AT WINTER FAIR PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERT JUNIOR Y. P. SOCIETY MRS. _T. V‘ANCAMP, IN MEMORIAM Toronto Mr. and Mrs. A. Cairns, of Eaton {Hall Farm visited on Monday night [at the “Edgeley Farms.” 19. play in the Edgeley Hall on Decem- ‘Iber 4th at 8 p. m. entitled “The Lad- ies Aid on Strike.” This is being given under the auspices of Edgeley Women’s Institute. Come and enjoy :a night of laughter. Mr. P. Bennett is doing nicely, and we hope to have him home in our mid- st in the near future. HON. GEORGE S. HENRY Minister of Highways for Ontario and member of the legislature for the riding of East York, prominently mentioned as the probable successor ‘to Hon. G. H. Ferguson as premier of Ontario, should the present prime minister accept the post of High Com- (missioner in London. The Westminster United Church Ladies Aid of Weston are presenting Miss Mona Smith returned from the \Western Hospital on Sunday and is re- covering from her operation nicely. Mrs. Johnston spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Poole Many from here are attending the [Royal each day. Mr. D. Storey and Mr. W. Watson spent Wednesday afternoon at the Western hospital visiting the sick of ‘this community. Mrs. M. Brown spent a few days last week with her son Ernie, 0! Tot- onto; also attending the Royal Fair. Master John Watson is spending a ‘few days with his grandparents at Aurora. Several of the Ladies around the corner spent Wednesday last at a quilting bee at the home of Mrs. 'Wat. ‘son. ' Mr. L. Robb is again busy at his [farm work after spending two weeks in the hunting district and returning home with a. choice deer. Several farmers being short of watâ€" er are driving their cattle to the ereek br hauling water for them. Mrs. E. Stong’ is attending (the In- Stitute convention which is being held in the Royal York Hotel. Road men are busy placing their snow fences along the highway, hop- ing to keep the road open during the winter months. Friends and neighbours are glad t9 have with them Mrs. C. Wakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Watson and family called on friends in Victoria Square on Thursday night last. Edgeley Women’s Institute will hold their regular meeting on Thursday, December 11th at the home of Mrs. J. Hoover at 2.30 p. In. Special Christmas music. All members are requested to be present. EXPRESSES THANKS Nelson Kerr wishes to express his thanks to his customers and friends for their kind and generous contri- butions after the loss of his thresh- ing machine in the fire which destroyâ€" the barn and contents of Mr. J. Rea- man, Langstaff. ST.‘ MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Advent Sunday, November 30th 8 a. m.â€"Holy Communion . St. Andrew’s Day, Corporate Comâ€" munion for the members of the W0- man’s Auxiliary. . 11 a. m.â€"â€"M0rning Prayer and Litany 3 p. m.â€"-Sunday School. 7 p. m.â€"â€"Church Parade, of the iVetergms of the Federal Riding of 'North‘ York, Vaughan Assoc1ation. DANCING !!! ELGIN MILLS ADMISSION Gents 50 cts- Ladies 25c ‘ ’ Gillam s Orchestra OLDE TYME AND MODERN MUM REFRESHMENTS AT THE 8091‘! EVERY Wednesday Nite Elgin Mills Pavilion Edgeley ‘ §§§%§%§%§§§é§ [I H Christmas H will soon i E be here. I O} Make your Christmas Pur- chases Early. We have a large stock of a Wide varie- ty of goods suitable for every member of the fam- ily. We invite you to-come in look around and see for yourself the quality and variety of goods we have to offer. What a happy thought! ,Gift Stationery! And especially when it is priced so eéonomically. Come in and see our unus- ual stock of fine quality stationery at bargain prices in fancy Christmas Boxes. Nothing will please a man better than a box of real good cigars. Let us help you select just the kind that will suit him best. Perfume is the perfect gift for the ladies. At popular prices we are offering our wide assortment. They are an excellent buy. Candy always pleases! Make it an extra gift! Come in and see our wond- erful display of high-grade candies, and our unusualiy Wide assortment of smart Christmas Boxes. Smilesn’ Chuckles 60 cents a pound Colgates Toiletry, Seventeen Lines, the very newest in Gift Sets Chxistmas Seals and Stickers 110 in a pkge 10 cents Christmas Cards A Wide range to choose from YARDLEYS OLD ENGLISH Lavender Products Sets in Gift Boxes 85 cents up RICHMUND HILL,0NT PHONE 33 PA GE FIVE

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